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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 879 KB, 700x487, 1566435792789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14900417 No.14900417 [Reply] [Original]

new years resolution edition
What are resolutions and goals for 2020 anons? Any of them /thinspo/ related?

old thread >>14878397

>Post Current stats
>Daily Routines
>Meal strategy
>Make America thin again


low calorie food & drinks list

>> No.14900420 [DELETED] 
File: 1001 KB, 1242x1993, 2345D97A-64BD-4F27-A2D0-EDBD0D6CC951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone should make another one

>> No.14900423
File: 1.20 MB, 3024x4032, 1561379728059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of those threads is 404ing
the other one is made by a retarded fag who put "don't eat less than 1200-1500 kcal a day" lmao

>> No.14900433 [DELETED] 

strong promoting unhealthy lifestyles
1200-1500 is a healthy and safe range to be losing weight at

>> No.14900438

back to /fit/fat/ pls

>> No.14900440 [DELETED] 

i dont lift

why dont you get up and out of bdo some exercises if 1200 is

>> No.14900447 [DELETED] 

i dont lift
why dont you get up and out of bed and do some exercises if 1200 is too much for you?

>> No.14900448

Homo shit

>> No.14900461


/fit/fat/ is for fatties who have a high enough TDEE that they could actually lose a significant amount of weight on "1200-1500", not lifting is the norm there

I run 35-40miles each week, this takes roughly 5-6 hours of running each week which is a lot and can take several months for a healthy weight beginner to build up to

running 35-40 miles only burns an extra ~3500kcal/week

alternatively you could just fast for a week a burn 10000-18000kcal/week (depending on TDEE)

6 hours of grueling exercise a week for 3500kcal
sitting in bed for a week for 10000-18000kcal

anyway I'm done discussing this with you, if anyone wants to waste their lives losing a single pound each week, that's on them not me.

>> No.14900471 [DELETED] 

> anyway I'm done discussing this with you,
thats because both you and I know that what your referencing is nutrient deficient, anorexic psuedoscience

>> No.14900472

OK fatty

>> No.14900473
File: 2.38 MB, 640x1800, EC53D6F4-D81C-4488-BC65-90367868BF38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao don’t listen to that fat retard anon

>> No.14900474

I'm under 16 bmi with 0 lifting or exercise and lose weight while eating 1200 cal, your retarded

>> No.14900478

you're male + freakishly tall or losing a pathetically slow amount of week each week
either way post body or lying samefag

>> No.14900483 [DELETED] 

the only reason why you cant lose weight at 1200-1500 cals a day is because you're a turbo manlet. Please go back and cope on /fit/

>> No.14900485

k fatass
enjoy still being /fat/ in 2021

>> No.14900488

m/6'1/112 lbs, posted my pic in the last thread cba to do it again, go look for yourself fatty

>> No.14900490

ahahahahahahaha he won't post pic

>> No.14900491

Manlet detected

>> No.14900495

no just female you faggot
although being a guy is still no excuse to limit yourself 1200kcal, especially given that moderate length fasting is muscle sparing

>> No.14900502

as somebody who is also 6’1” at 140 lbs, i gotta say that is disgusting. i’m skinny as is with muscle. i couldn’t imagine how sickly and frail you must look.

>> No.14900503 [DELETED] 

back to >>>/lgbt/ with you tranny

>> No.14900504
File: 59 KB, 498x1024, 1572732336109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who said I was 6'1?

>> No.14900515

Difference between us is you probly hate how you look as a skinny fat, regretting what you see in the mirror every day, I'm chillin

>> No.14900524

2 different posters

>> No.14900531

>Your breast skin won't magically dissapear after losing fat.
You're right because it's a biological process dumbass. It's not my fault you chose to lose an excessive amount of fat and don't know what a gym is.

>> No.14900534

Who is that Kthot in the picture?

>> No.14900547

What is a good way to make it seem I weight more than I actually do? I have to make it seem I'm about 2kgs more than what I actually am

>> No.14900559 [DELETED] 
File: 300 KB, 971x695, 82321FEC-7DC7-49B6-BA8A-9C3A460C017E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, as it turns out I've been permanently b& from /fit/

>> No.14900561

Current stats? Also why are you trying to seem fatter

>> No.14900568

Why are we fighting so much already? Let's be supportive of each other and our burgeoning EDs

>> No.14900570 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 736x561, E175D443-968E-4AF3-9CEE-857891940D5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fighting is fun

are cartoons thinspo?

>> No.14900571

And I dont do resolutions because of how constant my anxiety is destroying my brain.

But i want to get under 17 ya know

>> No.14900572
File: 921 KB, 1242x1566, 500BEC39-4E86-4D29-BCFC-CC9FF78B8296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14900575 [DELETED] 

are you from brazil?

are you a gay prostitute?

>> No.14900577

actually really struggling to gain weight here, if anyone has experience gaining weight with a good metabolism?
Right now I’m 5’11 125lbs and have to walk 10 miles a day for work, alongside that instead of sitting I pace/squat/stretch/dance at all times, lift up and down on my toes etc, working on becoming really nimble. I eat 3000+ calories which makes me sick and bloated, and it was only enough to put on a few pounds, now I either need to eat more which seems impossible, or stop exercising. Feeling really hopeless, any ideas?

>> No.14900584

no, naturally, and yeah

>> No.14900585 [DELETED] 

I've recently only felt sick whenever i tried to eat a lot of food to gain weight.

so i said heck it, why dont i lose weight instead

>> No.14900588

Go to the doctor, there's something wrong with you or your larping

>> No.14900589 [DELETED] 

yeah you are a gay prostitute?

>> No.14900592 [DELETED] 

i feel like if i meet my protein macro goal it'll be alright if i dont meet my carbs or fats goal

>> No.14900612
File: 48 KB, 599x832, 670bba8293af30341962ba376f12594f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody have any experience dry fasting? I'm in the midst of a water fast but not sure I should dry fast and continue water fasting thereafter, or water fast before having dry fasting.

>> No.14900614 [DELETED] 

stop trying to kill people

>> No.14900635

It's not much different and won't make you lose any more weight so it's kinda pointless

>> No.14900641


>> No.14900642

no i’m otter mode cause i exercise and you don’t. i value my health, stay skelly retard lol.

>> No.14900643
File: 56 KB, 700x534, michael-jackson-weight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read dry fasting for a day is the equivalent of water fasting three days
>won't make you lose any more weight
I'm mostly trying to clear up the skin on my back/cure mental illness

>> No.14900665 [DELETED] 

sardines in water (90 calories) taste good with some pepper sprinkled ontop of it

>> No.14900685
File: 201 KB, 819x1200, bellalifejacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new years resolution is to do a half marathon and also reach 120lbs by march

>> No.14900698

5 feet 3 inches weight 52 kgs and I'm still fat as shit? This is not an exaggeration I'm still fat everywhere. Whats the ideal weight for me to become a sticc?

>> No.14900710

get down to the lower range of 'healthy' bmi, like around 18.5-19, then see how you look
for you that is like 48kg

>> No.14900721

Keep seething skinny fat

>> No.14900740
File: 986 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191231-073614_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me. I eat 2300cal a day to lose weight, 2800 to maintain.

I'm 156.8lbs this morning at 5'11.

I do bodyweight exercises 30 mins a day 6x per week.

>> No.14900742


>> No.14900744
File: 822 KB, 1080x2220, 20191230_182950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14900748


>> No.14900749


Ok thank u

>> No.14900751

I like it, you just need a little more chest

>> No.14900755

perfect male body

>> No.14900759

F23 5'7 103
My family wants me to gain weight and plans to weight me to check if I'm actually doing it. I don't want to but refusing is not an option

>> No.14900762
File: 964 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191230-064949_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14900766

You're 23... drink a bunch of water before weigh ins

>> No.14900771

Just binge if you know their gonna weigh you then fast after, also why are you 23 still being bossed around by parents

>> No.14900853

How much for.the sex

>> No.14900869

Just had my second big ass bowel movement today whilst fasting, size 12 boys pants here we come (*:

>> No.14900874
File: 249 KB, 846x1051, d9yhyy0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ARF! ARF! ARF!! Eat more FOodZZZ
Kay fatty thanks.

>> No.14900891

Me. I would say in my experience eating too little can lead to binge eating and spinning your wheels.

>> No.14900899

To me eating at a deficit is easy, it’s the process of going from eating whatever you want to fasting/eating less that’s a bitch. Drinking water when I get hunger pangs has basically saved my life

>> No.14900934

Binge eating just shows you have no self discipline

>> No.14900966

Why are there 2 of these, fuck sakes. What I posted in the other dead thread:
>Post Current stats
5'7 227lbs
>Daily Routines
Coffee and water all day then OMAD. 12 sets of 50 30lb kettlebell swings with 2min rest between for cardio and all round toning
What's this mean?
>Meal strategy
Protein > fat > carbs
>Make America thin again

>> No.14900969

What exercises are you doing. Is that the only sport you do?

>> No.14900980

you are going to die at an early age. watch out for heavy winds bro

>> No.14900983
File: 16 KB, 250x333, 77228FDF-A3D7-431C-AD33-9B5F10AB7826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the perfect male physique

>> No.14901010

Yes it's all I do. I dont do anything special. Not gonna sit here and list exercises as its pointless. Just execute a well rounded routine that your willing to be consistent with.

>> No.14901022

Day 2, the smell of food lingers all around me. But I remain stoic, if I don’t see every rib come the end of January it’s time for laxatives and bulimia

>> No.14901029

Honey stick or tootsie pop for lunch?

>> No.14901032 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 726x814, Marceline-adventure-time-фэндомы-at-art-3522574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have no argument
that's all I needed to hear

be safe and eat between 1200-1500

>> No.14901037

Water, fat ass

>> No.14901458

I’m tired of drinking water

>> No.14901645

>found my 2015 proana blog
>its cringe but at least I was losing weight

>> No.14901660

Oh yeah that anon should go to the gym and do some tit exercises to build muscle on her fucking tits

>> No.14901752 [DELETED] 

so are you gaining weight?

>> No.14901772

>Implying you're not the very same anon
Just cry in your saggy tits desu.

>> No.14901789
File: 514 KB, 1575x2164, 1574694600201-OHP_iD_3727_8BW-FIN_sRGB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14901872

fuckable desu

>> No.14901904

This amuses me bc before I scrolled down, I thought her thigh gap reminded me of an Adventure Time character.

>> No.14901910
File: 372 KB, 1080x1350, 1-ABBEY_LEE_SAINT_LAURENT_SUMMER_2019_JUERGEN_TELLER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a male equivalent of pic related?

>> No.14901911 [DELETED] 

fuckable desu

>> No.14901947
File: 461 KB, 649x1024, 5CF5208B-78B7-4ECB-9226-97F484CF748C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5’8” 137
My goal this year is to lose this stomach fat

>> No.14902014

Stomach fats not the issue, you don’t have a hint of muscle definition. Also I wouldn’t go to the gym for just a little. You’ll be like every other generic retard who thinks they’re “toned” or “muscular” for being thin. If you’re going to go to the gym and don’t want to absolutely blend in with everyone else til you die, you 5’8” manlet, I suggest you roid up.

>> No.14902019

I plan to just buy my own weights and equipment. I don’t like the gym atmosphere

>> No.14902022

>Shredded ass
Damn I was within spitting distance during college then.. 167lbs at 6', lost a lot of weight to get there. Not sure I necessarily want that flat an ass - seats were hard and not as comfy, but fitting into small waist pants was great. Great lower torso.
Some weight work for a bigger chest/shoulders would do you good though.

>> No.14902055

No, that person wasn't me
I genuinely want advice about how to avoid the saggy boob problem

>> No.14902093
File: 133 KB, 828x1082, 9DBB606A-C80E-44E3-B519-4DB2EC5137B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any hope for me being thinspo with big boobs? I’m relatively skinny just need to work on my thighs but I feel like my boobs ruin my look. I just want to cut them off into an a or b cup at least

>> No.14902113

You’re god damn perfect, give me your contact info

>> No.14902115


*snifffffffffffffff* huarrrkkkkkk

s-s-s-show us your pussy please i want to cooooom.

>> No.14902120

Wtf don’t you dare cut off those tits

Those are gifts from god

>> No.14902137

The thirst is real

>> No.14902152

I have no idea, but I'm gonna pound my fucking cock like it just stole my wallet.

>> No.14902156

why doesnt anyone ever reverse image search anything on this board?

>> No.14902167

dumb tranny getting thin will only show people your disgusting male skeleton even more, you will never pass

>> No.14902170

It didn't yield any results on my end.

>> No.14902201

I stared at this for a solid minute before realizing it

>> No.14902246

If you toned up your tummy a bit you would be goddess tier

>> No.14902292

It's not that fuckin serious. roid up and die an early age or live long enough to have a disgusting bulging abdomen

>> No.14902293

who new decade, no food up in this bitch?

>> No.14902325

the sag is real

>> No.14902336
File: 66 KB, 489x746, 1577737341120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have dressed like a normie my whole life because I'm ugly and boring. I saw this and thought it was cool. Do you think I should pull the trigger and look for pieces and outfits like this?

>> No.14902349

I would obliterate you dear. It would be my honor

>> No.14902359

yeah dude! its not ugly and if you like that sort of style you should go for it, it's important to try a lot of shit out to develop your taste and not everyones gonna approve of everything you do and thats okay.

>> No.14902363

Nope because that look is shit

>> No.14902437

so post a better one

>> No.14902442

Anything is better than that shit lol

The gosha sweater with collared shirt, pants and chain and meme old skools are all terrible

How old are you? My suggestions will depend on your age and what you currently look like

>> No.14902451

I'm 20. bmi is 17. southern euro

>> No.14902463 [DELETED] 

i fucking hate incels
stop posting here

this general is politically correct

>> No.14902473

whats the /fa/ view on artificial sweetener?
obviously water and to a lesser degree tea/coffee are peak performance, but is coke zero and equivalents reasonable enough or just a cope?

>> No.14902475 [DELETED] 

you'll get cancer

>> No.14902507

Alot of BCAA powders are sugar free and taste like mango, berry ect
Just add them to your cold water

>> No.14902519

>shaving entire body like a plucked turkey

>> No.14902534

Holy shit! Mandic jovan? Is it you?

>> No.14902535

As the new year starts, I just want to thank you guys for motivating me to accomplish so much last year. I have been making steady progress towards my goals and feel the happiest I have in a long time.

>> No.14902765

I'm 1.90 78kg, don't lift but physically somewhat demanding job and free time, maintaining on 3500-4000 for 2+ years now

>> No.14902773

im watching an obviously anorexic camgirl presently . . .in a lot of ways its unattractive. id probably pass on it if i didnt like Giacometti so much and have a minor thing for small tits

>> No.14902824 [DELETED] 

fucking schizo take off your name and go back to schizo posting on chan offshoots and /pol/ (/pnd/)

>> No.14903251

literal perfection.

I say wait another 20-30 years before you get breast reduction surgery.

>> No.14903257

Not really, you also have wide hips which is more of a problem desu

>> No.14903276

Mental illness

>> No.14903378

>292 lbs

I'm going to lose as much weight as possible this year. Today I've only had green tea (no sweetener) and water.

>> No.14903438

>Some weight work for a bigger chest/shoulders would do you good though.
Had shoulder surgery years ago so it makes it hard. With that said I dont like a big chest look anyway.

>> No.14903610

Now that's a C O P E if I've ever seen one

>> No.14904489
File: 8 KB, 183x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had 1000 calories of mcdonalds today, sucks man

>> No.14904519

don't eat anything else, or go for a run

>> No.14904522


>> No.14904534

i worked out already today, im just gonna be sad

>> No.14904899


>> No.14905073

>under 16 bmi

pls start eating, that's a very unhealthy bmi level

>> No.14905265

What do you think it's the ideal weight for a girl?

>> No.14905273
File: 42 KB, 554x554, oe5podte6bh31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dry fasting today, how long can I do this shit for without dying?

>> No.14905404

I can't imagine why they thought that guy was a pedophile. Just when I think I've seen all the pics I can of him shirtless with young boys, someone posts another.

>> No.14905405

It's only unhealthy if it's because of actual metal illness and not just preference. Like, I sincerely hope they maintain there and don't try to go for kill.

>> No.14905492

perfect female body

>> No.14905674
File: 8 KB, 181x278, tumblr_o1tdogI5XQ1uz2510o4_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder Jackson was investigated by the FBI for 13 years who found nothing, exonerated in court on all charges related to molestation and child endangerment, and extorted by the Chandler's for a multi-motion picture deal before they approached authorities regarding the "welfare" of their child.

>> No.14906177
File: 1.44 MB, 1000x1500, a513ed3aed61841ae770bf9994e0f9493da58173375d33e1c0ae63c495196274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is 180cm, What do you think his BMI is?

>> No.14906302

I don't know, but his pants are wearing him.

>> No.14906339
File: 152 KB, 362x480, dMecNcX.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be EMT
>Mfw looking at anyone who's been an EMT/medic for 5 or more yrs

It's like in men and women alike it seems age is positively correlated with gut size. I feel like I'm just staring into the abyss ahead of me seeing all these lardbuckets waddle around in their 511s

It's like you just get uglier and uglier doing any kind of blue collar work I swear. Is there any hope to be thinspo when you're lugging fatass Americans into stretchers all day?

>> No.14906373

Isn't it the shitty working conditions of jobs in the medical field that leads to bad eating habits for most people? You can have whatever kind of body you want if you control yourself.

>> No.14906388

P. Much. Long hours, lots of labor that exhausts you but never really exercises you (as I hoped it would), and you get minimal opportunities to eat. I want to be able to eat intuitively without counting out every last calorie but I'm scared that in that process I'll fall down the rabbit hold that all medical technicians seem to fall down every where I look.

>> No.14906397
File: 181 KB, 264x292, wendigo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14906404

>I want to be able to eat intuitively
This is a laughable dream to me. I visciously envy any lucky bastard who can do it because I can eat three times my TDEE in a day without even feeling full.
If you're not tall and living an active lifestyle, your chances probably aren't good. You can give it a try anyway, but keep weighing yourself every day to see if your weight increases. You won't magically and suddenly balloon up if you actually pay attention to the scale and how your clothes fit, which most people don't do.

>> No.14906454
File: 77 KB, 243x325, okkk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'11 and 135lbs
I'm not fully where I want yet but I'm getting there, I lost 15lbs the past month after moving to a new place and being either too busy or preoccupied for food.

don't be mean but what do you think should be my next goal?

also fuck you memes, onions is actually pretty good for this. I drink maybe two a day and that 800 calories fills me up for the day, and I'm highly active for about 8 hours at work.

>> No.14906456
File: 2.55 MB, 640x1136, 7123C1C4-951B-4E33-99B8-C0C546424D88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14906486

looks like youre trying to get some cock in your ass. I'm 185 with comparable ab visibility. just lurking the first page though i dont post in these threads. see ya

>> No.14906496

Try and become a firefighter anon. I hear there’s a lot of EMTs that go into that line of work. Plus, you’ll most likely stay fit and not be a piece of shit mother fucking cop, but an actual hero.

>> No.14906517

how do you fit a cock in those shorts

>> No.14906548

it's duct-taped between her ass cheeks, probably, or confined in a chastity device

>> No.14906560

Pls be a girl and what’s your insta?

>> No.14906586

First off puts your arms down so the fat on your chest actually shows and stop breathing in

>> No.14906694
File: 349 KB, 765x1187, CE6F91D3-ABFA-4798-BE16-9F4FB1E2F46C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve coomed so many times to this girl it’s not even funny

>> No.14906742

ate 1000 calories today and i went to the gym. how do i stop being so hungry

>> No.14906836

You won't, the hunger is the reason %99 of normies fail diets because they don't realise being hungry is actually a big part of it and can't c o p e

>> No.14906853

my parents made steak quesadilla and brought me home a kale salad but i cant eat it bc im full ana mode rn. feels awful desu. i hate letting food go to waste but hate being fat more.
water, sleep, coffee, tea, trying to distract yourself. ive heard certain amino acid supplements work but i havent tried any.

>> No.14906900

hit juul

>> No.14906928

Losertown tells me I'll be 47kg (104lbs) by April if I continue consuming 1000 calories a day. Does that sound correct? Seems overly optimistic to me. I'm currently 53kg btw.
Has Losertown's estimations been correct for anyone else ITT?

>> No.14906978

Same bro she’s so fucking sexy

>> No.14907208

You would probly hit that goal weight by march if you actually manage to keep at 1000 cal a day and do atleast 40 minutes of walking, gl tho

>> No.14907245
File: 140 KB, 816x1017, 34489FBF-1A5B-478F-B5D9-7DB585B3D2A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14907248
File: 89 KB, 800x1072, tumblr_8dd9801cfd0768c7a8c60f00d108de95_101bca22_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14907351

losertown has always been scarily accurate for me.

>> No.14907380


>> No.14907387

Weak chest from pic

>> No.14907430
File: 39 KB, 621x155, Selection_004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Next time reverse image search

>> No.14907442
File: 186 KB, 650x875, AD1AB9E1-0D55-40BD-B808-BC36C9B7908F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jessie Andrews, a former porn Star

>> No.14907453


>> No.14907464

Legit managed to gain 15 lbs between thanksgiving and now, from 108 to 123 (5'8'')

I told myself I would just focus on enjoying the holidays with family and eat intuitively, but it turns out if I'm not following a predetermined meal plan I spiral into endless grazing/bingeing. Like if I start eating without a preimposed limit like I normally do, I just do not stop.
w2c this sort of flexible middle-ground level of self-control

>> No.14907467
File: 196 KB, 828x1305, B4DF3079-B80D-4ABF-8BFB-95D6F2B7DDB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14907471


>> No.14907498

Thank you based god

>> No.14907543


>> No.14907766

Just because I'm thinner than you doesn't mean I'm sucking in, fatty.

>> No.14907772

>take picture to post on thinspo
>look at others' pictures
>fall into paranoia and give up

>> No.14907779
File: 26 KB, 250x250, 1577391944721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw refuse food while fatties and normies eat near me
>they get noticeably uncomfortable

>> No.14907836

Queen. I used to jerk off to her so much back in high school like 6/7 years ago. She got a lot of work done on her face but she was pretty ugly before so I guess she’s hotter now. I’d pay to see her suck some dick again with her new lips

>> No.14907877

this, intuitive eating is such a fucking a meme, I tried so hard for the last few months to learn intuitive eating and realised that my hunger signals are just stupid as fuck, I spent weeks starving not sure if I was actually hungry or if I was just craving random bullshit, eventually I just decided it was cravings, ate 200kcal for 2 weeks and then ended up binging like crazy for the first time in my life, DO NOT RECOMMEND

so I went back to scheduled eating 3 meals a day, then 2 meals a day and now I'm doing OMAD and never felt better, I just select the amount of calories I want for a day, eat them all in the morning and don't think about food for 24 hours, comfy and simple as fuck

>> No.14907878

you can get the same reaction by standing when others are sitting.
and it burns calories too!

>> No.14907882

I've just accepted that some people can't
We didn't evolve to have constant access to food, so humans having the ability to intuitively eat doesn't make any sense, for 99.9% of our existance we simply eat everything we saw and only stopped if we were painfully full, then we went without food for a few days

This is especially true if you're low bf%, you have no leptin (appetite suppressing hormone produced by adipose tissue), you'll naturally be a lot more prone to hunger than someone who's fatter.

I'm much happier when I count calories and schedule my meals

>> No.14907887
File: 188 KB, 334x362, 1574051901979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go out for lunch with obese family members
>they order starters, mains and deserts
>I have 2 glasses of water and a black coffee
>two of them don't end up finishing their meals and look really stressed out
>mfw one of them asks me for dieting advice on the way home

I love doing this

>> No.14907911

>tfw you keep walking on moving sidewalk or escalator so the rest of your group has to as well
feels good

>> No.14907916

classy. no better feel.

>> No.14908129

This always stressed me out. I feel bad.
I can't be evil

>> No.14908210

>Post Current stats
CW:147 lbs
BMI: 25.1
32% bf
SW:163 lbs
LW: 132 lbs
GW: 115 lbs
GMB: 20
<20% bf
>Daily Routines
Still trying to set up a decent workout schedule but I'm not really good at it
>Meal strategy
OMAD (lowcarb) with matcha and chamomile tea while I fast (hopefully with no binges)

I've been struggling a lot with my weight lately because I can't stop bingeing, I would honestly pay all the money i have to have my belly pooch gone and I don't know what to do ;-; also I'm really shit at working out since I'm weak af so i can never seem to find the right workout plan for me. Hopefully these thinkspo threads will keep me on track, where do y'all get your inspiration/motivation?

>> No.14908228

40 day 40 night water fast

Current stats
5'7 135lbs


>> No.14908432

any fucking weight

>> No.14908452

this thread made me realize that i shouldnt starve myself. thanks guys

>> No.14908610

ok fatty

>> No.14908639
File: 93 KB, 292x301, aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized I went from 124 lbs to 114 in 6 months just by intermittent fasting and eating less. Is this good? I'm proud of myself and gonna try even harder.

>> No.14908721
File: 956 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200103-105315_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I can def relate with binging. I struggled for a long time. I would even purge and try and make up for it with heavy restriction or fasting. Best thing I ever did was take breaks where I would just maintain. For as long as it takes until you feel normal and not so good focused or hungry. If you binge just let it go. I'd spend months spinning my wheels, but a diet break would only take a few weeks and I'm ready to go again.

I'd say dont fast, dont do any weird diet. Eat a high volume high protein diet. Cut at no more than 1% of your bodyweight lost per week.

>> No.14908743
File: 995 KB, 1080x2220, 20200103_105502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm gonna get some no ass comments but it's a fucking thinspo... pick one.

>> No.14908791

You seem to have a regular ass. Big asses on men are the most disgusting feature together with big thighs.

>> No.14908824

how can you be so incorrect. men with cake are hot as fuck. being fat enough for cellulite is obviously disgusting, but when it's tight skin it's super attractive. woman btw

>> No.14908852

Whatever I just wanted to help the girl, and anyone else who struggles with binging that shit is so brutal and it was very hard for me too.

>> No.14908858


nigga no

>> No.14908869

I don't like the entire bottom half

>> No.14908983

Fat asses are ugly in any case. I did not say men should have flat ass or whatever. A regular ass is perfect. A fat ass is absolutely disgusting. That’s just like my opinion and yours get over it.

>> No.14909005

yeah. bony ass is just gross to me, but regular is fine

>> No.14909063

If only you was, also if I'm wrong then put a pic with arms by the side of you with no weird trying to dislocate your shoulders backwards thing some people do

>> No.14909155

I don't think I'm secure enough for that yet, in person it looks fine honestly, but pictures smooth out all the stuff and I don't like it.
But I'm not breathing in though I was very much expecting the 'sucking in' comment cos the angle but when I suck in other stuff starts showing up under my ribs and it looked weird/gross anyways, not thinner.

>> No.14909483
File: 803 KB, 983x678, 537ujkfddsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay Thin

>> No.14910016

How tall is she

>> No.14910051

keep drinking water/having salt aswell and moving around the amount you normally do or else your body will just slow down

>> No.14910101
File: 2.10 MB, 1559x822, 1572704590880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else feel like they've gotten leaner without the scale going down?

It's been three months since I've lost weight, but I swear my ab definition/ribcage visibility/cheekbone depth has gone up, even my belt I bought is getting looser, I have no idea what happened

>> No.14910252
File: 1.17 MB, 1310x1491, 1551415622682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much longer to go until I have a /thinspo/ back

>> No.14910401

I noticed the same, just weighed myself after winter break and I only lost 1.6 pounds but everything looks thinner except my legs, which feel more muscular
I'm guessing I somehow alternated between losing fat and building leg muscle by running but /fit/ says you can't build muscle on a caloric deficit so idk

>> No.14910693

You will never have a thinspo back due to your bone structure, sorry anon

>> No.14910700

You look like you should be doing bodybuilding instead with that frame. You will never be thinspo, but you'd reach some nice /fit/ aesthetics in about than half a year.

>> No.14910708

You can most definitely build muscle on a caloric deficit. If you're very fat or have very little muscle, losing fat or building muscle is so much easier that your deficit won't impact muscle building heavily.
You can't build much muscle on a deficit if you're already close to your genetic limit and are already pretty lean, though.

>> No.14910715

You piece of shit. She's obviously sick and her family is worried.

>> No.14910737

Calm down and have a cake fatty

>> No.14910747

When will fit leave this gen alone?

>> No.14910752


>> No.14910764

Why waste your time with something you can never get good at instead of focusing on shit you have a natural advantage with?

>> No.14910767

This, its literally impossible for them to be thinspo

>> No.14910773

that's progress, but not very fast. losing 10 lbs in six months means you lost less than 2 lbs per month
you can lose 1lb per week by restricting only 500 cals per day
or maybe you're already close to being very underweight?

>> No.14910855

Huh wait why will I never be thinspo? What's wrong with my bone structure exactly?

Anyway bodybuilding is boring af, cardio all day every day

>> No.14910888

Shoulders too broad, small ribcage compared to your hip bones which are pretty wide aswell

>> No.14910893

some people have pacific island native genes which can store calories for very long times
(those without the gene did not survive the long ocean voyages)

>> No.14911097

Broad shoulders, small waist. It's a p impressive V shape for a skeleton, but it doesn't fit the skeleton aesthetic. You'll definitely look better with a bit of muscle on your frame, and if you're already doing cardio, just eating a bit more would probably do it for you.

>> No.14911107

wtf is this thread

>> No.14911110

great bone structure.. start lifting weights

>> No.14911427
File: 82 KB, 750x352, 14DC0CE3-72D9-48C3-88BB-F852C88BA322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else here have no idea how to eat like a normal person and maintain a weight without binging and restricting?

>> No.14911455

Do what I said here

>> No.14911461

people who dress like this are faggots and should hang themselves with their cheap ass chains. if you wanna be interesting and attractive take the time to come with up with something that isnt copy paste bullshit. milsurp and second hand is a good way to find unique pieces. fucking fag

>> No.14911504
File: 24 KB, 280x415, 91911-nils-butler-smalto-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How drastic is the change to facial aesthetic going from a normal 22 BMI to borderline underweight like 19.X BMI, which is currently my goal?

>> No.14911521

Everything's going pretty well. I try to replace chips and candies by bananas and yogurt.
I also try to stop adding sugar to my coffee.

>> No.14911605

>borderline underweight


>> No.14912007

Is it true that i'm more likely to put on weight from fasting?

>> No.14912021

if your body thinks it is starving it will conserve energy making it harder to lose.
just eat less than you burn from exercise and you'll lose weight.

>> No.14912044

No, starvation mode is a meme unless your fasting for like 15 days

>> No.14912046

People put on weight after fasting cause they don't find out what their maintenance is

>> No.14912051

19 bmi is fat as fuck wtf, get to 15 bmi and maybe thinspo

>> No.14912170

Most male models aren't thinner than 18 BMI.

>> No.14912193

not much desu
can't change bone structure

>> No.14912252

and 18 isnt underweight whats your point fatty

>> No.14912296
File: 513 KB, 1242x1644, 01595636-2D51-45BD-B124-6B6941B7BBEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lost 20lbs in a month and a half ever since I started taking my adderall

I don't think this is healthy

>> No.14912320

Omad really is the best thinspo diet. It doesn't require crazy will power, just a bit of patience and some cooking lessons so you can get the best out of your one meal.

>> No.14912324

I know. I just meant I can see why someone would think it.

>> No.14912382

But it is borderline, as mentioned, you pozzed retard.

>> No.14912387

18 is borderline, 19 isnt chubster

>> No.14912414

so what did you do during lunch? just watch them eat?

>> No.14912419

>Broad shoulders, small waist. It's a p impressive V shape for a skeleton, but it doesn't fit the skeleton aesthetic
absurd opinion. thats peak skely

>> No.14912456

look at the Minnesota starvation and the holocaust, nobody lost a pound

>> No.14912461
File: 61 KB, 540x735, 1567314674052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half the thread is /fit/rats trying to dissaude people from losing weight
>memes like starvation mode
>no actual /thin/spo
>all of the regular posters have been bullied out of the gen

Yep, this thread has gone to shit, I'm going back to MPA
make sure to call the next gen /fit/spo, that's what this shithole has become

wide shoulders V shape is literally the only thinspo aesthetic that works for men
fuck off with your psyop you annoying fucks

>> No.14912535

It's gay twink bottom or bust. Thinspo is inherently feminine, so manly features don't fit.

>> No.14912552

What's mpa

>> No.14912589

hello zoomer

>> No.14912791

That only applies if you fast for weeks, fatty

>> No.14912794

My pro Ana I think

>> No.14912809

Unironically considering gaining weight at this point, my diet is perfect but I feel constantly feel weak and cold, literally everyone (people on reddit/4chan, not jealous peers) keeps telling me that I look like an unhealthy disgusting skellington as well

The thought of getting fatter is really disgusting to me though, fatties and even normal weight people just look fucking disgusting to me. I don't want to do that to myself but I'm sick of being so weak.

>> No.14912811

It's sarcasm you tard

>> No.14912812


>> No.14912821

At library right now and won't be home for 7 hours

>> No.14912860


Just build muscle. Fat making you warm is conventional wisdom, a/k/a one of society's oldest memes.

Muscle mass generates heat, which is why it burns more calories; fat just insulates your body so it doesn't escape as easily. If you have the structure to look good Ottermode, go
for that, otherwise just put on a few pounds of muscle.

If you don't want muscle definition, you can probably get away with gaining 1-2 pounds of fat to better hide it and insulate yourself. You probably won't look fat, since it will mostly just smooth out said muscle definition.

I can probably find some sources/studies relatively quickly if you want them.

>> No.14913097

r/ male passion advice

>> No.14913235

The thread is just someone who's 200lbs asking if they would lose weight eating 100 calories a day over and over

>> No.14913573

Is it possible to become thinspo if you were once like 25% body fat...

>> No.14913624

Yes but you are probably calling your 35% 25%

>> No.14913706

I'm calling my 26.2% 25%

>> No.14914084

Anything under 18.5 is underweight, meaning that 19 is firmly borderline, you fucktard.

>> No.14914171

>there are people who browse /thinspo/ and believe this
no offence dude but you don't belong here, go back to /fat/ if you want to think you're "borderline" underweight at 19

>> No.14914188

yes, i am 5'7 female, already underweight. still have a ways to go before i have an ideal body though

>> No.14914279


I want to dress like you.

t. male

>> No.14914335
File: 101 KB, 750x1334, C4918073-232F-4BF7-BB06-37DB5979C78C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is me about a year and a half ago

>> No.14914337
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x1024, 7E099819-B853-4DAD-B563-537EF5B49F6E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me now. First pic I was about 210, now I’m about 153. Now I’m trying to get a little leaner but also put on some muscle

>> No.14914359
File: 534 KB, 2048x1703, January 3rd 2020 face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weighed myself for the first time in about a month and I lost 10 lbs?? Kinda frightening, since I thought I was eating more and doing kettlebell training. Previously I was just doing 100 pushups/crunches in the morning and night. Am I just exercising at a caloric deficit or something? I do eat a pretty protein heavy diet, but I'm not really sticking to anything specific.

tl;dr - eat more, eat cookies/candy, lift kettlebells = lose 10-15 lbs?

>> No.14914495

Look like the machinist

>> No.14914588

You're just embarrassing yourself now.

>> No.14914636


>> No.14914719

Guys am I'm 18 bmi I'm thinspo now btw

>> No.14914885

For any anons struggling to find the mental fortitude to stave off cravings:
" 'Discipline' is a difficult word for most of us. It conjures up images of somebody standing over you with a stick, telling you that you're wrong. But self-discipline is different. It's the skill of seeing through the hollow shouting of your own impulses and piercing their secret. They have no power over you. It's all a show, a deception. Your urges scream and bluster at you; they cajole; they coax; they threaten; but they really carry no stick at all. You give in out of habit. You give in because you never really bother to look beyond the threat. It is all empty back there. There is only one way to learn this lesson, though. The words on this page won't do it. But look within and watch the stuff coming up-restlessness, anxiety, impatience, pain-just watch it come up and don't get involved. Much to your surprise, it will simply go away. It rises, it passes away. As simple as that. There is another word for self-discipline. It is patience.”
-Henepola Gunaratana, "Mindfulness in Plain English"

>> No.14915125

>small ribcage is anti-thispo
Huh? I have a huge ribcage and I look freakish because all my ribs show despite still having relatively high body fat. A small ribcage is better to look less like a sickly skelly when you're thin.

>> No.14915151

I meant in comparison to having wide shoulders and waist, it's gives you a hourglass look if you wear tight fitting clothes

>> No.14915181

>water fast for three days
>go to make some oatmeal this morning
>container is 3/4th's empty
God damn my family is absolute garbage, they eat up all my shit and never so much as replace it.

>> No.14915199

Their making sure you don't binge after your fast

>> No.14915201

Nigga, I buy my own groceries I need them to do the same

>> No.14915396

Have any thinspofags here done corsetry/waist-training to improve their silhouette?

>> No.14915418

I'm not even trying to lose weight or get super skinny I just come here to look at pictures of cute sticcfus 2bh

>> No.14915537

320lbs. 5'8. I bought the stuff from the list and have been doing water fasts for the last few days. I don't even lnow how I'm still alive. I have to exercise crazy this year.

>> No.14915542

That sucks nigga, I'm your height and 130lbs and still feel too big

>> No.14915575

Don't exercise hard at that weight, lest you fuck up your joints. Dieting is massively more important than exercising for weight loss, especially when you're really overweight. You should be in /fat/ and/or /fast/ if you're not already.

>> No.14915580

>he thinks his meme measurement is accurate
Eye measurement is more accurate than anything less than calipers or DEXA scans. Even then, eye measurements from an experienced guy is better than both of those.

>> No.14915593

Wtf how old are you and how do you even get to that point wtf

>> No.14915629

At your age all you have to do is eat healthy and do some bwf and you'll look defined in 6 months.

>> No.14915637

>those drawn-on cat's eyes
When will this meme die?

>> No.14915642

>Post Current stats
F, 5'6", 55kg. I look pretty good, but soft.
50kg, but leaner aesthetic due to more exercise
>Daily Routines
Been doing a 30 minute tabata cycle every day, want to ramp up once my cardio stamina improves. Eat 2-3 meals a day, usually toast with butter and a little cheese for breakfast and lunch. Bigger meal with my husband in the evening. Not sure how many calories.
>Meal strategy
Continue as is, but limit snacking. Cut out fizzy drinks and replace milky coffee with fruit teas.
>Make America thin again
Not in America, but ok

>> No.14915655

Just diet, its not safe for you to exercise, do walks at most

>> No.14915658

Came here from /fit/ what the hell is wrong with you people? some 5’11 guy weighing 135 lbs? Jesus Christ I weigh more than that and I’m a manlet, I could probably break all of you twigs, what is it that makes you want to be a skinny boy instead of gaining weight in a healthy manner with muscle?

>> No.14915663

Holy shit, we have very similar bodies. My tits are a bit higher and I have a more toned midriff, and you have smoother skin and nicer arms, but our general bodycomp and figures are close. Personally, I find that high waisted and slightly baggy or bulky trousers are very flattering with a bodysuit or loose sheer layering top and cute, good quality lingerie... Shirts with volume cover my waist too much unless they're cropped, but loose crop tops that show the waist of my trousers look great, and people assume I'm skinnier than I am because of the bulky trousers and little waist. Whatever style, play to your strengths, work that small waist. You may not be thinspo, but you can still make people jealous.

>> No.14915666

I'm in Minnesota and there are plenty of fat people here. The Minnesota starvation is a lie for propaganda.

>> No.14915667


/thinspo/ is a giant cope for women who know they'll never look like you.

>> No.14915671

You know something is wrong when the women have more realistic goals than the men

>> No.14915707

Just eat eat eat bro, whatever you can lay your hands on, that’s not a healthy weight for your heigh, what’s the point of exercising if your muscles don’t have enough fuel to growth! God damn bros, why are you doing this.

>> No.14915710

5'11 135 is still within a healthy bmi range.

If you are sedentary with a small frame it's fine. I'm 5'11 156 and people think I'm big irl

>> No.14915711
File: 888 KB, 220x220, 1557606577300.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to take this for depression but it fried my brain so bad I had to stop it or I'd be a slave to it the rest of my life. Knew I made the right choice when the withdraw kicked in and my mind turned to mush for a week.

>> No.14915732

you’re not fooling anyone gains goblin

>> No.14915814

The pic is taken off tumblr, it's not the poster retard

>> No.14916058
File: 90 KB, 474x711, 1554924872277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14916164

wow, you look great. what a huge difference. what changes did you make?

>> No.14916193

been a fatass my whole life anon. once i moved from my parent's place in 2017 i started eating tons of fast and junk food. my stomach's like a void, i never feel full

>> No.14916237

Neither of these look good in that

>> No.14916249

The medical cut off goes at 17 though.
Then again BMI is not meant to be used on an individual level, it's meant to be used for populations. If the average BMI in a country is 18.5 it's likeky that they're experiencing starvation.

Also, having a big/small frame IS actually a thing, despite how people make fun of fat people who claim they're "just big boned".
It should be obvious really, say you have a broad shouldered heavy framed guy and a tall but lanky and small framed girl who are the same height. Obviously it's stupid to compare their weights, but this is what BMI does.
Men can be underweight at a bmi of 19, not all will but some may. Most women won't be though. The same way. Some men (not all men kek) can be healthy at a him of 26 or 27, but almost no women will be.

>> No.14916320

>heavy framed manlet
So, everyone from /fit/

>> No.14916599

Its 2020. Do a reverse image search. Its just some fat ass stealing pictures.

>> No.14916601

It shows numerous results for me on Reddit. Obviously stolen.

>> No.14916602

1. Started rock climbing 2-3 times a week
2. Stopped buying as much packaged/processed shit, cook meals instead
3. I don’t do it so much now that I’m not so fat, but I shed a LOT of a weight with intermittent fasting. Sucked at first but after a while it starts to feel normal

>> No.14916622
File: 483 KB, 1125x721, B5C6B7FA-7E10-4D41-8F2E-DA07DAF0E65B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I could probably break all of you twigs,
U tell em anon!

>> No.14916626

I would try and eat less bread

>> No.14916630
File: 37 KB, 474x398, 6560F84E-FCE5-4E57-90A4-14DB9C1296B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't even lnow how I'm still alive.

>> No.14916632

TOP KEK lookatdat fuckin editing on Kim... it's getting hard to find a real picture of that retarded bitch

>> No.14916633

depends almost entirely on genetics. try it and find out, fatty

>> No.14916635

congrats on taking care of your body before it became too late and your skin stretched out

>> No.14916640

She’s 5ft 8 buy prob seems taller since she has such twig legs

>> No.14916685

this desu, when I was 19-20 BMI everyone told me I looked unhealthily thin, I also started getting symptoms of being underweight pretty early, like constantly cold and feeling weak as fuck all the time

then I lost even more ahaha

>> No.14916739

got tattoo'd today and forgot to eat, 12 hours later, i got out and i've had tremors since i left, ate a bunch to not shake but not sure whats going on

>> No.14916747

dry fasting is great for healing, and it makes you lose weight a bit faster. but you need to replenish your electrolytes after, with some salt or cucumber

>> No.14916932

I just found alizeegamberini on IG, that's my ideal body which I can never have due to being naturally muscular with childbearing hips and tits. Fuck

>> No.14916938

Good suggestion, anon. It's thin brown toast at the moment, 93 cal a slice on its own. Goes up to around 150 depending what I put on it, and I have one for breakfast and two for lunch. Any suggestions for what to replace it with? I do have to eat something or I start getting dizzy when I exercise.

>> No.14916940

I always visit these threads once every few months, I still think they are troll threads but get a lot of attention.

I'm a person who had cancer and ended up looking like a living skeleton and now I lift and are 200lbs plus muscular.

If some of you are real, do you guys accept you have anorexia or an eating disorder? "Thinspo" is such a misnomer. What's worse is you attack each other further making people feel worse with the potential for serious injury.

>> No.14916945

>with my husband in the evening

Really sad you have a husband and are likely not some 18 year old girl and you have an eating disorder.

Cardio isn't even the key to losing weight, it's the right diet as in low to no carbs bit with fat and protein. That way you will be slim but remain in good health. The only thing you are doing is damaging your muscles which includes your heart muscle. Sad, really.

>> No.14916954

Thinspo is neither having a Ed or Ana, may some posters have it, yes, but that's like saying any thread who has a ED poster is pro ana

>> No.14916958

How so? People want to be in shape, not really slim. Yeah more so girls do but these threads have guys in. All those people fall into the eating disorder category.

ED posters don't have to be pro-anorexia, but that does not mean they don;t have an ED as most people that do wont even admit they have a disorder so they are certainly never pro-anorexia.

Like this:


Are 2 examples. Those are eating disorders. The traits are avoiding admitting it, hiding it, using excuses and so on so of course none will admit it.

>> No.14916970

Definition of a ED : It can involve eating too much or too little, or becoming obsessed with your weight and body shape, just because their skinny doesn't mean they have a unhealthy obsession, going from what people call "naturally skinny" to their weight is easy with a short diet and just maintaining

>> No.14916994

I work with ED patients so you wont convince me, you are deflecting like they always do and trying to normalise it. It's a textbook response.

They are skinny, trying to get even more skinny. These threads are littered with people eating 500 cals a day or eating a few slices of bread. That's not normal, that's an ED. Nobody here is going from excess fat to a healthy weight and diet, they are aiming to look like a bag of bones and it's just awful.

>> No.14916999

Then your also blanketing everyone who cares about their appearance or does a diet as having a ED, which is damaging

>> No.14917004

>no one has gone from excess fat to healthy here
There have been many anons who got from excess to healthy weight here if you checked archive threads and thanking others here

>> No.14917011

Now you are attempting to guilt and shame someone for not letting you continue with an ED or call it what it is. Nobody here is obese caring about their appearance and getting in shape. They are thin, really thin and often dangerously so.

I've no doubt you yourself also have an ED and that is what you truly believe, the justification of it by "caring" about your appearance and it's as simple as that rather than a deep rooted disorder.

There is rarely a "cure" for an ED and it's lifelong. It's so tragic though to see healthy people slowly kill themselves.

Some yes, but the majority here and insp pictures are bone thin people clearly with an ED.

It's about being underweight, excess cardio to speed up losing weight, limited calories, not being in shape or even slim, but thin at a high cost to health.

>> No.14917014

>nobody here is obese caring about their weight
Just going to ignore the "320lbs. 5'8" anon from earlier? Guess they just don't exist

>> No.14917016

>some exception to the rule

Now you're just being disingenuous, yes I saw that and it's not the norm for here and you know it. That person doesn't even need thinspo, it's detrimental to them seeing people so thin knowing how far away they are from it. That person just needs a regular healthy body thread with attainable goals.

>> No.14917021

fucking retarded

>> No.14917027

When they get called out and their tactics and coping methods are discovered and highlighted to them and others they have a tendency to get angry and lash out

Textbook. I know it's nothing person.

>> No.14917035

low bodyfat % is what humans in nature would have been surviving with for most of the year and yet you still managed to be born. Your idea of "healthy weight" could only ever be possible all year round by modern extravagances but it doesn't matter as we're designed to be able to thrive being slim or 'normal'

>> No.14917054

>Textbook. I know it's nothing person
you're just an insufferable, preachy cunt. Are you excited to be posting about your little experience here on social media later? literally nobody here cares what you think. Now go rattle off some cringe reddit spaced paragraphs about how we replied to you and therefore we subconsciously feel threatened by your wisdom

>> No.14917060

Low bodyfat means a high protein and high fat animal based diet to keep muscle mass and health of all organs (inc. heart) what these threads are is just low calorie/low muscle mass and low health/feeling dizzy.

You could consume a 3000 calorie block of pig fat lard and it would be healthier and keep your bodyfat lower than consuming a few slices of simple carb toast.

And that's a huge issue with people with ED, they have no actual understanding of how the body and foods work, not to mention you are trying once again to justify it.

Yes, our ancestors at times came dangerously close to starving at certain of the year, that does not make it good, healthy or natural. Which is why they later had grain stores and prepared for Winter months so they could eat all your round which is what we do now.

Seek help. The only thing these places do is make you feel normal and part of a group which further normalises your views on body image. ED is not normal, it's a dangerous and serious mental health disorder.

>> No.14917069

I getcha and I appreciate the concern, but I think I've unintentionally misled you. Our evening meals are really big and are 75-90% meat, veg, and legumes. My husband used to do dirty keto and IF, and now that he's reached his goal, he's doing soft paleo for maintainance. Our dinner is our "big meal of the day", I haven't counted because I don't want to obsess but I'm sure I'm getting at least 1600 cals worth. I realise I made a huge omission by not putting these details in my first post, sorry. And the tabatas I do have a lot of bodyweight exercises in them too. They're more of a starting point anyway. Any suggestions?

>> No.14917079

Really happy for you! Congrats on your recovery! I do know my relationship with thinspo is unhealthy desu. Most of the bodies I admire aren't bodies I could have ever achieved, even when I was a teenager. However, I do need something to spur me on to exercise and eat carefully, or I will just sit on my ass and be overweight by the time I'm 30. When I went to /fit/, all the comments I got were over the top or thirsty, no real advice, whereas this board is much more apathetic and I don't post pics anyway. Only shame seems to work for me, so... Thinspo it is, y'know?

>> No.14917080

Whats with this thread always attracting delusional fatties
>people with ED have no idea how the body or food works

But all seem to always hit their uw goal alot of the time, weird that for not knowing how food works, yet most normal people fail after a few days

>> No.14917081

Well at your weight and height, if you look soft, something such as a keto diet is probably good. You'll lose the soft bodyfat and need to increase the muscle mass.

That would just make you healthy and in a good aesthetic shape. Most of these threads are about eating 2 slices of bread a day and 10 cups of coffee with the end product being an unhealthy person with low muscle mass and damage to their body.

>> No.14917084

>soft bodyfat
But what about the hard bodyfat anon

>> No.14917088 [DELETED] 
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>seek help
>high protein and high fat animal based diet
>dangerously close to starving at certain of the year, that does not make it good, healthy or natural
jesus christ all these buzzwords/phrases make me want to puke, consider actually reading the thread before posting your holier than thou spiel. Who is even eating bread in this thread? maybe Read the links in the OP? also how the FUCK is it not natural if it was literally the product of billions of years of evolution for us and every other animal in nature to be able to cope with these stressors? have you ever eaten game?
>And that's a huge issue with people with ED, they have no actual understanding of how the body and foods work
yes, but you were able to watch 2 youtube videos and are ready to do the lords work. You're so important and special! God must have saved you from cancer to be his prophet!

>> No.14917089

>I do know my relationship with thinspo is unhealthy

Good, most don't and are so deep in denial which is common with these disorders.

>Most of the bodies I admire aren't bodies I could have ever achieved

If you mean what basically amounts to anorexic bodies, why desire that?

>I do need something to spur me on to exercise and eat carefully, or I will just sit on my ass and be overweight

The thing is will. You have to want to want this, to mentally change your view on things, or to have success, notice how good in makes you feel which makes you continue it. Places in which bone thin people are being called fat usually has the opposite, it makes people feel bad, lose hope and then go on to overeat or not eat at all.

>Only shame seems to work for me

I get shame works and "fat-shaming" is nonsense, but often shame means a big obese person to have a normal weight. Shame does not mean being 100lbs and called a fatty who should be 70lbs.

So long as you understand a lot of people here do have an actual eating disorder.

"Emma wants to live" is a good documentary

>> No.14917103

Bodyfat gives the soft look, hence why skinny fat people look soft, they simply have excess body fat and must lose that and increase muscle mass to look hard.

That's why skinny people on here who think eating some bread twice a day will achieve that look when in wont at all. They will just lose their muscle mass first leading to a greater extent of bodyfat showing and a softer look making them feel and look worse. It's self defeating and at this point, their solution is to further lose weight and cut even more cals leading to bones in the end and organ damage.

>simple food info

>literally the product of billions of years

You are talking about different species to modern man, agriculture has been around for thousands of years, certainly enough time for small evolutionary changes to take place.

Nobody here is cutting their food down in Winter and increasing it during the Summer. They tend to be slim, or want to be all your around. It's almost as though you are trying to mimic some perceived past of humans when that's not what is happening at all, you just have a poor body image through an eating disorder. To connect the 2 is nonsensical. There is no connection. You are not a Neanderthal.

>yes, but you were able to watch 2 youtube videos and are ready to do the lords work

I work with ED patients, I have plenty of people die on me. That's the reason I came to fa years ago, because I have to wear a suit in daily life and got interested in sartorial things.

I've also done personal training. I'm in great shape and work out, you could even call body dysphoria on those things but I am not a bodybuilder, just enjoy a healthy and muscular body.

You are so angry and once again, I understand why.

>> No.14917105

>Most of these threads
>I always visit these threads once every few months

>these threads are about eating 2 slices of bread a day
cntrl+f 'bread'
cntrl+f 'bread'
cntrl+f 'bread'

>> No.14917107

Fair point, once I visit them every so often they take the same form though. I think they are troll threads because of reasons such as this:



An obviously underweight person with bones showing through is called non-thin and they should be a bodybuilders. If that person is real you just made them feel 10 times worse and want to lose more weight. Very dangerous.

>> No.14917111

Thinspo doesn't nesserally mean anorexic underweight, you can have a normal bmi with a extremely small body structure/frame and be thinspo

>> No.14917113

>cutting food in Winter and eating more in Summer
Do most people not do that?? I've always done that without even meaning to...

>> No.14917124

Yes, some people can. These threads are about thin people further losing weight though. Thin people don't come to internet threads about how thin people can lose weight...

Those with eating disorders do though.

No. It's often the opposite. People overeat in Winter due to the cold and eat less in Summer with the heat making their appetite less and them wanting to be in better shape as they are not covered up as much.

>> No.14917144

>You are so angry and once again, I understand why.
I just find people like you repulsive
I don't even use this board/thread or diet , you're just so disgustingly projecting and snobbish
nobody cares what you do, or what shitty food ideology you subscribe to and decide to call fact, or what mental disorders you can recall off the top of your head
>muh high protein high fat diet
>muh simple food info
fucking make me sick
I don't even care enough about the topic to disagree with you , but do you have to say it in such a way that makes one long for a worldwide holocaust?
thousands of years means nothing in terms of evolution, we are still biologically the same. The impact agriculture had was temporary lowering of human health, freedom and overall quality of life
we're designed to be living a single digit number of meals away from death like any other animal, if not the species would have failed millions of years ago

>> No.14917159

Fatties invaded this thread baka

If you're in normal bmi range then you are fine in terms of health. A lot of you would be surprised to realize you are overweight or even obese.

>> No.14917181

>this thread is about thin people losing weight,
It's not tho is it, it's about mostly weight loss in general and there's thin people who come here to also give advice to others

>> No.14917185

>anyone whos thin and visits these threads have ED's


>> No.14917232

>wake up to 27 new posts in thinspo
>it's just some ketofatty spewing the usual retardation
Fuck that.
I've almost got a proper thigh gap when standing straight with my legs together. The holidays were terrible for my diet and mental health, but I'm steadily getting back on track for now.

>> No.14917242

Ketards are insufferable. Worse than any diet group.

Keep at it

>> No.14917514

Mirin' the thighs of the one on the left. Also I'm all for thinspo, but middle thot has just gone too far imo, it's almost comical.

>> No.14917533

girl... you look great, and im not shitting on your parade, but you can do much better than posting nudes on an abrahamic carpet weaving imageboard.

>> No.14917697

Is it unhealthy to lose 35 pounds in 18 weeks? I'm going from 185 to 150

>> No.14917723

That's less than two lbs a week so it should probably be fine. It depends on your TDEE though.

>> No.14918655

im 138lbs at 5'9 and everyone thinks im too skinny, how are there people on this board who are my same weight but like 6'1 and still consider themselves fat?

>> No.14918668

Concerned to not try keto because everyone on it are delusional

>> No.14918679

Those pics were literally taken off tumblr