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14900386 No.14900386[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Reminder to eat at a healthy amount: 1200-1500 calories a day.
Weightloss is a marathon, not a sprint. Take your time

old thread
>>14878397 (Dead)

>Post Current stats
>Daily Routines
>Meal strategy
>Make America thin again

>http://pastebin.com/raw/jvUjw16e (embed)

low calorie food & drinks list
>http://pastebin.com/raw/93cLG9jj (embed)

>> No.14900516

>tfw 6ft2 and perpetually under 70kg no matter how much I eat

I should really start exercising again, I don’t have much in the way of body fat but not much in the way of muscle either, really want to get back to the otter mode I was at three years ago.

>> No.14900839

>Post Current stats
5'7 227lbs
>Daily Routines
Coffee and water all day then OMAD. 12 sets of 50 30lb kettlebell swings with 2min rest between for cardio and all round toning
What's this mean?
>Meal strategy
Protein > fat > carbs
>Make America thin again

>> No.14900845
File: 109 KB, 720x720, 634345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14901144

What was this girls insta again? She was super cute. There's so little quality thinspo featuring black women.

>> No.14901158

Took my niece to the park on my second day of water fasting, tired as fuck after maybe 30 minutes of play. Didn’t sleep very much last night, I’m hoping this fatigue isn’t an everyday thing

>> No.14901173

she has a literal anime body it's pretty cool

>> No.14901279

That's it, thanks!

>> No.14901381

Anyone here have/had flared ribs? If so how do you cope with it? Did you get rid of them somehow?

Also anterior pelvic tilt but that's fixable.

>> No.14901400

yw! good luck meeting your goals and staying healthy

>> No.14901481

Just finished praying to God for help on my fast, my aunt comes in with damn 15 pizzas and a box of wings. We got this, Jesus

Come on

>> No.14901754


>> No.14901792

>5’7.75”(my doctor says just log by 5’8”, but that is my accurate measurement
Lose my neck fat and get a more flat, >toned stomach. I’m not fat, but I’m flabbier and doughy without a shirt.

Currently I eat only once a day, somewhere between 1500-2000 calories. My biggest challenge is finally kicking Coca Cola. I’m getting better about drinking plain water(discovering I like the taste of Fiji helped). Next I need to cut more fats. I’ve been living with the “I don’t eat much, so I can eat whatever” mentality and that obviously can’t work.
Lastly, I’ve been doing more cardio exercises and I plan to up that even further

>> No.14901881

>kicking Coca Cola
that should get you everything you need from what i gather

>> No.14901893

I’m hoping. It’s been a life long addiction, but I’ve made real progress. I used to drink close to 5 cans a day, in down to 1. I just need to condition myself to picking water over coke with meals more consistently

>> No.14901900

6'1 and 135
maintain this weight or add around 5 pounds

>> No.14901903

im a cold turkey advocate. quit years ago, any sweet drink is just weird to me now

>> No.14901920

I don’t know if I can make it that far, but my other problem is that I don’t hydrate a lot. I don’t really feel thirsty all that often, so I don’t drink most of the day. Which made my cans of coke my primary beverage.
Obviously I drink more water now, but even one or two cans of coke is still a high percentage of the liquid I consume. I need some way to remind myself to drink more

>> No.14901943

Why are you faggots trying to be unhealthy

>> No.14901956

if ur a man, yea maybe add the 5. Is it a total skeletor situation rn?

>> No.14901979

post weight and height

>> No.14901980
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Put on fat/muscle, bearmode completely obscures it, I'm just here to fap

>> No.14902502

>292 lbs

going to lose a pound a week minimum, gonna lose weight or die trying and i don't care which outcome happens.

>> No.14902690

based but no thx

>> No.14902717
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Having body dysmorphia and gender dysphoria at the same time sucks holy shit. On one hand I wanna lose weight but if I don't eat my HRT won't be as effective

>> No.14902801


>> No.14902871
File: 413 KB, 643x879, 12FBE0EB-DFF0-4807-A289-F70E736A3006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoping to get it down to 165 but it’s hard for me to burn fat without putting on muscle weight.
Currently eat 6 meals a day. 100gr protein, 100gr carbs each meal. Lean protein like 1% cottage cheese or chicken breast. High fiber carbs like raw baby spinach or Japanese sweet potato.
How much damage am I doing if I have a tablespoon of vinaigrette with my spinach (lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, olive oil)?

>> No.14902978

It's not muscle weight anon, your fat

>> No.14902988

You could easily lose a pound a day at your current weight.

>> No.14902989

What about the vinaigrette? Is that a major compromise or do you think it’s acceptable caloric intake?

>> No.14903036



>> No.14903044

Isn't enough calories to really make a difference

>> No.14903054

hell yeah. i'm the same height (5'7.75") and was 135lbs two years ago. i've been maintaining at 120-125, thinking about dropping lower to 115 (f).

cut the coke! you're an adult, not a child. you control what you eat. sugar addictions are rough but you're gonna feel so much better and look so much better without it.

put a glass of water next to your laptop at home, at work (or bring an aesthetic water bottle to classes idk) and just start passively sipping on it.

literally everyone i know drops 5 to 10lbs when they cut out soft drinks and alcohol for a few months

>> No.14903057

Just switch to diet coke

>> No.14903066

don't be insane. you need fat in your food and it makes things taste better. the classic tumblr ana/mia teen mistake is to only eat 500cal of shitty, tasteless food for a few months and then give up and binge on shit that has SALT. FAT. ACTUAL FLAVOR and then they've put on 4lbs again.

just eat the vinaigrette and enjoy it, it's more about calorie count.

>> No.14903085

They put it back on by binge eating, you don't NEED those things, they just have no discipline, your points invalid

>> No.14903094

i'd literally give my left nut for a 6ft, BMI of 19 or less gf

>> No.14903108

I have a cheat meal once a week to ward off cravings and keep leptin levels normal but point taken. The vinaigrette is new for me and you know when you try new things that feel good, you worry that you’re making a costly compromise

>> No.14903194
File: 320 KB, 1106x1062, 9611246A-A202-4405-AE20-E3527AE66B0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5’9 183 lbs

I feel very strong at this weight and my butt looks bubbly, but I fit into clothes way better at about 170. When at current size, medium shirts are just too tight around my chest (43-44”), but large t shirts are way too baggy. I don’t know what to do. 170 means losing a lot of muscle but I want to be effay.

>> No.14903211

Your overweight anon