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/fa/ - Fashion

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15038397 No.15038397 [Reply] [Original]

Just got a sewing machine and learned the basics. Still beginner level. Where do I go from here?
Anyone here make their own clothes? My end goal is to make my own dress pants and shirts

>> No.15038651
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do some applique

>> No.15038796


>> No.15038885

When i started sewing I would just go to goodwill and find a nice pair of pants or a sweater and tailor them exactly how I wanted. Even if you don't want to wear them it's still fun and good practice. I also would buy pants and take them apart and figure out how to put them back together. Anyways, just go buy some patterns and read the directions.

>> No.15039206

Thanks for the ideas. I'm gonna get some throwaway pants and shirts and just try and take them apart and try sewing them back together

>> No.15040233

Do you have any pattern knowledge? I used to do what >>15038885 says but I find it more difficult and time consuming than drawing some custom patterns and make the clothes from scratch. But maybe that's just me, it's good to practice with cheap clothes/materials first.

>> No.15040407

None yet. I'm actually planning on going to the fabric store in my city and checking out patters and stuff

>> No.15040423

Sounds cool, friend
The most I do with clothes is swap buttons around on things and adjust hems. I wish there were more DIY-type threads on /fa/.

>> No.15040427

I just figure fabric and thread is pretty cheap. A machine is a one time purchase that will last forever. It's so cheap and easy to make your own clothes that I don't understand why fashion orientated people don't do it more often

>> No.15040432

The only reason I would hesitate to make my own stuff from scratch is the fact that there aren't that many places to buy fabric around here. I might do what some other anons talked about and play around with thrifted stuff.

>> No.15041238

Where you from, friendo?

>> No.15041943

>tfw just learning the basics of sewing
>sewing in straight lines is actually difficult as fuck

>> No.15041944

As with any hobby where you are a beginner, Youtube is your friend.

>> No.15041956

You're ahead of where I am with this so you probably shouldn't listen to me but how I figured I might go about this is I'd do something like make a stack of t-shirts until my t-shirts don't suck ass anymore, then make shorts until my shorts don't suck ass anymore and just go through all the basic clothing (ideally with increasing levels of difficulty) until I can do all of those decently well.

>> No.15042211

I just bought my gf a sewing machine so she and her artistic friend can start doing some historical patterns together. Looks like a cool hobby

>> No.15042541

Basically I just bought a lot of cheap fabric from a fabric store and just practice. I sew scraps together, try and sew straight, rip out seams and do it again. Then go and find simple patterns to use and YouTube videos.
Shirts and shorts seem good to start

>> No.15042678


>> No.15042685

>I just bought my gf
cringe and bluep-
>a sewing machine
based and redpilled?

>> No.15042722


>> No.15042767
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still waiting for mine

>> No.15044231

I'm considering taking sewing classes at the local community college just for fun

>> No.15044268

Post idealgirlfriend.jpg 1 to 9, please

>> No.15045161

They've been lost to time

>> No.15045525
File: 988 KB, 800x1112, NINA.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have them anymore