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/fa/ - Fashion

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14978503 No.14978503 [Reply] [Original]

I live in NYC, what should I wear that's /fa/ and new yorker-y?

>> No.14978512 [DELETED] 

sex core

>> No.14978515 [DELETED] 

that guy looks like a huge homosexual

>> No.14978531

Go outside into the boujee parts and write down what you see

>> No.14978555

anything you want, but get a red bandana, tie it around your head and walk through the bronx and brooklyn

>> No.14978563


Helmut Lang

>> No.14978567

did you just move there or something

>> No.14978752

why is this guy a meme?

>> No.14978786

NYC here.

Don't look like you're trying to fit in. I can understand the appeal, but there are a few issues I have with it personally.

1. Fashion moves quickly here
You do research, observe the populace, buy your clothes, and are ready to look like any other 20-something. Congratulations, you now have 6 months maximum before the style changes. Will it change much? Not at all. But it'll change enough to be noticeable, and you'll be noticeably behind the trend.

2. Modern New York is not true New York. This is controversial, I know. A thousand years ago in a time referred to as the 1980's, people wore shoulderpads and big hair and wide suits. It looked dope if you were living in 1988. But it aged terribly. All of that went out of style. So I would not recommend going for a trendy New Yorker style. Because it will become radically outdated. And New Yorkers have the tendency to put themselves on a pedestal, that they're ahead of fashion and whatever else, and usually fail to see that they look like idiots.

3. Wear your own shit. Have your own style. Obviously look well-kept (not necessarily short hair and clean shave, but you get my meaning). But do your own thing, man. You don't want to blend in and look exactly the same as every young person in New York. And to be honest, literally everyone here who isn't that kind of person (and many who are) thinks that those people are faggots.
You have to embrace your own style via your own inspirations. I'm not telling you which ones to pick, you do that on your own. But your style should represent you, separate you from the pack.

Timeless fashion and being yourself is infinitely more Chad than following the trends of metrosexual softboys who have no idea how hardcore their Brooklyn neighborhood used to be. Just because it is popular to dress like you cry after elections, won't eat gluten, can't defend yourself, and watch your gf get boned by other dudes does not mean that you should dress that way.

>> No.14978796

But for some applicable immediate advice: Build a few simple minimalist outfits. Just plain colored shit. Whites, browns, that sort of thing. I'm sure you can figure it out. This will allow you to appear well-kept and that you know what you're doing. From there you can simply observe NY around you and see what people wear. I am not fucking with you when I say you should break from the pack. This place is full of clones. Sure, wear the clothes you like, and if you like current trends that's fine. As long as you're doing it for yourself and not to blend in to the faceless masses.

>> No.14978806

>caring enough to change your fashion based on what other people wear in your city

fucking /fa/ggots on this board

>> No.14978837

i think a lot of this can be summed up by the maxim of following trends (past and present) but buying only elements which suit your personality and appearance, and avoiding the rest. this takes more time than just buying chelseas and camelhair coats or whatever shit people were going crazy over in 2018 and then tossing it out but it's worth it.

>> No.14978849

retard detected

the biggest tragedy of modern day fashion is that there are no true pockets of culture based on geographic location, and everyone looks the same as anyone else. each major city or even country/region used to have a specific 'look', instead of shitheads on the internet deciding 'today i want to look sleasy' or 'now i want to larp as a terrorist' with zero regard to their surroundings (because clothes are meant to be posted, obviously, who cares what people in real life think?).

being influenced by people you see and maybe even speak to in real life is much less cringe than carefully emulating outfits from mspaint diagrams and reverse google image search.

>> No.14978862

Yep, solid summary. You're probably not gonna wear a sack suit from 1950 or the hippie garb of the Greenwich Village circa 1969. But taking timeless elements from the trends you like and adopting new shit as it comes, that's a good plan. Don't just wear something because it is currently popular, but wear it because it works for you.

My biggest example is the current trend within "high" (but not really) fashion brands such as Gucci which are coming out with fucking retarded clothing. Ugly sweaters (not the fun ironic kind), ugly pants, ugly everything. I think it's just a form of brand manipulation and protection but still, the shit look dumb as hell and will be outdated very very soon. So don't drop hundreds of dollars on a stupid shirt that will make you look like an idiot in a year.

>> No.14978874

laugh if you want but this is a legendary fit

>> No.14978893

it's basically how all of /fa/ dressed in the first half of 2010s

>> No.14978951

Voi vitun Antti

>> No.14979011

It’s not that dark as you described because people still tend to wear things available around. More likely that person who live in small german town would dress into milspo/neo folk rather than cyberpunk/modern teachwear and reverse for New York.

>> No.14979294
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Shut the fuck up, bitch. I'm hijacking this thread.

What are some good, non-fast fashion stores in NYC? I'm visiting from Europe, and wanna pick up some cool clothes.

>> No.14979367

just be yourself

>> No.14980316


>> No.14980689


furthermore it's problematic that many people are trying to "hivemind" fashion, when having a sense of fashion is, in it's nature, against that.

people here are trying to collectivize their opinions and form them into strict, autistic guidelines.

gotta go on the internet and ask if my sweatpants should be one brand or another..

>> No.14980803
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>> No.14981190


Okay, one, why is people having more agency over who they make themselves out to be a bad thing, versus it getting determined by geography? Two, why is subcultures being geographically distributed (and, like with #1, accessible to everyone with an affinity for them) a bad thing?

Three, no, you're wrong. I promise you you could look at actual street style shots from Berlin, London, New York, Atlanta, SFO, and see differences. If nothing else different places have different climates.

Hell, there's differences in how someone is going to dress based on where they live *in the same city*.

>furthermore it's problematic that many people are trying to "hivemind" fashion, when having a sense of fashion is, in it's nature, against that.

This isn't new. Fashion has always been a vehicle for social cohesion and group identity. Always. Like back to ancient whatever the fuck.

You (and I!) might have some romantic ideal of ~a sense of fashion~ as an independent subject, but even within that it's in the context of and in tension with mimetic culture.

>people here are trying to collectivize their opinions and form them into strict, autistic guidelines.

There's this obsessive taxonomizing of style that happens on fashion sections of forum websites for nerds (ahem) but strict guidelines on style are also as old as time and are probably more relaxed now than at any point in history. Literally societies have had laws about what social caste or role is allowed to wear what color.

>> No.14981803


>> No.14981828

not related to OP but recently met antti and he's the nicest guy

>> No.14981854


>> No.14982116
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>> No.14982146

When its monday but you too lazy to brush core

>> No.14982200
File: 82 KB, 1000x667, thrifty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've lived in NYC for the good end of four years now.

I find that above everything else, the thrifting scene here is like no other and you can build an incredible wardrobe out of secondhand fashion. Second hand high fashion and samples made by all sorts of brands are tossed into goodwills here constantly. I know a guy who makes a living off of going to thrift stores, buying alexander wang handbags and archival pieces for $10-20 and selling them for 20x what he bought them for, which is still a fraction of what they retail/resell for. He found a pair of the raf simons stan smiths that were printed all around to look like the sambas.... 4 months before they actually released. Made $800 profit instantly.

Don't listen to these consumerist chumps. If you know your shit thrift stores will treat you very well in this city.

>> No.14982217


>> No.14982273


>> No.14982286

God I hate people that do that. Now gems are exceedingly rare for the average shopper. Back in the day, half the fun of a Salvation Army Saturday was finding the one offs and casually tossed designer pieces buried among the heaps.

Now there is nothing but Kirkland brand cotton ringers.

>> No.14982422

Why is everyone in SoHo so uptight? Being in that area makes me feel poor for some reason.

>> No.14982577

timbs and a fitted nigga or are you one of them crackers living in brooklyn?