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/fa/ - Fashion

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14889201 No.14889201 [Reply] [Original]

How do we make this the decade of skinny gods? How do we all become Pete Davidson-tier pussy magnets?

>> No.14889202

full hedi

>> No.14889206

for some reason its only girls I talk to online that like skinny guys

>> No.14889217

If you have a babyface you're more likely to attract lesbians, this is both a good thing and a bad thing. Ever see ftm's that pull thots? That's you now, you're a pseudo ftm lesbian chad

>> No.14889225
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I'm 6'0" and also pale, why am I still a virgin?

Would a few tattoos really launch me into the stratosphere of pusy?

>> No.14889345

post a fit

>> No.14889558


>> No.14889560

I think he has personality though

>> No.14889568

unironically yes because assholes with tattoos that have good weed connections are genuine pussy magnets

>> No.14889853


>> No.14889857

its because youre ugly

>> No.14889862

try to get out more if you arent already

>> No.14889914

Pete Davidson is a dickhead i saw him at sheetz once and all he did was talk about how awful my town is

>> No.14889915

you must not have a good looking face.
There is some truth to this. I’ve experienced this because i have a somewhat feminine yet defined face and that’s just the icing on the cake to being tall and skinny. I’ve had my fair share of “lesbians” and tomboys and i gotta say they all just become submissive girly girls at the end of the night. This only works if your chad and don’t really have to try in the first place.

>> No.14889925

>you must not have a good looking face.
lol yea absolutely
however a lot of people have told me that I have a nice voice so maybe that means I should just rely on edating or some shit idk

>> No.14889933



>> No.14889958

No, I'm attractive.

I have a personality but it's not one of swagger.

>> No.14889985 [DELETED] 

Is weighing 147 at 16 a bad thing?, my parents seem upset by it

>> No.14890029

Depends on your height

>> No.14890055

>this is the average poster on /fa/
What could possibly be wrong with 147 anyway? Are you 5’5? 6’5?

>> No.14890072

>assholes with tattoos that have good weed connections are genuine pussy magnets
Why is this so true...

>> No.14890180

I'll kick your ass, kid

>> No.14890621
File: 456 KB, 480x361, 1521711464465.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 6'5 and skinny (185 lbs) but I'm mixed race and live in taiwan :(

>> No.14890671

5"10, 140 lbs.
I'm still struggling to find the right pantsus.
What kind of fit do you lads prefer?

>> No.14890729

6’2 117
have a really feminine jawline/androgynous facial features and have dated multiple lesbians before. I just wear baggy stuff generally, sometimes women’s jeans because no men’s jeans will ever fit my 24” waist

>> No.14890745

pete wants so badly to be a bad boy.
the tattoos are all affectation

>> No.14890747


>> No.14890753

>tfw skinny and manlet
what do bros?

>> No.14890951

Because women are retards?

>> No.14890954

Have you seen pete Davidson >>14890753
Become a Twink

>> No.14891815


>> No.14891817
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it's all about that BDE

>> No.14891829

>I'm 6'5
you're gonna slay
tall guys have it made

>> No.14892178

>No, I'm attractive.
Wanna bet 10 bucks paypal on it?
Not a joke. post at least a profile/side photo, if you dont want your front posted in here.

>> No.14892180

>people think its about the weight
its about the frame and skeletal mass.
muscle, if youre not talking about actual weight ,is not at all dimorphic - skeletal mass is far more dimorphic.
wide clavicles and bideltoid will save you even if youre like 130-150 pounds.

>> No.14892186

6'5, hovering around 140lbs (not ED, just appetite problems). Height is only like 50% of it; most women are too self conscious if you weigh less than them and it really lessens your pool. At least for attractive women; face won't make up for the fact that you look frail.

>> No.14892286

5' 11' 130 lbs checking in

>inb4 5' 11"

>> No.14892305

>appetite problems
smoke weed

>> No.14892360

It's at least 90% FACE. Anything else is cope.

I was a fat piece of shit in early high school and I still slayed the most. Now fixed my body in college and it only went up from there

>> No.14892726

it's because he's charismatic and funny (to women) unlike you

>> No.14892785

The uncomfortable truth the rest of /fa/ doesn't want you to accept or has yet to accept themselves.