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File: 253 KB, 1500x1001, albert_camus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14983586 No.14983586 [Reply] [Original]

what are your thoughts on smoking? is it only cool in photos? do you personally smoke? if so what ciggies do you go for?

>> No.14983590

Dude it's retarded, you must be 12 or mentally immature to think risking cancer just to look "cool" is worth it.

Camus is cool though and so is absurdism.

>> No.14983606

personally i don't see it as cool anymore but i'm just flat out addicted to nicotine and it fucking sucks. don't care about cancer and all that but it costs alot of money and even though i'm fit i still get out of breath super fucking quick. it is nice to smoke with the boys during smoke break though.

>> No.14983615

You will if you get cancer, find something else to do on a break. Like I would drop a turd on work breaks, gave me something to do and saved me money on using TP at home. Turn the break into something positive.

>> No.14983785

You are a big thinker. What are "smoking breaks" to get together with colleagues?

>> No.14983838

gross. do it and kys

>> No.14983840
File: 120 KB, 1300x863, 427EE874-6DE5-4C26-937F-06B27672D9C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smoking is like anything else. if you’re attractive, it’s attractive. smoke if you want to, don’t if you don’t. how many fucking times is this thread going to be made. i do smoke, not in photos. mostly on nightwalks or at social events like parties/after a show. i used to smoke spirit blues but now i smoke rollies. rolling is fun. (i’ve been ordering swan filter tips and rolling drum blue in OCB papers, does anyone have any recommendations?)

>> No.14983846

i quit before becoming addicted to it, luckly

honestly i still think it makes -some- guys look cool if they already look cool to match, but for most people (especially when they're young) it just sucks. it hate it when i'm among friends and then one or two dudes just leave and isolate themselves outside because they can't spend an hour without a fag.

plus i'm just fucking scared of aging and dying, and cigarettes accelerate both. i had an uncle who looked like a 60 y/o on his late 30s and he consistently smelled bad, had shit teeth and coughed all the time. pretty gross.

>> No.14983850

For what, idle chat? I do not concern myself with such trivial matters. You are there to work, a break is a little break from that, not to spend gossiping about shit.

>> No.14983994

being straight edge is counter culture now smoking isn't cool or effay

>> No.14984013

you're so cool and ascended bro

>> No.14984019


>> No.14984043

smoking - nicotine - is kinda like salt in food. its a chemical enhancer. doing pleasurable things, with a pleasurable enhancer, gives it a flourish, deeply inscribes the activity in your brain. this in conjunction with the fact that most really shitty effects of smoking are LOL IN THE FUTURE WHATEVER THAT IS - makes it hard as fuck to quit. but you wouldnt eat a plate of salt, would you?

not worth it, but fuck just one would be nice. its cool to the degree that cool people smoke. its cool to the degree it signifies a sense of indulgence. its cool to the degree that it signifies that you dont care.
but its lame as fuck to the degree you are a bitch working for and giving your life and money to some chemical company in exchange for a minor buzz and some cheap signs. literal fodder. fuck that.

>> No.14984047

fuck your ideologies.

>> No.14984049

Wow, I've only read a few posts by You can can already say that you are very stupid. If you don't know how to socialize and reap those benefits (especially in times of crisis) then you deserves what's coming for you.

>> No.14984073

>Camus is cool though and so is absurdism.
you must be 12

>> No.14984080

>plus i'm just fucking scared of aging and dying, and cigarettes accelerate both. i had an uncle who looked like a 60 y/o on his late 30s and he consistently smelled bad, had shit teeth and coughed all the time. pretty gross.

yeah the aging is no joke, though it depends on race.

I have a uncle (jewish) who looks easily 70-75 years old at age 50 from a lifetime of smoking. But if you're asian it doesn't seem to have an affect.

>> No.14984117

Why would you be in a crisis during a work break? Lol. Is work really that much of a struggle for you? I care nothing for mindless interaction, I prefer connections of a deeper level.

Yeah bro, the average Camus reader is 12 years of age. Right on dude! Nor would people that young find life to be absurd. Stop trying too hard. Camus isn't Nietzsche.

>> No.14984133
File: 58 KB, 707x615, 612361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look cool in photos and make you look, but overall will fuck your health, make you smell like shit, but a cigarette with a good whisky will never kill you

>> No.14984158
File: 357 KB, 818x1428, smokepill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>risking cancer
There is not a single shred of hard evidence showing that tobacco smoke is carcinogenic. To date (as of 2020), scientists have not been able to induce cancer in any healthy animal subject at rates above control using tobacco smoke alone. Anti-smoking science rests completely on soft, pseudoscience statistics. Read Whitby's 'The Smoking Scare Debunked', it's still valid today because the case against smoking STILL rests on the same junk science.

>> No.14984190

Even if it didn't cause cancer, having smoke in your lungs is not a good thing. That much is evident.

>Privately the tobacco industry regarded him as “nutty”, while nonetheless believing that his views should be promoted. They quietly supported him by distributing his book, offering legal advice, and persuading him to take media training.

Yeah bro, sounds legit. Helped and funded by the tobacco industry. About as legit as Greta Dumberg.

>> No.14984208

>Even if it didn't cause cancer, having smoke in your lungs is not a good thing. That much is evident.
It isn't evident, you're just a brainlet. The mammalian lung evolved in a smoldering atmosphere and can handle without any detriment the extremely minute amount of tobacco smoke, which by the way is filled with antioxidant rich polyphenols and coenzyme Q10. The idea that the smoke is inherently harmful is false. It stimulates salvatory glands and has a bacteriostatic effect.
>Yeah bro, sounds legit. Helped and funded by the tobacco industry.
This children, is what we call an ad hominem, an argument "directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining." The same logic could be used to dismiss any studies funded by anti-smoking groups. However, these are dishonest, conspiratorial, arguments.

Most ironic, your argumentative tactics are exactly the same as the girl you mention.

>> No.14984267

>Yeah bro, the average Camus reader is 12 years of age.
I mean L'Etranger is assigned in middle school English or in intro French courses.

>> No.14984286

That is NOT an ad hom at all. Of course groups funded by a certain interest can have a bias. The same logic can be applied to anti-smoking groups of some multi billionaire or whatever corporations were funding them, of course yes.

Yes not by the choice of the children but by adults as valuable learning. You could also say the whole Shakespeare range is aimed at 12 years olds too which is absurd.

Children at age 12 by choice do not read such things nor fully understand them. They read Harry Potter or whatever.

Besides, life is absurd. It is pointless at the end of the day. It has no meaning or value.

>> No.14984459

it makes you smell like shit.

>> No.14984508

I took up smoking at the age of 31 and it was a brilliant decision. I smoke on nights out, when drinking, and it has massively improved my social life.

Girls (cool girls) fucking love it, you look like a bad ass, it's sociable, and nicotine is a lovely stimulant drug.

Really it's one of those things that you just disregard anyone who says it's not cool because they are guaranteed to pathetic cunts.

Everyone who's cool smokes. Fact. Leave your basement and that becomes clear very soon.

>> No.14984522

I live in the Netherlands where evryone smokes (at least on social gatherings) so its just normal for me to smoke

>> No.14985009

This, its not worth picking up for the aesthetic.
I'll have maybe one or two on a night out for the head spin you get from the first smoke after a few drinks.
Do you hand roll or use a machine? I've been trying to hand roll but I'm fucking garbage at it, usually end up getting my buddy who's a seasoned rolling veteran to do them for me and split halves with him.

It definitely does look cool, but its literally not worth it. Especially not daily smoking, absolutely fucks your health, I think your body can handle one every now and then. Still not great though.

Also this, roughly half of the people my age smoke where I'm from, and I like the social aspect of stepping outside to have a quiet chat and a smoke at a party or club.

>> No.14985129

I used to be a smoker, but now I'll only smoke on special occasion or under extreme stress. This can be as infrequent as 1 cigarette every 3 months (more likely) or as often as 3 cigarettes aweek (less likely). I don't think I smoke enough to cause real harm. I don't think it's cool, but it is pleasurable. I think it is falling out of style a bit.

>> No.14985130

It's disgusting and degenerate. The smoke effects do look cool in film and photos but not IRL

>> No.14985193

>be me age 18
>start smoking to kill myself like a loser
>get therapy and decide don't want to die anymore
>addicted to cigarettes
>worst mistake of my life finance wise
I guess it got me into going to punk/hardcore shows/parties so I always met cool people and cuties. Worked out in my favor over time considering I'm into gremlin punk chicks

>> No.14985580

i've switched to vape

>> No.14985714

>That is NOT an ad hom at all.
It actually is. Your denial and absolute failure to substantiate further why it isn't so only proves how smooth your brain is.

>> No.14985722

how is it? was thinking about picking one up to quit the cigs. is it much cheaper? do you still get tha same feel?

>> No.14985746

I'm not who you replied to but I started vaping during the week and would probably pick up a pack of cigs if I was going out, the vape is definitely nicer because you dont smell like shit and hate yourself after you smoke, only thing is I tend to overvape and feel like shit because I have too much nicotine in my system

>> No.14985751

Il punch your fucking face twat. Stop ruining the goddang hair dang nabbit

>> No.14985753

post hands

>> No.14985757

False. Studies have found women rate the smell of tobacco smoke very favorably which is why perfumers are increasingly using it in colognes. Tom Ford has several tobacco and tobacco smoke scents.

>> No.14985815

Skinny guys with hallowed cheeks black hair look cool but that’s about it.

>> No.14985908

While it's pretty obvious that constantly inhaling smoke is probably not great for you (when I do it a lot I feel like I have sludge in my veins), the fact that they've been unable to induce an uptick in actual real cancer rates with smoke is indeed very intriguing.

>Everyone who's cool smokes

It's not true at all that "everyone" who's cool smokes--but it is true that many cool people including an outsize proportion of cool/high status girls do indeed smoke. But again, the notion that all high-status people smoke is absurd both on its face and upon deeper investigation.

>> No.14985954

Starting to smoke regularly at age 16 was the worst fucking decision I ever made. Seriously, it’s not cool, it reeks and makes you feel fucking terrible. I think I may have even given myself Rhematoid Arthritis because of it, I was diagnosed only a few years later after having smoked everyday. I’ve managed to quit cigarettes but still smoke weed with tobacco, the weed helps me to manage my inflammation but I desperately need to switch to a vaporiser because the tobacco will inevitably worsen my condition in the long run. Don’t be like me anon, addiction isn’t cool, even one as stylish as smoking.

>> No.14986029

Tobacco is therapeutic for Rhematoid Arthritis. The only reason DUDE WEED would help is the same reason tobacco helps. The carbon monoxide has anti-inflamatory effects.

>> No.14986292

>carbon monoxide has anti inflammatory effects
Literally every doctor I’ve ever spoken to has said the opposite. I even have a leaflet from my doctor detailing all the fucked up ways that tobacco can make the effects of RA so much worse. If you think that RA already affects internal organs like my heart and lungs, smoking on top of that is dumb as fuck. Weed on the other hand actually makes the pain manageable, and helps me with the nausea and loss of appetite that comes with taking immune suppressants. Also I’m not technically supposed to drink, so what else am I gonna do to relax?

>> No.14986346

do you have proof of all of these things? i'm very sceptical of all of this info allthough it would be a great thing for me

>> No.14986405

See studies in the first picture. Read whitby's books. As for the other claims:

>> No.14986476

Ronaldo is cooler than you and all the patghetic faggots you deem as cool and he doesn't smoke. You're just pathetic people trying to glamorize your own self-destruction because you're too worthless to un-fuck yourself out of mediocrity.

>> No.14986482

>thinks absurdism is cool
>is against smoking
I don't think you've read Camus.

>> No.14986501
File: 22 KB, 500x500, djarum-black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does it say about me if I smoke djarums?

>> No.14986507

You're a hipster.

>> No.14986512

>on 4chan
>on /fa/
>picking up smoking at 31
>thinks he knows anything about being cool
Yeah, alright. I will give you that most teenagers who are cool either smoke or do high level sports.

>> No.14986575

yeah, i hand roll. best tip i can give for rolling is if your tobacco is too dry, it wont roll for shit. get a spray bottle and put water in it, put a spray or two into your bag of baccy and seal it for an hour or so. moister tobacco rolls 1000x easier, and i find it burns slower, tastes better, and is smoother on your throat. the way i roll is i get a pinch of baccy about the amount i think i’ll need for a cig (too much is better than not enough) and shape it into a line on the bag or table or wherever i’m rolling. if youre right handed hold the rolling paper (or filter tip if you use one) with your right hand while you put the tobacco in with your left, and pat it down so that none of it is above the gum strip. don’t fill it edge to edge, it’ll spread out. roll it back and forth firmly and keep both edges of the paper completely parallel. when you’ve got it into a nice consistent log shape, place your thumbs at the bottom edge of the paper and fold the top with the gum side over. roll up as firmly as you can. lick and stick. pat the filter tip in flush with the paper if you used one. voila. it takes me about ~30-60 seconds to make a perfect rollie, which i feel like makes me smoke less in turn, which i dont mind. american rolling tobacco is all so dry. humidify it and it’s a different game. those cheap plastic rolling machines like the zigzag/top brand ones work great but i like the ritual of hand rolls. it just takes practice. there’s a thousand good youtube videos on it.
these are tasty, a bit expensive for what they are. the american cigars are inferior to the original indonesian cigs. agree with the other anon, makes you look like a hipster who’s trying to be unique by smoking le goth cigarette. but if you like them, smoke them. that tobacco wrap on the american ones rapes my throat, i couldn’t smoke them every day.

>> No.14986596

Ronaldo is a fucking faggot

>> No.14986600

It says you're based.

>> No.14986629

Maybe, but you and the rest of the smokers are the true cocksuckers. You're so gay, you suck the fag out of faggot.

>> No.14986677

fucks up your teeth and later on your skin too

>> No.14986699

>there are people alive who roll cigarettes
>they go on 4chan
>they go on 4chan's fashion board for advice

this is my first time here and i'm fucking weak, holy shit
imagine coming to 4chan for ANY advice, let alone how you dress
imagine taking advice from the type of faggot who ROLLS HIS OWN CIGARETTES IN 2020


>> No.14986703


>> No.14986711


>> No.14986719

i started smoking when i was 16,at first with already made cigarettes but now with rolled ones.At first you might think thats cool and all but you better look at the long-term concequences like not being able to whisper without sounding like fucking Tom Waits or the constant feeling of need to clear your throat.Dont pick it up at all or start sucking on liquorice sticks,you'll look cooler with a more elegant fit.

>> No.14986720

i don't care nigga, you kids roll cigarettes and dress like dads

>> No.14986979

Maybe you should go back to your reddit. Rolling cigarettes is healthier, and cheaper.

>> No.14986986

found the fag who smokes newports

>> No.14987005

I smoked for a year mostly because it was relaxing and I had a lot going on at work/social life
I love the smell of tobacco but the smoke is putrid, I hate how it lingers to your clothes and fingers as well
Coffee+smoke is a godlike combo though

I miss it when I'm feeling anxious but I cant bother walking down to the gas station to get smokes twice a week

I never smoked to look cool (especially because none of my friends thought it was cool, most gave me shit for it) so I cant comment on that.
Vaping, on the other hand, is for absolute homos and high estrogen fat people, in my opinion
Smokes and weed are fine but please never vape.

>> No.14987223
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 1559439304382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pseudo intellectual faggot.

>> No.14987258

The saying "youd be fun at parties" just wouldn't apply here are your the type of fuckhead to turn down parties with any highschool friends you had, leading to never being invited to anything if you even kept up friendships

>> No.14987262

Tobacco and cigarrettes don't create the same smells, dumbass

>> No.14987263

Sorry that your homogenised and manufactured mindset cant comprehend 4chan not being the racist edgy hacker that he is claimed to be.

>> No.14987264

Smoking is cringe, not based. No one likes the smell of cigarettes. Cigars can be based if you don’t draw attention to the fact that you are smoking one.

>> No.14987280

It's not cool. I started it +dipping in the infantry as a way to soothe my nerves and also stay awake. Shit kills you, man

>> No.14987412

Is it really that hard to quit?
I can switch between two packs a week (which I realise isn't THAT heavy) and going 6 months without a smoke.
Maybe I'm just not prone to addiction, I know my father struggled for many years to quit.

>> No.14987642

not who commented also but i switched to vaping nicotine. yes its cringe culture but dying of lung cancer is also kinda lame too. it tastes good and its fun to puff on and you feel a buzz, plus if you kiss someone you'll taste good

>> No.14987794

Keep projecting, neurotic non-smoker. Laughing at your reddit "b-bet you're fun at parties" retort

>> No.14987844
File: 75 KB, 524x604, 154125616161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was kind of part of my aesthetic for a while but after 5 years of smoking and serving in the armed forced in that time i can't kick it anymore, i'm actually addicted despite telling myself it wouldn't happen.

>> No.14988130

Prove that tobacco causes will cause lung cancer. Even citing the most extreme shit-tier studies, most only show a 1/10 rate, which never includes or adjusts for other lifestyle factors, which also were very biased from the start which used non-randomized sampling, making self-selection of healthful never smokers and unhealthy smokers almost guaranteed.

>> No.14988166

I like a pipe or cigar every now and then because I like the flavor a lot more than cigs
I swore to only ever bum cigs, mainly because it seems like a largely pointless money dump that could get me addicted
I really miss cig breaks though, nothing felt better than mobilizing the boys after hearing Brady say "heaters?" when we were all sloshed at 1:30am freshman year

>> No.14988238


>> No.14988421

it works like a chad works.
It doesn't matter what they wear, their hairstyle, or anything physical
If they look good everything they do looks good or ironically cool. These hipster faggots think they are attractive enough and smoke even though they hate it.

Smoking is not cool and people who think it is doesn't know what cool is

>> No.14989699

why would I need anything other than my naked naturally athletic body to make me look cool? everything else is a cope.

>> No.14989804

Even if you were right (and you are not), smoking is the best way to be out of breath very quickly. That's completely useless.

>> No.14989807

Jeanne Calment didn't live 122 years, she was replaced by her daughter Yvonne Calment.

>> No.14989821

>Christian Mortensen (August 16, 1882 – April 25, 1998) was a Danish-American supercentenarian.[1] When he died, his age of 115 years, 252 days was the longest verified lifespan of any male in modern history[2] until 28 December 2012, when Jiroemon Kimura of Japan surpassed this record.

>Mortensen was visited by James Vaupel and other longevity researchers on the occasion of his 113th birthday. He was particularly pleased with a box of Danish cigars that the researchers had brought him.[5] Mortensen enjoyed an occasional cigar and insisted that smoking in moderation was not unhealthy.

>Emiliano Mercado del Toro (August 21, 1891 – January 24, 2007) was a Puerto Rican supercentenarian and military veteran who was, at age 115, the world's oldest person for six weeks,[1]
>“I never damaged my body with liquor,” said Mercado, who quit a 76-year smoking habit when he was 90.

>Shigechiyo Izumi 29 June 1865 – 21 February 1986
>Izumi drank brown sugar shōchū (a Japanese alcoholic beverage often distilled from barley or rice), and took up smoking at age 70. [2]

>> No.14989972

What are you trying to say? Smoking will make you a centenary?
There is a big difference between smoking a good cigar once a while and smoking shitty grinded tobbacco on a regular basis.

>> No.14990471

The prevalence of supercentarian smokers contradicts the mortality statistics.

>> No.14990488

You're in your mid 30s posting on 4chan and you think you're qualified to speak about stuff being cool? Lmfao

Also only low income trash smoke lol

>> No.14991174

I know a lot of guys at college who smoke and none of them are cool, least of which when they smoke. consider a few things

1. we dont live in the 50s. even if you were a smoker, youd be spending a lot of your time smoking in designated smoking areas with other smokers.

2. imagine who you know that smokes. now forget about the celebrities from over two decades ago and revise your list.

3. are you prepared to drop a load of cash to support your addiction that hasnt been fashionable since before this millenia?

4. do you want cigarettes so you can "do something with your hands"?

>> No.14991199

Smoking expensive cigars while drinking expensive liquor is, and will always be cool. Smoking tiny nicotine sticks like a low class poorfag isn’t inherently cool.

>> No.14991349

>4. do you want cigarettes so you can "do something with your hands"?
idle hands are the devils workshop. its objectively better for you than masturbating because you can still read and focus on important stuff and arent left tired, duh.

>> No.14991357

The risk isn't cool because you don't die a quick death, it's pretty slow and agonizing.

Also, you smell terrible and can't walk up steps without wheezing. Not worth it. It looks cool, but there are way too many cons to come remotely close to justifying it. Smoker anons are just in denial and think they're cool because a hipster chick bummed a camel blue off them at a bar

>> No.14991511

Gossiping has its purpose in society.What if where ever you're working is going out of business, and people were gossiping about it? What if your Co-worker secretly hated you and was trying to get you fired?
But nah, socialization is for the weak right?
Everybody probably already thinks you're a weirdo anyways fo not talking to anyone.
Hope you get what's coming to you Sperg

>> No.14991528

Faggot, stop trying to be edgy by telling others how you think smoking is good for you. You make yourself look like a 15 year old girl. Smoking puts tar from the smoke in your lungs and can cause cancers. Is it really that hard to realize that there is tar in smoke and that it gets stuck in your lungs reducing aerobic function?

>> No.14991541

Tobacco is bad for you. Yeah sure. We've been using it for thousands of years and it's bad for us? Its not the chemicals you spray in the air? Or the shit you add to cigarettes?

>> No.14992237

smoking objectively looks cool, but is cringe b/c it messes with your lungs. Doesn't it help w/ schizophrenia?

>> No.14992903

>muh tar!!!!
Retard alert. Tar is inherent component of tobacco and it is harmless. Tar is comprised of mostly small-weight organic compounds that the body can readily break down. The lung evolved over hundreds of millions of years as an organ and mechanisms exist in it to filter out and handle particulate matter, especially if they are small, easily broken down compounds. Moreover the "tar" contains potent anti-oxidants like Coenzyme Q10 and the polyphenols. In fact, the tar scare resulted in the widespread adoption of cigarette filters, which deposits fine strands of cellulose acetate fibers directly into the lung (which themselves are often in fire retardants), eventually resulting in an irreversible buildup which is the cause of COPD. Moreover, the filters also aerosolise the smoke (essentially allowing it to travel deeper into the lungs, not so dissimilar to the manner of nanoparticle toxicity). COPD/emphysema was much rarer among smokers until the rise of filters.



>> No.14993172

Imagine spending your Saturday afternoon trying to convince teenagers that cigarettes are cool lol.

>> No.14993204

It's gone full cycle. Being straight is straight again and doing drugs/smoking is cool again.

>> No.14993213

Ronaldo is not cool and he lives in a different world from most people.Smoking will attract pussy including anti-smoking pussy.

>> No.14993258

Smoking is based. Yes, it will fuck your lungs up and cause health problems, but these aren't quite as terrible as long as you limit yourself to four cigarettes a day maximum, ideally fewer. Fact is that few normies now smoke unless they're plebs because the gubmint told them it was bad and no longer cool. It's immediate access to a club of people who you can be relatively sure are either not normies or are easy sluts, which are good either way. Also, it just feels fucking good, especially if you're a bit drunk.

>> No.14993492

this thread convinced me that tobacco isn't as bad as they say it is.

>> No.14993901

You're definitely 14 at most.
>"I do not concern myself with such trivial matters"
>Is a name fag
kek. Checks out

>> No.14994907

Did you even read the articles you posted? Stop pretending to be retarded

>> No.14994915

Read the first line of the article

>> No.14994919

i live in a place where smoking isn't frowned upon but i personally don't think it "looks cool" anymore i still smoke because i've been smoking for almost 5 years. i only smoke one pack every 2 days or sometimes more and as long as you don't smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day your body should be able to restore itself without any long term damage.

>> No.14994957

A report concluding on the basis of statistical evidence is not proof. It's an edict.

>> No.14994974

>changing cigarette designs have caused an increase in lung adenocarcinomas
Yes, unfiltered cigarettes are healthier which debunks your proposed mechanism of "tar will cause cancer, dude".

>> No.14995572
File: 181 KB, 800x1067, 800px-たばこ_ハイライト.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I just want to try some Japanese cigarettes. I hear they're really good.

What is the most /fa/ cigarettes brand?

>> No.14995679

> Tar contains most of the cancer-causing and other harmful chemicals found in tobacco smoke. When tobacco smoke is inhaled, the tar can form a sticky layer on the inside of the lungs. This damages the lungs and may lead to lung cancer, emphysema, or other lung problems.
The only people you are fooling are the underage faggots on this board.

>> No.14995703

Next time read the entire thing. The studies are at the bottom.

>> No.14995751

smoking does have plenty of negatives, but holy shit, its the best thing ever for your social life

>> No.14996218

Smoke breaks are mandatory and you don't need to smoke to take them.

>> No.14996237
File: 401 KB, 640x496, 1570661076532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't need to smoke to take them.
What kind of jackass would "take a smoke break" to not smoke?

>> No.14996337

>cites statistical evidence and reports of statistical evidence
Not science.

>> No.14996347

>What is the most /fa/ cigarettes brand?
just roll your own

>> No.14996351

They don't look as cool