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File: 479 KB, 1500x843, SRS in HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14891144 No.14891144 [Reply] [Original]


Today, SRS shows off his extensive collection of overcoats.


>> No.14891182
File: 2.20 MB, 480x270, True Gentleman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based autist

>> No.14891238

I have a really nice peacoat and a new beige overcoat like the ones in the video.

>> No.14891242
File: 163 KB, 700x1400, 0c807d16e4087ccc8c106c69a76ca4aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this old man coat shit...

>> No.14891268

This guy does what he does pretty well but it's so ridiculous for the 21st century. He's a true larper.

>> No.14891272

>german autism combined with brazillian lack of self awareness

>> No.14891446

but you are mutt so doesn't matter

>> No.14892896

even his cologne choices were like polo green and eau sauvage. i mean, can you even pull his still off, reasonably speaking?

>> No.14892932

Grow up idiot

>> No.14893008

>brazillian lack of self awareness
You've just described and put into words what I've always felt about south americans. How did you come to this?

>> No.14893902

He can, because he goes all the way. He found his style and lives it. You've got to admire him for that.

>> No.14894052

>He's a true larper.

Is it still LARPing if its your default mode?

>> No.14894076

is he full German? why is he so swarthy and brown-eyed

>> No.14894081
File: 438 KB, 1600x1051, Screenshot_2019-12-28 Men's Overcoats - A Tour of My Winter Coat Collection Wardrobe - YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the way you tie the scarf is just another pleb filter

>> No.14894090

bro he is targeting the lcd

>> No.14894136

>small frame
>wearing a winter coat
Pick one

>> No.14894183

Half German half Brazilian full retard

>> No.14894220

Explain. Are skinny niBBas supposed to go outside in their shirtsleeves because some internet nerd decided they're not allowed to wear certian items of weather-appropriate clothing?

>> No.14894243

>You've got to admire him for that.
Do you though? Going in the wrong direction and refusing to turn around is just stupidity or stubbornness.

>> No.14894251

He looks happy to me and I imagine he makes decent money doing what he does. It would be headstrong if life punished him for his choices but he still kept going like retards on /biz/ that think buying a bunch of shitcoins will make them rich.

>> No.14894254
File: 103 KB, 821x1024, snoopy_latte_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Sven feel the need to bully Preston? Go watch the "about Preston" video and tell me he's not trying to dab on him all the time.

>> No.14894313

I guess it does come down to values. Does being happy and making ok money worth looking like a out-of-touch buffoon to most? How much do you value fitting into larger society verse making a comfortable niche in a small subculture? Personally, I see him as an oddity in the larger cultural landscape.

>> No.14894315

He has a wife, children and lives in a nice neighborhood. He probably makes a decent living and seems happy doing what he does, i don't see anything wrong with that.

>> No.14894323

I mean if you choose to dress in anything that isn't absolutely bog-standard you're going to look like a buffoon to someone. Not to say I'd personally take it to the extreme that some of his outfits do but it's alright to be a bit of an oddball.

>> No.14894368

Good on him, but that comes from having a small business selling his clothes and persona to a subculture, not the style itself.

>> No.14894387

While I was being too general when talking about "society" and looking like a buffoon, a middle aged man dressing like a turn of the century gentleman is an oddity to most demographic groups because the style has already been played out. It's close enough to current formal fashion where it just looks "off" and "odd" in everyday life. He would look even more strange if he dressed like a 15th century lord or a Ancient Aztec.

>> No.14894399

He would look fucking sick if he dressed as a 15th century lord

The guy is in his 40s, he's probably long over caring about how he's perceived in a wider sense. You have your life built at that stage, you're not looking to impress new people. Your social circle is long established, you've been in the same job a long time, what other people think of you doesn't penetrate your life as much.

>> No.14894441
File: 99 KB, 505x720, 505px-Nezahualpiltzintli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He would look fucking sick if he dressed as a 15th century lord
lol It would be more fun if he dressed as an Aztec though.

>Your social circle is long established, you've been in the same job a long time, what other people think of you doesn't penetrate your life as much.
Sure. Also when you get older it doesn't make sense to be on the cutting edge of youth fashion either. The issue is that he's trying to sell his look and give fashion advise often to much younger people who have no idea what's going on. While Im sure hes nice enough personally his style ideas aren't immune from criticism.

>> No.14894694

wtf I love gentlemen's gazette now

wtf I also love ebay now

>> No.14894696

eau sauvage is great though

>> No.14894697

How can one man be this based and yet also that cringe?

>> No.14894701

>Going in the wrong direction
how is he going in the wrong direction? He has an awesome wardrobe and does what he wants. You want him to wear streetwear and $3000 childrens sneakers as is the trend today?

>> No.14894891

honestly i admire people like these a hundred times more than someone whos desperately following the latest trends and fashions to impress some strangers, or simply to avoid being different from the herd


>> No.14894895

Is he queer?

>> No.14895366

I do my scarf this way. Easy put on and slip off and showcases both sides of the scarf. Also easier to pull up if shit gets even colder.

The way he does most of his scarves are more appropriate for ascots.

>> No.14895538

Why did you dislike the video?

>> No.14895868

no there is a female voice in some videos. i think his gf is the camera operator in some vids.

>> No.14896707

>i think his gf is the camera operator in some vids.
Aren't you optimistic. It's probably his mother.

>> No.14896962
File: 1.59 MB, 277x202, reviewmah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his mom is hot tho

>> No.14897476

>Reviewbrah mogs you so hard that you have to call him a queer as a pathetic coping mechanism
Sad and cringe.

>> No.14898160
File: 37 KB, 620x710, copkorea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where to find a coat like this ?

>> No.14898335
File: 48 KB, 721x720, imgonline-com-ua-blur-radial-oZrq8VQtJBxFAhq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preston didn't wear his damn cufflinks again.

>> No.14898403


>> No.14898417

LMAO which video is this from?

>> No.14900053

XLL section of every thrift shop

>> No.14900058

what about shoulders and sleeves

>> No.14900183

I think it's from a video about managing conflict or something

>> No.14900260

Based gentlemen

>> No.14900304

ngl his style guide articles are good but I just read them for the history nuggets you get, in terms of his actual style or selling shit idc