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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 187 KB, 960x1200, DT8-_vfVoAAhAMG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15030855 No.15030855[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Some people are born to be /fa/

>> No.15030857

what the fuck

>> No.15030865


>> No.15030868
File: 142 KB, 1079x705, ce96a02bc0ac3ea2c2d71a454ae96dc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seriously got a problem with this?

>> No.15030873

how is she so ugly and yet so cute

>> No.15030880
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>> No.15030881
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imagine being the poor child of these ugly freaks
hopefully for his sake two BIG negatives make a positive

>> No.15030901

She has striking eyes and that’s about it. Also she definetly gives off the stinky pussy vibe. You just know she has some stank down there.

>> No.15030910
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>> No.15030944

This bitch looks vegan

>> No.15030952

Even though she is objectively ugly, she is still attractive to me by virtue of being 1) thin and 2) having a cute style

>> No.15030954
File: 70 KB, 318x436, GE1vPY8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And eyes that kill.

>> No.15031028

Pic unrelated

>> No.15031106

Are you 13?

>> No.15031151

>Some people are born to be /fa/

Is that the name of this race horse?

>> No.15031446

The eyes, I imagine. They’re out of place

>> No.15031549

Manchild core
Also nice b8 thread

>> No.15031557


this kike can't even speak English

>> No.15031560

If she were a male, he would be in prison by now

>> No.15031566


>> No.15031589

h3h3 is absolute trash content

>> No.15031601

Goddamn this nigga ugly

>> No.15031602

this thread suddenly got a LOT more based

>> No.15031803

big eyes are disgusting, with such so much sclera exposure even more, only thing that saves her face is being slim, probably why the rotund jew chose her as his wife.

>> No.15031830
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>> No.15031890
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>> No.15031899

I am not German, I am not even Aryan, I am an East-Asian/Ashkenazi Mutt without any ethnic supremacy stance

>> No.15031905

Omg it's actually you?

>> No.15031910

No one would believe it

>> No.15031911

Are you joking or really referring to some famous east-asian/ashkenazi mutt? I am not famous at all, the most famous thing I ever did was a star wars fantrailer with like 10s views

>> No.15031916

my fantrailer by the way, it's shit but the most remarkable thing i ve ever did:


>> No.15031938

All Jews are born to be gassed.

>> No.15031940 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15031943

you know, the trouble makers who are Jewish (not by belief but by ethnic solidarity, basically ashkenazi) are like 1% or less, the rest of us are quiet sane and mean no harm to your countries or even being destroyed. I guess every ethnicity has their 1% troublemakers, so chill

>> No.15031951 [DELETED] 

Shut up kike.

>> No.15031968

Actually I feel more solidarity with my east-asian or russian/polish heritage than with the jewish one, but not in the self-hate-jew-meme kind of way, I simply see more value in those

>> No.15032091

jew mutt

>> No.15032117

she's a north african mutt, not a jew but you deserve the gas too :(

>> No.15032229

She is jewish like real-jewish, not european-jewish and isn't she originally from around syria, she doesn't look very north-african?

>> No.15032423

shut up faggot, "european" jewish IS the real jewish, because "european jewish" means ASHKENAZI jewish which were the most homogeneous
>she doesn't look very north-african
she's north african, check her DNA test video.

>> No.15032436
File: 126 KB, 989x852, 9C662B9B-2E41-4A5E-BD67-0365E5949707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kikes are filthy.

>> No.15032441

with that being said no one should use the word "european jewish" because it's confusing as fuck, it's also dumb as fuck because it has the implication that jew isn't a race, "european jewish" european jewish my ass.

>> No.15032481

Ashkenazi is just a mix of different european people + 5% oriental leftofer dna + inbreeding, basically the most evil version of white people, just like trigger-happy ghetto-niggers are the most evil version of black-african people

>> No.15032486

i don't want to check their youtube-videos, it's a waste of time watching mediocre people doing mediocre things when i have the chance to watch myself 24 hours a day doing the same shit

>> No.15032490

her looksmatch is that incel guy with the black ops shirt

>> No.15032670

no it isn't, it's a distinct ethnicity with specific genetic markers.

>> No.15032703

i don't watch youtube either (specially e-celebs). i go there for tutorials and to check new music i'm interested in. the video was in my recommended (i think) and i watched it because i'm always interested when other jews take DNA tests.

>> No.15032707
File: 11 KB, 288x512, C285A1FA-CEE2-44E9-AD14-B7230DB9E5F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resident Jew. Igor.

>> No.15032711
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>> No.15032719
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>> No.15032768

i'm not igor you faggot, i'm a different jew :)
is that him in pic?

>> No.15032773

I know, you fucking kike. I was posting his pic and his 23andMe.

>> No.15032781

dude, you can group various white people into specific groups with specific genetic markers, not just the Ashkenazi...the Amish for instance, they are white, yet developed through the centuries endogamy a distinct genetic pattern that sets them up from other whites and even from those people who are now the offspring of the people they once were part of.

>> No.15032783

everything about this girl is anti-sexy

>> No.15032796

23andMe is like paying for newsletter abos from online stores

>> No.15032837

>they are white
this is where i need to stop you, jews have always been "white" if white means fair skin, soft hair and european facial features. but they are still their own ethnicity.
>the Amish
they look like other whites though, on the other hand jews look very different from other whites, they have their own unique phenotypes.

>> No.15032874

back on topic this bitch is fucking ugly
I haven't like H3H3 since like 2015
And Teddy Fresh is ugly and retarded

>> No.15032928

>the video was in my recommended
actually i take it back, i saw a thread about ethan on /tv/ and i went to check his channel out of curiosity so i found the video there.

>> No.15033031

how is this an argument? the amish would look out of place in spain, italy, finland, greece yet this doesn't mean they are non-white as with regard to their appearance as their genetic clustering, you can group many such white groups and each of them will share a certain degree of genetic and phenotypical uniqueness, though most of those people are not even aware of belonging to such a group because it has no significance for them in terms of their identity. Also, Ashkenazi are not such a monolithic subgroup of whites themselves, there are Ashkenazi individuals who cluster closer to certain Non-Ashkenazi groups than they do to other Ashkenazi-subgroups. They also differ phenotypically, ranging from ugly Jews with bug eyes like Jeff Goldblum to almost pure Anglo-Saxon or even Finnic in appearance, the so called typical jewish look is also not that unique to some Jews but to many different people within europe. Deal with it, Ashkenazi are Whites and Whites can hate other Whites as well, take a look on European history and you will find the most war-prone people on earth, it's only very recently Europeans tamed their innate passions.

>> No.15033282

>there are Ashkenazi individuals who cluster closer to certain Non-Ashkenazi groups than they do to other Ashkenazi-subgroups
objectively false
>they also differ phenotypically, ranging from ugly Jews with bug eyes like Jeff Goldblum to almost pure Anglo-Saxon or even Finnic in appearance
are you retarded? so just because someone looks unattractive that means he's genetically distant?
>pure Anglo-Saxon or even Finnic
show me one person who's mostly jewish that looks anglo or fnnish.
>deal with it
shut the fuck up faggot, you don't get to tell me who i am.

>> No.15033335

it's funny how these retards argue about phenotypes when jews are the most phenotypically similar out of all races, not to mention all the genetic diseases we share and small habitual things like hand rubbing. not to mention the infamous neanderthal DNA. jews are literally the most unique race in existence.

>> No.15033354

>spain, italy, greece
funny you brought those because those aren't considered white in here.
when i said other whites i meant nords and anglos

>> No.15033355

This was dumb why did you do this

>> No.15033365

>whites can hate other Whites as well
except that jews don't hate their own, moron.
if they hate whites it's because view them as different race.

>> No.15033375

we all know what is the goal of these flameboy faggots is, they want to remove the God chosen label and lump jews with other gentiles so their mind is cleared.

>> No.15033385

i look everyday in the mirror and i admire my jew face, keep seething gentiles, this is something that you will never have.

>> No.15033390
File: 104 KB, 186x343, fsdfs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so happy for him... I mean her :)

>> No.15033391

cringy clothes style
ugly muddy skin and eye color

t. fellow jew

>> No.15033395

she would make a nice Iranian or Afghan
ugly jewish girl

>> No.15033397

i literally love everything about my jewself, from my neanderthal skull to my skinny jew legs, and there is absolutely nothing you filthy gentiles can do to stop me.

>> No.15033401

she isn't a jew tho, she's 77% north african.

>> No.15033410


go back to whatever oven you crawled out

>> No.15033417

kys faggot pig, no one cares about you.

>> No.15033422

see >>15033401
girl isn't jewish

>> No.15033444


take a shower you incestous larping faggot

>> No.15033457


>> No.15033465

I don’t need a nobody to tell what he is, he figured the little worth knowing about himself already,

>> No.15033470


>high verbal iq

looks as if rabbi zuckdicky sucked your brains out

>> No.15033484

You are not unique, the Siberians are unique...you are just victims of your leftover southern DNA -like persians, arabs and turks you attribute to much importance to yourself, that’s why a type of literature is famous among you that tries to connect any person of importance to allegedly jewish heritage. You are a pathetic garbage people with no understanding of truely northern soul, you have no talent for engineering and technological insight , you are limited to the lowest form of intelligence, the verbal one and you use it to destroy other people’s cultures.

>> No.15033488

I recognize the unhinged schizo usball from kc

>> No.15033490

I don’t want to look like a stereotypical Jew if I can look like Benedict Cumberbatch

>> No.15033491

yes i know what i am, i'm of the God chosen race i'm the son of david and israel, i'm from the GOD CHOSEN race that has been relevant thousands of years.

>> No.15033492

One word of truth kills the Jew

>> No.15033493

You sound like a mentally ill old woman's verbal diarrhea

>> No.15033498

Verbal iq is the lowest form of iq, it can’t create, it can only obfuscate the truth

>> No.15033499

Every nation that's not utterly subhuman believes itself special.
>b-but goyim!
for example

>> No.15033500
File: 70 KB, 682x1023, levitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i look jewish and good at the same time, just like how pic looks jewish and good at the same time.

>> No.15033503

post your actual selfie fag ))

>> No.15033504
File: 47 KB, 744x389, grigori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are limited to the lowest form of intelligence, the verbal one
*keeps blocking your path*

>> No.15033505

You sound like someone who would eat all of that diarrhea for just hearing the sound of a falling shekel

>> No.15033507
File: 1.47 MB, 2000x2515, blame jews.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the Jews are the reason your path is blocked

>> No.15033509
File: 51 KB, 1243x490, jews vs whites, the reminder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder about the jews

>> No.15033511

His face looks not very specifical, he can be anything from mecican, turk or southern slav

>> No.15033512

unlike whites, jews don't believe they're special because "muh feelings", they are literally God chosen people.

>> No.15033517

you replied to the wrong person you retard.

>> No.15033518

I am happy the whites are getting replaced. I might not live to see it, but it's inevitable.

>> No.15033519

Follow christ's teachings, we are one race.

>> No.15033521

A jew with 95% northern slavic dna, no wonder he is not writing screenplays and rejects money for prizes he deserves, he is a truely aryan man , just like Bobby Fisher

>> No.15033526

he's fully jewish you subhuman, keep trying faggot. jews own your ass.

>> No.15033528

>A jew with 95% northern slavic dna
very nice wishful thinking

>> No.15033529

Hope the whites will get replaced by east asians and then they will kill the rest

>> No.15033533

Jews are bad at math, the second the illusion dies, the jew dies

>> No.15033534

Boycott Israel. Call out the jews. Justice can't wait!


May the devil forgive them, god won't

>> No.15033535

i dgas fuck you all lol )))

>> No.15033542

>jews are bad at math
this guy >>15033504 proves you wrong

>> No.15033554
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>> No.15033557


>> No.15033561

They are, and those jews that were successful at math were often successful in parts of math that doesn’t require a high degree of visualization. That’s why the Jew shuns the truth, the means to approach it are too demanding, all he has is his little realm of cons....sooner or later the Northern will have adapted to it , he will become also less noble, but it will be a necessary blemish to survive by defeating its parasite

>> No.15033566

For any smart Jew, there is a smarter Aryan

>> No.15033567

>>15033561 there's your truth >>15033509
also read the bible

>> No.15033573

sorry but jews are smarter than whites, it's a simple fact that you can not refute.

>> No.15033579

Are you even Ashkenazi or one of those sub-jew Sephardi and Mizrahi who are overjealous in attacking the Aryan man in order to be accepted by their Ashkenazi masters?

>> No.15033581

>smile in jewish

>> No.15033588
File: 332 KB, 605x330, ufsd0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jews are totally a real ethnic group and not just random members of a criminal organization

>> No.15033594

i'm Ashkenazi, i do not seek acceptance from anyone.

>> No.15033595

Ashkenazi are whites, though the lowest among them. Also, Ashkenazi already reached their biological limit how high they can get their iq, n. whites are still in the process of eugenics will reach a very remarkable high iq in the future, the jew fears this future and tries to promote race mixing with low iq races

>> No.15033597

would you stop taking credit for something that isn't yours? why don't you just use "white"? are you ashamed of that word?

>> No.15033598

Why don’t you read your talmud backwards?

>> No.15033599
File: 21 KB, 250x239, 8D6A38C9-CFFE-4F57-B10D-1C5633D5E519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey ethan, how are you

>> No.15033604

Ashkenazi are not white they are the mortal enemy of all mankind but especially whites.
Their high neanderthal admixture makes them want to destroy sapiens on a deep level.

>> No.15033605

bahahahahahaa have a (you) my poor friend, you deserve one.

>> No.15033606

White is just a color, Aryan is a place within a hierarchy

>> No.15033609

They don’t look like neanderthalians, except for the height

>> No.15033610

nice eyes + nice smile can carry any fucker out there

>> No.15033622

The eyes are the worst part of her: too big and too much sclera exposure

>> No.15033623

>jews are totally NOT the German mafia and it makes perfect sense that for the last 1000 years this supposed Semitic people spoke a Germanic language


>> No.15033636

Ashkenazi are as much Semites as Aryans Nordic Aliens and Blacks Ancient Egyptians.... people like to larp and the feeling of group solidarity by creating outgroup enemies

>> No.15033638
File: 112 KB, 921x434, 1573305153072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here is another cope.
>sloped forehead
>prominent browridges
>high nasal bridge
>receding chin
>large parietal region
>hair: black, thick, bushy, and straight-wavy, quiet greasy, tendency to receding hairlines in the top corners of the forehead
jews are literally neanderthals

>> No.15033662

Jews have smaller heads than northern europeans, jews have smaller brow ridges than northern europeans and they have foreheads that looks more like a curve similar to blacks and polynesians whereas the slope of Northern Europeans is more straight. Also the neanderthalian exhibits some feature of cold weather adaptation similar to Northern Europeans and Northern Asians. Maybe some 100ks years ago there was a homo erectus larping as an neanderthalian who later on crossbred with the dodo and by doing created the anatolian race while the pure one became the jew

>> No.15033677

So what are you saying? You are rused by a lesser race?

>> No.15033685
File: 1.44 MB, 1304x778, Screen-Shot-2020-02-22-at-7.21.07-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Israel is my ancestral homeland

>> No.15033690

We let the lower race alive...you know Aryans are just to symparhetic with other creatures

>> No.15033695


>> No.15033699

Good job jews:
One for display on tv, one million you send back to Africa

>> No.15033706

I second that, I have a mom and a jewish friend

>> No.15033711

psychopaths are a type of supermen tho ))

>> No.15033720
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>> No.15033725

Psychopaths are fearless
To a psychopath - without exaggeration - the rest of us are but play things, like a mouse to a cat

>> No.15033727

Africans and arabs mostly, and whites

>> No.15033732

Only if being an asshole is a superpower...it’s also common among muslims and gypsies, Northerner are bred for cooperation and social trust societies

>> No.15033736

As for America mostly dutch jews

>> No.15034380

The jews financed both sides of the war but didn't finance christian slave traders? and white people didn't enslave blacks, Christians did. Christians are jews, they are not white.

>> No.15034393

i like that shade of blue eyes
reminds me of dudu faruk (another israeli)

>> No.15034395

>Christians are jews
Name one white group that wasn’t Christian for the last thousand years before you go back to your containment board

>> No.15034397


>> No.15034400

>Jews are bad at math
lmao go open any higher level math text, it's fucking full of jews

>> No.15034406

>black people speaking english means they are germanic

>> No.15034417

I imagine This guys skin smells like a swampy shitfilled sewer

>> No.15034420

Okay so Brenton Tarrant is white. So whites did the Christchurch massacre.
I'm white, and i didn't make any money from slavetrading so shut your nigger mouth

>> No.15034500

There was no Christian slave trade, there is ni Christian race only Christian brotherhood and the Christian ideals let to the abolition of slavery

>> No.15034509

why are you coping retard?
everyone knows that jews have neanderthal skull shapes, it's not hard to figure out if you have 20+iq
>Jews have smaller heads than northern europeans
size of heads doesn't matter, jews have larger parietal region (back of the skull)
>jews have smaller brow ridges than northern europeans
again you're failing to understand simple images that are presented to you, neanderthal have protruding browridges, not all jews have it but some do, but there isn't a single european who has protruding browridges.
>they have foreheads that looks more like a curve similar to blacks and polynesians whereas the slope of Northern Europeans is more straight
jews have posterior sloped foreheads which is exactly what neanderthals have, whites have straight foreheads just like homo sapiens. you're really stupid

>> No.15034515

this thread, like many other threads is the ultimate proof that the blind hatred for jews make people stupid, because their obscene hatred of jews make them go as far as to deny simple facts that can be comprehended by a 5 year old kid.

>> No.15034536

>blind hatred
>blind hatred is unreasoning hatred
>unreasoning hatred

LOL. Oh look it's the whole "We are innocent victims" card being played yet again. Shock.

>> No.15034556

not playing the victim at all i'm just stating facts.

>> No.15034576

What the fuck does any of this posting have to do with Fashion. This is a Fashion board. As per the FA rules,
>1. All topics and discussion should be Fashion-related
Go somewhere else and discuss your off topic shit assholes

>> No.15034638


>> No.15034639

Actual rule (I was paraphrasing)
/fa/ - Fashion
1. Images and discussion should pertain to fashion and apparel.

>> No.15034647

Fine, I will abide by the rules from now on if you answer one question. Why did the Christians dress so unfashionablly while they were enslaving blacks in Africa with ships that were funded by Jews?

>> No.15034658

>being this new
/pol/ just cross posts everywhere. people telling them to stay on /pol/ and the captcha flooding before moot didn't make them leave to 8ch, more like they are on every board now

>> No.15034660

>i'm just stating facts.

Yeah bro remind me again in the past 2000 years how many nations Jews have been kicked out of? It was all just all unreasoning hatred though and they did nothing wrong. Every group of people, every different culture, every different time period they all managed to just unreasonable hate Jews.

It's not like even today they push far left ideologies and extreme third wave male hating feminism, is it?

Let's take a look...


OH SHOCK! For their tiny population they appear to have over 300 prominent feminist hate peddlers far outnumbering every other group. Imagine that, that all the raging feminists you see today have all been brainwashed by a bunch of Jews.

As others have mentioned, let's not even start on the slave trade.


MY sides have split.

>> No.15034662

because it's not even pol related, it's just normal every day things. Like feminism at it's core, equal rights. Cool. Third wave is absolutely toxic though and that make me want to know the roots of it. Then you get to Jews pushing it hard. I don't consider that "pol" and that's a cop out. I want to know who is peddling such toxic ideology.

>> No.15034689
File: 86 KB, 722x1061, h3h3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15034690
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>why, yes of course I'm from the Middle East!

>> No.15034711

>Third wave is absolutely

Feminists always advocated for post-natal abortion and pedophilia

>> No.15034718

Yeah true it has always attracted the freaks but third wave appears more toxic and extreme, I suspect in the 1920s or whatever they were not hell bent on destroying the Western world like modern femtards are. Yet all that source material comes from Jews. Just so innocent.

>> No.15034723

you want to hide from the truth

>> No.15034724


>> No.15034727

Yikes, who is this guy?

>> No.15034729

>cohen explained himself in a backstage interview
>it is a terrorist song. I think it's a response to terrorism.
>there's something about terrorism that I've always admired

Another "innocent" Jew.

>> No.15034734
File: 2.71 MB, 2995x3838, CheHigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

promoting terrorism and political subversion as romantic ideals while promoting pedophilia and incest as the behavior of people with artistic souls.

>> No.15034740
File: 56 KB, 768x432, Chuck_Norris_1_349968a-768x432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chuck Norris looks like a typical European Neanderthalian and he bears no resemblance to jews

>> No.15034742

>The Institut für Sexualwissenschaft was an early private sexology research institute in Germany from 1919 to 1933
>It was headed by Magnus Hirschfeld
>Hirschfeld built a unique library on same-sex love and eroticism
>Magnus Hirschfeld coined the term transsexualism
>The Institute of Sex Research was opened in 1919 by Magnus Hirschfeld and his collaborator Arthur Kronfeld

>Hirschfeld was born in Kolberg in an Ashkenazi Jewish family

>Arthur Kronfeld was a German-Jewish psychiatrist

NOTHING TO SEE HERE AGAIN! The Germans were just "jealous" or something of Jews and they did nothing wrong.

>> No.15034743
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or at least a very modern version of a Neanderthalian

>> No.15034746
File: 6 KB, 305x165, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but definitely not like this wogish pseudo-armenian

>> No.15034833

not that thing for sure