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File: 102 KB, 939x1323, Sagging_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14919586 No.14919586 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck do some black people sag their pants?

>> No.14919593

it's their culture you racist asshole

>> No.14919610


>> No.14919644
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Easy access

>> No.14919646

To let other men know that they're sexually available.

>> No.14919708

No one really sags anymore go back to 2005 you weirdo.

>> No.14919734

old prison habits.

>> No.14919749

This is a misconception, it actually originated in the idea that the bigger and baggier your hand-me-down clothing, the bigger your brother was and so the more protected or secure you were on the streets. Unlike prison where you’re telegraphing your availability, on the outside you’re basically saying “don’t fuck with me because I’m protected by very dangerous people”. The original, contextual meaning has been lost but people still associate low-slung jeans with not someone you want to mess with.

>> No.14919782
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This is funny but wrong. It had nothing to do with hand me downs or missing belts in prison or any of the other common theories. Sagging is the result of baggy clothes coming into style during the 90s and baggy clothes were in style because that's the way drug dealers dressed. They were the most popular, successful and flashy people in the neighborhood or city so people copied their style. The style was mostly spread from NYC through Dapper Dan's clothing he was making for rappers and athletes, but mostly he served drug dealers. His shop got shut down and he traveled to other states making the same type of clothing. That's how we got into baggy clothes. And when you want to be stylish but can't afford to have your clothes be tailor made then you buy what you can off the rack or off the street/black market and that stuff tends to be ill fitting and so your pants start to sag and local rappers and low level drug dealers get popular and that's they way they dress so that's how everyone else starts to dress as well.

>> No.14919787

All you’ve said is “baggy clothes were popular because baggy clothes were in style at that time”. Fair enough if you don’t buy into the other theories, but don’t think you’ve actually offered a REASON as to why it was popular, this is a description of a trend rather than an explanation from where it came from. Why were baggy clothes popular amongst drug dealers, for example?

>> No.14919800

I answered all of your questions in the first post I made. It came from people not being able to buy the style of clothing they wanted in appropriate sizes because the style of clothing they liked was originally bespoke clothing. Look at the picture I posted. Look at the wide legs and folds. You could not get that look unless you bought your pants in a size that was too big. Pants that are too big (even with a belt) meant that they were going to hang off of you and sag. The trend carried on from there.

>> No.14920105

Because slinging on the corner in winter is fucking cold so it's nice to wear layers. You can also hide your shit better in baggy clothing. It went a bit too far eventually, but this is what it is. Nobody will say it out loud because it would confirm some stereotypes, but there you have it. Also, tight fitting clothes were for fags.

>> No.14920111

So you can kiss our asses easier

>> No.14920120

That's not true either. You can tell when people haven't spent any time around actual black people. Kids these days wear skinny jeans and t-shirts that fit and still manage to sell their dope on the corner just fine in any temperature. idk if you've ever been frisked or searched by the cops but trust me they aren't going to miss your weed sack in your basket ball shorts pockets because they got too lazy about checking through your layers. Also most people selling off a corner don't keep their product on them. They stash it somewhere and retrieve it for the sale. Anytime a cop catches someone with drugs on them the vast majority of the time they were buying for personal use.

>> No.14920123

same reason donald wears an overly long tie

>> No.14920126

nobody does this anymore

>> No.14920128
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I think it's kinda intuitive. Form fitting clothes are gay. So it degenerated into ever baggier fit, see the early 90s.

>> No.14920133

then you drop your baggy pants like you just dgaf, like suck my dick bitch

>> No.14920136
File: 188 KB, 1280x719, niggers33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14920139

rip fredo

>> No.14920141

I think baggy clothes made it easier to conceal larger weapons too

>> No.14920177

Wasn't talking about hiding product.

>> No.14920335

yes they do, i still see black people do this shit

>> No.14920342

I sometimes sag to flex the Versace boxers

>> No.14920352

so funny when whites or n's say asians all look the same

>> No.14920550

look at Live PD from recent years, I was surprised as well

>> No.14920564

belts are not allowed in prison

>> No.14920831

It started before the 90s unfortunately. I believe it did originate in prison. Very gay.

Hopefully less and less, but I still see it

>> No.14922013

This shit shoulda died in 2005 but it’s still a thing for some reason

>> No.14922320

Baggy clothes were popular because of Mexicans, they wore zoot suits that were baggy then the style carried on to khakis and flannels being worn big to differentiate themselves from everyone else who wore that same thing. Mexicans just stuck with that style for a long time. Now sagging is a black thing, Mexicans wore over sized clothes but kept their pants up.

>> No.14922349

Yeah, gotta be able to hide your glawk 40 problem solva.

>> No.14922361
File: 309 KB, 1125x1522, 42203266-E892-488E-BC59-DF3E18A1AF69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the black people mentally stuck in 2005. Seriously if you come around my friend group with your pants below your ass we would clown you and tell you you’t late for a G-Unit concert or something

>> No.14922428

Drug dealers used to wear two pairs of jeans at the same time while sagging the outside pair. They kept product in the pockets of the pants underneath, and the top layer of pants sagged so they could reach into the pockets, usually with a baggy tee shirt covering them both down to the mid-thigh/knees. I think the logic was that if cops asked them to turn out their pockets, they'd have nothing in them, but if they were pat-checked, they'd be fucked, so they'd turn out the pockets on the top pair and hope the cops would let them go. This became fashion in hip-hop culture, but without the second pair of pants.

>> No.14922467

I believe there are numerous reasons, of which, receiving your older brother's hand-me-down's and getting your belt confiscated before entering your jail cell are certainly plausible starts to the trend, but then why was this look advertised so heavily? It's because law enforcement think tanks saw an opportunity: you can't run from the police when your pants are hanging around your fucking knees, so let's really drill this look into the niggers' heads, which should make our job a little easier.

>> No.14922610

You scared whiteboi?

>> No.14923697
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as a black guy, I hate super sagging and skinny niggas sagging

but the slight waistline sag covered by a shirt is ok, and also sagging is accepted as a snowboarder.

>> No.14923714


>> No.14924022
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>> No.14924231


>> No.14924240

yeaaaaa sorry pal. Thanks for the tldr but blacks sag because they have huge dicks, and the back rise is never big enough to hold all the black meat without it being too uncomfy for them. I have this problem also as a white man with a huge dick, and I have found that some companies do make healthy back rise jejans, so I you aren't shit out of luck if you are black and dont want to sag, but i get it

>> No.14924262

nigga on the right look like a bowling pin

>> No.14924263


>> No.14924681
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for the overall shape and silhouette. kind of makes you look bigger. overall, a display of confidence.

>> No.14924709

It is a homosexual thing from prison culture, which of course informs afroAmerican culture.

>> No.14924947


Homeless niggas are ugly as shit

>> No.14924953

Thisis true

>> No.14925152

They sag in hot climates like Miami so you’re fucking retarded

>> No.14925994

there always one poster thats obsessed with bbc in every thread. never change, eternal cuck, never change.

>> No.14926938

This is to let other black males know they are available for anal sex

>> No.14926997

A whole store where everything is behind glass. Amazing

>> No.14927408

yo das my uncle ray ray
justice 4 trayvon

>> No.14927433
File: 305 KB, 1365x1022, pd203337383_hd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But they wear jumpers in jail...