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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 9 KB, 490x490, earri1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15017318 No.15017318 [Reply] [Original]

ITT post earrings that are subtle and don't make you look like a fuckboy

>> No.15017329
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>> No.15017361


>> No.15017440

where do i buy dangly cross earrings? yes, i realize this will make me look like a fuccboi.

>> No.15018162
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I wear these... Just a simple black dot on each ear. You can get them in big sizes to fake gauged ears, but thats stupid(faking it, AND having legit gauged ears).
They have them in gold, rose gold, blue and silver too. Cant find any other colors.

>> No.15018186

I like it when men wear small black gages desu haven worn earrings in a long time personally. Every once in awhile I’ll wear indigenous beaded earrings.

>> No.15019361

agree, they're kind of cute, along with cartilage piercings.

>> No.15019928
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>> No.15019929


>> No.15019949
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>> No.15019981
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>> No.15019997
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>> No.15020009

>and don't make you look like a fuckboy

>> No.15020023
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>> No.15020027

are magnet earrings good?

>> No.15020034
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>> No.15020048

Not really they hurt and are only available in limited styles

>> No.15020053
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>> No.15020090
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>> No.15020094
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>> No.15020097
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Honestly, I think classic gold or silver actual ring shaped earrings work the best. Studs are mostly fuckboy tier, same as dangly stuff, but you'll see a lot of actual grown men with rings

>> No.15020177
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big plugs can look good.

>> No.15020189

captive beads are more for face/body piercings. Nose, eyebrow, nipples, etc...
In lobes, they kinda look weird. Regular hoops seem to look fine tho.

>> No.15020208

stop posting ugly white "men"

>> No.15020226
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>ugly monkey who is insecure about how blacks who have piercings look like slaves.
This make you happy? Sometimes blacks can look good with piercings. 99% of the time they look like slave fodder tho.

>> No.15020230

>implying i'm black
kek when i ever said that? fucking racist schizo

>> No.15020278
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>> No.15020293

>Denigrates whites in her first post.
>Calls other guy a racist.
You racists are a funny stupid bunch.

>> No.15020300

is this zac efron?

>> No.15020302

Earrings are for fags

>> No.15020303

If I catch a guy wearing earrings, I will assume he takes it up the ass and try to rape him. Consider yourself warned.

>> No.15020304

>if he doesn't like the white basedboys posted itt and calls out a racist sperg he is obviously black
top kek

>> No.15020314
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>> No.15020324


>> No.15020709
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>> No.15020724


where's the upper lip

>> No.15020901
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>> No.15020906

I feel like earrings look good on young men but I'm worried if I get my ears pierced now I'll look foolish in my middle to old age

>> No.15020907

Used to wear studs. One day, a clutch fell off and I just quit wearing them.

>> No.15020908
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>> No.15020914
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Small hoop earring in gold or silver look nice imo. A lot of people don't really notice, and those that are close enough to you to notice it will usually like it. At least that's how I see it. I don't think that studs or small diamonds look as good.

>> No.15021431

I have a small (8mm?) silver one in one of my ears
No one really notices and once they do, they go "oh you have an earring? cool!" then forget about it instantly lel

>> No.15022214

dumbass all the white men you posted look like retards

>> No.15022229

delusional retard thinks those white guys and muh facial structure default means they are good looking, they literally all look fucking ugly and stupid

>> No.15022353


>> No.15022389
File: 1.30 MB, 600x750, 58ac8b422900002100be9fd1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OMG, the fashion industry needs to be torn down because it pushes colonialism attitudes on the bodies of people of color and size. We must decolonize and remove the institutional racism from society!!! BAN ALL WHITE MEN AND WOMEN FROM THE INTERNET!!! THEY'RE ALL UGLY!!!!

Heres a little bit of info: The pretty white boy being the default standard for movie leads and modelling is because most people looking at them. Only in the last 20 years have socialist nutjobs like you tried to subvert that but forcing others into those positions... And guess what? When they're put in the open market they ALL FUCKING FAIL... Because most people dont want to look at ugly fat queer black women. Or even moderately attractive black men... I know this hurts your feelings and forces you to re-evaluate your position in society. Thats good! Because at the moment you think more highly of yourself(and your ilk) than you should.

>> No.15022393
File: 1.43 MB, 1925x3840, iedrq1rk6th41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just FYI, the number one post on /r/piercings right now isnt a pretty white boy... Its a fierce and strong woman of size with an adorable belly ring. This isnt the mid 90's, white men are not the ones dictating the market. You need to STFU and move on.

>> No.15022400

thanks for the nut material homie

>> No.15022403

do you know where you are motherfucker???

>> No.15022409

Shut up wyte boi. The future is feminine and black!

>> No.15022440

what the fuck is that man please seek help

>> No.15022445

You may not look like a fuckboy, but you’ll sure look like you fuck boys

>> No.15022511

>teehee, i'm gonna call the boy on /fa/ who wears earrings a fag!!!
Newsflash, pretty much everyone here is legit-gay. If that is surprising to you, you're probably in the process of coming to terms with your own homosexuality.

>> No.15022709
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>> No.15022717

No, stop projecting

>> No.15022723
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>> No.15022727
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>> No.15022731
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>> No.15022734

Reddit is such a fucking hugbox. I saw that thread just now. They're encouraging her to wear crop tops. It's either next level evil, or pure edamame.

>> No.15022743
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>> No.15024573
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>> No.15024698
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reddit is actually not composed of basedboys, but instead insane sociopaths.. I can dig it

>> No.15024745
File: 179 KB, 900x1200, DEhM2G9XUAEdj4q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is a sailor tradition for the boys in my village to wear earrings.

>> No.15024757
File: 70 KB, 640x640, 61153231_433197547512755_6480692916402941579_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most boys have this kind of earring

>> No.15024801

Dutch? Only place I've seen this.

>> No.15026089

based and redpilled

>> No.15027252
File: 2.80 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20200221_161527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I raise beetles and used to have two of these. They're pretty simple silver studs. I lost one though so I just wear a single one now.

>> No.15027597

lots of boomers around here with plain golden/silver earrings in anon, it's not that weird. as long as you don't do anything other than ordinary lobe earrings

>> No.15027622

This shit is so faggy bro