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15014321 No.15014321 [Reply] [Original]

Is white male aging effay?

>> No.15014334

yes but not if you dress like a wigger

>> No.15014336

>brown eyes

>> No.15014341

I dont get it

>> No.15014343

zoomr confirmed..

>> No.15014367

Check your blue-eyed privilege cumskin

>> No.15014384


I finally get what the current Bieber style is about. It's the ultimate mutt epitome, right? Something to identify with for anyone who's inclined to do so.

>> No.15014387

Idubbbz looks a lil different

>> No.15014414

motherfucker is starting to look like steven ogg lmao

>> No.15014418

Steven Ogg is literally twice his height

>> No.15014423

at least he chose the right path and didn't succumb to the faggot route

>> No.15014663

more effay than aging as a white woman

but the pic you posted is a horrible example

>> No.15014699


>> No.15014704

the thread was made after the fact

>> No.15014708

always has been

>> No.15015151

Blue eyes are the shittiest overrated eye color

>> No.15015154

Be that as it may (I agree with you), it's the rarity factor

>> No.15015165

Lel, overrated by brown-eyed subhumans. For blue-eyed people it's just normal. We wouldn't think it was special except for brown-eyed girls wanting our seed.

>> No.15015167

blue-eyed girls prefer the brown-eyed men

>> No.15015169
File: 288 KB, 932x1400, D0D304FB-E343-4529-A583-0773005BE38D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitskin cope.

>> No.15015172

she prefers meds

>> No.15015175

They might. There's more brown-eyed girls though so blue-eyed men have the better deal. Unless you're saying blue-eyed women are so objectively superior that appealing to a minority of women is better.

>> No.15015177

this is true
all of my girlfriends have had blue eyes and they all loved my brown eyes more than anything

>> No.15015178

I'm saying fuck you and get off my dick, bitcxh

>> No.15015181

Pakistani girls are some of the hottest on the planet

>> No.15015372

>tfw I'm almost 27 and look younger than bieber

>> No.15015955

Dudes going bald right?

>> No.15015965

The white phenotype isn’t about color but form and whites exhibit features that make them one of those more attractive ethnicities and they are hated for it, but i am noticing the hatred towards other attractive ethnicities like siberians, north east asians are rising.

>> No.15015975

You probably didn't get raped by Jews when you were 15 while your mother sat on a couch outside getting wet thinking about spending your money.

>> No.15015977

Lol. Good one, bruv.

>> No.15015980

Jews are pushing for the erasure of the white phenotype. Mutts in adverts everywhere.

>> No.15015984

Indian cities are some of the most cleanest, sanitary places on the planet.

>> No.15015988

White men are unreliable consumers of clothing. That's why when you look at a clothing site it's mostly white women, black men, mulattoes. Those are the people that will spend the most of their income on clothes. Blacks tend to count mulattoes as fellow blacks. There seems to be a kind of aspirational delusion going on here as well. Like... You ever seen how ugly fat girls promote a photoshopped or non-ugly overweight girl as of they look like her?

>> No.15016003

No, but no one can be effay past twenty-three anyway.

>> No.15016007

Mutts are in adverts because they are an entirely new customer base and companies want to change their spending habits.

>> No.15016220

Hey Crabman!

>> No.15016222
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 1581501362695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15016226

check what he replied to

>> No.15016291

biebler is half-spic

>> No.15016476

Whatever makes you sleep at night. Economically it makes no sense to go after the smallest minority with the weakest spending power in the Western world. By your logic tech companies should go after white males, but...

>> No.15016511

hes just nerfing himself to make himself even with white women aging. nice guy desu

>> No.15016706
File: 46 KB, 560x350, bieber_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'memba when bieber was a pretty boy? Now he looks like if you brushed up against him you'd get wet and smell like garbage.

>> No.15016948
File: 50 KB, 520x380, CsDf9Gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he looks more like an average good-looking caucasian, nothing really extraoridinary.

>> No.15016964

I think we never really cracked the looks code yet because JB eyes were really loved by girls despite not being hunter or small or light

>> No.15016997

there's no code, you dumbass, its just mimetic desire and really stupid western people

the american media elite could convince their own people that a chair is a 10/10...put a blonde wig on the chair if you want it to appeal to men

from bieber to rihanna, nothing but bad taste mediocre looking celebrities