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File: 67 KB, 1138x666, rq067yrho8611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15010731 No.15010731 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that the FACE is everything

>> No.15010736

lookism posters keep posting this image not realizing neither of these guys are incels.

>> No.15010738

the only reason i posted this picture in the other thread was cause that faggot said working out made your face better
that guys body is 1000x better than that twink

>> No.15010771

Comparing a professional model to a regular guy?

>> No.15010780

It's not a comparison, it's an contrasting juxtaposition.

>> No.15010954
File: 39 KB, 709x765, sM77zRs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good face but shitty skin

>> No.15010967

post some lookism cringe

not going persoanlly bc some of us dont want an incel hive logged on our ips

>> No.15011047

heroin's got great fucking personality

>> No.15011089

second guys face would actually look good with a different haircut (maybe long hair?) and without the glasses (or different type of glasses). So the point OP is trying to make with this picture is pretty lame

>> No.15011099


>> No.15011283

He looks 6/10 with /fit/ body

>> No.15011286

>implying guy on the left is good looking

>> No.15011317


The second guy just needs to grow out his hair and ditch the glasses

>> No.15011346


Gratz, you compared an attractive dude to an ugly dude. Now make the ugly guy as skinny as the other and see how much uglier he is. Now make the skinny guy have some muscle and see how much better he is.

A good body wont make you go from zero to 10 out of 10 but it will make you go from 1 to a 3.

It's the same with fashion and dressing well. It's not a magic pill to model tier town but it's about maximizing what you have.

>> No.15011499

Yes, Senator Armstrong definitely mogs that twink on the left.

>> No.15011542

both look weird brah
Get on my trifecta bitch

>> No.15011545


>> No.15011630

Pretty much yeah, but you need to be a real 8 or more out of 10 for face alone to provide enough overriding effect relative to bodymass frame money etc.

Once u hit a real 9 u could basically be a 5 foot 3 skeleton and be fine

>> No.15011633

If the guy on the right took off those ugly glasses and grew a beard he'd instantly look way better. And if the dude on the right shaved the beard and put on the same glasses he'd look like a dork.

>> No.15011741


>> No.15012105


>> No.15012117

I rather be left than be a twink faggot or fuckboi or whatever failed normies are called nowdays.

>> No.15012389

these threads are so fucking stupid.

both of those dudes slay pussy while the OP and many of the posters here are virgin uggos

>> No.15012531

The one on the left has the better face, the one on the right could have better looking offspring

>> No.15012553
File: 1.23 MB, 480x480, oCAfzfmhrZR1lpqCa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not both?

>> No.15013034

Second guy's face would look infinitely better if he just turned his head down to the same angle as the first guy.

All this shit about hair, beard, glasses, it's now wrong exactly, but it's minor shit compared to not taking a shot at a totally fucked angle.

>> No.15013061

Having a good looking face makes life so much better, its incredible. I get given free shit often, complimented all the time, I have a hot, rich girlfriend, a high paying job, I get to pursue the hobbies I enjoy, life is on easy mode. Sometimes I actually believe this is all a simulation or some dream or something because everything seems to land in my lap and I barely have to try.

>> No.15013193

>both look weird
t. some homely, banal nobody teen on the internet

>> No.15013196

Guy on the right probably fucks one or two women a year though

>> No.15013235

Most based and logic post of the year

>> No.15013286

As a closeted gay, that guy on the left looks like tutorial mode for bottoming. Guy on the right looks 1000 times better.

>> No.15013452

>all the facelet cope ITT
lmao keep lifting and changing the lighting guys, that will attract the "ladies"

>> No.15013730


>> No.15013789
File: 107 KB, 1138x666, 1581866905039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Bodies and styles/expressions are mismatched. Look how much better this is.

>> No.15013799

Lmao, those are some Oblivion randomizer tier faces.

>> No.15013801
File: 383 KB, 990x998, leo9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15013824
File: 93 KB, 1000x566, 58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meanwhile the guy from the left side.

>> No.15013843

bro you are fag, nobody gives a shit.

>> No.15013860

you have no idea how easy it is lmao

>> No.15014923

no you times infinity+1

>> No.15014962

Guy on the left has maybe 10 years tops before age smashes those toyboy aesthetics and he'll look like a moldy old shrimp.
Guy on the right's got timeless "Clark Kent" potential, something that won't go away with age if he keeps up the hard work. He just needs to grow his hair a bit/get it fixed, and get better frames. Some beardgame might not hurt either.

>> No.15015361

It is not face but hair and glasses that ruin it by making him look like a nerd
Guy on the left looks deformed and that carefully cut beard makes it look even more unnatural

>> No.15015368
File: 122 KB, 835x1000, A6BFAAD1-5B3F-4DCD-892F-8894C527661F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chico got JUSTED.

>> No.15015373


>> No.15016093


Height > everything

>> No.15016959
File: 71 KB, 474x601, 465DECDD-3BFE-4697-8796-9418EE832247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15016967
File: 99 KB, 684x799, Robert-Wadlow-Colourised-By-PMH_tcm25-511586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally bro

>> No.15017149

The dude on the right would fucking slay with contacts and a beard like left.
You can tell from the stubble that he can grow one

>> No.15017302

that fucking cope
guy in he right would slay in eastern europe while the left would get clowed by all the bitches for having less muscles than a girl.

>> No.15017389

More than 90% of this board has done in their lifetime desu.

>> No.15017392

How do you do it?

>> No.15017399

the easiest way to get laid that's overlooked by literal NEETS is having a job. you'll network with your coworkers regardless of how antisocial you are and you'll prob get laid eventually unless you actively seclude yourself/work a job where you don't interact with coworkers anyway

>> No.15017409

>the easiest way to get laid is having a job


>> No.15017411

Guy on the left has a coke problem, a twisted, bent 5" penis, herpes and manic/depression and 27 aborted fetuses.
Guy on the right has 9x7 inches hard, a fit buxom gorgeous wife that he met in high school and 5 beautiful intelligent children at ivy league schools.
Quality doesn't have to put on a shiny fake facade.

>> No.15017412

please help I'm stuck in a bone structure like the mongoloid on the right when I all I want is a small pelvis and ribs like the guy on the left to breeze through life light and comfy

my bones are too big and wearing baggy and loose clothing is losing its cope by the minute!

>> No.15017449

The guy on the right wouldn’t look half bad if he got himself a proper haircut and dressed nicely instead of falling for the /fit/ meme

>> No.15017493

good to know u didnt read the rest of what i said auti

>> No.15017823

go back to lookmax you incel faggot lmao

>> No.15017869

Grow out hair, contacts, light stubble-small beard= instant chad

>> No.15018133

Reminder the WALLET is everything

>> No.15018170

Body is important. Yes a nice face makes you look more aesthetic, but if you are a stick or a fatty then you are a lesser aesthetic version of yourself. Staying natty and getting athletic is kino.

>> No.15018181


>> No.15019510

But the guy on the right is not bad looking. He could improve on his hair, but if he rocked a competent and masculine personality, he'd be way better that the fag on the left.