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14899182 No.14899182 [Reply] [Original]

I never even had a chance

>> No.14899275

Just found out im 5'6.96" thought i was 5'7" this whole time

>> No.14899346
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Give me a quick rundown on what life as a manlet is like.

I'm 6'3" and it's pretty comforting that I never stress about my height. Not too tall, not too short. Manlets seem to constantly obsess over it though.

>> No.14899364

i am tall but i still never had a chance because i'm ugly as shit.

>> No.14899369

honestly its not a huge deal for most people. I think a lot of guys who focus on it end up here and so it makes it seem like its a bigger problem than it is. that said, people absolutely respect you less and dating is harder, but not any harder than if i were say ugly.

>> No.14899372

dude 5'8 isn't even that bad fuckin relax

>> No.14899381

Everyone obsesses over what they don't have. If you were 6'3" and ugly, you'd obsess over your face, its like clockwork. Unless your genetically blessed, being exposed to this cesspool will make anything you don't have seem like the bane of your existence.

>> No.14899382

Am I the only short guy who never had any issue dating or being disrespected due to height? I've been in the military, jail, and mental health hospitals and never really had any issue with anyone, male or female. 5'5

>> No.14899401

Imagine being invisible to 75% any women you encounter, unless you do obnoxious things like tatooing your face, dying your hair platinum blonde or wear some ridiculous outfit.

>> No.14899417

Most women write you off immediately.
Majority of CEOs are 6'+ despite tallness being much less common among boomers.
You Always have to look up literally to other men just like women have to.
Basically it feels like being a woman except women are supposed to be shorter.
Most women my age where I live are around 170-176cm so it is pretty bad. I know several women who are 180cm+

>> No.14899420

its not really an issue unless you go on dating apps. women can be way more choosy that way, but even then i had decent success (gf of 3.5 years from tinder)

>> No.14899425

tall people are better in business because they always win

>> No.14899427

I've been killing Tinder dog, I dated the same girl for like 7 years before I ever used it and it really changed my entire self confidence/view of self. But again my ex was 5'7 and I'm 5'5, I just do not get the height thing on the internet
Like this dude being concerned about CEOs, like nigga were you trying to be a CEO? Most CEOs are white guys too, does that mean a minority should feel some type of way about it? Or is it more like most CEOs come from wealthy white families

>> No.14899431

Well yeah, they won the genetic lottery, of course they win always.

>> No.14899436

CEOs in white countries will be white. Minorities chose to move to other countries and subject their children to being minorities. That is on them.

>> No.14899442

America is not white at all

>> No.14899455

It was 60 years ago when the boomers who are C suite now were born.
Doesn't matter for me anyways if California and Texas are brown manlet states.
I live in Wisconsin and this shit fucking sucks.

>> No.14899461

I live in Atlanta for now but plan on moving to Boston once I graduate

>> No.14899481

I think being tall just fosters more confidence, which is very important in business.

>> No.14899489

im 5"7 but bulky strong fat + beard, nice face and beautifull blue eyes ( big eyelashes), no problem with girls.

>> No.14899516

Get help OP
