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14962976 No.14962976 [Reply] [Original]

Sorry for creating a new thread but I really need help with my shit.
Hair on my crown are thinning, hairline is kind of ok tho.
I need your advices on how to stop thinning and balding at any cost. Finasteride, healthy lifestyle, maybe some HRT stuff but I know nothing about it except my main enemy here is DHT.
BTW my father and grandfather are bald, but it is a lot about their stressful slav lifestyle and shitty ration, amirite?

>> No.14962983

anon, you'll be bald in less than 4 years. Sorry mate.

>> No.14962985
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just buzz it bro

>> No.14962988

Start finasteride and minoxidil. Now. Balding like you are is a blessing, there is a good chance you will be able to thicken up your bald spot, and if your hairline is in good shape you are fine. Me on the other hand - I have virtually perfect density with a borderline Norwood 3 hairline. I am fucked.

>> No.14963000

I don't care about finasteride's side effects, but minoxidil is what scares me: I heard it has a strong withdrawal syndrome. I'm leaning to some lowkey HRT or fin

>> No.14963012

get a toupee

>> No.14963024

Dude, HRT is infinitely more impactful than fucking topical minoxidil. Don't be a tard.

>> No.14963045

>but minoxidil is what scares me: I heard it has a strong withdrawal syndrome
where are you people hearing this info about minox? the worst side effect this can give you is dandruff

>> No.14963055

From qualified trichologists dude. It will cause some thickening and then fuck up everything

>> No.14963058

Yeah... Theres literally NOTHING to worry about with minox, other than the 'dandruff'(Which isnt even dandruff, its just the elements of the liquid that dont get absorbed into your scalp)
Minox works as an androgen. It just increases bloodflow to the area. Theres nothing really fucking with your hormones. You could get the same effect with lazer treatment, or dermarolling(infact you get better results with dermarolling, but if you over do it you can get a bunch of scar tissue, and it makes your scalp feel like crap for a couple days after)

All that said, Finn is by far the most practical and effective treatment.(HRT is fucking INSANE. Your risk with finn is some anecdotal limp dick worries that are hard to reproduce in proper trials. HRT will without question fuck your dick and sterility up.)

>> No.14963059

It's impactful yeah, but I'm okay with becoming less mannish. If I grow tits I'll just cut it off lmao

>> No.14963064

Bruh, I am gay and I don't actually care about sterility.

>> No.14963078
File: 682 KB, 899x1384, Baldman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hairloss is caused by elevated prolactin levels, not testosterone or dht.

Excess PUFA consumption is having a negative effect on male hormones causing them to have excess serotonin, prolactin, estrogen, cortisol, etc.

Real Causes of baldness:

>Chronically Elevated Cortisol Levels
>Chronically Elevated Estrogen Levels (there is a feedback loop between cortisol and estrogen where they both increase one another over time as well)
>Low Thyroid Function
>Liberation of Free Fatty Acids In The Blood, which stimulates Estrogen production
>Chronically Elevated Prolactin Levels
>Mucopolysaccharide accumulation in the scalp tissue (Matrix for Calcification)
>Drops in protective hormone levels like Progesterone, with the simultaneous increase in stress hormone levels like cortisol and estrogen (This ratio matters)

-The Truth About Propecia (Finasteride):


-The Male Pattern Baldness Myth - The Genetic-Androgen Hypothesis debunked


-Aspirin: The "Swiss Army Knife" of Baldness Remedies?


-Specialized Nutrition for Male Pattern Baldness


-Carbon Dioxide: The "Cure" for Male Pattern Baldness?


When it comes to hairloss your genetics determine how sensitive you are to certain hormones, not whether you are going to go bald or not.

Most people will leave it too late, and go with the comforting thought that it was completely out of their hands. When really all they had to do was cut certain things out of their diet, and make sure they were getting adequate amounts of essential micro nutrients.

>> No.14963099

Thanks man, I guess I just need to visit trihologist or endocrinologist asap

>> No.14963112

Don't listen to this retarded tinfoilfaggot, he post this in every thread about hairloss.

The only things that work and are FDA-approved are finasteride/dutasteride, minoxidil and dermarolling.

Get started with these. I've been using all 3 for a couple years and had great effects for some time. Got my scalp fucked up by propylene glycol from the minox though and now I'm struggling with massive shedding and seb derm because my retarded dermatologist said there was nothing to worry about. If you notice prolonged itching or scaling, drop minox immediately.

>> No.14963180

Post hair

>> No.14963190

with that bullshit i bet he's more like

>> No.14963219

Start fin on it's own, minox a year after if you're not satisfied with results.

Min is a pain to apply, toxic to cats and makes your hair greasy as fuck.
I developed a sudden reaction to it after 4 years usage and had to stop.

60% of the hair on my head shed and took about a year to regrow in a pretty acceptable state. I wish I just took fin and ignored minox.

>> No.14963272

Oral minox also works and doesn't fuck your scalp up.

>> No.14963298

Ok cool, so tell me in layman's terms how to avoid all that bad stuff pls

>> No.14963306
File: 134 KB, 1653x949, 1576726017557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bald people of /fa/ Do you know for sure that you are going to Heaven if you were to die tonight?

If you arent so sure please take the 7 minutes to watch this.

>> No.14963331

whats wrong with minoxidil besides the greasy hair? I'm using it right now with fin and it's been good I think. Any side effects with chronic use?

>> No.14963431

if you think you are surely going to heaven then you certainly are not

>> No.14963451

Cut your hair shorter. Stop being rough with it when washing and drying. Ie. Pat and blow dry don't use the towel like a fucking belt sander on your head

>> No.14963491

Yeah if you can be bothered to deal with diuretics, you have to make sure you're being monitored by a doctor or you might have fluid retention issues.

My eczema was ok with it for the first 4 years then just decided it hated it and turned crusty whenever I applied it, had to stop.

>> No.14963494

its over anon, and deep down you already know it

>> No.14963510

Doses up to 5 mg/day do not seem to cause retention. I'm taking 1.25, no sides so far apart from a lot of shedding.

>> No.14963612
File: 1.18 MB, 3216x1808, 20200126_195648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly can't wait to be bald so I can buzz it with no one asking any questions and wear beanies

>> No.14963890

>so I can buzz it with no one asking any questions
who would, and why would they ask questions?

>> No.14963974

I keep hearing about dermarolling for hair loss. Any tips regarding it? Do you recommend any specific dermaroller?

>> No.14964155

I use DR pen A6 with pretty good results, just know that you’re only delaying a genetic inevitable without fin. Wish I didn’t get side effects, that stuff worked so well

>> No.14964157
File: 772 KB, 1000x750, IMG_2434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine not having hair

>> No.14964169

It makes the hair density appear more than it is. Had a friend like that. His actual hairline was awful but from top the hair obviously appears thick.

>> No.14964192

Do like i did and get on finasteride and monoxidil. Do not fall for the finastopic meme, it was fine until September when i started shedding like crazy, got on pills and now i am looking great.

It is not gonna be forever tho, I’m gonna leave it when I’m 24-24 (19 now, started at 17 yo)

>> No.14964195


Imagine not having muscle

>> No.14964498

Nice jew hair

>> No.14964726

>disgusting jewfro
>twig arms
amazing post

>> No.14964728

First of all, I'm North African.
Second, I have worked out my arms since that picture.

>> No.14964963

I feel like young people nowadays suffer more from hair lost than before

>> No.14964989

Lol you have it the wrong way around. People that thin all over are diffuse thinners and those are the guys that end up totally bald on top with the hair on the sides and back. People who recede at the front don't tend to diffuse all over. Sure, both are noticeable but in the case of a hair transplant, someone who recedes is a much better candidate and it requires much less hairs. Diffuse thinners are not good candidates for a hair transplant due to the coverage required.

>> No.14965001

Shalom friend!

>> No.14965657

What to do if two dermatologist say I’m not balding but I still feel like I am. Am I just being paranoid??

>> No.14965721

I am 20 years old. I cannot get a transplant for at least 5 more years.

>> No.14966641

Twink arms

>> No.14967709

I don't know who should you trust. A professional that studied and has a degree specific on hair and skin treatment or a guy that browses 4chan

>> No.14967711

wesh yal 5ooooooooooo TOUNSI ?

>> No.14968796

I have a perfect head of silky hair with no signs of balding, yet I like to shave my head every couple of years just for fun. What makes actual balding people do everything in their power to not shave? I guarentee you'll look fine probably.

>> No.14968832

Just get a style that fits being bald.

>> No.14968836

I have never looked at a bald guy and thought: "that guy is bald etc."
I dont give a flying fuck.
I tend to not shit on people but more than that I just dont care.
Im not sticking my dick in you i dont have to care what you look like.