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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 112 KB, 1024x899, D742B245-6E44-4602-A96F-786176D98E1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14905500 No.14905500 [Reply] [Original]

>women’s jeans & pants
>sometimes overpriced
>usually hug the butt too tight or are too long
>”oh I’m sorry ma’am, it’s out of stock, perhaps you should check our other branch three counties away?”
>most of the perfect fit ones have FAKE FUCKING POCKETS

>men’s jeans & pants
>cheap and plentiful
>have a dozen pockets on each leg deep enough to put all their insecurity and ego in
>”hmm that’s odd, we seem to be out of stock, but our other branch next door has it! May I open the door for you, sir?”

Men live life on easy mode.

>> No.14905514

>too long
Short legged people in general are subhuman, but short legged women should actively be purged from the gene pool.

>> No.14905519
File: 418 KB, 1170x550, serveimage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They sell you fake pockets because you keep buying fake pockets.
Men have the same issue with some garments too, especially sport jackets and overcoats.
Fucking decorative straps on overcoat sleeves are the worst, can't tighten them to keep out wind and rain. And don't get me started on fake storm collars.

>> No.14905529

then buy the male ones, I like the Kim Posible style of pants the best, they don't make you look thick but they are very comfy, either that or sweatpants, but only at home.

Pants aren't meant to be worn by women, this is why women will never be satisfied by them, no matte what the makers do: remove pockets to make it more form fitting and curve enhancing? hoes mad. make pockets but lose the fit? hoes mad.

Pants put the main focus on you crotch, no matter what kind they are, the eye gets always drawn to the coochie. This is, for me, the main reason why I hate wearing them. I don't want the focus to be on the probable camel toe that I have.

Also, why do you need pockets for? This is such a stupid thing to complain but in every fashion video I watch on youtube the women ALWAYS complains about it, it's nonsensical. Why would you need them?

>> No.14905532

don’t cut yourself on all that edge, incel.

>> No.14905535

Danes or whoever used to be the shortest people of Europe just a century earlier.

>> No.14905536

or Dutch, same shit

>> No.14905537

>Also, why do you need pockets for?
So I don’t have the need to carry my purse or wear a jacket that has pockets when it’s not that cold out. I usually just have my phone and keys on me wherever I go, maybe a packet of tissues, not much else.

>> No.14905540

Wrong on both.

>> No.14905545

Buy the pants you like the fit of and add pockets to them. If you cant sew have a tailor do it. Everyone has issues with different things when it comes to buying clothes dont act like it's some grand conspiracy against women.

>> No.14905549

lol cope

>> No.14905553
File: 39 KB, 707x575, hitler gangsta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler was a manlet

>> No.14905558
File: 98 KB, 832x1222, sadie-stanley-kim-possible-first-look-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wanna live like a hobo you gotta dress like one, sweetheart.
Why not wear a comfy vest with pockets, one of them fluffy ones with pockets, it's a gift and keeps the kidneys nice and warm, it's perfect. Either that or nice Kim Possible pants. A cute little backpack for your stuff can also be nice, you just gotta adapt, survival of the fittest and all that.

>> No.14905562

why the fuck are you projecting your waifu fetish on me
it astounds me how pathetic men can behave

>> No.14905563

Thanks for supporting my point. Manlets and short legged women are just the worst.

>> No.14905564

ID on that breed

>> No.14905570

Kim Possible might be a weird fetish, but you gotta be retarded to think fashion advice any man would give to a woman is anything other than "what would be more likely to get my pp hard".

>> No.14905578
File: 1.37 MB, 3000x4000, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy but I support baggy pants on women with or without the wierd cartoon obsession. Yes I'm only saying this because it get my pp hard.

>> No.14905579

have sex

>> No.14905593
File: 18 KB, 356x356, 78218785_110716230418367_6998768235260674048_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A thread died for this

>> No.14905604
File: 219 KB, 480x270, akatsuki.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing of value was lost
Post your favorite cartoon girl with large pant

>> No.14905622

what are you talking about? I'm no man, I just have an opinion

>> No.14905626

just because I'm a foreigner and don't know how to call those big pocket pants I get called a fetishist, how sex obsessed are you people?

>> No.14905629

go into literally any clothing store and look at the women’s section compared to the men’s.
you’ll notice that women have way more options then men

>> No.14905630

Fashion people are among the most insecure you can find, and insecurity and sex obsession goes hand in hand. On top of that, this is 4chan. What were you expecting?
Also, your fetish is fine and you should own it.

>> No.14905637

but I'm no lesbian, I just always wanted to dress like her and then when I did I got made fun off so I'm a bit mad because of that and want it to be popular, or maybe I just want to turn back tie and have friends instead of watching foreign cartoons all day, not sure

>> No.14905642

Post pick of you in pants
t. not Kim Possible fetishist

>> No.14905650

Damn this is pretty redpilled

>> No.14905660
File: 15 KB, 471x486, cooch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read my first post

>> No.14905664

Is stonetoss secretly a girl?

>> No.14905669
File: 18 KB, 544x690, big pant for big pp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not with Kim Possible pants, though.

>> No.14905675
File: 108 KB, 620x420, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breh her knees break well below the crotch seam
You've confused baggy cargo pants for harem pants

>> No.14905679

I'm just retarded and confused not coochie with knee because I forgot about thighs. I think my drawing is fairly accurate and my point still stands, but it's ~mid thigh instead of knee.

>> No.14905693
File: 73 KB, 1000x1000, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your drawing puts knees up in her pelvis dude it's wrong and you are wrong
Set aside the cartoon stylization for a second and understand she's just wearing field trousers.

>> No.14905694

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm describing.

>> No.14905695
File: 196 KB, 368x475, cooch2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14905698

You are describing her knees being up in her pelvis. If you are trying to describe something else, you have failed miserably.

>> No.14905700

this is what happens when you give an autistic woman a keyboard

>> No.14905702

I don't get the pic

>> No.14905704

true, I'm also drikig

>> No.14905708

>it's ~mid thigh instead of knee
I don't know, bruh, I think I made it pretty clear that I didn't mean knee.

>> No.14905709

What's clear is you aren't thinking clearly.

>> No.14905710

>why the fuck are you projecting your waifu fetish on me
>it astounds me how pathetic men can behave
have you ever been on this site before femanon

>> No.14905718

Listen, bucko. Go to to image. Remove the text that says "knee" and replace it with "thigh".
How autistic are you?

>> No.14905723
File: 44 KB, 600x2300, back of the knee maybe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way, fag.

>> No.14905751

I am A MAN
My jeans are cheap and plentiful
You can't handle how many POCKETS I HAVE
Because you were born a weak snowflake WOMAN
People say I live life on easy mode
Because I make my HARD LIFE look EZ
Now excuse me because my god blessed jeans have to drive this FORKLIFT BITCH

>> No.14906018

t. lanklet

>> No.14906047

Slacks are superior to jeans. Stop fetishizing denim and dress like an adult.

>> No.14906059

>muh fake pockets
It's called carrying a backpack, you dumb hole

>> No.14906074

But I want Chad to stare at my butt AND be able to store a large number of items in my pants!

>> No.14906082
File: 687 KB, 1000x1000, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think back to your horse phase. Remember those days? Remember those clothes?
Envision yourself in booty clinging breeches with pfat cargo pockets for all of your various feminine accoutrements.

>> No.14906086

People sometimes call stonetoss rockthrow because the name is made up from synonyms for his name

>> No.14906093

fuck you fat bitch
mens jeans are almost always more expensive since most men hardly buy clothes or lots of clothes, they make them much more expensive so they can get a decent ROP since the guy is most likely only buying a couple of pairs of jeans every few yrs

where as women usually buy lots of clothes all the time, as a poorfag i got curious and decided to try on a cheap ass black pair of womens tapered cut skinny jeans and for the cheap price ive never worn any male jeans that have come close to the perfect fit that most womens jeans have, nor do they come with as good of a tapered cut either, mens carot/tapered/arc jeans are always way too baggy in the shin even tho its SUPPOSED to be tight or fitted in the shin and looser in the thigh

so in conclusion...LOSE WEIGHT FAT SLUT

>> No.14906109

Jeans used to be dirt cheap because they used to be gross workwear that no one wanted to wear casually. My old man is still mad he can't get his Wranglers for $3 apiece in hardware stores anymore.
Faggots wearing jeans for fashion is what makes jeans expensive, not women.

>> No.14906113

nobody gives a fuck about your first world plight. neck yourself and do us all a favor

>> No.14906145

It's an "Austrian". They're like krauts but even worse.

>> No.14906173

Those pants are good only with slim-fit top, otherwise, you look like an autistic clown

>> No.14906215

White people usually have longer torsos than legs, show hand pajeet

>> No.14906350

>then buy the male ones
but then my ass won't look big in the 12 insta pics i take every second.

>> No.14906389

Have sex

>> No.14906439

Hell of a false flag.

>> No.14907850

b-but I need to blame women for everything that mildly annoys me! how else will I cope with my eternal virginity?

>> No.14907945

Yea, I feel the same way with sports coats or blazers with fake pockets. I'd love to put my gloves in em other than my pants.

>> No.14907956

Pockets on sports coats/blazers are often stitched from the factory to maintain their appearances. If you cut the threads like you’re supposed to you’ll find that there’s a functional pocket inside

>> No.14907991

The comic is making fun of the fact that most women's clothes have no pockets, it literally said that the fit was good and didn't mention the price. Also you're delusional if you think men's clothes aren't cheaper and better quality, maybe if you're buying $200 Japanese soi-vedge denim then they even out but most fashion companies absolutely fucking milk women's clothing like no tomorrow