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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 989 KB, 1766x855, Downtown_Calgary_2016_-_Kevin_Cappis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15027624 No.15027624 [Reply] [Original]

Post your city and rate how effay it is
There's nothing original in this frozen shithole

>> No.15027627

>city effay-ness: 9/10
>people effay-ness: 5/10

>> No.15027628

Fellow calgarian here can confirm this place fucking sucks

>> No.15027629
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Wait nevermind, this guy's kinda based

>> No.15027641

Toronto 15/10

>> No.15027646

>dollarstore New York

>> No.15027651

copenhagen, it sucks

>> No.15027962
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Antioch, California. This movie theater is closed now it was the only one

>> No.15027966

also it is -10 fa
everyone wears true religon

>> No.15027969

The only cool thing was that the theater was exactly like the one from cinema in gmod

>> No.15027983

>new york but with canadians instead of americans
seems better to me

>> No.15027984

it isn't called pittsburg for a reason!

>> No.15027995

The mountains are kinda nice

>> No.15027998


>> No.15028005

Solid 6/10, mostly ugg wearing white women and sportswear doofuses, but also some very good high fashion shopping, rich Asians with good taste, and college students with interesting fits all over the place

>> No.15028023
File: 174 KB, 1200x658, Aerial_Sunset_Vancouver_d3_copy_1bb86ed0-1edc-4cda-841d-0b033ca0bb72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mountains and trees are nice but most of the architecture is soul crushing. Nicer than most big North American cities though.

>> No.15028028

Still better than edmonton

>> No.15028114
File: 135 KB, 960x641, avgphillyhome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very casual but people aren't afraid to try new things. Tweakers wearing some good fits

>> No.15028123

nice skyline and landscapes though
I'm sure you can make due, I'd live innawoods near there

>> No.15028125

Edmontonian can confirm. fuck anyone in calgary who wears a cowboy hat tho. boots are ok

>> No.15028200

could be worse. i could be living in san antonio

>> No.15028208

Melbourne - 7/10

Lots of great clothing stores, really fun styles, a bit too many Asian hypebeasts.

>> No.15028212

what's wrong with san antonio?
thinking of moving there

>> No.15028213

Its better than edmonton.

Source: used to live in edmonton before I got posted outta there.

>> No.15028219

More arcteryx than Columbia on the streets

Why tf everyone here gotta overspend

If I see another little beanie cropped jean arcteryx coat and knock of ramones fit wearing Manlet I’m gonna lose it jerry

>> No.15028225

>Salt Lake City
It's not un-effay, but it's not some fashion Mecca either. It's got its charms.

>> No.15028242

shit city with unlikeable people and nothing to do

>> No.15028573
File: 99 KB, 750x421, dtsj170503295_750xx7360-4140-0-386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

San Jose
It's a shit wasteland with no personality
Autistic tech fag whiteboys
Streetwear Mexicans
Rich chinese thinking they are cool in gaudy clothes
Indians in bootcut jeans and flipflops
city of over a million but it feels like every other suburb
Nowhere to walk around, downtown is dead, nothing to do, zero culture
I can only keep my sanity by driving to sf, oakland, and santa cruz
I can't wait to leave

>> No.15028579

Calgarys tight bois

>> No.15028714

>City: 10/10
>People: 2/10

>> No.15028864

Philly has a great jazz scene and lots of other music going on as well i hear

>> No.15028868
File: 398 KB, 1200x800, englkielisetpalvelutuutiskuva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of all kinds of hipsters and well dressed business people, skaters and roadmen
Love the music, really hip jazz and rocking indie and a big variety of jam sessions
Food is great

>> No.15030065
File: 198 KB, 965x640, FFA4C8D1-27EB-4FC1-A524-F48BA86BC92B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finland is dope. I visited with a few friends a few years ago because the flights were cheap in February. I need to get me some tar licorice:))

>> No.15030074
File: 2.40 MB, 4032x3024, 9737677B-B6F8-4584-A1BC-0445BF86E433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New York. 8/10. The people that move here to be cool really ruin it.

>> No.15030145

Nizhny Novgorod

>> No.15030265

Real nice photo! Licorice liquor is a recommendation, aquired taste

>> No.15030298
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>> No.15030310


>> No.15030321


>> No.15030325


>> No.15030410

Houston is more like 2/10. You have to drive everywhere, mostly fatty mutts and weather only suitable for wearing t shirts year round. I could never imagine living in San Antonio though. That's a whole different hell hole...

>> No.15030424

also in San Jose, can confirm

at least we're not in Antioch r-right?

>> No.15030446

Arcteryx is only effay if you ski
t. BC nigga

>> No.15030449

san francisco
>people are hit or miss 6/10
god i love the architecture here though

>> No.15030458

Helsinki is definitely on a rise

>> No.15030479

How is Munich? Gonna be moving there soon. At least I can hit the Zugspitze.

>> No.15030485

Toronto, I can't give it less than a 6 or more than an 8 and it depends on the day. It can be really cool and has really cool spots to hangout, plenty of art hoes to fuck, legal weed, all musicians come through here, many ethnic qts, decent fashion.

Only issues are those Canadians that are more like Americans and we still have a good amount of them here. They're so fat and cheap and gross, no fashion sense, no soul whatsoever. If we could get rid of those mutts the city would be a 9 all the time.

>> No.15030490

where do you meet art hoes in toronto, anon? and can you post pics of yourself? no face necessarily im just wondering how you dress to fuck art hoes.

almost all my fucks are "ethnic qts"

>> No.15030500
File: 254 KB, 300x400, 1582328134814.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Raleigh, NC, USA
>Cityscape 3/10
>People Effay 1.5/10
Love the town in grew up and live in, but it is sorely lacking in the Effay department.

>> No.15030515
File: 258 KB, 1209x907, 20200103_183431 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this usually. Tinder is good for it but honestly bars in west end, yorkville isn't bad. They're kinds everywhere it seems and king has a lot of good places now that attract the art hoes that also like to feel like ladies. Ethnic qts are prime, what's the problem?

>> No.15030525

yeah ethnic qts are fine but i want to try some white girls too

i dont live in toronto i live in a shitty city in southern ON but i'm moving there soon. you're also older than me it seems which helps you. fob asian/indian girls will fuck you at the drop of a hat.

>> No.15030528

I'm from Hamilton so I also lived in a shitty city, but originally eastern europe so even shittier. Yeah there's sex to be had but finding a dateable girl is rough although it's doable, depends on what your'e looking for. You'll find yourself easily here, lots to do.

>> No.15030530
File: 154 KB, 1600x1067, 1560370751746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fashion, 9/10
People, 9/10

514 repressentttttttttttttt

>> No.15030533

everywhere in SW ON is shitty, except toronto/some GTA, MAYBE guelph which has art hoes. London is full of retarded fuckboys who drink way to much. overall canada is a dying country economically in most areas.

>> No.15030534
File: 127 KB, 1000x667, NX-35610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 obviously

>> No.15030535

fatpill me on montreal

>> No.15030549

>portland OR
>negative infinity/10
Everyone’s either in trannycore, Nike head to toe, or something from REI

>> No.15030558

lol ya in the time since i first messaged you i just got an ethnic qt and she's dtf next time im in her city

>> No.15030573

yup, its really is the best city to live in. all of the clout/style/influencial culture of a world city with the rent prices of a backwater town

>> No.15030577
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>> No.15030581

niggerish satanistic shithole
large Jewish population

>> No.15030605

The country can't survive as it is so enjoy it before inevitably moving to NYC

>> No.15030622

>Streetwear Mexicans
>Rich chinese thinking they are cool in gaudy clothes
>Indians in bootcut jeans and flipflops
>city of over a million but it feels like every other suburb

Campbell bro here waddup

>> No.15030623
File: 89 KB, 600x480, canada 2100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15030627

Soon enough there will be Top 40 songs in Chinese on your local radio.

>> No.15030630
File: 601 KB, 648x864, yikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 4chan not blocked in china?

>> No.15030631

Spanish, Chinese, same shit

>> No.15030642

Jannies are autistic cuck losers who need to get a fucking life, autistic loser. I shit on you

>> No.15030781

respect bro

>> No.15030827

How's the public transport in Philly? I'm from New York but was considering UPenn for grad school.

>> No.15030845


>> No.15030854

this place is pretty soul crushing. unless you have a reason to be here or are from here you should try your best to get out lol. its effay if u can skate but thats about. parliment and some areas of downtown are pretty cool but thats like 1 cool thing out of 1000 shit things. gat is even worse and unless ur a highschooler drinking theres no reason to go there. also gat chicks are fucking crazy so watch out, ontario girls / people only.
im from t and even tho t is cooler ottawa is much more liveable and comfy

>> No.15030958

>Large Jewish population
Absolute delusions, anyone who actually visited or lived here would tell you otherwise

>> No.15030969

Perhaps the low cost of living actually leaves more money to the average bloke to spend on nice clothing, instead of it being a wealth showoff competition

>> No.15030977

The only fashion you'll find in Ottawa is gray suits that smell like depression
Also Gatineau stinks you guys can have it

>> No.15030988

la la land
idk 7 only here for work rather be in the south

>> No.15031010

eh. if you live in a not shithole area or the suburbs you can walk around. and you only really have to wear t-shirts may-september.

>> No.15031035

Full of extremely basic, obnoxious yuppies in "club" fashion.

>> No.15031043

Really? I have a hard time believing a major US city known for its art scene is so un-effay

>> No.15031074

palo alto here, even as a cs guy I can't stand the other tech bros

>> No.15031114
File: 125 KB, 1600x900, 521_2_duesseldorf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eurofag here. Düsseldorf, Germany.
>City: 7/10
>People: 8/10

>> No.15031116
File: 275 KB, 900x600, MO-south-street-eyes-gallery-jeff-fusco-900x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the cool shit is on South Street and the streets immediately adjacent though, kinda underwhelmed me when I was there with friends shortly after coming back from Manhattan. Unfair comparison to be sure, but still.

But yeah, handful of good vintage/thrift stores, food's solid, nothing too avant garde out there (I've yet to spot any Rick out in the wild) but people definitely put in more effort than they do in the 'burbs. Nobody go to Retrospect Vintage until I loot that bitch myself.

Only gripe with it is that while the leftie "fug drumbf :DDDD" vibe really gets under my skin after a while. Normally I don't mind politics being out in the open in your own establishment but damn does it really feel like they jam that shit in your face at certain spots. Like damn alright, nobody in this city's voting for the fucker anyway, calm down guy.

Cool place, would recommend, just don't find yourself in the ghetto or, God forbid, Camden.

>> No.15031124

Nova Scotia it’s really awesome

>> No.15031129

There's nothing to do here, the city as not made for people to live in. It was made for people to enter and leave and even at sucks at that

>> No.15031139

What's the /fa/ "meta" in a city in a hot ass place like straya? Any pics?

>> No.15031282

Been in PNW my entire life and recently took a weeklong trip to Vancouver for the first time. It felt like a breath of fresh air compared to my shit city. Really enjoyed my time there in every way.

>> No.15031336


>> No.15031416

San Diego
Weather doesn’t lend itself well for winter fits tho

>> No.15031464

why is there always some fucking loser in these threads that loves Toronto.
i literally have never met anyone in this city who has the vaguest of intrests in fashion who also thinks Toronto is good or cool or a good place to live or really having any redeeming features that would make it liveable

even fucking tripsk the ultra privileged toronto princess who spent like a decade at u of t moved away from this shithole as soon as she could

no its full of suburban transplants who grew up in the gta. they are the most insufferable brand of neo liberal imaginable.

apparently arx teryx is for tv industry fags here who also somehow have never heard of the north face or literally any other outdooring brand thats cheaper than 300 dollars for a shell.

also fuck the pseudo Angelenos bunch of overweight beige skinned identityless tiny beanie baggy pant and grey hoodie wearing with buzzed heads who all look the same and have shit taste
i rate edmonton and calgary not for their fashionability because theyre not at all but, theyre clean and generally liveable especially compared to the 3 big cities in canada.

this is exactly the kind of faggot which makes this city insufferable complains about mutts but torontos cool cause you have as much ugly brown pussy you want
oh makes sense you think torontos cool youre from literally the shittiest city in the country.

montreal has a huge jewish population lmao what, also theres like no money there despite people there actually having taste, hilariously toronto has the opposite problem. lots of money but absolutely no taste

>> No.15031473
File: 151 KB, 728x485, 53860769-C3AC-46E7-9690-2A3C40B8A1A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is hard for a random 100k pop town to be effay. Drunk Erasmus students aren’t helping.

>> No.15031501

north face is for lower-middle class suburban normies now

>> No.15031517
File: 162 KB, 1084x509, img-lrg-6PORTLANDSPOTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Portland, OR
>5 ricks out of 10 owens
Not hot so you can actually wear cool clothes, but also they'll be covered in a rain shell often. lots of wack overly grungey hippie style, but also a lot of good style too. Also a cool creative scene even if it's edgy or pretentious often. overall people are pretty mellow so it's pretty fun to live here

>> No.15031522
File: 776 KB, 2048x1152, London_Skyline_(125508655).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15031525

Lol no. Central-West London sure. Everything else is chavs/goons and Pakis wearing jeans and flipflops

>> No.15031529
File: 1.87 MB, 3840x2592, downtown-pittsburgh--pennsylvania-685818376-5c1eb411c9e77c0001f7e52e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boring as fuck
>3/10 on the effay scale everyone looks totally generic except the older folks who generally have some drip desu

>> No.15031532

I live in LA.

I think people here are pretty fashionable in general, if you arent a poorfag anyway

>> No.15031558
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>> No.15031572

Maybe a 3/10 city with 4/10 fits

>> No.15031613
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> East London 2/10

>> No.15031641

perfect blend of bogan and capital city wankery

>> No.15031691

lol wut? CPH is one of the most effay cities out there. Nigga what's wrong with you?

>> No.15031705

Isn't Tartu on the rise? I read an article recently about how you guys are becoming your country's Sillicon Valley, full of hipstery tech startups and the whole vibe that goes along with that: hipster cafes and organic vegan restaurants.

>> No.15031707
File: 336 KB, 980x358, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this city so much

>> No.15031722


Sac is a literally shithole

>> No.15031965

Sure you can walk around but you're just walking past parking lots. May-September? Come on, more like maybe you can get away with a light jacket December-February. The rest is t shirt season. Life is soulless here

>> No.15032183
File: 440 KB, 560x1000, 94AD6514-FFA8-432D-A0E7-CB5E995E3E36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Detroit, MI
I would rate the actual city's effayness high, probably the Midwest's best (though I am biased) - we've got history, culture, cool architecture, and even the decaying and bombed out parts are /fa/ in a desolate way. The actual people aren't that well dressed, the coolest fits you'll see are on nogs in streetwear and hipsters in downtown/Corktown.

Maybe 6 or 7/10.

>> No.15032189
File: 304 KB, 1254x836, TOTW-Frankfurt-Thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get me the fuck out of this shithole

>> No.15032193

2/10 in the center, 9/10 in Hovås where I live

>> No.15032196

Really? Was thinking of moving here. How much different from somewhere like Brooklyn?

>> No.15032202

pic related is excellent, anon. What a beautiful, shitty building.

>> No.15032345

I love NC but none of our cities have a good scene

>> No.15032368


Best city in Germany, fuck off.

>> No.15032383

lived in san antonio. can confirm it’s shit. only good thing was the education.

>> No.15032385

>city: 2/10
>people: 1/10
It’s trash

>> No.15032408


>> No.15032416

all of germany is shit and i want out

>> No.15032432

100% accurate. this place is dogshit from top to bottom
you must not have been here too long

>> No.15032699

How is that effay at all?

>> No.15032708

>new york
>art and fashion mecca,individual Burroughs with their unique art and culture ranging from punk to hiphop

>Weed shops on every street,6!

>> No.15032758


you WILL enjoy the diversity

>> No.15032767
File: 106 KB, 681x1024, 2aa7e4e91f7950843295f960bd68c464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Viseu, Portugal
comfy as fuck, 8/10

>> No.15032780 [DELETED] 

pardon the question, but what architecture is worth loving here?

>> No.15032811

This is the funniest post I've read on this board for a while ty

PS: I did move but I love and miss Toronto!

>San Francisco
What architecture do you love here? please enlighten

>> No.15033066


>> No.15033224

san francisco's got a mix of everything, i'm most fond of the sunset neighborhood's middle class houses that sprang up following world war 2, they scream comfy.

>> No.15033273

downtown is pretty nice
qts festivals and some good stores/restaurants

>> No.15033280

>make post critical of toronto
>alekzia appears

it's uncanny how this works

>> No.15033381
File: 392 KB, 1200x795, GettyImages-909700234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Portland, Oregon

>city effay-ness: 7/10
>people effay-ness: 9/10

>> No.15033386

she is such a fucking loser
isn't she like a woman in her mid 20s

>> No.15033392

>people effay-ness: 9/10

It's the most extreme left wing antifa capital. Get rekt you filthy smelly commie turd.

>> No.15033393

?????? i've lived here all my life the people dress like absolute shit, no one here cares about their appearances. Where in Portland do you live?

>> No.15033396

most right wing places are flyover garbage filled with inbred hicks.

>> No.15033400

I am glad you admit left wing places are filled with privileged little brats like yourself.

>> No.15033403


I'm here for the arthoes.


I live in SW but I hang around different music scenes.

>> No.15033405

name a right wing city that is fa.

>> No.15033408


right wing utopia's are rarely effay, they hate gays

>> No.15033416

idk don't you fags aways salivate over old nazi uniforms

>> No.15033419

How did you get to that? It wasn't the point I was making. I was making the point about the place you said is 9/10 effay when it is full of obese purple haired antifa extremists.

Yeah bro, it's totally those right wingers throwing gays off buildings. Islam isn't an issue at all. Eye fucking roll.

>> No.15033420

only the AIDS ridden faggot jannies

>> No.15033428

>City: 10/10
>People: 4/10

>> No.15033429

not the same guy as op and the people of portland aren't as obese as someplace in the south.

>> No.15033431


I'm not even gay, but queer cities tend to be more effay.


Oh, I know it's the muzzies that are the real problem and we can't let them in. Rednecks still hate fags though.

>> No.15033435

>aren't as obese as someplace in the south.

Strawman breh. You are acting as though I claimed the South is effay as fuck when I was just saying Portland isn't.

Everyone deemed "right-wing" and/or conservative online isn't a redneck though. Douglas Murray is one such "right-winger" who is a homosexual.

>> No.15033440

>Buenos Aires

The best city in LatAm, by far.

>> No.15033441

you associated any place that is left wing as un fa.
what is a city that is fa to you then.

>> No.15033443

You misspelled Mexico City

>> No.15033446

No I associated the antifa capital of the world who are extreme commie leftists with being non-effay.

There are only certain pockets of cities that would be fa, all fa cities would have been in the West but now they are flooded with pavement apes and mad mullahs so the fa element has gone.

>> No.15033483

nothing good
Gay Capital

>> No.15033497

dude she's almost 30

>> No.15033514

>montreal has a huge jewish population lmao what, also theres like no money there despite people there actually having taste
There are many well paying IT jobs in Montreal.

>> No.15033524
File: 285 KB, 890x501, Emanon1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ottawa's pretty effay architecture wise when it isn't just grey buildings. People wise yeah it's definitely soul crushing

>> No.15033544

Fuck both of you
t. Edmontonian

>> No.15033548

I've literally never met anyone with anything good to say about Jacksonville.

>> No.15033574


>> No.15033648
File: 421 KB, 1800x1140, 7DCF190A-2B78-4930-A4CC-7C21539B1DBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's kinda depressing, but I would definitely consider it effay. I live in the real Detroit - not the "guys it's rebuilding!!1" parts of downtown that hipsters have moved into, the poor and decaying city that most of the people live in - and every day I drive past once beautiful buildings and homes that are just crumbling (or full-on destroyed) from disuse or vandalism. It's a weird juxtaposition.

Honestly, I just find it sad, but at the same time, I'm not planning on leaving anytime soon.

>> No.15033756

can u give any advice to someone thinking about moving from brooklyn to detroit? I guess i kinda fit the hipster vibe u seem to dislike but I got a lot of roots in michigan thru my mom. my parents also have a small house on lake michigan. I rly love the look of it and would appreciate any insight

>> No.15033785


t. yuppie scum

>> No.15033788
File: 105 KB, 500x651, 8A0899D6-7076-43FE-A52E-090860A5040B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to get one thing out of the way, I don't mind the hipsters at all. It's thanks to them that there's a lot more fun and interesting stuff to do in the neighborhoods they're in, and the city is seeing some economic growth thanks to them. I just don't like is people acting like the city is the next Brooklyn or Oakland because they made downtown nice again - the city still has problems, and a lot of it is still far from nice, it just isn't quite as bad as it used to be. I should also say that if the house is on Lake Michigan, it's on the other side of the state from Metro Detroit, so it's a whole different culture. This isn't a bad thing, just wanted to give you fair warning if you didn't know.

Anyway, if you're going into the city proper, probably my biggest advice would be do your homework on the property you plan to buy. A lot of people will get sucked in by what they think is an absurdly cheap house (just a few thousand dollars or so), and then realize they get stuck with back taxes up the ass and have to bring it back up to code within a few months because a squatter stole pipes or something. When all is said and done, it's still way cheaper than a house would be in most other major cities, but it'll probably be a lot more than list price - I went through basically the same shit when I bought my house here.

>> No.15033882
File: 124 KB, 1086x725, saskatchewan-file-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT every entitled canadian from every major city hates their city and thinks its shit, yet have NEVER lived in the ACTUAL shit towns and cities of canada aka the prairies, and will NEVER know just how kino their major city actually is in comparison..

>> No.15033887

unironically this

>> No.15033915

praries are kino you're just gay

>> No.15033941

Gotcha. Any advice on renting / apartments? I work remotely so I usually drift from place to place every 2 years, detroit was what I was looking for next

>> No.15033957

Poorfag. Move to Santa Cruz or something.

>> No.15033960

Ahahahah how can you be this angry in a city with legal weed and infinite sex

>> No.15033980

because life is more than degeneracy and everyone with an ounce of ambition fucking hates toronto and canada

>> No.15033991

They are. But I wish I lived in one of the larger ones. With the European facade and a view. But yea there great homes very liveable. Good value for money as far as San Francisco goes. Which means it's a rip off anywhere else. But if I had a choice of neighbourhood. I would be in pacific heights or telegraph hill.

Also city 9/10
People 2/10
A few people are alright. Most are absolute cunts. Most people dress like shit.

>> No.15033995
File: 164 KB, 1400x650, DSC_4580_d6282b61-a88f-4ed9-9f18-2d1cedf07aa5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Columbus, Ohio, USA

2/10: No public transportation other than underfunded busses, the city is scattered without much linking it together, terrible urban sprawl, abundance of parking lots but no decent infrastructure, some of the ugliest buildings one might see

2/10: Either walmart-core, /fit/spo atheltic wear, or brainless art/music scene kids that copy eachother's thrifted fits. No sense of personal style. People here are very vapid and fair weather.

Shit city in a shit state in a (mostly) shit country.

>> No.15034008

The Sunset is a shitty neighborhood to live in because it is crowded, mostly asian and always cold and foggy.
The Mission is the best neighborhood for people under 30.

>> No.15034014
File: 50 KB, 680x828, 1557338149213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based incel extremist

>> No.15034031

Damn we’re known for our art scene? I live here and I cannot imagine why. Everything is terrible. Idk about the other anon tho I wouldn’t say -10. Maybe like 5. Most “art” people are either ratty vans and thrifted denim kiddies or black dudes in their one n(n) tee and a pair of J1s in skinnies. Everyone else ranges between acceptable white gentrification raw denim men and whole ass crunk core 2000s track suits

>> No.15034044

>city 0/10
Master planned communities feel soulless
>people 0/10
Too many Chinese international students with atrocious fits. Every other young person seems not to care about how they dress, or just buys into some stupid aesthetics like being an art hoe or e boy

>> No.15034065

San Antonio only has a mall and the Alamo.
Houston has some /effay/ people and the arts/museum scene is pretty good here too. Biggest problem is a lack of public transportation so everything is really locked behind having a car. Also it's hot so you don't have a lot of options when dressing well.
Also yeah we do have an obesity problem but it's really all the minorities. I see plenty of fat black/Hispanic people.

>> No.15034075
File: 1.83 MB, 1920x1080, Dayton_Skyline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dayton, OH
Welcome to the shithole city where air force boomers come to die
Wright Patt afb is the only reason we exist

>> No.15034085
File: 106 KB, 500x721, d0a6ef2410836e1e2f362b0fabb17d00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just living for kicks Incel, if you hate it your a goof

>> No.15034088

i live in midtown so i just walk/bike/take the metrorail everywhere i go. it only seems like you have to drive everywhere if you live outside of the 610 loop

>> No.15034101

I suspect that a bunch of selfies and waywt pics on this dead board is posted by a couple people stolen from other sites and cropped

>> No.15034108

Washington DC
8/10 it’s really clean as far as cities go and I’ve been all over Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Canada and Spain and DC is actually really clean besides the South east.

The people are pretty effay and these always fun art shows and there is a healthy DIY scene

>> No.15034115
File: 13 KB, 235x185, 3e8fbf7dce6877556c2a6a767d6e180f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is true of a hundred american cities tho
(okay maybe 50)

>> No.15034164
File: 2.25 MB, 4032x1960, 20190501_184702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mid 20s artsy creative apprentice barber here from sask, looking to move to Montreal or Vancouver

Which is the better place to live? I'm fucking tired of the -40 winters of SK & MB and the hick/ influx of random shit immigrant culture here, theres hardly any art or music scenes everyone seems to wear the same shit that was popular in the big cities like 5yrs ago and anyone that is least bit creative or into fashion is suuuper snobby and entitled and egotistical, which is ironic considering theres hardly even a scene so you'd think you'd try to be nicer and open to try and build up a scene but they dont and just try to use you for social/professional networking and flexing

>> No.15034193
File: 443 KB, 682x1024, Reading-Pagoda-2010-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading, PA
sucks the poverty and crime rates are so high this would be 10/10 and comfy if not

>> No.15034198
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>> No.15034202

How do you afford it?

>> No.15034204
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>> No.15034205

>if it weren't such a shithole it would be great!

>> No.15034209

A lot less hipsters, more yuppies starting families etc. Not a lot going on or things to do, great if you like bars.

>> No.15034210

basically, the aesthetics and functionality are there. the people are actually pretty nice. the city just got fucked when it comes to drugs and welfare abuse.

>> No.15034216

>tfw in a long term relationship

drugs and easy sex aren't a perk when you don't do drugs and are already having sex. those aren't exactly unique to Toronto either

>> No.15034223

>the people are nice
>the people are also drug addicts who commit welfare fraud

>> No.15034227

>whole ass crunk core 2000s track suits
These are based tho

>> No.15034231

I heard Calgary was the cleanest city in North America

>> No.15034246

San Antonio’s downtown and missions area has more interesting shit than anything in Houston. Houston is a soulless swampy concrete block full of niggers.

>> No.15034249

I lived on Scott and MacGregor when I went to UH and the rail that cuts through campus us pretty good. I wish we had a Subway system. I moved down to the clear lake area to teach bc fuck working in HISD as a white person

>> No.15034268

>because it is crowded
Far less crowded than the mission. Also things don't smell like piss here. Also it's cheaper and safer. Why would I pay more to live near a ton of hobos and obnoxious transplants like yourself. Enjoy being cramped.

>> No.15034270

Columbus, Ohio


Lots of by the numbers stuff and men mostly don't try with their fashion, but the ones that do are alright, the women dress average to great (especially the Asians; lots of nouveau riche bitches but I've seen quite a few that really try)

Local bands are okay, food is great

>> No.15034277
File: 801 KB, 778x611, 1580619564472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Albany, NY 3/10

it's shit, everyone, besides self-aware college students are stuck in 2011 fashion wise. boring as shit, everything closes at 7pm and nothing is open on sundays. anyone worth a damn leaves eventually.

After I graduate I can move basicaally anywhere I want looking for work in tech. I don't want to move to NYC bc dirty,crime ridden and expensive. Not worth it too me. Am considering Seattle, WA

>> No.15034279

>Arcteryx is only effay if you ski
Nah. It's the uniform of the bay area weekend warrior, and while they are rich, none of them are effay.

>> No.15034284

>dress to fuck art hoes
Mother fucker, you have to BE someone. What you wear doesn't matter to an art ho.

>> No.15034286

>Nike head to toe
That's what you get for letting the company take over your city.

>> No.15034296

>another city of bay area rejects

>> No.15034298

>new york
>rich people larping as cool people and service industry bros

>> No.15034300

No cities are right wing, guy.

>> No.15034321

criminals and drug addicts can be nice

>> No.15034323

i believe it was unbelievably clean when i was there

>> No.15034336

I don't believe you

>> No.15034359

It's the irrelevence of Portland with the problems of NYC.

>> No.15034481

>Dries Van Noten store
>Academy for fashion, headprinciple is Walter Vanbeirendonck
Fashion game here is kinda strong if u got your connections with fashion students

>> No.15034616

subway system unlikely as ground is too humid

>> No.15034888
File: 321 KB, 1080x1350, vie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently live in Paris, but grew up in Vienna.
Paris: 9/10 effay
Vienna: 7/10, depends if you like a mix between Old Europe Charm and Balkan grime

>> No.15034896
File: 119 KB, 940x627, paris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paris: 9/10 effay

LOL do you people just 100% lie or do you live in some time warp in which it is still 1940 in Paris?

Paris is a fucking dump now. Pic related is Paris. "Effay" indeed...

>> No.15034906
File: 113 KB, 640x436, paris 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just SO effay!

>> No.15034907
File: 612 KB, 900x600, paris 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soooo much fashion, too much to handle, what a beautiful place

>> No.15034921


well done, you cherrypicked rough areas in a huge urban space. especially the allusion to 1940 Paris is very telling of your retardation since Paris today is cleaner then it's ever been, it was far filthier and seedier the further back you go. you've clearly never been to Paris

>> No.15034927

Those are the areas surrounding central Paris and the Eiffel tower area (i.e.) the area you'll come across 99% of tourists. There is a reason why Japanese shit bricks when they go to Paris.

Yeah dude, it was totally in a worse state under Nazi rule. Who brainwashed you?

>> No.15034937

>People born in Paris are increasingly likely to move away from the French capital, a new study reveals, with many opting to start a new life in the sunny south of France.

>It is estimated that a whopping third of French-speaking Paris natives, which amounts to 3.5 million people, have chosen to start new lives elsewhere in France.

Paris is sooo amazing a lot of the native ethnic French don't even want to be there and move to a less, shall we say, "diverse" area?

>> No.15034941

It's not cherrypicking when two thirds of Paris are "rough areas."

>Paris today is cleaner then it's ever been
Kek, modern Paris is a shithole outside of a few cherrypicked parts.

>> No.15035002
File: 335 KB, 1920x733, 8393d54d2659768cc9d5db32a0f15772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, where you at?
Wiesbaden fag reporting in

>> No.15035005

Oddly high amount of Asians

>> No.15035014
File: 124 KB, 980x551, 1894624733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing all other cities in here I suddenly appreciate my town much more

>> No.15035019

also terrible

>> No.15035020

Also it just has the biggest Jewish population in Canada just cuz. It's been like that

>> No.15035033

Hoboken is where state school frat kids go after graduating college to continue that lifestyle wearing chelsea boots, brooklyn is where far-left kids who are into art and music go to get tattoos and read outside cafes

>> No.15035036

everyone who is anyone in fashion is far-left. ur a fucking retard lol

>> No.15035046

>hurr antifa are peak effay

Take a shower, breh. I can smell you from here.

>> No.15035055

>problems of NYC
Not really, Lower COL, Cleaner, more tech jobs, beautiful scenery not too far away plus Better mountains/slopes than the ice coast and less crime

How is it irrelevant? It's one of the biggest tech hubs now and most artists I like always stop by during tour which is enough relevancy for me. No one ever comes to my bumfuck town.

>> No.15035065

>extreme sexism, elitism, exploitation of labour, blatant racism and consumerism
>far left

I swear to god leftists are born mentally ill

>> No.15035129

Lived here my whole life, shit job market, shit cost of living, shit people

>> No.15035133
File: 26 KB, 426x444, 1553191791377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only fresh off the boat chinks love toronto

>> No.15035138

Only thing remotely /fa/ in Germany is Berlin
Go get raped by muslims, Tobias

>> No.15035139

why so mad

>> No.15035140

lmao my friend went here and fucked some turkish chick who shit herself and all over her bed
God I wanna go to erasmus but have bad grades :(

>> No.15035141

Unless you make 5 twitter posts a day about how much you hate trump and white people, you get a knock on the door from equality police

>> No.15035152
File: 258 KB, 1280x1024, 1552215565221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zagreb, Croatia
Everyone remotely /fa/ has fled to countries north such as Slovenia, Austria and Germany because of massive influx of herzegovians, bosnians, albanians and gypsies into the city

>> No.15035153

>I'm here for the arthoes.
Well that is a good reason

>> No.15035162

???? you've never actually met anyone who is worth anything in fashion have you lmao
i don't believe you

>> No.15035172

they doing a boston meet up. Get ready

>> No.15035180
File: 625 KB, 1200x800, downtown-greensboro-sunrise-1200x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greensboro NC
City effayness: 0/10
People effayness: 0/10

>> No.15035185

Homeless everywhere. meth heads and minorities rob people on public transit
antifa hotbed
too many homeless
nuke this place.

>> No.15035208

>muh tech
That said, it sucks, just not as much as New York.

>> No.15035214

Eugene, OR
The homeless/tweaker problem is really bad and everyone is either a workwear hipster, a street wear college Asian, or a sweatpants and Oregon duck sweater wearing 40 something. Basic bitches and art hoes everywhere.

The new architecture going up is pretty stupid looking too.

>> No.15035221

post a fit then I want to see how a purger likes to dress

>> No.15035241
File: 106 KB, 980x528, Lima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lima 2/10
High class people are really good looking, but dress like shit

>> No.15035245


I had to google that. Shocked you people even have the internet.

>> No.15035278

Philip plein uska crna majca
Poderane zara uske traperice
Fejk yeezy 350
Tatin bemve iks 6
Sirotinja nek copa

>> No.15035314

everyone is wearing those fucking balenciaga sneakers (mostly knockoffs) and zara/h&m, but there are still some people who actually try. people who think paris is actually super fashionable still need to open their fucking eyes

>> No.15035318

c'est surtout l'architecture et l'histoire je suppose

>> No.15035336

Fargo, ND. 1/10. City is full of midwest hipsters, rednecks, and immigrants.

>> No.15035433


>> No.15035440

nisi valjda dalmoš neki da nebi morali pičku razbijati?

>> No.15035512
File: 137 KB, 900x540, 2D5D4B29-0203-46EE-BA9C-73FCA5CFE701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

South Bend, IN

The best thing are the ND students wearing Canada goose, but they rarely leave campus anyways. The rest of the city and area is pretty shit.

>> No.15035522

no its because its unaffordable idiot

>> No.15035524

lol whats up pete

>> No.15035571

He’s the only thing besides ND to put us on the map. I think he was a great mayor, but South Bend still sucks in many ways, economy, infrastructure, culture, arts, nightlife, etc. I used to see Pete at a local bar downtown sometimes, but that was back during his first term as mayor.

>> No.15035578

The technology jobs are what ruined the city. Now, you need to spend $800+ per month for a room.

>> No.15035585
File: 283 KB, 1200x675, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hannover, West Germany
>Greenest City in Europe (Parks and Forrest)

>> No.15035600

pretty much this
>im in the middle of nowhere nova scotia,
>/fa/ is wearing h&m here
>ya'll complain about your cities until you have to live in a place where the average population thinks that flannel is the only way to dress
>the entire cnd east coast is a waste land
>yes that includes the cities

>> No.15035610

really nice, but super expensive. most expensive rent in germany by far.... if you even get an apartment
other than that, best universitys germany has to offer, nice parks, nice bars, clubbing scene is lacking though.

>> No.15035684
File: 126 KB, 626x960, DALLAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dallas, TX?

>> No.15035695

Fort Lauderdale, Florida
It's a shithole but I love it. Beats where I ended up getting stationed.

>> No.15035720

It ain't even the immigrants. Just paris as a whole lost its way. The world is big, many different places that do what Paris did. Stop being stuck in the past anon...

>> No.15035765

You're a historically illiterate idiot, literally posting the reaction to experiencing the exact perception of Paris you yourself hold, formed by Hollywood bullshit and mythmaking. Instead of having a panic attack like east Asians you form an image board retard ideology around the actual reality of the city. People have been complaining about Paris being a degenerate, filthy, shithole since the fucking 11th century. That was it's world known stereotype before the advent of film. Good job proving yourself to be a complete idiot with posting that link. YOU have Paris syndrome. Lmao you think it was any better in the 40s because of your romantic movies. Embarrassing

>> No.15035769

play Asscreed Paris

>> No.15035771

>I had to google that
Peak American

>> No.15035772

>bragging about living in a stinking degenerate city with smelly baguette frogs all over

>> No.15035775

I knew Lima beans, that's about it, well it's south america or whatever, nobody cares about 4th world commie dirt holes

>> No.15035778

I'm not French, nor do I live in Paris. I'm just not a complete retard

>> No.15035781

Then why do you know so much about it? You are probably one of those immigrants shitting up the place and you are trying to say it's not you because Paris was always gross

Go home! Go back to Albania or whatever

>> No.15035786

Nice 85iq cope
>why do you know so much about it
I read books

>> No.15035790

Paris might have been shit but it never had thousands of tents and black Africans shitting in the streets and raping underage girls

>> No.15035802


>> No.15035807

You are retarded, you are comparing slums of the past to the 21st century. All Western cities had slums but the mass African migration has seen a return to them. There were not slums of tents full of French people on the streets of Paris 20 years ago.

>> No.15035811

>By 1750, a new tactic of improving health and social care became prominent over law enforcement, and as great areas of the slums were demolished they were taken over by fishmongers and blacksmiths. The last vestiges of the old cour des miracles were eliminated

And now they have returned. Holy shit, you just proved me right. What a tard.

>> No.15035815

Just move to the city isn’t housing pretty cheap?

>> No.15035876

>Not really, Lower COL, Cleaner, more tech jobs, beautiful scenery not too far away plus Better mountains/slopes than the ice coast and less crime

hmm. I like Seattle a lot, and there are obviously more opportunities in Tech. But let's be clear, it has many of the same problems as NY. Seattle is actually quite a bit dirtier than NYC and the homeless / drug problem in certain parts, downtown for example, is FAR more visible and bothersome. The cost of living is very high and will certainly reach NYC levels in the coming years, not that that's a problem if you're making 200k+ as a SWE. Global cultural homogenization is hitting the city hard and due to the influx of soulless code monkeys is only getting worse; this is certainly the worst part about living in the city, but since you're a CS guy you might like it.

At the same time, the PNW is certainly one of the most beautiful parts of the country and the proximity to nature, if you take advantage of it, is by far the best part about living there.

>> No.15035892

Implying I meant that is the only Paris slum to every exist, I'm just giving an example of a very famous one known to everybody with basic knowledge of the city's history because of its recourence in French literature. Slum housing shifted to shacks along unused train lines and abandoned tenement housing where interior walls were knocked down to create more room to the point of whole buildings collapsing throughout the 20th century. It never went anywhere
WOW you managed to read a wikipedia article, I'm very proud of you for this new accomplishment! So cute, he thinks his 85 iq opinion has any worth and that he is proving anything to anyone

>> No.15035929

Montreal gets quite cold during the winters, but it's significantly cheaper than Vancouver and Toronto.

Montreal seems more cultured of the two, but there is a lot of French (they all speak English though). I'd move to Vancouver personally, but quality of life here is just amazing.

t. downtown Montreal who grew up and lived his entire life in Toronto

>> No.15035939

<any city> NC


>> No.15036025

According to this thread, every city is awful.

>> No.15036028

most american cities are

>> No.15036053
File: 72 KB, 615x409, Bristol-vista.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bristol UK

city eff aye: 6/10 (good for UK mudshit cities)
people: art hoes hippies and ravers/10

>> No.15036056

most european cities are

>> No.15036073

This... American urban culture (the few that even exists) is straight trash. It was built on an inherently anti-city philosophy, from the actual physical existence of the city to the cultural implications city life entails has been routinely rejected throughout the country's history. What we are seeing now is America trying to adapt to a economic order that demands high urbanization, proximity to densely-packed urban centers, and the decline of the personal vehicle. You also see this in other Anglo colonies like Canada outside Quebec and Australia. As an architect and lover of city life I can't wait to get all the shit hole. American living is only acceptable if you have a large plot of land in the wilderness, everything else is shit

>> No.15036149

Lowlander purg*r seething over Hercegovci bvlls

>> No.15036196

Also houston. It's fucking cold as all hell rn, and it rains every other day. Easy excuses to wear more than just shirts my dude.

>> No.15036214

yeah it's a pipe dream for me. Also ruralnigs try to block any sort of lightrail bc they will get passed over and become like radiator springs.
Today was nice though. When I got out of work it was not raining and sort of pleasant

>> No.15036264

footy shorts, bintang singlet and thongs

>> No.15036270

thinking about Sacramento. Autistic, poor, and live with parents.

>> No.15036453

You misspelled São Paulo

>> No.15036468

New Hampshire. Basically everyone unironically wearing dirty carhartt gear and dirty rags. All women wear hoodies and sweatpants. Everything is 10 years behind the times. Its a trash state for trash people. -99/100

>> No.15036500

Barcelona, Spain. 7/10

>> No.15036613
File: 205 KB, 2048x1363, WmS9ajob2o2FmY2ofuWDHxSAAlRS7lVByG4kMPSNVmM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone here who can tell me about living Prague? I visited last year and I loved it so much, it was Bloodborne IRL

>> No.15036616

i stopped in Portsmouth once. it was max comfy. thought about moving there tbqhwy

>> No.15036648

>rich asians with good taste
not really though, most of the fobs i see just dress in overly branded designer stuff.

>> No.15036657

Portland is literally a homeless infested shithole with nothing to do. I went there for a week and got bored on day 2.

>> No.15036664

North Conway is pretty chill. I've only ever really been there to snowboard though so i wouldn't know.

>> No.15036696

nice try but we already cleared up how bad portland is, don't come in here with lies fucko

>> No.15036774

>American living is only acceptable if you have a large plot of land in the wilderness, everything else is shit
Most middle class and above American families have a "second house" or cabin or lake cottage or something out in the country that they enjoy in the summer (or winter if you have a ski chalet). I grew up middle class and we had a 2bdrm condo in Steamboat and a lake cabin in northern Michigan. Almost everyone had a second house.

>> No.15036787

I've lived in Chicago, Montreal (but I never learned to speak French), Berlin, London, Milan and Calcutta. They all suck. Now I live in Cancun, Mexico and work as a nightlife producer. Life down here is super chill and I get to be surrounded by coeds on spring break all the time even though i'm 46.

>> No.15036788

>Middle class americans have vacation homes

>> No.15036795

I'm sorry but you sound like an immature idiot if I'm going to create an impression of you from just this post

>> No.15036803

Bubble living, you aren't middle class

>> No.15036805
File: 48 KB, 791x335, mid-class.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think "middle class" is? any household pulling six figures is already in the top end of middle class

>> No.15036824


full of ghetto niggers, yuppie transplant, southern snobs, mexican trash and rednecks

>> No.15036828

So um... what's the most effay city then? )))

>> No.15036835
File: 388 KB, 398x503, fuckhillsboro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

virgin posters who can't get any of the cute goth art hoes to talk to them. you're too busy looking at trannies. you probably live in fucking hillsboro and arent really in portland, you never leave your shit tier suburb.

>> No.15036837

I saw a gay couple yesterday, one was a "tranny". Pretty female looking fuckable enough body but the face looked like such a dude lol
they all are and their voice yuch

>> No.15036884

Better than ny city in terms of congestion, but the subway isn’t as extensive.

>> No.15036895

4/10 It's not completely devoid of /fa/ness

>> No.15036906

Montreal and I don't go out but for groceries. I am in the Cote-des-Neiges borough and it's very niggerish/10

I heard Quebec outside of Montreal is much much MUCH better.

>> No.15036908

When I go downtown Montreal I mostly mog everyone with my posture and clothes. Even when I go to the university students areas. They are all inferior to me.

>> No.15036909


im a graduating cs student it's the main reason im going there then after a few years or resume building i'll fuck off to somewhere else

>> No.15036912

young hos are my kryptonite they make me feel old

>> No.15036924

>Seattle is actually quite a bit dirtier than NYC
yeah fucking right you expect me to really believe this? you can't even walk in NYC for more than 5 minutes without being assaulted by potent PISS smells everywhere

>The cost of living is very high and will certainly reach NYC levels in the coming years
Well aware that it's increasing but the job opportunities make it worth it and right now I can easily find a nice 1bd for 1.2k there. There are not enough tech jobs in NYC and way more competition and you will pay 1k to live with 4 other roommates in a closet. fuck that. I can not imagine living in NYC unless I have money out the ass.

>> No.15036964

>Bow River, Prairie, On border with Rockies
The point of architecture in a city like that is to not fuck with the natural beauty

>> No.15037083
File: 29 KB, 570x385, il_570xN.1354932766_1y17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>St Louis
>City: 0/10
>People: 0/10
At least it's dirt cheap

>> No.15037106

based boganposter

>> No.15037269

Once your there you ain't leaving. Remember that it's where dreams go to die.

>> No.15037365

there are no Canadians in Toronto. Only chinks and pajeets.

>> No.15037392
File: 55 KB, 378x358, obelix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0 Paris is very telling of your retardation since Paris today is cleaner then it's ever been

>> No.15037393

ok hercegovac kupaj se u bandićevoj kaljuži skupa s dalmošima i ciganima dok vas svi /fa/ ljudi neću ni pogledati

>> No.15037503

Nit' sam Škutor nit' sam Hrvat, ali baš vam mažnjavaju direktorske fotelje))

>> No.15037509

koga boli kurac tak i tak nema ničeg u hr više,za par godina bude totalni raspad

>> No.15037527 [DELETED] 

šta je tu je, samo nemoj spucat na zapad ko svaka druga slina

>> No.15037738

I spent a few days in Montreal when I was on vacation in Vermont. I loved Montreal, even though I went there in the dead of winter. There's nothing very /fa/ about it, but it's still a cool city. It struck me as just an industrial, working, dated city. In any case, it was a lot different from what I'm used to in the U.S. It reminded me a little of Chicago. My family is from canada (Northern Ontario) and DESU it's a shithole when I go up there. I'd love to go to Quebec City or anywhere outside Montreal on Quebec, tho I know it's just rednecks who speak French instead of english

>> No.15038094

The city itself I'd give an 8, but the people are a 5 and that's being generous. Lots of tryhard hipsters and fat lesbians

>> No.15038105

Buffalo has enough architectural gems to give it a 4/10, but the people are 1/10

>> No.15038291

Food is shit
You don't even have normal meat, only spam tier trash