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File: 22 KB, 1200x1200, 57DABB93-A195-4AB2-9F17-83FACF5B3B72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14990959 No.14990959[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

New Tinder Fits thread since last one reached limit

>> No.14990968
File: 169 KB, 600x1500, coat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting this one from the last thread.
I actually wore this outfit to a date with a lovely female woman of the opposite sex.

>> No.14990982

Getting bad rapist vibes

>> No.14990988
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 32f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since last one reached limit

>> No.14990990

I wish I could do that.

>> No.14991066
File: 182 KB, 828x1241, 9A403DAF-E4CA-4B11-B57A-57D9928B1621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want tinder gf with big milkies

>> No.14991093

Postin since last thread reached limit. I have first bumble date tomorrow and she want to go to club but i dont do well in that environment. Plus i dont have any “club” clothes. I only have dickies 874, chuck taylors, and white t shirts. should i suggest goin to bowling alley or something or is that autistic. Bros please help bros

>> No.14991100

She sounds like a dumb whore. You can already tell that you’re incompatible, so just cancel unless you’re desperate to wet your dick

>> No.14991187

>leather coat
>leather gloves
I'll assume there was no second date.

>> No.14991235

The Asian girl in the last thread that everyone was calling ugly was a solid 7

>> No.14991268

Is this a LARP or are you genuinely just insane

>> No.14991364

You two sound like polar opposites. Cancel, dude. Or suggest something else, like a bar.

You're going to stick out like a sore thumb, and feel awkward in that club. She'll definitely notice. Bring it up to her, and do it quick before she gets pissed you cancelled last minute.

>> No.14991373

Lol a club is not a venue for a first date. A first date should be somewhere intimate such as a subdued bar or lounge. Back out now - you won't enjoy it. It will be a waste of your time

>> No.14991375

Who cares. If he just wants to fuck it’s perfect. I’ve met up with tons of girls for the first time at the club, got drinks, danced, then went home and fucked

>> No.14991386
File: 2.58 MB, 1440x2880, 9F4D178D-8813-41F9-A927-6808F30ACEF7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stop attracting fat bitches :(

>> No.14991438

Cringe. Maybe leave middle top one, too bad the acne is worse in that one.

>> No.14991462
File: 451 KB, 1080x2280, D1CFCAF4-9076-47C7-98D9-9AB1CD61AE8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to know I can take my pick from any of these girls that's throwing themselves at me tonight

Also I've pretty much every chick so far agree to

"Hey I got fucking issues wanna get hammered and make out?"

>> No.14991478

Because your profile sucks.

>> No.14991488
File: 31 KB, 840x630, 76315298-wanted_brendon_wayne_spurrell-w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see the one where you're holding your phone and the wall behind you is wood?

THAT should be your first picture.

guitar picture at the very bottom should be #2

towel pic #3

group pic #4

delete all your other pictures and find friends who are willing to take better pics of you

thanks for coming to my ted talk

>> No.14991535
File: 1.81 MB, 1294x3349, C958C7B2-BB61-41A0-9563-C44B03649F44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder to just be yourself

>> No.14991546


>> No.14991552
File: 309 KB, 1130x1310, 20190403_202561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would happen if i used this pic

>> No.14991600


>> No.14991625

strangler rapist vibes

>> No.14991626

clubs are the worst. she just wants you to buy her some drinks while shes already gonna be there

>> No.14991635
File: 27 KB, 600x606, 0fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying for tinder
>no replies
>on 4chan on a Friday night

>> No.14991655
File: 69 KB, 371x953, IMG_20200208_002920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14991663

I want to create a profile. I have some pictures of myself, which I like, but I have bottles of rum on my hand. I don't drink since I have a pretty bad tolerance--are picture like these a big no/redflag ?

>> No.14991668

add a caption saying "I don't eeven drink lmao"

>> No.14991669


this but every pic besides middle row far right should be kill

>> No.14991683
File: 280 KB, 1506x2100, F571F235-4DD9-47D9-9D9C-FDCC42F11A04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All girls want is to be fucked

>> No.14991684
File: 155 KB, 1332x1200, 2E8826F5-4BBC-4F22-AB6E-0A20C726B21F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14991693


stop taking so man cropped pictures of our face and start taking some naturally lit shots of yourself with some of your torso showing not doing weird gay shit. do you really need that many pictures?

>> No.14991712

For tinder photos, do you blur the faces of your friends if you are on a group picture ?

>> No.14991726

Only if they are better looking than you

>> No.14991746

I have many pics with other girls, not sure I should use them or blur the faces

>> No.14991779

Use them if they’re hot. It will make other hot girls want you

>> No.14991797

Try smiling dumbass.

Also talk to the fat ones as practice. Have a no fucks given attitude and you'll do fine.

>paying for Tinder
Low test senpai.

>> No.14991812

fucking lmao are women really falling for this?

>> No.14991998

of course someone who makes an account like this won't show the hundreds of matches he didn't get..

>> No.14992004

>there are people who pay for tinder
I feel better now

>> No.14992007

would you wanna be with the girls that do?

>> No.14992008

Proof that people who wear onions clothes like chucks anddickies are turbovirgins

>> No.14992011

try hard

>> No.14992258

You think cursing makes you seem cool?

>> No.14992269

I'll probably regret asking this, but what's wrong with leather gloves? They're far more durable and weather-resistant than knit ones.

>> No.14992276

Lmao is that real Cena or a shoop? He is a legit 6ft guy, he looks fucked up there

>> No.14992277

what do you guys have in common? Like you have to have talked about something that made you want to meat her.

Maybe a concert of some sorts? Is she going to jugde your wildly autistic personality if you take her to like some jazzy bar or setting that former anons already mentioned?

Or take her for a goddamned walk. Bitches love being taken out for walks.

>> No.14992285

Seems a bit odd, never had a girl suggest nor have I suggested a club for a first date. Fun/activity dates are the best and they give you something to do so there are no awkward silences such as at a dinner date.

I think you should tell her what you're going to be doing though, rather than suggest. Be assertive and don't agree to something you're not comfortable with as you wont come across as some confident guy.

Most of all, it's just a date, don't think too much into it, if it goes bad it's just a learning experience for the next one/girl.

>> No.14992639
File: 1.08 MB, 1080x2220, 229E540E-57C4-4D6E-A173-FBFA66179D0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts? I know I’m not the skinniest but I’m sure I’m older than all of you.

>> No.14992648

I can smell the soi

>> No.14992652

I dont think you're old enough to drive, get off tinder

>> No.14992666

shave, cut your hair, learn to dress, get better glasses and get rid of the dorkiest pics.

also show more confidence, try to smile. you look like a pleasant guy to be around but you come off as pretty insecure. basically this >>14992648

>> No.14992691

2, 4 and 6 are decent, remove the rest. Set 6 as your default picture.

Some general tips:
>No selfies. This might be hard if your uncomfortable by other people taking pictures of you, but this is the most important tip I can give you.
>Lose the goatee and haircut. Only grow facial hair if you can have a full beard. If you're balding, buzz it of. Go to a fancy hipster optometrist and let them help you get some nicer glasses.
>Outdoor lighting always looks best
>Only post dog photos if you're clearly in them. The photos themselves don't look good: your place looks messy and your dogs look weird.

>> No.14992716
File: 1.41 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200208-201331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips?

>> No.14992729

1,2, and 5 and remove the rest

>> No.14992735

You're an attractive guy
I think you need fewer solo pictures, and more pictures with friends or hobbies.
Keep 1, and 4. Do 5 pictures max.
I like 3, but if that's not your hair currently then I don't think it is worth including.

>> No.14992743

REMOVE 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 and don't have more than 6 pictures
the rest is fine

>> No.14992748

how many matches have you guys got seriously?

>> No.14992767

i get like 2 a week. But I've never met up with anyone

>> No.14992780

he very likely won't be allowed in a club with chucks and white tee lol

>> No.14992788
File: 541 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot (8 feb (2). 2020 20_59_49).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm this guy >>14992716
I have the app since jan 1st.

Tinder is tedious, i prefer bumble. The women are higher quality, they don't have the "entertain me" attitude and almost every like is a match. The downside is just less users in general.

Thanks for the conflicting advice. I'll think about it though

>> No.14992791

hey im matched with demenica too

>> No.14992795
File: 203 KB, 828x1196, 2E5E321F-13D0-43C0-8C2F-21C8635C3BB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made tinder on Monday and I’ve gotten 12 matches. Not bad considering my photos are shit. This is my hottest match so far

>> No.14992816

nice boyos

>> No.14992821
File: 206 KB, 946x2048, D6aaipsM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need profile tips

>> No.14992827


>> No.14992850
File: 173 KB, 482x436, 0b1c966cd27e35abdcae7e42d478e780649d53ccc63f2508c3d650a14ba55237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great photos mate, but it looks like you are going to drown that dog in the 2nd one and it is looking at the water like ''o shit no, pls put me down bro PLEASE''

>> No.14992860

I can't take anyone using tinder seriously.

>> No.14992874

leather gloves are fine, leather gloves with leather coat is weird. Long leather coats are weird in general though

>> No.14992882

>wanna get hammered and make out?
Lmfao this is the same opener that I use, well, used back when I had tinder. Based anon

>> No.14992899
File: 250 KB, 817x1120, F549AF82-737C-411F-8B85-4F97B2788F58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This good for casual date tonight? Going out for tapas then hitting the bars after

>> No.14992906

All of you fedoras have way too many pictures. You're trying to appeal to as many roasties as possible so you only need a bit of the highest quality content you can muster up. 3-5 great pictures. If you have 3 great ones and 1 alright one, leave it out. No gym pics, no selfies. Do you guys have friends (especially female ones) and leave the house? Use pictures that prove it.

Leave the bio blank or put a humorous one-liner in there. Don't filter yourself out; you're trying to get as many women (who have all kinds of different tastes and interests but they all like Chads) to swipe right as possible.

>> No.14992931

post yours incel

>> No.14992939

the based coomer appears

>> No.14992944

delete 3,4,5,8,9
smile more get better quality pics

you seem like a nice guy but very cringe.
Get fit, develop a personal style, take better pics

I dont like 3,4,6
7 is cursed keep it
but pretty good youre good looking

get rid of 1,5
your hot and love youre dog

love you all goodluck goodnight

>> No.14992946

Cuff the jeans and you're fine

>> No.14992948

pussy happen ;) tiger

>> No.14992955

No longer have it brother, I'm wifed now. You'll just have to trust me on this advice. I used to do pretty well on Tinder

>> No.14992969
File: 23 KB, 250x243, 1520691669672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once they find out ur fatphobic even they wont be swiping ur ugly incel ass

>> No.14992987
File: 101 KB, 360x360, EBnscAIXYAAm_KE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14992998

newfag and underage b&

mods ban

>> No.14993000

lmao you need friends

>> No.14993007

>24 matches
ok lmfao

>> No.14993026

awww this so sweet! <3 how did the date go?

>> No.14993055

That laughing cat emoji makes me want to execute you.

>> No.14993118

Broke bois can’t afford tinder gold. I don’t have to waste my time swiping since I can just see who likes me then pick who I want to talk too. I only talk with the cream of the crop. Fucked one of my matches last night while y’all were busy hopelessly swiping

>> No.14993127

you're a fucking nerd who has photos of him playing guitar hero, you're not even remotely of value lol

i prefer when dudes have a few pics, one of them being like a funny one and like something they like, like an album cover or a piece of art or something, and a childhood pic. that seems to imply humanity when there is none.

>> No.14993146

DO NOT cuff the jeans

>> No.14993152

I hate the hair, long sleeve/undershirt combo, and shoes

>> No.14993215

/fa/ approved bio ideas?

>> No.14993224

bumble is far far worse

>> No.14993278
File: 475 KB, 720x996, Screenshot_20200208-173551~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

send help

>> No.14993279

>Broke bois can’t afford tinder gold. I don’t have to waste my time swiping since I can just see who likes me then pick who I want to talk too. I only talk with the cream of the crop. Fucked one of my matches last night while y’all were busy hopelessly swiping

>> No.14993358
File: 100 KB, 750x1334, DDDDC591-9B54-4045-9290-30394806C550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be attractive

>> No.14993373

woah dude... you're telling me u fucked a GIRL?
thats INSANE bro how did the pussy feel man

>> No.14993411
File: 634 KB, 1080x1479, 80015951-BB93-4FAF-AD71-098927565EF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get matches, but not as many as I'd like. In person, I can get numbers quite easily from almost anyone. Girls even approach me occasionally. But online? It's less frequent.

>> No.14993435

remove all pictures with glasses on.

take new pictures without them. you look kinda chad without them

>> No.14993442

you look like a ftm.

>> No.14993475

It's not a date... Look like a trap, like hidden advertising for this club.

>> No.14993505
File: 399 KB, 750x976, 67392C46-9B0D-4B16-9CF5-68E55C342A75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips? I barely get any matches

>> No.14993528

Thanks but I need glasses since I’m blind without them

>> No.14993575

Must be your bio, you're handsome.
Female to Male, trans.

>> No.14993577

2,3,5,7,8 maybe 1
No dog pics unless youre pictured with them.

>> No.14993579

Redo bio
Pics are good but 1,2, & 5 are the top ones

>> No.14993589

you're tall and handsome and look like deniro

probably you seem too morose and moody
maybe try more colorful clothing and backgrounds and maybe a pic with an animal or a friend's child if you're trying to attract females.
I would date you if you were gay.
And then you would dump me for someone hotter.

>> No.14993629


>> No.14993652


>> No.14993656

My anthem :)


>> No.14993861

I was going to ask if they were ftm lol

>> No.14993923

Welcome to the real world where it's scientifically found that people who use emojis seem more trustworthy. Do with what you want with this information

>> No.14993927

I didnt know people spoke skyrim irl

>> No.14993929

Swept back hair works better on you. Long hair makes you look like a lesbian. Also get glas

>> No.14994012

funny pic dude i suggest using it

>> No.14994092

In every pic but 5 you look FTM. Replace everything but 5 with pics of that style and you’ll be fine.

>> No.14994167
File: 154 KB, 439x745, Screenshot (20).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice? rarely get like 1 match a week.

>> No.14994182

5 is horrendous. Just use 3 and 7, in that order

>> No.14994191

2nd pic is ass

>> No.14994192

You’re not bad looking but those are some awful pictures. People should be able to see you in the first pic and then in the second one it seems you’re smelling shit

>> No.14994313

Post profile. I aint gay but i wanna fuck you

>> No.14994328

I'm digging the Ginyu Force poses

>> No.14994330
File: 28 KB, 624x351, _101036874_elliot_rodger_shutterstock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking chad

>> No.14994333

>he doesn't know

every woman wants to fuck an aggressive tall violent Chad.

Richard Ramirez, Ted Bundy, Jeremy Meeks are examples.

>> No.14994336
File: 1.33 MB, 900x601, The book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over

>> No.14994340

it's over

>> No.14994354

will be making a profile today, any advises ?

>> No.14994364

If Chad : make profile. Instant pussy available.

If non-Chad : it's over.

>> No.14994382

big incel vibes here

imagine not getting laid off tinder then trying to by paying for it lmfao

>> No.14994387
File: 388 KB, 500x264, giphy100.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And we wear the label, Chad.
Now go fuck some whores.

>> No.14994394

i sure am
have fun paying for a dating app haha

btw is it safe to go to school tomorrow?? jw

>> No.14994409

I already am aware of this but that emoji just pisses me off lol its soo soi

>> No.14994412

>Hardly get any matches
>Some of them don't reply,most don't reply past a hello
>The few girls that I end up chatting agree to chill only to ghost me when it's time to schedule
Easiest time on Earth to get casual sex they said...

>> No.14994419

delete all selfies, only keep photos taken of you by others + group photos with your mates

>> No.14994421

>"Hey I got a fuckton of issues...."

I can see why you pay for tinder but wasting your money won't fix a message this autistic and edgy

>> No.14994422
File: 18 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if you're a neet virgin, what then?

>> No.14994449

That’s pro power lifter tier forearm, that guy is huge

>> No.14994481

Delete 3rd and 7th pic

Delete 3rd, 5th and 8th pics

delete last 2 pics

Casual means dress better than you would around the house. You're not going out to run errands on a lazy sunday afternoon you still gotta put some effort into looking good.

Absolutely no selfies and get a better haircut than the emo fringe it's not 2013 anymore you look like a fucking sheltered loser

No selfies get some photos your friends took of you and photos with your friends

you're handsome just don't take faggot selfies and upload them. Maybe the 4th pic is cool for a selfie bit the 3rd one sucks.

Need better pics cause all 4 of these are pretty ass. The last one is good keep that in there as your second pic, first one is good but is a bad introductory photo. No selfies.

>> No.14994491

>some kind of formal-ish photo
>random holiday photo
>some kind of interesting thing like you feeding animals

What more do you need?

>> No.14994659

why do you match with such ugly women?

>> No.14994661

fuuck I need someone to take pics of me

>> No.14994677

>soo soi
>unironically uses more than one 'o'
you are more of a faggot than the faggots you despise

>> No.14994748

>Chad sucks at taking pictures

>> No.14994884
File: 1.60 MB, 640x1136, 59CD1ACE-15AF-4C0D-8447-3BF9FC3A4190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14994902

i wear dickies and chucks and still go to clubs and all that. depends how you accessorize and look in the fit. but if you don't want to go to the club that's a different story

>> No.14994934

if this fucker gets 0 matches i'm completely fucked.

>> No.14995021
File: 475 KB, 1080x2200, Snapchat-492841313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on which pictures should I remove? Last slot is actually empty but I was thinking of adding that pic so I just edited it in. Is it too douchy to have a shirtless pic or should I put it up anyways?

Any other tips would be appreciated. I'm at a medium sized university and still don't get shit for matches. And even when I do, it never goes anywhere. I've had tinder on and off for about a year and have never once had any success.

>> No.14995038

you can afford to lose 0°c and escalator - a shirtless pic is exponentially more douchey for straight men, the only way you can make it look natural is if it's one from a beach / pool, rather than a mirror pic

>> No.14995059

For all the autists with terrible profiles here:

Functioning person-tier
>No selfies
>No photos with you not in them
>No photos taken at night

>Smile (the most important one)
>Have natural, outdoor lighting
>Have 3 to 5 pictures

Following these rules gets you in the top 25% of tinder profiles alone.

>No hunting/fishing photos
>No shirtless pics
>No bio longer than one sentence

>Dress well
>Be in shape

>Be attractive

Decent pics.
>4 (zoom in a bit more)
Remove the rest (you're not even close to smiling on them). Get someone to take a picture of you with your van.

>I've had tinder on and off for about a year and have never once had any success.
Thats because your pictures are trash

>> No.14995503

>seething soiboi

>> No.14995733

>giving tinder advice to me
i end up ghosting a ton of women because there are more of them than days of the week
all of this smiling and what the fuck ever doesn’t matter dude, you are advocating for alchemy 2.0 but with women

>> No.14995770

your last 3 pics make you look gay and feminine.