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/fa/ - Fashion

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14950709 No.14950709 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else do a complete 360 on this "fashion" shit?
Personal style is good to have and I appreciate the art behind big fashion houses and functional clothing and even more avant garde pieces however I've realized how cringe a lot of this shit is.
Always asking "w2c?" as if finding that coat or hoodie or pair of pants is going to make you look cooler or more interesting. '
Tbh to a large majority of the population you just look like a dork wearing all this shit if you're not at least an 7/10 male model.
It's come to the point where I just dress normally and want to fit in instead of trying to be "unique"
This isn't an insult to anyone who likes/follows/or implements fashion into their daily lives I'd just like to know if I'm alone in losing interest as to what I put on my body everyday.
>tldr: went from not caring about fashion to caring a lot about it to realizing that a lot of it is cringy af and have now gone back to not caring about it at all.

>> No.14950713

back to /b/ summerfag

>> No.14950717

great original insult anon!

>> No.14950731

less is more, just do fashion minimally

>> No.14950740

Same here bro find a new hobby where to put your money/time/energy. I am saving for a car and got /fit/ and started training mma. Better than autistically collecting designer pieces 2-3 people out 100 people will recognize. To me high fashion ended in like 2013-14 when h&m,zara copied the exact same pieces. Theres no point on copping rick owens when zara has the exact shoe. Id rather cop some white shoes and i will get compliments on them even more if i wear the right fit

>> No.14950742

>finding that coat or hoodie or pair of pants is going to make you look cooler or more interesting.
It could.
Though you can do fashion to play with styles and form patterns in place of randomness. It's fun.

>> No.14951552

fashion victim

>> No.14951598
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Fashion is for simps, or niggers with no personality. Style is where it's at.
Buying something because it's "in" is the biggest style-killer move you can make.
Your looks need to speak about who you are, or at the very least an idealized version you are striving for.

>> No.14951786

180 anon, but yeah I see your point. I used to obsess over "artsy"pieces and wear exclusively designer. But fuck it's expensive as all hell and though satisfying to oneself, it leaves a lot to be desired. I gave up on exclusively designer pieces for now. In return, I give my homies all my expensive shit I don't wear anymore for free. I figure its better to share the wealth than keep it to yourself. I feel better seeing other people happy, makes me feel less of a basement dweller.
Ofc I still rock some wide leg yohjis with a comfy t, its just not as defining anymore for who I am.

>> No.14951807

>telling someone that their insult was original

>> No.14951836

idk dude, good for you but noone asked

>> No.14951838

>I'm gonna tell this fashion board that I don't care about fashion!

>> No.14951842
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>> No.14951920

yeah its called growing up anon

remember, /fa/ could literally not be further from the daily reality that most human beings experience

this place is a cringy fantasyland busy-box for a small number of socially disconnected freaks

>> No.14951945
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>> No.14951951

Idk it's pretty fun to be interested in fashion as an art form, like how /mu/ appreciates music

In terms of personal fashion that I actually wear day to day, it's a lot different than what I appreciate or purchase. I just go here to see if there's some new shit worth looking into that I can work into my fits

It's a good time, and you don't have to go broke if you spend within your means and take advantage of good deals / thrifts, and you chase the hype train

>> No.14951965

I don't know I just dress like Pharrell Williams

>> No.14951967


>> No.14951969

this board is a bunch of people that dont even go anywhere. probably sitting in pajamas and oversized shirts all day lurking 4c, playing fortnite/overwatch/pubg/r6.. classic WoW because they never played vanilla or got on the Nost bandwagon..

the only time you need advice for fashion is when you don't have a sense of fashion. dont do what other people are doing..

>> No.14951977

I just wear basics but style them in certain ways that make me stand out against the common person

>> No.14951993

That pic
>Yo I can't believe 6ix9ine snitching bro I'd never snitch and that's on gang bro fuck 12

>> No.14952005
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I went from not caring how I dress
To dressing like 2013 tumblr-skater boi
To dressing like a depressed darkwave goth twink
Then I started going to the gym
To dressing into turbonormie sexcore
And finally making my own style that is a mix of alt-sexcore in the summer and thrifted stuff that is kinda closest to terrorwave in winter

>> No.14952188

being cool makes you cool
fashion just accentuates your coolness

>> No.14952279

one of my favorite trilogies. u have good taste anon.

>> No.14952316

never noticed the carhartt wow
2>3>1 btw what do you guys think

>> No.14952324

1 has best plot
2 has best cinematography (where NWR style was born imo)
3 has the best ending

>> No.14952327

A lot of these hobbies die off eventually because you reach a point where consumption is no longer engaging enough for you to focus on it intensely. If you can't get past the consumption stage you will quickly get bored. For any hobby to stick you have to creatively engage with it and I just don't mean styling what you've consumed. You need to start creating on your own things and put out a spin on whatever you are doing. You also can't make it your life if the hobby itself has no depth. I'm not saying fashion lacks depth but you can see it in other consumer hobbies like Mechanical keyboards, PC building, RC car construction or Funko Pop collecting. I'm not saying you need to stick with fashion but I can see why it would get boring for you if you are no longer willing to just consume.

>> No.14952343

What is a sarcasm

>> No.14952350

>It's come to the point where I just dress normally and want to fit in instead of trying to be "unique"

I’d like to dress normally but normals clothes just don’t fit by weird body type and all normie clothes made for regular white or black men with a few asian brands making specific fits for asian manlets. I don’t belong to any of this groups so the only way to look good is wearing ironically oversized cuts, fully distressed garments, cringe patterns and everything else completely takes attention from my body.

>> No.14952361

The intensity of an outfit should always rely on the situation. If you wear full rick to the grocery store, you’re gonna look like a dork. If you wear full rick around friends who “get it” it’s a whole different story. Basically, fashion isn’t objective. Just do what you’re comfortable with.

>> No.14952528


fashion as a hobby is pretty embarrassing. Taken to its extremes the only outcomes are you end up a fashion victim or some journalist/blogger, both tragic fates. Best case scenario you end up a designer but the industry is too competitive for that to be realistic- you're lucky if you even get to design graphic t-shirts for Aeropostale.

The communities are toxic and always have been. Taste and range of styles is all over the place and people are extremely hostile to those whose styles don't align with their own. Most of the best forums are dead (sufu) or shitty (styleforum). Chances are the zeitgeist will change and escape your own personal taste/interests at some point, too, which will leave you with a bad taste in your mouth unless you go full on trendchaser.

Most of the individuals who are heavily invested in fashion are insufferable humans as well. Liberal arts students, twinks and identity politics activists. Supremely pretentious attitudes and commentary on just about everything in your day to day life- and it was cute that back in the "internet fashion fora" glory days that they would congregate on places like Harajuju and Caretags and behave with this strange air of "art school" superiority, even though in reality they were just as toxic as the average poster on Sufu and Hypebeast, just with more estrogen and passive aggression.

I do still take care in what I dress and enjoy what I consider "cool clothes" but as a whole my interest in fashion as a hobby has waned over the last decade.

>> No.14952532
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>> No.14952550
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And it really doesn't matter what you like or how well you dress, somewhere out there is some pretentious contrarian who's so "next level", ready to turn their nose up at your fit and deem it a "sartorial travesty" while simultaneously praising (or wearing) something that looks like absolute nonsense.

>> No.14952574
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Fashion as an expression of identity is great.
Fashion as a substitute for identity sucks.
Congratulations on maturing.

>> No.14952769

there's nothing more effay than not giving a fuck what people think. wear what you want and don't be a tryhard.