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/fa/ - Fashion

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14968153 No.14968153 [Reply] [Original]

Any Coloradans on here?

I'm moving there in about 6 months.

>inb4 fuck off were full
yeah, yeah I know. wasnt exactly my choice, though i guess im not really complaining.

What do people in your state dress like? I wear mostly ivy/prep shit -
barbour jackets
mercer ocbds
alden derbys/boots

how out of place am i going to look? only time i was there everyone was wearing hoodies and vans. was disgusting desu

>> No.14968161
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>> No.14968167

But seriously though, fuck off, we don't need more people.

>> No.14968180

k glad we got that out of the way
now what is the fashion like? you arent one of those hoodie wearing faggots are you anon?

>> No.14968210

Nah dude, you don’t get it. I’m also from CO and yeah, we really, really don’t want you here. You’re just another transplant asshole causing more traffic and driving up our rent. You’re a fucking cancer my dude.

Have fun living here for 6 months until you get sick of getting vibed every time a local finds out you’re not from here.

>> No.14968216

Ha, this moron is poor and uncool. If you make good money like most transplants you can live in a cool area: colfax, highland, rino, cap hill. I have made tons of friends and probably half are local.

People have a variety of styles. There is a lot of Patagonia/ goose jackets, and a generally outdoorsy vibe. No one will bat an eye at a trendier or more obscure style though.

>> No.14968218
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lmao. you act as if i give a fuck what you think. im getting paid a massive amount of money to move there, you can "vibe" me all you want kek

>> No.14968223

>look at me i’m cool!
>lists the most blownout and unhip parts of Denver
>thinks Denver is still cool at all

Yeah, you’re ngmi

>> No.14968227

Yeah you are right, the most expensive parts of Denver definitely aren’t the best places to live. This surely isn’t a case of sour grapes.

>> No.14968229

Yeah bud, that attitude will get you reeeal far out here lol.

>> No.14968230

Where would you like to live? I personally enjoy walking to work while my house appreciates 10% a year.

>> No.14968234
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you sound really hip and cool

wait? you mean the 23 year old hoodie wearing faggots in vans with their stoned women wearing feather hats wont think im cool? pls no anon, pls say no

>> No.14968236

You didn’t even list Cherry Creek you fucking retard. You clearly don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. So yeah, move of kys kiddo

>> No.14968238

Yeah, let me sign right up to be far away from downtown where the median age is 14 years older!

>> No.14968241

Median age in Cherry Creek is 40 you retard. Where would you like to live if you are the Denver king?

>> No.14968246

Yeah you’re ngmi at all. I’m sure you’ll be getting plenty of comments on your khakis and prep clothes but they’re definitely not going to be compliments.

>> No.14968255

Just keep seething at all us transplants that are making sure you can never afford a house in a desirable area. Keep up the sour grapes though and pretend that you like living in Lakewood. Lol

>> No.14968258

if the comments are from faggots like you i couldnt be less concerned. big income step for me and im mostly interested in the outdoors than going to denver breweries with dudeweedlmao faggots like yourself. if you ever see a guy in an ocbd laughing at you on the street, youll know why

we have butthurt poorfag townies like him in my town too. complete losers who think they make up the "in crowd" while literally no one else cares. just lmao

>> No.14968260

This tough guy front and attitude you have isn’t going to do you any favors out here. I’m not seething because I know you won’t be able to handle it and I know you won’t last. I’m pretty sure you know that as well.

>> No.14968261

I'm not anyone you responded to, but an elitist attitude never looks /fa/.

>> No.14968263


>> No.14968264

I’m not the OP. I have been here 3 years. I have bought a house here. Made many friends, and made huge career advancements. I am engaged and will be married here. I don’t have a tough guy attitude. I am just calling you out as the elitist local cunt that you are.

>> No.14968266

>tfw Wyoming
>get all the benefits of Colorado
>don't have to deal with all the Commiefornia and Texas transplants
It's pretty based

>> No.14968272

>wont be able to handle it
jesus lmao. not him but ive lived in 5 different states, what is it about you faggots that think your shit is the last frontier or something LOL

sure youre not. i like how the local with a stick up his ass is not elitist yet the guy calling him out for it is. lmao stay retarded

keep repeating it from your weed van. kek you fucking loser

kind of mirin desu. always wanted to live there or montana, job wont allow though. hope you enjoy it

>> No.14968274

>sure youre not. i like how the local with a stick up his ass is not elitist yet the guy calling him out for it is. lmao stay retarded
He is too, but you're no better.

>> No.14968275

>”i’m not an elitist cunt, you are!”
>”you’re poor and i’m not LOL”
Not that anon but come on. You’re the example of the asshole transplant.

>> No.14968281

fair enough

why do you keep saying "youre not that same guy" yet you clearly are. the number of posters has not changed. you are beyond cringe my dude

>> No.14968282

Good Lord get a loud of all this cope.

>> No.14968287

Yeah. I’m an asshole to other assholes. Guilty as charged. The local is still a bitter cunt who perfectly exemplifies sour grapes.

>> No.14968330

Moved to Colorado Springs from rural Missouri a couple years ago and the “native” culture here is wild. People in Colorado are generally nice besides the “natives.” Traffic here is so awful because nobody knows how to fucking drive. People in the springs are generally more conservative but it’s much more affordable to move to here than Denver. If you like nature, hiking and outdoorsy stuff then the springs is your best option.

>> No.14968378

fuck off were full

>> No.14968427

lol the locals in this thread seem like massive faggots.

>> No.14968779

>you won’t last
Lmao what it’s just a fucking city stop pretending you’re in some wasteland where you have to fend for yourself.

>> No.14969179

i fucking hate retards that do this
you are so close to certain death and you think you look cool

>> No.14969186

"native" culture here is the most annoying shit. as if they all aren't displaced confederate white trash.

everyone else is friendly and fit.

Nobody here is "conventionally fashionable". the style here is definitely outdoorsy/athletic, for obvious reasons. Lots of patagucci/north face/arcteryx. Ivy/prep isn't out of place, but its certainly more formal than most people are dressing

>> No.14969188

>this trainwreck of a thread
reminder that colorado was never cool to live in, the people are all faggots.

>> No.14969202

Lol former TX bros wya we run this shit in CO

>> No.14969335

I lived inColorado back in 2012.
Everyone was full cowboy larp mode 24/7.
It was pretty cringe.

>> No.14970008

larp mode? Colorado's in og cowboy country.

>> No.14970202
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Depends on the city,
Boulder? you'll look out of place. pic related
Denver? stick to the neighborhood around DU and you'll fit in just great. Just don't go any farther north/ northeast you'll get jumped by Mexicans.

>> No.14970204

You'll get jumped, not for your money but for looking like a queer

>> No.14970390

Lol that's what it seems like. Wyoming bro might be on to something

>> No.14970411

I'm so fucking suck of spics

>> No.14970427

Imagine thinking Colfax is cool what the hell.