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File: 104 KB, 791x1054, zjjb5zaubyc41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14960976 No.14960976[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is comer core /fa/?

>> No.14960981
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>> No.14960987
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>> No.14960999
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>> No.14961011


>> No.14961021

Lol tat black dude in background

>> No.14961026

this is based

I would go to a porno expo to get a pic with adriana chechik

>> No.14961030

Christ this guy is ugly. Also he dresses like shit.

>> No.14961035
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>> No.14961037
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>> No.14961039
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>> No.14961057

I genuinely believe the nipple stickers or tape will become mainstream for women by 2025.

>> No.14961064





>> No.14961083

>when you search autism horror on pornhub

>> No.14961087

I shit you not, I just tried that for fun and got Rick and Morty as first result

>> No.14961117


>> No.14961263
File: 82 KB, 1200x800, ee4dc629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. I would pay $400 to lick Abella's asshole.

>> No.14961563

most definitely


>> No.14961586

No. All jokes aside id go to one of these if i was in the area. It was pretty cool meeting Dillion Harper in North Carolina so this is probably more fun. But look at that dude. If he wasnt next to these hot ass pornstars id seriously expect him to be holding himself up on a walker. And OG Coomer has unholy energy

>> No.14961610

They all have these fucked up soulless and lost/deranged stares. Like what’s up with this shit

>> No.14961632

I swear everyone on here browses the same side of twitter. Where we all know the same memes, same political references. Its that small side of twitter where little e celebs are only known by its users in the circle. I see someone auote tweet this and other shit then next thing you know some fag posts that shit on here

>> No.14961831

when you're retarded or old are you automatically rewarded a pair of those white new balance's or something?

>> No.14961835

Is that the guy that shot Gabrielle Giffords?

>> No.14961852

it's the coomer stare

>> No.14961867
File: 24 KB, 113x147, 1579988416599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white people

>> No.14963030

This is the worst fucking thread i've seen. Disgusting. Don't post here ever again.

>> No.14963315

Who's she?

>> No.14963328

Do pornstars actually let you touch their ass at these things?

>> No.14963573

you can fuck them too, if you have the money

>> No.14963584

you probably have to buy something from them

>> No.14963597

*tongue their ass

>> No.14963619


>> No.14963622

Probably have to pay for a photo and grope.

>> No.14963623


>> No.14963700

I’m obsessed with how the lady in the picture actually looks like a matt groening cartoon

>> No.14963731

the fuck is wrong with his hands

>> No.14963738

it's the coomer hand, designed for perfect grip

>> No.14963752

can he even get his fingers around this dick tho or does he just put it between the two palms

>> No.14963778

Who is that porn star?

>> No.14963785

Maddy oreilly, she wasn't always such a hambeast tho

>> No.14963788

thanks. i thought it was alexis at first.

>> No.14964007

can you really just walk up to the porn girls and grope them for a pic?
i assume youd have to pay?

>> No.14964154

>using white inventions to put down a white

Yikes cringe

>> No.14964171


>> No.14964302

>Rugrats leotard
Always with the neoteny. God, I hate pornographers.

>> No.14964316

At some point should you just embrace the coomer lifestyle and go to those conventions?
I mean sure they look creepy but look at them they are casually grabbing ass and boobs...
While I'm just sitting here in my room pretending to be a "normal" dude in front of girls and those girls don't give a shit about me. Trying to maintain a certain image and they don't give a shit "haha not interested anon but at least you're not a creep haha" Go fuck yourselves. +25 years old and still a virgin and what trying to act normal and be polite have brought me? Nothing.
Shouldn't we just embrace it and go to those conventions, buy sexdolls, visit pornstars, hookers and tell "normal" girls to go fuck themselves?

>> No.14964324

Fuck off with that wannabe Sam Hyde hack. Jesus the state of this place

>> No.14964328

Why does it have to be either/or? Go to strip clubs and also try to make friends with women rather than viewing them solely as a means to lose your virginity

>> No.14964329

who should i follow for entry to this secret side of twitter

>> No.14964334

Sadly I'll have to agree with you

>> No.14964336

Why is always White or Asians at porn conventions?

>> No.14964492

who's that????? (left)

>> No.14964522

>While I'm just sitting here in my room pretending to be a "normal" dude in front of girls and those girls don't give a shit about me.
You are quite literally a "nice guy"

>> No.14964536

Elliot Rodger?

>> No.14964551

What is wrong with his hand?

>> No.14964558
File: 541 KB, 825x469, cecil2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14964574

that was absolute trash
also all the people he interviewed were creeps

>> No.14964575

You should probably just try to meet more women. It really is just a numbers game at a certain point. Kinda like applying to jobs. If you don't hear back from 90% (ghosted), and get denied by the remaining 9%, there's still going to be 1% that will get you somewhere.

I've approached women in clubs, done a ton of online dating sites/hookup apps, tried meeting women via shared hobby/interest groups or through friend circles, etc. and I'm fairly convinced that your chances of getting laid generally increase after your mid-twenties when you start to accrue capital, confidence, and general life experience.

>> No.14964594


>> No.14964599

He has some kind of illness, look at his head