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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 179 KB, 750x727, CC832A76-A116-44D4-BDC1-BAFFE17B39A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15034984 No.15034984[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It’s just clothes

>> No.15035071

>he doesnt know
oh no no no no

>> No.15035072

I’d say that the post is implying that society expects women to put effort into their appearance (a nice dress), and men do not have as strong of an obligation to (a casual hoodie). So, they’re saying that a straight man probably drew it cos they are stereotypically more likely to perpetuate this double standard.
(I don’t necessarily agree btw that’s just what I think they’re saying)

>> No.15035077

it means that the type of tradcuck incels who want women to wear feminine clothing all the time themselfs dress like fucking slobs
like what the fuck do you expect, i wear shirts and chinos etc. and have done so for all my life so my gf's usually also wore skirts and dresses etc., thats just how it works, similar people attract
if you dress like a fucking gypsy all you will attract is women who also dress like gypsies

>> No.15035087

OK boomer

>> No.15035091

trad girl has to look wholesome, bubbly and happy while the cringey avatar self insert of the incel is just in a black hoodie like some cheap hood rat

>> No.15035098

Is this not Pewdiepie?

>> No.15035215

Had the same thought

>> No.15035240

Youre stupid.

>> No.15035255
File: 247 KB, 1820x1212, tj2x6d9a7pplmy5xhzplm3ppue30rqa9fmyycxsintsba4vvsipeafpmotvvm2wi-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black hoodie
>hitler youth cut
>idolized cartoon shit

You can tell that tasteless pol incels are behind this.

>> No.15035263

So you are probably white yourself, I never get this chain of thought. Are you sticking it to the "fascists" by kinda cucking yourself by saying interracial photos or something? It's as though you are willing to destroy your whole racial group to get one up over them? I don't know if that makes one that mentally stable, in all honesty.

>> No.15035268

>by SAVING*** interracial photos

>> No.15035270

Go back tourists

>> No.15035272
File: 113 KB, 960x960, cd469aa088432a24154be31f4f9c02f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not white, but prefer white girls.

>> No.15035279

So wouldn't that make your opinion the same as those on pol about white being beautiful then? If you prefer white girls why would you think you are winning by making white girls mix and then removing white people in the future if you are attracted to them?

>i prefer white girls
>i want them to mix
>there will be no white girls in future
>i win

Am I missing something here? Weird logic.

>> No.15035282

>not white
You will never fuck white chicks under 100 kilos

>> No.15035285
File: 216 KB, 1127x868, zxcv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If they really wanted to be "trad", the guy should be wearing a nice shirt, maybe a jacket.

>> No.15035286

You've been brainwashed by the (((internet))) to prefer them.

>> No.15035289
File: 184 KB, 789x1280, selfie-of-hot-ginger-girl-white-sweater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incel logic, there are still white couples out there who produce enough white girls.

Better end your virginity first before you post here.

>> No.15035300

You are using incel logic?

>there are still white couples out there who produce enough white girls.

Yes but you would still be lessening that and therefore your chances, and if you make it the normal thing to do (mix) you'll also have a shit lot more competition. Are you medicated? You make little sense.

>> No.15035321
File: 70 KB, 979x649, 1526496076096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>therefore your chances

That's literally how a beta will think

>lessen chances to atleast get the ugly remains
>not trying to get the top of the top
>instead surrender and go with asian girls, probably also end with corona

Mark my words: there are still seperate races today, even though there were multiple melting pot societies in the past and that changed nothing to the appeal of being "white".

Back to pol, my friend.

>> No.15035323
File: 207 KB, 1492x994, cattle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15035327

are you a nigger? you're obviously not asian, so what is it?

>> No.15035331

>my gf
It's alright anon you don't have to lie about things like that here.

>> No.15035334

You use a lot of buzz words?

>melting pot

You are using a 20th century Jewish word. What societies of the past existed in which people all racially mixed together?

>Back to pol

But you are the one fixated on race.

>> No.15035335

i honestly see nothing wrong with this photo and i'm a chick, so what if he's wearing a hoodie and she's wearing a feminine dress(?). do all couples need to match their styles or something? this makes zero sense to me. the caption is more telling than the photo itself, it seems like someone extremely mad about wrote it and i can't pinpoint why they're so mad

>> No.15035347

>saving photos of interracial couples is equivalent to endorsing white genocide
Not that anon but this is your insecurity talking, not his. You actually felt threatened by that image enough to reply lmao

>> No.15035360

>saving photos of interracial couples is equivalent to endorsing white genocide
>an argument I never made
>what is a strawman

My point was people who save those images and post them as a way to get one over "da racists" is just sad. I'm a prepper you retard waiting for society to collapse so I can live in the woods, I can assure you I couldn't give a turd about these things.

>> No.15035364

>to put effort into their appearance (a nice dress)
Dresses are comfy as fuck. I bought a couple for my ex, she started wearing more dresses all the time because it was just easier to put one thing on top and look good that way without worrying much about the rest or fitting different elements together.

>> No.15035371

It's not feeling threatened. It's disgust. Men of all races feel disgust seeing their women with outsider men.

>> No.15035386

>It’s as though you’re willing to destroy your whole racial group to get one up over them
See that? That’s you dragging white genocide into the discussion, ya moron. You literally claimed that saving photos of interracial couples is like wanting to “destroy[ing] your whole racial group”. That’s not me attacking a straw man, that’s me holding you to the things you say while you desperately flap about trying to move the goalposts. You pretend to be above it all, but if that was true, you wouldn’t have replied to that post/bait in the first place.

>> No.15035391

Of course it is. You wouldn’t have any issue with it if you didn’t see black men as a challenge to your claim over white women. There’s no fear of “white genocide” if you’re confident in your ability to find a mate and reproduce, but something tells me you’re not that...

>> No.15035396

I replied because I was curious about the mindset and what type of mental illness it possibly is. I never said do they want to wipe a race out, just that it's as though they would be willing to prove some point. Maybe you are not intelligent enough to understand, maybe listen and learn for a bit before making yourself look a little silly? Just helping you out here breh.

>> No.15035408

>You wouldn’t have any issue with it if you didn’t see black men as a challenge to your claim over white women

Lol you use feminist language.

>omg be a real man
>that's what a real man would do
>i want a man not a boy

You are using basic bitch shaming tactics that women do and if you know anything, you'd find in all non-white places the locals get very protective and violent over outsiders with their women.

Why wouldn't they? Race is an extension of family. You are saying a white guy should have no issues with non-whites fucking his extended family. You are an evolutionary weak link and possible cuck.

>> No.15035415

>just that it's as though they would be willing to prove some point
A point that he never made in that post, but one you put in his mouth by bringing up white genocide. By all means, please explain to me how that isn’t projection, or attacking a straw man for that matter.

You know, for an older, experienced dude you really are pretty thick, aren’t you?

>> No.15035419

There is no evolution without mixing of races you fuckwit

>> No.15035423

>for an older, experienced dude
he's literally a disgusting lonely kike in his 40s, he doesn't have "experience"

>> No.15035425

>feminist language
Be specific. What words in that post were “feminist”?

>race is an extension of family
Oh, so you’re not only in favour of white genocide, but incest too? Get a fucking grip, man.

> You are saying a white guy should have no issues with non-whites fucking his extended family
That’s exactly what I’m saying. Why would I take issue with expanding the gene pool? Stop being such an inbred redneck and take a course in biology

>> No.15035426

You seething a little there?

>hurr you must racial mix to survive professor shekelstein said so!! Hurr I know abbos survived for 60 thousand years without mixing but that does not count!!

>> No.15035428

>this is your brain on multiculturalism

>> No.15035436

>You seething a little there?
Nope. Running out of justifications for your shitty opinions? Because I’m still waiting for you to show me why your post about white genocide wasn’t pure projection.

>> No.15035437

mutts law

>> No.15035439

Tourist? TOURIST? Fuck you newfag I’ll dox you and fuck your cat

>> No.15035441

The claim “race mixing promotes genetic diversity” is not an imperative to go out and fuck every black guy you can. I’m not stupid enough to take scientific information as instructions, so you should at least know better too.

>> No.15035442

oy vey

>> No.15035444

Not jewish at all. I am 40.

>Be specific. What words in that post were “feminist”?

You are using feminist shaming tactics that women use, you don't even know it because you were brought up in a feminized society. Hurr if you have an issue with blacks fucking white women then it means you just can't get a girl!! Be a real man!! Have no issues with it!!

>Stop being such an inbred redneck and take a course in biology

You are a teenager so far out of your depth, I've studied race and biology for 20 years. Europe has enough diverse genetics and plenty more, it does not need Africans for that. Imagine pushing white people have to mix with Africans or they are inbred and then proclaiming ti know about biology hahahaa.

I speak with Survive the Jive on twitter/youtube all about racial biology, feel free to debate us on cam, you faceless anon coward.

>> No.15035445

>calls people virgins and incels
ok shitskin.

>> No.15035451

Mixing with blacks is dumb. Who wants lower IQ children? The superior combo is obviously east asian/white. Eurasian master race.

>> No.15035459

The claim isn’t anything at all because genetic diversity is not evolution. There is 0 correlation between historical melting pots and higher disease resistance or any other positive trait.

>> No.15035467

Hurr you can't get a girl if you are not ok with africans having children with white women which will create a lower iq and less well functioning society that has a very real impact on you, your partner and your children but durr me smart!!

>> No.15035469

Why do you white genocide believers spend time on a fashion board?

>> No.15035470

If you’re feeling ashamed, it’s you’re own damn fault for being so insecure.

>I've studied race and biology for 20 years
Oh yeah? Which academic journals do you source your data from?

Once again, you’re mistaking a scientific fact for an imperative, as I pointed out here >>15035441. It’s like I’m anticipating all the dumb things you’re going to say, aren’t you predictable?

>> No.15035473

But there is a strong correlation between inbreeding and severe genetic defects, so while you don’t need to go outside of your race to have healthy kids, there is zero evidence to suggest that race mixing is in any way a detrimental thing.

>> No.15035480

Now look who’s seething so much they can’t even give me a (you) ;)

>> No.15035481
File: 404 KB, 1514x938, feminist shaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you’re feeling ashamed, it’s you’re own damn fault for being so insecure.

Feminist shaming tactics again. When will he learn.

Hurr pls anon, let your wife fuck another dude or you are insecure!

>Oh yeah? Which academic journals do you source your data from?

Join for a debate and find out, big man

>> No.15035483

>there is zero evidence to suggest that race mixing is in any way a detrimental thing.

Yeah lowering your kids IQ by 15 points is not detrimental lol.

>> No.15035492

I’m debating you right now, why won’t you debate back? Give me a well-reasoned response (with sources) as to why mixed race children have lower IQs than whites (not true, btw), or it’s not worth joining your gay race club.

Also, once again, your hypocrisy is fucking hilarious. I thought you didn’t care about race- yet you’ve been studying it for 20 years and regularly talk to people on Twitter about it? You really are pathetic, dude.

>> No.15035496

>But there is a strong correlation between inbreeding and severe genetic defects,
Third cousins are literally ok, though.
>there is zero evidence to suggest that race mixing is in any way a detrimental thing.
1. There is evidence that biracial individuals tend to have higher incidence of neuroticism and that they have a higher mutation load.
2. “Mixed race” is a blanket term for any two races mixing, thus is not the cause of certain negative or positive traits being passed to the offspring. One would need to analyze specific biracial offsprings in order to analyze the effects of said relation.

>> No.15035506

>Give me a well-reasoned response (with sources) as to why mixed race children have lower IQs than whites

So you are promoting "genetic diversity" and the benefits and yet you don't believe in IQ?

There is no point debating a brainlet who thinks the African average IQ is on par with Europeans.

>> No.15035508

>“Mixed race” is a blanket term for any two races mixing, thus is not the cause of certain negative or positive traits being passed to the offspring
Which is why it’s retarded to claim in general that “race mixing” will cause lower IQs in the resultant offspring, which is what our least favourite geriatric poster seems convinced of. Thanks for actually having a reasonably well-informed perspective tho, breath of fuckin fresh air

>> No.15035518

Point to where in that post I said I don’t believe that IQ exists. Once again, you’re scrambling to accuse people of stuff you’re making up inside your own head.

I would not be surprised if with your understanding of genetics you thought that the IQ of an offspring was just the mean of his parents.

>> No.15035520

Because you don't understand how IQ works or how it increases. It takes many decades of evolution in the right circumstances. You can't get a bunch of African bushmen with an IQ of 65, mix them with white women with an IQ of 100 and expect the children to then have an IQ of 100.

All your questions can be answered by professor Dutton.


I suggest giving some of his work a watch because you are wrong about almost everything.

>> No.15035526

Yes, but when you apply the model you just agreed upon to the discussion (black x white relations) the result ought to be an offspring with a higher mutational load that will be deleterious to whichever endogenous group he decides to assimilate, higher incidence of undesirable mental conditions (hapas send their regards) and a tendency to have lower IQ when compared to white peoples. And I am not even considering all the possible negative social aspects of being mixed race, which are their own can of worms.

>> No.15035527

I don’t need to understand how IQ works to know that you’ve been avoiding every cogent point I’ve made in order to move the goal posts once again. You accuse me of not believing in IQ, I ask you to show me where I said that, you reply with “nah bro you’re just too stupid to understand IQ lmao”

It’s like you’re incapable of reasonable discourse without constantly pivoting to some other excuse or ad hominem. Imagine being 40 and thinking this is how you prove someone wrong

>> No.15035536

You actively engage in pushing racial mixing. That tells me a few things. You are a brainwashed teenager or a jew. There is no point in debate with either types. No reason,, logic, facts or anything work at that point.

You truly believe white women should have children with black men and that's a benefit and think all white men should be happy with that.

You no longer operate for your own group, you have mental illness.

I post someone else so you can actually watch videos to learn


>> No.15035538

Do you have sources for all of this? That’s all I wanted, something substantial. Though it’s ambitious to expect it from Cecil

>> No.15035541

>its telling...
No it's isn't, both of those clothing options are memes. The dress is constantly memed about with tradfags and the black hoodie is the doomer

>> No.15035543

I’ve said time and time again that thinking race mixing is harmless is not the same as full endorsement of it, but that point seems entirely lost on you (which of course it would be if you were insecure about something like this), and especially now that you’ve descended into bitter ad hominem. Just stop, it’s embarrassing

>> No.15035550
File: 152 KB, 502x274, blacks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why I gave you the Professors videos as they are always easier to digest than text sources

Pic related make it into the British gov but had to resign because of this but you can be sure the British Prime Minister agrees with this.

>> No.15035554

>race mixing is harmless

It depends with what race, in the case of Africans it is far from harmless. Asians, sure, but the kid will never belong and suffer all issues because of that.

>> No.15035562

Sorry but I don’t keep tabs on every scientific article I read on these topics, but Dutton ought to have all of them, like our challenged friend mentioned before. If you send him an email politely asking for articles on IQ of mixed race offspring, personality traits on diverse ethnic groups and the influence of mutational load on a society, I am sure he will answer.
For a taste this article I am sending you does talk about mutation load and some ways it originates. Even talks about inbreeding mutations, which ought to interest you.

>> No.15035574

You and everyone else

>> No.15035584

>Imagine calling a fellow dutton fan challenged while kissing the ass of some marxist who thinks it's healthier if white women mix with africans

The absolute state of it. Yes, you're right, almost everyone who has an IQ of over 150 can appear challenged. It's not normal. Not something you suffer with, I am sure.

>> No.15035696

Who gives a fuck, I’ve already got a low IQ

>> No.15035739

Implying that it's a stereotypical basement dwelling black hoodie wearing greasy cuck projecting themselves onto the guy

>> No.15035746
File: 77 KB, 1200x630, ab7a64a2-d6dc-4946-9faa-d66795f11624-2060x1236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called Vargcore. You're not allowed to wear anything that was not copped in a fishing supplies store or a military surplus store. Excluding chainmail.

>> No.15035773

For real though how should the man in the pic be dressed? If he dresses "trad" he is either larping or gay.
The artist is trying to convey a masculine man who is not preoccupied with consumerism.

>> No.15035789

I wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.15035824
File: 743 KB, 720x898, mommy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White, but prefer black girls.

>> No.15035916

thats actually a $1000 pure merino wool hoodie with 24 karat gold pull string holes

>> No.15035940

Race mixing is bad primarily because of the lack of a distinct identity and group to belong to

>> No.15036006

to be honest, white people from western-europe are freaking me out, when I am around them I have the impression being surrounded by sociopaths with a lack of depth of soul.

>> No.15036013

that image is so retarded because in a case where someone could be displaying any one of those things legitimately you could just spurt "durrrr code blue lol" and just deflect? how is that rational at all?

>> No.15036016

What the fuck is wrong with her fucking feet. 4 toes?

>> No.15036038

Please answer this, whitegenofags.


>> No.15036066

You should go back to whatever third world shithole you came from then, spearchucker.

>> No.15036078

Way to play to the stereotype.

>> No.15036163
File: 109 KB, 785x731, BDDE51E7-DBDE-4109-8943-29C8F880D3F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15036188

>You wouldn’t have any issue with it if you didn’t see black men as a challenge to your claim
White women who fuck niggers are mostly useless trash white race would be better off without. Too low in-group preference, low standards, bad taste, all of that better leave our gene pool. But still, it's disgusting.

>> No.15036225

What's the stereotype?

>> No.15036272
File: 1.41 MB, 3088x2316, 2BDBD184-8513-4029-BD68-C365AED6ED01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I get a qt trad gf like in the photo

>> No.15036283

Church, alternatively I've heard good things about eastern Europe.

>> No.15036836

this is all true but a good dress that fits the individual female in stature, form, pricing, and style, is hard to come by. once you obtain a dress its less effort, yes, however its also more economical to have two pieces of clothing than just one to have a more varied wardrobe.

>> No.15036876

Holy shit it’s literally the YES guy

>> No.15036879

>If he dresses "trad" he is either larping or gay
that should tell you enough about tradfags

>> No.15036892

I'm genuinely disturbed by how similar I look to this guy, he might be a distant cousin of mine. Is he Danish?

>> No.15036904

The girl isn't really wearing a sundress as the critic claims, but a far more traditional, sleeved prairie dress, so the guy could probably cowboy it up a bit instead of going fifties or sixties prep, but a jacket and tie should pretty much be a given for even the doomerest doomer.

>> No.15036907

It's just that most 4chan denizens end up believers in white genocide because that's the milieu. You can say, "Go back to /pol/," forever, but /pol/'s politics are the site's politics, always have been, always will be.

>> No.15036911

The point is to stymie debate. That image doesn't exist because red pill types want to engage in civil discourse.

>> No.15037019
File: 118 KB, 650x433, 1576033356879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15037058
File: 94 KB, 750x447, TradGFOTP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15037169
File: 46 KB, 455x810, 05c88a93ee5ad3766c7083e2d7b3e11b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might hand over your white sister, boi.

>> No.15037178

>but /pol/'s politics are the site's politics, always have been, always will be

They are world politics. Like a bunch of privileged teens online with their left wing views and the whole twitter sphere is not a representative of real life.

Behind closed doors in the West you'll find 9 times out of 10 they are not into all this extreme left wing weirdo trans etc. shit. Yet 99.9% have never heard of pol.

It's people here who think those views are for a minority of people from pol and the world thinks like them because they hang around in radicalized online echo chambers such as twitter.

What's more amusing is that most of the non-white world outside of the West is ultra conservative compared to pol and pol is light weight in comparison but they think the non-Western world is a paradise. It's being made radical online to the point of mental illness.

>> No.15037196

>that should tell you enough about tradfags

Tell you what about whom? The point is there's no tradfag man that "dresses trad" because you can't really do that as a dude.
If you tried you'd be a fedora lounger or some shit.
It's not clear what you're making fun of there.

>> No.15037202

guys it's an ifunny post, why did you have to all debate so fucking much about an ifunny post

>> No.15037219

because after I hide all of the worst threads on /fa/ this one is in the top 5% least shit

>> No.15037238
File: 71 KB, 600x769, c62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then /fa/ might be the wrong board.

>> No.15037257

I was pointing out how shit /fa/ is you pussy.

>> No.15038845

This is actually unironically good advise for attracting the type of gf or wife you want, as well as social circle and frens

>> No.15038849

They're the same board.

>> No.15038853

>there's no tradfag man that "dresses trad" because you can't really do that as a dude
sure you can, you'd just look like a larper, because that's all that tradfags are anyway

>> No.15038950


>> No.15039323

why do you use ifunny?

>> No.15039384
File: 782 KB, 2212x3000, 14-swedish-models-in-vogue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfort and seclusion for me but not for thee.
A black hoodie means you're wearing it to be comfortable and more often than not it's to not stand out.
The woman is wearing something that is open, positive and will no doubtedly draw attention. She has to have courage and self esteem to wear it.
What we can deduce is that the male is without self esteem or confidence and the female does have it.
Logically the female would leave the man and find someone else with higher self esteem and confidence. Interpret that how you will.

>> No.15039522


Anon, I sure hope you don't look at any pictures of old maps of the world, with borders and cultures and languages that don't exist anymore...

>> No.15039526

That's what I mean. Fedora Lounge is a forum where middle-aged dudes LARP as if it's the 30s-40s.
Solid info about a lot of fashion stuff though, actually. More than you'll get on /fa/.

>> No.15039540


Why are you so upset that he figured you out? White women won't "run out" because they prefer to fuck other races and if white women do run out (this concept is hilarious) you wont be around to see it. You sound brainwashed and depressed. Go outside.

>> No.15039792

Whites are outnumbered like 5 to 1 on earth if every nog has your logic then it won’t even take a full generation of whites fucking non whites to completely kill off the race

>> No.15040554

Why would anyone shape his beard like this?

>> No.15040561

What an absolute npc.

>> No.15040584

what if you're a girl that likes to wear chinos? What will I attract? Soi?

>> No.15041695


That is very good advice for possibly attracting the type of woman who may dress in a style that corresponds more like oneself, versus something too different from that approach.


No, not necessarily. I doubt you will attract the sóy consuming crowd, to be honest, if your attitude is little in common with how they usually behave and think, let alone dress. I think trousers have a place for women, but as a man, I personally like to see skirts and dresses worn, too. I hope you find the right man!

>> No.15042260

Inferiority complexes aren't based upon logic, anon.