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File: 180 KB, 634x915, knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14988358 No.14988358 [Reply] [Original]

Can I wear a knife on my hip like this fella and not get harassed by the police? If not then how did he get away with it? It's a great look and functional.

>> No.14988388

>how did he get away with it
it's fictional

>> No.14988528

that depends, are you black and do you live in the US?

>> No.14988534

people honestly should stop trying to emulate fiction here

>> No.14988538

Bro this guy doesn’t have an ass it’s literally concaved

>> No.14988540

noass bich

>> No.14988547

check your local knife laws retard. you’re going to get shit if you don’t look blue collar.

>> No.14988582

no one will think this looks good. you just look like a psychopath and not in the cool way. more like the "will never get any pussy" kind of way.

>> No.14988610

Why are you looking at his behind you fag

>> No.14988625

Mate, it's a fucking tv show, as in fantasy you understand? " How did he get away with it... ? " If you do this in public you'll literally just look autistic if you aren't in Alaska, or somewhere near woods

>> No.14988638

Well first of all check your state laws. Hes open carrying a knife and states allow any blade length to be open carried. You wont get harrassed for following the law.

>> No.14988648

Just say you're Sikh

>> No.14988747

>Well first of all check your state laws. Hes open carrying a knife and states allow any blade length to be open carried. You wont get harrassed for following the law.
Its allowed! Now to pick out the knife

>> No.14988763

It's pretty normal to wear a knife if you live somewhere where people wear their RealTree and Bone Collector hoodies out in public.
In an office environment though you're going to cause a panic attack and Judy in accounting WILL call the police.

>> No.14988800

He has a decent ass imo. https://i.imgur.com/E4B0Zu1.jpg

>> No.14988846

I had a friend who used to OC a fixed blade like that. Pretty sure he was on the spectrum. He eventually got tired of being stopped by cops and switched to a folder.

>> No.14988985

It all depends on where you're at. Laws vary widely.
In Alabama, the state only regulates concealed carry of machetes and bowie knives. No length restrictions, except in Montgomery. Anything over 3 inches get you in trouble.
There are weapon free zones around schools.

>> No.14988988

> "it's a great look"

Nah dude

>> No.14989007
File: 22 KB, 415x465, 1509488893766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its a great look

That's all you care about. You just want to give the appearance of being tough. It's not actually about your true character.

>> No.14989017

>In an office environment though you're going to cause a panic attack and Judy in accounting WILL call the police.

oversocialized women are afraid of all knives. they'll even be afraid if you only take a very small knife out for a job that is best done with a knife.
the trick is to get a knife with removable grips and have a gay flag grip on one side and something about anti-racism on the other.
that way if she dobs you in you accuse her of being homophobic and/or racist.

>> No.14989180

California all fixed blade knives must be open carried

They were supposed to be in Norco, Riverside CA

>> No.14989186

I sometimes open carry a bayonet for my ar-15 when shooting, a bayonet is just a fixed blade knife that attaches to a gun...

>> No.14990087


>> No.14990992

>tv isnt real
>continues to point out unrealistic aspects to others as if it's valuable information or implicit of your cleverness
Goddamn I hate tripsfags normally but you're an extra kind of annoying. Anyone got that pic of Sieg being fat so we can continue to shame him?

>> No.14991142

Sure, depends on your area and whether state or local laws allow it. I'm in Louisiana, so I can pretty much carry whatever. I usually carry folders or an out the front, but sometimes I'll rock one of these https://spydercollector.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/spyderco_amsterdammeet2012_prototype_lumtantofb.jpg or this https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nuga.ee%2Fproducts%2Fspyderco%2Fsouth_fork_f.jpg&f=1&nofb=1

I get looks every now and then, but fuck it. Frees up some pocket space and I can still do all the cool knifey knife things that I do on a regular basis with my knife.

That being said, hip carrying a fixed blade knife isn't super aesthetic. Mostly just makes you look like a weirdo considering the social era we're in unless you're out in the boonies.

>> No.14991147
File: 17 KB, 355x400, 41+DOudnVXL._AC_SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're going to look like a schizo.
>muh functional knoife!
rarely see any of you faggots carrying something actually useful and functional.

>> No.14991217
File: 3.56 MB, 4032x3024, 20200207_195043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm >>14991142 and I also carry a multitool. A leatherman is nice, but the knives on it are by no means anywhere near the capability of a high quality knife. So yeah, have both, but definitely not for style.

>> No.14991376

>actually useful and functional
9 times out of 10 the only thing you use it for is the scissors, and the tenth time is when you're too lazy to go get a real tool and do the job right.