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/fa/ - Fashion

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14916950 No.14916950 [Reply] [Original]

>wear uniclo cardigan, levi's raw denim, white chucks
>Girls wont fuck me
>Supreme hoodie, black acne jeans, white CPs
>Girls still wont fuck me

What gives?

>> No.14916955

girls don’t give a fuck about male fashion
all of my normie gfs told me i should tone it down

>> No.14916965
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wrong sweater and shoes. this is what you need my friend

>> No.14916974

Male fashion is unironically gay because only guys really care about it. A buttoned shirt and a good face and frame does more than any designer clothes can.
You should be effay because you like being effay, not because it gets you girls.

>> No.14917003

Wear no-name brand shirt/hoodie, Lucky Brand jeans (that I get for $10 at the end of every year) Red Wing boots, a unique looking necklace and ring, get fucked regularly.

It's not what you're wearing, it's who you are while wearing it.

>> No.14917008

i wear uniqlo basics and fuck bitches

>> No.14917465

No girl gives a fuck about what you're wearing. When I was in high school and fucking around the most I just didn't care about fashion at all and just wore jeans + random tshirt every day.

>> No.14917477

In both cases you were dressed like a faggot. Take the Rick and Ann D pill and be saved.

>> No.14917548


>> No.14917557

Shit taste

>> No.14917609

This. You should take great care about your appearance but never give mention to it.

>> No.14917615


>> No.14917693
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they don't really give a fuck. If you're insecure, and wear cheap clothings they call you a looser and if you wear effay shit they call you a creep

>> No.14917742

You're ugly anon, sorry to break it to you. No fit will hide the fact you are a 5"7 greasy chinlet

>> No.14917886


>> No.14917895

>Literally wear clothes from target usually
>Have big tiddy asian gf of 3 years
It’s about looks, not being fat, and having a personality, faggot. As everyone else already said, your clothes are the least of your concern. Lose some fucking weight.

>> No.14917926

that's because the only people who would be dumb enough to post what they're wearing on a chinese anime board are insecure losers whether rich or not

>> No.14917928

>he thinks expensive = good looks

>> No.14918000

You need to have a personality, not your $500 dollar resale hoodie

>> No.14918036

False. It's one of the things they are the most attracted to and by far. A good looking guy with no fashion style is pretty much dead. It's just that believe it or not, normie girls don't have the same codes as a tryhard dork who lives online. Instagram core or any mainstream and well liked look will make things way easier with girls.

>> No.14918060

To a certain degree but it’s more about looking clean. If your clothes aren’t beat to shit and fit you well even jeans a hoodie and some sneakers does fine

>> No.14918062

I'm a software engineer who wears a lot of rick, visvim, undercover, uniqlo u, yohji, CDGH+ and SISP
the sort of comments the girls at work make to me on a regular basis would get any man fired.
routinely one or more of them will come hang out at my work station and ask what I'm wearing today.
But I'm also good looking and I stay in shape. I have a cool accent and I don't act like a sperg.
My guess is that girls would humor any noticeable hobby I had just to talk to me.

>> No.14918132

thats a lot of effort you just put into saying looks matter

>> No.14918140

>I'm also good looking
nothing else matters

>> No.14918356

>tall ugly dudes

>> No.14918378
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>> No.14918402

Have you considered that you might be coming off like an entitled yet underconfident asshole? Not calling you one, I don't know you, but lots of people in this world are entitled yet underconfident, and that combo is guaranteed to turn girls off.

>> No.14918423

Girls do care about what guys are wearing, they want you to have clothes that fit and look clean. Your daily style is what you wear to feel good about yourself, what makes you feel like the best version of yourself for what you're doing. You dress nice for yourself, and because it feels good when your friends or just other guys in general recognise the choices you've made and compliment something you're wearing. If you're dressing a certain way to try to attract girls but you're still feeling awkward and struggling, you'd almost certainly do better if you dressed authentically to yourself... And maybe got those massive jeans your mommy bought you at Christmas and that that faded Evangelion t-shirt tailored. The same shit you're already comfy in, but now you look better. Go get 'em.

>It's not what you're wearing, it's who you are while wearing it.
Wisest words I've ever read on this godforsaken board

>> No.14918476

yea, stay in shape fatty

>> No.14918579

Have you considered the fact that you might have absolutely rancid vibes

>> No.14918606

Fucking this. Just reading OP gave me that gross, buzzkilling, pit-of-the-stomach feel

>> No.14918764

where do you meet girls bro
im a stemfag and all my classes are dudes, all my friends are nerds.

>> No.14918776

Being a brandwhore is the least /fa/ thing you can do.

>> No.14918787

All of my gfs including my current one originally were interested in me because of the way I dress. It just has to be tasteful.

>> No.14918788

age, how many gfs did you have and where/how did you meet them?

>> No.14918796

Not him but I pull bitches at the club dancing every Saturday

>> No.14918801

hmm. you go alone or with friends? what's your go to wardrobe for that?

my friends are fucking lloners so i have nobody to go with, is it autistic to go alone?

>> No.14918803

Wear what you want and stop trying to dress up. You obviously look like a tryhard.

>> No.14918820

How do I find out what kind of fashion is mainstream?

>> No.14918852

I go with a guy friend and we usually pregame with a closeout shots then take an uber to the club.

You can go alone but you need the right mindset, even with friends or just one homie.

Whenever you go out to the club it's to dance, not scour for women, if you don't take my advice my friend and I, and the women of course will notice and you will be dubbed the shark. Every time we go we see at least one.

Don't be a shark, be the fisherman. The fish come to you when you look nice and dance well enough but mostly you're exuding positive happy energy. Women are vampires and will flock to you like that

Because its winter in Sacramento where I live I have black flexi Chelsea Boots, a pair of slim fit dark blue jeans, 2 sprays of Yvess Saint Laurent Llhomme de la nuit on my neck, white v neck, a slim fit flannel shirt of a neutral color and a black thin sweater

>> No.14918858
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>CDG Cons in 2020
even normies know these are a joke

>> No.14918970

wow this is incredibly boring

go to gigs eat some pingers and cut shapes in the mosh if u want beezys

dumb cunt

>> No.14918977


Ask me how I know you're named Oliver

And what works for me might not for you I only take alcohol and weed maybe a molly

>> No.14919041

It's face over everything, nice try though.

>> No.14919060

nice fuckin job saving the preview there retard

>> No.14919068

>that's the joke

jesus anon is that a picture of yourself right now?

>> No.14919163

You thinks when we say style and when girls say style they mean the same thing

>> No.14919175

This has to do with the fact that they know what you wear because they live in a similar environment (as far as exposure goes) and via social osmosis have learned what those brands represent. they see status, not style.

>> No.14919501

>expecting to get the SEX with anything but SEXcore

>> No.14919516
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you'll need a duffelbag of condoms to keep up

>> No.14920228

>Asian gf
Kek, they would fuck a toaster if it were white

>> No.14920796

maybe spend that 700 on a personality
clothes won't get you laid, tard

>> No.14920981

Who gives a shit what women think about Male Fashion?

>> No.14920989

My roommate was FaceTiming his gf and after she met me she told him to step his style up. He doesn’t even dress bad he literally looks like a normal dude who doesn’t give a shit about fashion. Not her exact words as she tried to be nicer about it but it kinda made me happy and realized girls do care. Too bad I’m too much of an awkward spaz to get a gf of my own

>> No.14921011

My lesbian friend says I dress nice

>> No.14921037

Bi Girls think I am hot but Straight Girls don't
Not sure why

>> No.14921127

do u look like a girl

>> No.14921152

Shut the fuck up

>> No.14921164
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Females are attracted to men, so dress as a man.
Get a quality flannel or denim button down, tailor it if you want, a solid pair of jeans and some good boots.

You should enjoy fashion expression for the art of it all, it's not a proper tool for attracting females.

>> No.14921168

Absolutely this niggas who be wearin that shit get the rope first

>> No.14921174

If you search for a guy
>Face >Personality >Fit >Frame
Swap Fit with Frame for Girls

>Skin Tone
>Body Hair

Shit can/will vary depending on whom you ask.
You wont come far if you have no character.

>> No.14921179

>Caring about fashion means buying designer
Its more about buying well fitting items, colours that actually match and compliment and having a put together look.

>> No.14921198

basically this. women are just people and most people are normies (makes sense), so they wont have great taste.

>> No.14921205

No, I do have medium hair and I shave my facial hair daily, but My jaw is still masculine

>> No.14921224

The least thing I need in my life is attracting normies with bad taste

>> No.14921234

take either the hooker or automated sex toy pill and then spend the money you save on the clothes you like. dressing for others is incel tier

>> No.14921521

probably bc you look mad weird and smell like shit

>> No.14921537

Dick size is literally the only thing that matters!

Big dick= confidence to hit on any girl you want
Big dick= guaranteed good sex they will keep coming for more
Constant good sex= no girl will ever cheat on you

>> No.14922614

He's right like, though I do what's said in both your posts. People on this site who think clubbing is some mating ritual are social retards

>> No.14922783

>all my friends are nerds
i think you might be a nerd

>> No.14922844

Isnt hair higher up? I always get told hair is the first thing women notice.

>> No.14923068
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This thread is full of bluepill copes, you don't know shit about women. You need to swallow the redpill.

>> No.14923108


>> No.14923109
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Not to mention there are always people lined up waiting for your Big dick should your current partner leave in disgust because you cheated on them.
Big dicks rule.
t. Big dick haver

>> No.14923141

If a lesbian thinks you look good then you look bad, mate.

>> No.14923158

>believing women
I know it's a meme, but it really is true. Anything more specific than a general good or bad should be taken with a grain of salt.

>> No.14923167

Board tourist here.

I'm hardly Chad Thundercock, but I can still manage around two or so hookups per month. I have never once thought about my clothes other than making sure they're a clean set that I didn't wear for work or sit around in at home. I just fucking buy whatever isn't some ridiculous ripped or worn looking piece of clothing at my local H&M and match it with a band t-shirt and hoodie or sweater. I've never once had a comment about my clothes except one date that thought my shoes were ugly.

>> No.14923374

This. Lesboes are some of the worst dressed people on Earth.

>> No.14923389

They're great if you need your pussy ate

>> No.14923457

Men don’t find your degeneracy alluring, they find it disgusting.

>> No.14923798

yeah, this. they'll just assume you're gay if you give a fuck about how you dress

>> No.14923905
