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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 76 KB, 657x527, 1508765787585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14990220 No.14990220 [Reply] [Original]

How do I dress big bobs? I am 32G and kinda hate my tits. I really love vintage 1950s-70s fashion but they all have much smaller tits and I feel like a walking boob joke. No I won't get surgery it scares me I don't want scars and wish to find more confidence in my natty body.

>> No.14990222

Losing weight would help

>> No.14990227

Already have, it isn't helping. Doesn't help that I am lactating rn so my tits are really big.

>> No.14990229

maybe "she" is just genetically gifted and isnt fat

>> No.14990230

Post milkers already

>> No.14990233

A 32 band size is already tiny...

>> No.14990239

Well, if you want to hide your tits then go for a loose fit?

>> No.14990244

I have done that, and it can be hit or miss. Sometimes it looks cute most of the time it makes me look fat. Loose fits are very comfy though.

>> No.14990246

Christina Hendricks in mad men ez

>> No.14990253

Oh, I do like that. It seems the trick is tight on the bust and waist but loose at the hips. If I think about it it's obvious and I feel silly

>> No.14990254

Post pictures so you can receive compliments, dummy.

>> No.14990265
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>> No.14990272

hating your big boobs is like a guy hating his 6'3 height for drawing too much attention, or hating his 7 inch dick for taking up too much space in his pants.

>> No.14990276

I-is it? I always thought they were simply just uneffay and annoying to dress and that anything bigger than a D gets into goofy territory.

>> No.14990278


>> No.14990279

just post ur tits idiot

>> No.14990283

You are fishing for compliments already and you haven't even posted them yet. Get it going slut.

>> No.14990286

>You will never get to act out hu-cow fantasies with a huge titted gf.

>> No.14990293

big tits turn turtlenecks into fetish wear

>> No.14990294

No problemo

>> No.14990296

Post a pic

>> No.14990299

"harder to dress" is relative. you lose a lot of options of dressing when you have large boobs, but if you had smol boobs then you'd also be unable to wear a lot of clothes designed for big bobs.
And while it is true that most haute couture designs are tailored for slender bodies, you should keep in mind that the goal of /fa/ shouldn't be to look /fa/ just for being /fa/, but rather to look better/more professional/more attractive, whatever you want, depending on the occasion.

>> No.14990306
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I know

>> No.14990309

Listen here, little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>> No.14990325

having a baby certainly didnt help either

>> No.14990329


>> No.14990341


>> No.14990345

>I really love vintage 1950s-70s fashion
Wear knit-fabric sweater type shit with like a dickie collar beneath it.

>> No.14990403

You simply need to embrace them. Wear clothing that flatters your bust. Do not try to be one of those big titters that is trying to hide it because it looks like shit and is uneffay. Embrace looking sexy, basically.

>> No.14990405
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k but when photo

>> No.14990448

Post a pic of yourself

>> No.14990604

Get a Binder

>> No.14990816

>I really love vintage 1950s-70s fashion
Fuck off.

>> No.14990841

Do pushups, you lazy fuck. The tits will naturally get smaller and more firm

>> No.14990852

That is not how it works. Fat can not be spot trained away. If you are thin and have big tits no amount of exercise will help. If anything exercising your pectoral muscles specifically can make them appear larger because the muscle mass behind the bobs gets bigger.

>> No.14990855

My man bobs disappeared when i started doing pushups on the reg

>> No.14990860

Because you lost overall body fat, you exfatty. Women, especially nursing women, naturally store fat in the tits thanks to hormones. Its not going anywhere unless you go full anorexic.

>> No.14990863
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>> No.14990864

based retard applying male anatomy to female anatomy. she is a 32G AND in milk, a 32 is already skinny band size. not that I expect you to know anything about women.

>> No.14990867

The only things I know for sure about women I learned from commercials: the wings make a huge difference, and you need far more fiber in your diets.

>> No.14990894

This, jfc OP. Most bitches wearing vintage 1950s-70s fashion have much smaller tits because THEY LOST THE LOTTERY. It's just like the money lottery, there are far more losers than winners. Tons of the female fashion icons of that era had big tits and were icons BECAUSE they had big tits, look at Marilyn for example. Teeny waist, gigantic whammers. It was the era of the hourglass figure, I mean come on.

Just for one example of a clothes item of that era, fitted jumpers weren't made to show off your no curves; they look better the more you can fill them out and the smaller your waist is.

>> No.14990930

This OP. You won the genetic lottery. People who say big boobs are uneffay are faggots and bitter no titters without exception. As long as your waist is slim and ass is fat you are the winner of genes.

>> No.14990937

those are going to get insanely saggy after you're no longer lactating so you have bigger problems than making your large boobs look good. your next will be how to make your tits not hang to your ankles, looking good will be so far out of the picture.

>> No.14990939
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>> No.14990941

The solution is simple, keep having children. Do this as long as your womb is fertile.

>> No.14990946

Yeah by the time you can no longer have children being effay won't matter and you would have had a better run than 95% of females.

>> No.14990948

I know it's not serious but if someone ever did that, that's going to make them so much worse after she does stop procreating and is again going to create worse problems like hair thinning and vaginal tears from giving birth every year and a lot of permanent weight gain, among other things

>> No.14990950

By the time it happens she will be too old to be effay so who cares. And I am being 100% serious.

>> No.14990954

It's not about spot reduction the idea is that the stronger pectoral muscles act like a kind of boob lift.
Whether it's true or not I don't know but it's not something that anon is just making up on his own.

>> No.14990955

The more often you give birth the chance of tearing decreases. Hair thinning is prevented with good diet and there is no such thing as permanent weight gain.

>> No.14990956

not true, most of those will happen within a couple years after the first kid, regardless if you keep going or not. age doesn't matter unless you start having kids at like 14

>> No.14990958

That pectoral lift will make them bogger. Which I encourage for OP to do

>> No.14990960

since you give birth every 9 months, no. unless she's keeping it stretched out which is another issue. you can't ever really stop the hair thinning unfortunately. that's going to happen because it's about hormones and not diet

>> No.14990966

Nah, as long as the tits have milk they will stay rather nice shape. They only deflate after the milk dries up and hormones calm down. Every time a baby breast feeds off the tits the body releases estrogen which contributes to staying youthful.

>> No.14990967

and weight gain yeah kind of in a way. you can still lose weight but your body will never be the same and it your metabolism is going to be so fucked you're going to have to put everything into losing weight after you've had like 6 kids. so not literally permanent dumbass, but enjoy no longer eating normally. you can really fuck up your body being pregnant 24/7

>> No.14990971

This is just wrong. You are most likely to tear with your first, the odds decreases after every child born. Look it up.

>> No.14990972

it's stretching your breasts because they are filling with milk for months and weighing them down, so unfortunately yes they will get pulled out of shape eventually. but 100% likely after your plan of being pregnant four years on end

>> No.14990973

Then don't use the word permanent, dumb ass.

>> No.14990974

sorry to upset you but you're not doing your body any favors. you're just going to have to accept it and defending it on here isn't going to change anything sorry.

>> No.14990978

I am not OP, first of all, second of all a womans purpose is to be barefoot and pregnant.

>> No.14990983

unless you're planning on starving yourself you'll stay fat. I doubt they're going to do that. use common sense and don't argue things that are literally never going to happen. most people never lose the weight they gain and die with it on. so I guess it ended up being permanently on their body huh genius.

>> No.14990984

My mother gave birth 11 times. I cannot testify to her vaginal tightness, but she was never fat nor does she have thin hair.

>> No.14990986

Sorry you were btfo with facts and reasoning and now have to pretend I am OP to seem like you are clever after being exposed for knowing nothing about the female body even when a quick google search could have spared you from looking like a moron. Vaginal tearing is much less likely after every child born that is a fact. It took me 5 seconds to google this.

>> No.14990989

I don't care about that sorry

my mother was pregnant 20x okay cool story

>> No.14990993

I really don't feel exposed but you seem really invested in this for some reason. so if you're not op it's actually worse, you shouldn't out yourself as being a white knight and trying to convince me how some girls large boobs are never going to deflate. what's the point? you're just wrong and that's all I ever really wanted to say to you, op or not. but you really shouldn't try to defend a random person online, it really shows how pathetic you are when you are getting offended for them instead of letting them reply.

>> No.14990994

You're an idiot and making huge stupid claims about health and pregnancy that are simply untrue.

>> No.14990995

No because that is not the definition of permanent. Many women go back to their normal size. A lack of will power doesn't mean weight gain is permanent. It can always come off in fact women can lose it very quickly because lactating takes an extra 500 calories a day to produce. As long as they are at a caloric deficit it will melt off. Most women do not realize how easy it can be to lose weight after having a baby and keep up poor eating habits. A 32 band is skinny so OP is already back in a thin state to have a band that small.

>> No.14990999

I don't really care, get over being called dumbass. you just seem dumb, but if you're actually smart then alright cool, but thanks for the reply I guess

>> No.14991000

>large boobs are never going to deflate.
When did I claim this? My claim was as long as a woman is lactating her boobs will not get to granny sag mode. All good things come to an end but the point is she can go on as long as she is fertile and by the time she is not who gives a fuck. By then you are too old to be effay

>> No.14991007

yeah 32 band is small but she could be large with a small band size, it's definitely possible. some people have large lower halves with smaller tops, pear shape I suppose but I've seen a lot of people who are skinny everywhere except their belly/thighs or even just stomach, so it's not super unlikely that she has a less than ideal body shape and may be on the larger side

>> No.14991011

It is typically a good indicator they are not fat because on average women do not have freakishly fat bottom halves with itty bitty top halves. She would be a rare unfortunate case.

>> No.14991012

alright you keep saying old people can't be effay and wasn't even the point but you keep bringing it back to that. everyone agrees with you on that, not sure what else to say since I wasn't even talking about that. we were talking about how pregnancy changes your body. but yes old isn't effay, no one is trying to challenge that

>> No.14991016

You are the one who seems dumb. You made claims that make it obvious you know nothing about pregnancy.

>> No.14991017

it doesn't have to be freakishly large to be larger than her band size. but either way it's relatively common to have an unattractive body shape. attractive people are in the minority

>> No.14991020

this post is so funny lmao, you just keep calling me dumb every time I call you that. it's like a child going I'm not dumb you are haha but anyway I'm assuming if you keep replying you're just going to say I'm dumb so thanks for sharing your very new opinion, I was so unaware you thought I was dumb

>> No.14991022

I have a very important question: Have any men touched your body?

>> No.14991029

Because you kept talking about saggy tits like she would have to worry. She only has to worry if she stops having babies. I am telling op she will not have to worry about saggy tits as long as her womb is factory lining out children and only after her eggs run out will it truly be over and by then she will be an old hag so who cares. Her run will be glorious until then. You also talk about permanent weight even though it is actually much easier to drop the fat lactating because of the extra amount of calories her body burns to make milk. Women are not immune to the laws of thermodynamics.

>> No.14991030

Because you were proven to be dumb thus I call you dumb.

>> No.14991031

damn you are vicious

>> No.14991038

Being 6'3 and having an above average dick doesnt create serious back problems and you arent going to be gawked at by disgusting neckbeards.

>> No.14991039

you're really going to keep going huh, at least say something new. it's like every time you post you think you're saying something different but keep going if you really think you have a hot new opinion to share with me. I'll be waiting

>> No.14991041

that's very interesting thanks for sharing. you didn't change my mind but it was an interesting read.

>> No.14991042

Being that tall comes with back, feet, and circulation problem you stupid hoe.

>> No.14991043
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>> No.14991049

That shirt is gonna blow take cover

>> No.14991058

She had a baby what do you think?

>> No.14991061

Im tall and have none of those problems, no old tall people I know have those problems. But big boob women always complaining about their back.

>> No.14991069
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just copy her style. she has a big bobs and vagene. men mad show tv.

>> No.14991081
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Fact: women hit the wall early because they do not continue to have children or have none at all. They have two at most and then she no longer gets estrogen and progesterone boosts that pregnancy and nursing provide. They have evolved to remain attractive so they are more likely to be bred. If a woman stopped being attractive after only one or two children she will not be able to max out her genes being spread because men will no longer desire to fill her with seed. Women are riding the wave of estrogen puberty brought and after that it is pregnancy and nursing that brings more estrogen being released in their body. Without this extra estrogenic boost from pregnancy she will age rapidly as if to signal to men "i am no longer fertile, breeding with me is useless. My womb hasn't deveolped a child in years".

>> No.14991104

I have big boobs and no back pain, not op but just sayin. The thing is women are typically doing two things wrong; posture and bra size. Bad posture and a bad fitting bra will bring your back pain more than anything. Big boobs makes it worse, true, because they are heavy but I have been good about posture and right fitting bras so I never ever get back pain.

>> No.14991109

Ok roastie

>> No.14991113

No roastie would post this. This is a man with a breeder fetish.

>> No.14991114


>> No.14991117

Dude just post your tits or it's a larp

>> No.14991118

Not a roastie, BC slows aging for the same reason.

>> No.14991215

Lol why is this an important question fucking 4chan

>> No.14991228

Actually birth control does the opposite. It matches your hormones to the levels similarly to a woman in menopause. They actually make women age like shit as a result. You are correct about higher estrogen equalling more youthful appearance however. Any mtf tranny starting up HRT will report smoother more youthful, glowing skin this is thanks to the estrogen obviously.

>> No.14991251

Mary had a baby as well.

>> No.14991257

>hair thinning
Balances out with the pregnancy period as you hairs growth cycle extends during pregnancy.
>vaginal tears from giving birth every year
You are less and less likely to tear after your first child. Chances of tearing are 90% for the first, and it is much less likely to happen the closer children are had together and every child delivered via vagina
>permanent weight gain
Whut? No such thing. Your metabolism does change and failure to adapt to this change will result in weight gain but women who adapt to it have an easy as fuck time losing weight because they burn more calories when they are nursing. Basic thermodynamics.

You are the king of fools.

>> No.14991419
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>tfw im 30B and will never lactate because im infertile

>> No.14991447

You probably don't need to be fertile to lactate. Lactation can be induced without pregnancy. If you're in Melbourne Australia I'll come help you. (It will involve me sucking on your breasts a lot.)

>> No.14991582

kys tranny

>> No.14991589

not trans just have premature menopause

brb learning how to walk upside down

>> No.14991591

Thats what you get for being anorexic

>> No.14991596

i mean yeah i guess i deserved it. im doing better now and eat normally. never really planned to have kids anyway

>> No.14991613

Heh heh
Hhaaa haha
So 32G? Tell me OP where does a man find a woman like you? Whoo hahaahh

Thats nice, your tits that is, real nice. Do you have a sister? Or a cousin? Would you like to set date? Up date? A date? Can you perhaps show me where to find boobs? Attached to women? Heh heh

I have been looking for boobs on women, big ones that is. Round ones, soft ones. Milkers to milk. Can you help me find girls? Boob girls? You can be a wingman, a big boob wingman. You seem nice.do you smell nice? How much milk do boobs make? The big ones. How much is made?

>> No.14991616
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>> No.14991617

I'm not kidding though; it is possible to induce. I don't know too much about that but I think there's supplements that help, like fenugreek, and getting your breasts sucked often is part of it. A breast pump can probably do the job if no mouth is available.

>> No.14991620

>op says she’s a girl with big tits
>100+ replies

>> No.14991628

Wow. Boobs are popular. Just. Wow.

>> No.14991630

You're only supposed to like girls with short hair, no boobs and big dicks.

>> No.14991632


>> No.14991634
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>> No.14991664

I want to try anyways.

>> No.14991924

Thats nice that you fucked up your body. Now go back to your thinspo anarexic containment zone.

>> No.14992563
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Tits or GTFO dumb larper

>> No.14992585

I can guarantee when you see what they look like those urges will cease.

>> No.14992710

Unless they look like something from a burn unit, that's doubtful.

>> No.14992783

Its an anorexic that starved themselves to the point of infertility. They will look like shit bro, like one of those starving africans who is skin and bone. If you still would I would find you to be a very VERY desperate man.

>> No.14992792

Are you my niece? She's thin but has giant boobs. Anyway, she wears a lot of sweaters, high neck tops and jackets (I think she maybe doesn't like the attention her boobs get).

>> No.14992803
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Reminder that it is entirely possible to induce lactation by a few weeks of manual pumping. This is how mothers who adopt infants breastfeed, though supplements such as fenugreek and fennel help as well.
Reminder that lactation directly increases breast size, the higher the milk production, the larger the breasts grow to accommodate it. This is permanent, though after stopping lactation there might be sagging.

>> No.14992812
File: 61 KB, 600x750, Dolly_Parton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1950s-70s fashion but they all have much smaller tits
No they don't.
Google Mamie Van Doren

>> No.14992852
File: 120 KB, 698x1024, 45897403715_557f9d36de_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mamie Van Doren
Um hello? Based department? I would like to report an incredibly BASED post please

>> No.14992859


Google Russ Meyer Movies

>> No.14993079

holy shit anon i'm a 32 G as well wtf and i also love 60's retro fashion (i really love space age stuff, it's my research focus for grad school), are you me????

my solutions have been wearing ribbed fabrics: ribbed turtlenecks especially. these look great on me. i also wear a lot of black but i wish i wasn't doing that as often.

two things we run into: gaps in button ups, and generally a specific type of tight shirt flattening our chest but we're still busty. basically even if you're insecure, size up in shirts. i know we have small backs and big boobs so it kind of sucks to get an L or XL in a shirt but that's how it is.

im assuming you're larping because you said you're lactating (this is my ex's fantasy, im high key sad i could never give that weeaboo fresh milk lmfao) but i hope a real girl with huge tits on a small frame reads this to know they're not alone

>> No.14993164

All the more room to sculpt into my master piece.

>> No.14993183

I'm not as big as you OP, but you're right. Even if you look better naked it is much harder to dress well if you're top heavy or even hourglass--it's possible, but there's not as many options, especially nowadays.

If you have a feminine face and long hair, you can go the fitted A-line dress route, or high-waited wide pants (trendy meme) with tight tops. Basically never wear baggy tops, and try to stick to looser bottoms (heh).

60s and 70s are different but 1950s styles seem to be what you should look at for inspo.

Alternatively, you can get really into peasant blouses.

>> No.14993189
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>> No.14993194
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>> No.14993760

Hey every, op here to thank you all for your help. Its been an... Uh interesting thread and really appreciate the advice and lolz.

>> No.14993910

yes, dumbass. exercise helps with weight loss. why are you arguing that?

nobody is talking about "spot" training except you

>> No.14993924

>I feel like a walking boob joke

I remember the days when big titty girls knew everyone wanted them

ass in ascendant right now because everyone is ghey, but tits will return. when you are 40 you will be receiving marriage proposals from 16 year olds

>> No.14993941

> it is much harder to dress well if you're top heavy or even hourglass
imagine letting other girls convince you that big tits look bad lmfao

hoes are J E A L O U S and you're stupid af if you listen to them

>> No.14993969
File: 102 KB, 600x750, bazoongas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the

>> No.14994526


>> No.14994536

why would you have kids and then complain about your tits getting big? retarded people should be chemically castrated

>> No.14994951

See heres the fucking problem only 2 posts in...
There are PROVEN methods of losing weight. Now at this point you literally only care about garnering attention for being a chick
My guess is you arent being given attention in the real world.
Tits or gtfo would be one way to prove that you are just here to be appeased by desparate guys who just wanna see gigantic milkers