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File: 273 KB, 1280x800, don draper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14982299 No.14982299 [Reply] [Original]

How come a long narrow face is typically seen as an ugly beta trait, yet Jon Hamm has a long narrow face and looks like a Chad?

>> No.14982301
File: 177 KB, 1000x1486, david bowie 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another example of a Chad with a long narrow face

>> No.14982522


>> No.14982541

Because the big square face is an online meme ffs. Nobody irl even says OMG THAT GUY AT THE BAR IS A CHAD!!

It's the face for some high school /college american movie about a football player.

IRL and in the world of modelling people don;t have a huge square face, they have faces like are posted here.

>> No.14982544

It's because your status and actions determine if you are a chad not your looks.

>> No.14982546

The big square face is more German than American desu.
There are German Americans in the Midwest but lots of them are mixed.

>> No.14982560

>The big square face is more German than American

Yeah and I'll tell you why, because they are Jewish. We have had threads here before about the racial skull shapes, and how a lot of people in Hollywood have the big square jaw. It does not exist in European paintings and statues. People always post the Nazi statue too of that guy with a somewhat chad jaw but they choose the pictures that take it out of context and the statue doesn't actually have a huge square jaw.

And yes, jews have a little chin and sloped head, at least those form the middle east. The roots of those in Hollywood are from some place in Eastern Europe (which is where almost all Jews in the West originate from) so it's racially connected.

There are small changes with skull shape within a people but the big square jaw is often so pronounced it's clearly related to a different ethnic group.

>inb4 dolph lundgren is posted
>inb4 chinlet

Blah blah. Most things related to genetics and it's just not posts you can have on fa as the average person is a teenager and takes it as some insult for some weird reason when you talk about the biology of the skull shape, it gets very boring. People here think skull shapes and other such things are just by randomness of birth when that's counter-biologically and scientifically true.

>> No.14982571
File: 8 KB, 190x270, Wolf Kahler Barry Lyndon (1975).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ultimate German big square face right here.

>> No.14982573
File: 171 KB, 1510x999, ThomasKoener_Goethe-Institut_Boston_22-10-2010_bySusannaBolle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember you. You said that before. You're wrong though.

Of course there are German Jews, but your claim that Germans in general are Jewish is not correct. Explain why many Germans have straight, non hooked noses like pic related if they are Jewish.

And Jews typically don't have square jaws anyway. Jews tend to have elongated, narrow faces.

>> No.14982583
File: 1.22 MB, 1473x464, jaws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but your claim that Germans in general are Jewish is not correct

No, no. I don't mean that Germans are Jewish. I mean there are many "Germans" in America who came from Germany but are in fact Jews.

Yeah pic related, classic Goddess statue and Michelangelo compared to these "Chad jaws" which are very comedic and really look deformed.

My whole point really is that the "Chad jaw" is a very modern thing, mainly influenced by Hollywood. Nobody in the 18th century or so held such views. It's a perfect example of how you can condition people to believe what is peak beauty via movies and media. People posting about the chad jaw don't even understand where their views came from and when it's pointed out, they reject that notion. That is true brainwashing to the extent of being scary. Makes you understand how genocides can happen though.

What's worse is that 99% of people don't have that jaw and nor can they and you've basically convinced 99% of people their jaw is inferior. Crazy shit.

>> No.14982585
File: 967 KB, 1082x542, white jaw vs non-white jaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This statue is also the famous Nazi statue which people use as a refute that a "Chad Jaw" was a nazi ideal. As you can see here, they are not alike.

>> No.14982589
File: 27 KB, 405x612, Ralf Hütter of Kraftwerk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are many Germans who have square jaws.

>> No.14982590
File: 27 KB, 454x682, aryan jawline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another example

>> No.14982593
File: 34 KB, 450x300, nico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14982594

>And Jews typically don't have square jaws anyway. Jews tend to have elongated, narrow faces.

Ah yeah and I addressed that. But there are also a big group of Jews you find in Western movies, politics, media etc. and if you look them up, they all have roots from their grandparents in roughly eastern Europe past Germany. I mean they might not even be the true Jews but a certain ethnic group of people but plenty of Hollywood movies have confirmed Jewish actors in and do they look like some stereotypical Jewish portrait? Nope, which is why most people don;t even know they are Jewish. They are though which refutes the whole Jews only look this way, often they are not really can't be separated from whites and people can't tell which is why I believe that certain ethnic group (which calls itself Jewish) is from and that is where you will find almost all of those big square facial shapes (along with a relatively high IQ) while the stereotypical looking jew in Israel has an IQ in line with Europeans.

>> No.14982597
File: 138 KB, 1064x1129, michael rother neu!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In WW2 the British even had a stereotype that the Germans all had big square heads.

>> No.14982601

>high percent of jews in germany
>that certain ethnic group of jews originates from just east of germany
>jews in germany always changed their names to ethnic german names

Hey man, hold up here, I know this is shocking but is there a chance those people you are posting could be well, ethnically non-German?

Because if you believe them to be German, racially they are Germanic peopels who originate from the beaker people which the British and French also do, so the same rate of square Jaws should be prevalent in all those groups. If it's higher in Germany that is a sign those are not ethnic Germans with bell beaker people roots.

Offer science please instead of just some pictures.

>> No.14982602

>In WW2 the British even had a stereotype that the Germans all had big square heads.

Offer links, history and sources please. Likely propaganda. Hitler say the British as Germanic cousins if not brothers so the claim sounds dubious.

>> No.14982606

Lol can I also say how much of a tranny does that look? Yikes

>> No.14982609

I notice you have also called this an "arran jawline" which doe snot exist in 99% of aryan peoples nor in any part of European history via books, pictures, statues, paintings etc. Nor does it exist in nazi ideology.

Which goes back to my point about you posting propaganda and conditioning that you are trying to convince 99% of aryan people they are not aryan when the jaw exists in 1% of people. Just like the other ethic Jewish group is also at 1%. Funny coincidence...

>> No.14982611

>an "aryan jawline" which does not exist****

>> No.14982616
File: 26 KB, 720x540, recessed chin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why do Germans have straight hair and straight noses if they are Jewish, anon? Desu anon I am starting to think that you are just a jawlet trying to cope.

>> No.14982631
File: 54 KB, 565x800, Woody_Allen_Cannes_2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also it's worth noting that Germans tend to have highly autistic, stoic, reserved personalities in contrast to the extraverted, neurotic, "funny" personality that is associated with Jews such as pic related. Also note the distinctly large nose and narrow jaw.

>> No.14982634
File: 911 KB, 1253x879, jaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you autistic buddy? I never said Germans are Jewish, I said there is a group of German-Jews are a different ethnic group than Germans who are from the bell beaker people. Those "Germans" in the USA are likely the German-Jewish group.

I even predicated the jawlet cope crap which at this point means you just lost any argument you may have been trying to form.

I've posted myself plenty. My jaw is here, yeah it's not huge, it's more pronounced when I am carrying less fat because I am 40 years old. Either way, if I didn't have any jaw at all that would still not be a counter argument.

>> No.14982637

Good taste in movies anon

>> No.14982642

>Also it's worth noting that Germans tend to have highly autistic, stoic, reserved personalities

And does that describe those "Germans" in Hollywood? Not really, which is why they are German-Jews and a separate group from ethnic Germans and thus the chad jaw is a non-European thing and a production of modern Hollywood.

I mean what is a great survival tactic than to convince a whole ethnic group you as an outsider ethic group with different features is the peak ideal for their ethnic group? It's brilliant in a way.

>> No.14982646

The square faced Germans that you claim are Jews that I posted have straight hair and straight noses.
also refute this

>> No.14982652

Lol this guy... how many more times? Honestly this is why these threads are a waste of time because they are filled with 18 year olds with IQ's in the low 80s which is exactly the target group for this propaganda.

The Jewish caricature you have in your mind is the middle eastern dark skinned looking jew and not typically the Ashkenazi type from Eastern Europe. I even admit they might be a different ethnic group from Jews, but they identify as Jewish sow e call them that.

The post you quoted if anything backed up my views.

1 or 2 pictures also mean nothing, that's simply cherry picking. I know the history and roots of European ethnic groups and have studies their arts. You need to refute with actual evidence and history/biology or just admit you don't actually know.

>> No.14982656

I am open minded and interested to actually hear evidence based theories to disprove me but all I get is "hey look, this person is German with a big jaw this this proves me 100" correct"

God it's just such low brow intellectualism and laughable in some debate. It's even a form of anti-semetism that people think 100% of Jews look like some rabbi meme picture. Ridiculous.

>> No.14982657
File: 49 KB, 920x613, john oliver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Oliver is more Jewish looking than any German. He supposedly is British but I don't believe it.

>> No.14982661

Woody Allen is a typical Ashkenazi phenotype and definitely looks different from an ethnic German.

>> No.14982662

Well Britain also has a lot of Jews that came from Eastern Europe, in his case he could be Celtic origin. It's interesting how Celts are often described as swarthy when people usually think of white skin and ginger hair. Ginger haired populations tie in a lot with Viking routes around the British isles and of course Vikings had red haired Gods, Thor, which Hollywood made blonde.. hmm...

Also vikings are Germanic and originate from the bell beaker people.

>> No.14982670

Screaming here, Of course he looks different from an ethnic German because he isn't one. An ethnic German looks like most Germanic peoples you can find all over Germany, France, UK, Holland etc. They all have the same roots, just different cultures.

My point is once again most of the Germans you see in America, those with German roots in Hollywood and likely German-Jews so not ethnic Germans at all and that's why they have a higher percentage of square Jaw because they are Jews and not ethnic Germans and thus the chad jaw is a creation of Hollywood and not some white "aryan" ideal.

>> No.14982676

My point was that Woody Allen, a Jew, has a narrow jaw and a big nose. Hmmmmmm

>> No.14982679

AUTISM 101. A chad jaw can be a characteristic of Jews, it's not prevalent in 100% of Jews. FFS. Did anyone here even go to school?


Please I don't even want to converse with people this stupid.

>> No.14982791

Facial structure looks more French/German. Plus if John Oliver is his real name, Oliver is a French surname.

>> No.14983005

i wouldn't say his face is narrow. also having a massive cock adds to his chadness

>> No.14983040

This kind of tall and rectangular face is extremely common in the Netherlands and Western Germany. I'm Dutch and my face is like that too.

>> No.14983411

He doesn't look German at all.

>> No.14983546

>Oliver is a French surname.
No, Olivier is a French surname.

>> No.14983789

You faggots. It's clearly a Jew.

>> No.14983807

Found the first cecil post i like

>> No.14983980
File: 70 KB, 520x393, laughing panda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14984018

>The Jewish caricature you have in your mind is the middle eastern dark skinned looking jew
you're a retarded moron, the happy merchant caricature is ASHKENAZI, alot of ashkenazi jews have that phenotype.

>> No.14984022 [DELETED] 

why do you retards have associate dark features with being jewish? this guy doesn't look jewish at all.
he isn't

>> No.14984033

why do you retards always associate dark features with being jewish? this guy doesn't look jewish at all.
he isn't

>> No.14984045
File: 48 KB, 1200x675, talentless faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do you retards always associate dark features with being jewish?
It's the gigantic nose and the weak facial structure that makes him look Jewish.

>> No.14984063

you look Italian...one of the stupid ones

>> No.14984074
File: 25 KB, 618x412, JosephGordon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gigantic nose
this isn't an argument, plenty of people have gigantic noses, to tell a jewish nose you must see nasal bridge and bone projection.
>weak facial structure
you mean jawline? as if whites don't have weak jawlines. anyway he's a jew with a decent jaw.

>> No.14984081

>anyway he's a jew with a decent jaw.
average at best

>> No.14984095
File: 58 KB, 430x645, jesse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14984100
File: 46 KB, 438x664, 2f7f5613384187bb3a3a2f5cb4bcc586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never cared for being or not being Chad-Jaw-Positive, it is imho not a difference that makes a difference.

>> No.14984680

I look very similar to Hütter.

>> No.14984807


>> No.14984974
File: 9 KB, 874x1200, 1200px-Rectangle_Geometry_Vector.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch that's a rectangle. Learn your geometry.

>> No.14985665


That face is not even narrow

>> No.14985668


Who cares about big square faces and stuupid face phenotypes.

It's all about the jawline and facial harmony.

>> No.14985670


Who the fuck cares. I know a lot of ugly ass germans, Ugly ass Celts, Ugly motherfuckers

>> No.14986897

If you have a halfway decent bone structure and work out you'll almost always look pretty good. Unless you have a triangle face, which basically means you don't have to do shit to look great.

>> No.14986911

>triangle face,
post example pls

>> No.14986918
File: 161 KB, 817x407, triangle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just this, think of celebs /fa/ obsesses over like ezra miller and timothee chalamat. The advantages of this face is that you have a naturally very angular jawline, good chin and good cheekbones. Looks good when you're a twink and looks good when you're buff, could potentially fuck you up if your facial lines become so pronounced that you start looking like the grim reaper.

>> No.14986923

that woman is white

>> No.14986933

>ezra miller
He looks ok. I don't like his hair though.
>timothee chalamat.
Wtf he looks like a massive fag. /fa/ obsesses over him?

>> No.14986938

>Wtf he looks like a massive fag. /fa/ obsesses over him?
You just answered your own question.

>> No.14986943

But he looks like a dweeb with his tiny chin, droopy eyes, and Jewfro.

>> No.14986993

reminder than if you don't have aryan bone structure, you're doomed.

>> No.14987023

No, the merchants and bankers are pushing multiculturalism so we are going to have more black robots in the star wars franchise

>> No.14987026

i clearly said bone structure. i'm talking about aryan phenotype.

>> No.14987043
File: 2.67 MB, 1328x1526, compairisons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ezra mogs Chalamet so much it isn't even funny.

It's not just you, he's really not very attractive - especially when you compare to Miller (see pic related).

>> No.14987046

Kek, saved

>> No.14987054

Is Ezra Miller the only Chad tier Jew who ever lived?

>> No.14987057
File: 284 KB, 505x904, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ezra is a Mischling, and his mother is white.
Similar to Paul Newman, who was also a Chad.

>> No.14987167
File: 17 KB, 432x240, E24777DC-6E3F-4E62-86B2-59E115A2430C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14987373

no, there are alot of jewish chads, you never see them because you have probably never met any jews in real life.

>> No.14987533

It’s only him, Woody Allen and maybe Barbara Streisand

>> No.14987535

You don't really know what a long narrow face is. His face is long but square.

My face is too long and wayyy too narrow

>> No.14987537

I have a similar face shape to this and square, but my jaw is lower than these triangular examples. I suppose I am squared-triangular.

>> No.14987541

wow this man was beautiful, what the fuck

>> No.14987708

>Woody Allen

>> No.14987826

>tfw my ex-gf had a strong jaw like Wilde and I miss her so
we would have had Chad sons

>> No.14987899

>having a gf
fuck off reddit

>> No.14987924
File: 282 KB, 632x576, 5e3c1ecbebac0769459462.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've all been brainwashed by jewish media

>> No.14988083
File: 194 KB, 1500x1496, dylan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path

>> No.14988373

Chad? really?

>> No.14988385
File: 67 KB, 640x754, david bowie 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was he not a Chad?
>good looking
>great artist
>loved by everyone

>> No.14988407

definitely not faggot

>> No.14988425

David Bowie was one of the biggest Chads who ever lived. What does Chad even mean if Bowie wasn't one?

>> No.14988992
File: 386 KB, 667x1000, ezra blue eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only he had blue eyes, then he would be literally perfect.

>> No.14989005

>world of modelling

ie. the world of gay men picking bois they want to fuck and girls that remind them off the bois they want to fuck.

>> No.14989569

>How come a long narrow face is typically seen as an ugly beta trait
Huh? Maybe stop visiting /fit/ and /pol/, kid.

>> No.14989575

You may be right. Actual Germans often have weak chins. Really square jaws are rare, can't remember ever seeing one.
Source: I'm from Germany

Hütter is a Jewish occupational surname from German Hut ("hat"), a maker of kippahs.

>> No.14989581

>the British even had a stereotype that the Germans all had big square heads.
Anglo-Saxons are literally Germans.

Also, Rother is again, a Jewish name. Rot(h) means red in German, it's the tribal color of the Tribe of Ruben.

>> No.14989583

>Woody Allen
>Not autistic

>> No.14989620

ITT high school graduates talk about history, gene expression, and art

>> No.14989627

Its almost like your actions define whether you are a chad or not and not looks

>> No.14989630

unironically this is exactly how it is

>> No.14989632

If you find these extremely masculine features in women attractive, you are a closeted faggot and everyone including your family knows it for years

>> No.14989633

Nobody obsesses over ezra miller except that one faggot who shitposts his thread every single day

>> No.14989650


>> No.14989917
File: 12 KB, 400x296, nico velvet underground.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to live in Germany and strong jawlines were way more common there than in any other country that I have been to.

>> No.14989962

>Let me tell you about your country

>> No.14990337

Umad bro?

>> No.14990751

>What does Chad even mean if Bowie wasn't one?
Big jock with big body and big jaw.
When did it become interchangeable with attractive man? Did /r9k/ do this? I think Bowie's very pretty, but he's among the last person I'd ever call a Chad

>> No.14990782
File: 411 KB, 1424x977, comfycore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is objectively wrong, because while I post Ezra a lot and make threads sometimes I'm not the only one - and either way whoever makes those threads they always get a ton of replies.
So I would say /fa/ really likes him, actually.

>> No.14990873

>Big jock with big body and big jaw.
I've got a wide jaw and a tall height, but I am thin, and not especially muscular, or much at all like a stereotypical jock. I probably don't fit neatly into the Chad stereotype, but women have expressed how well put-together I am, at times.