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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 144 KB, 640x800, 68690850_463494070896136_786471552452613863_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14883553 No.14883553 [Reply] [Original]

Name my band.

>> No.14883581

the mormon tabernacle choir

>> No.14883582
File: 71 KB, 720x714, 305708898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ unironically thinks these are good outfits. If I saw someone dressed like this in public me and my girlfriend would do our best to hold in our laughter to make you not commit suicide on the spot from us being in hysterics. What is wrong with you retards? Why do you dress like such faggots? It would make my day to come across one of you dressed like that in public and spit in your ugly face. Its unbelievable, the homeless are dressed better. When you see people dressed like this they've probably gotten a wedgie before. Fuck you

>> No.14883929

Seething flyover

>> No.14883931

These are all instagram faggots, not one /fa/ poster on that picture. Also just because you're an insecure loser who cant even express himself or dares to put on something that is not a tshirt hoodie and slim jeans doesn't mean that we should all dress like an NPC

>> No.14883933

>/fa/ unironically thinks these are good outfits
lurk more

>> No.14883937

Drain gang.

>> No.14883952


>> No.14883959

quality seething

>> No.14884095


t. Boomer

>> No.14884106

Honestly I prefer seeing people dress loud, even if it's something i think is ridiculous and would never wear, over t-shirt jeans white/black/grey shoes.

>> No.14884127
File: 87 KB, 500x459, miss-fame-violet-chachki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yass honey
fashion is fun!

>> No.14884136

Third World Brockhampton

>> No.14884138

they're good outfits.

>> No.14884180

>Name my band.
I try way too hard to look cool and i kind of do even though im a fucking retard who does anything for attention and my music is shit but people come to shows cause we look cool even though we arent

>> No.14884182

Buh buh buh based!!

>> No.14884188

And everyone who responded with
>poor flyover
>whatever boomer
are probably 17-25 year old NEETS that think dressing like a loud faggot is the meaning of life while they complain on /adv/ about how they wanna kill themselves FUCK U
This dude and his girl no whats up
There are ways to be an interesting dresses without being laughable

>> No.14884190

Proprietors of The New World

>> No.14884680

more sex than OP

>> No.14884756
File: 32 KB, 540x509, 1452307228911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are nice pieces there: the paint splatter pants, the nice quartered sweater (I swear I've seen it before and it's Dior or something).

The key point is that none of them pull it off other than the slutty twink in the unstructured suit and the cat umbrella

>> No.14884770

Wasted on this board. Couldve been used on /pol/

>> No.14884773

The /fa/gs and the /b/imbos

>> No.14884775

Fashion Fagmily

>> No.14884806


>> No.14884811

left fit is fucking sick

>> No.14884815

I would fuck the kid in the lower left corner.
Looks exactly like my ex.

>> No.14884824

project harder

>> No.14884827

Fuk boiz
Or suk boiz

>> No.14884831

based and redpilled

>> No.14884835

Lo-T and the Zoomers

>> No.14884846


>> No.14884911

Nigglypuff, the five niggers and three

>> No.14885030

In Living Color

>> No.14885040

Based otterposter

>> No.14885044

/fa/ unironically thinks these are good outfits. If I saw someone dressed like this in public me and my girlfriend would do our best to hold in our laughter to make you not commit suicide on the spot from us being in hysterics. What is wrong with you retards? Why do you dress like such faggots? It would make my day to come across one of you dressed like that in public and spit in your ugly face. Its unbelievable, the homeless are dressed better. When you see people dressed like this they've probably gotten a wedgie before. Fuck you

>> No.14885052


>> No.14885055

You ever been in waywt? Its full of tasteless fags

>> No.14885056

Post girlfriend

>> No.14885061

post fit or post what is actually /fa/

>> No.14885069


>> No.14885075
File: 232 KB, 683x570, that XX year old person.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waaah dressing different bad

>> No.14885092

You know it's bad when your whole crew is getting mogged by a negro in a pokemon shirt.

>> No.14885098

Toxic Femininity

>> No.14885099

But they look awful, different doesn't mean good

>> No.14885105

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

>> No.14885111

they do look shit, but different also doesnt mean bad

>> No.14885116


>> No.14885150


>> No.14885259

Never said it did

>> No.14885397

>i have a girlfriend so my opinion is good!!

>> No.14885469


>> No.14885581

Buncha Bitches

>> No.14885592

The Queers or The Bisexuals

>> No.14885647

The SoundCloud Catamites

>> No.14885809


>> No.14886236

thats an alright band name not sure if it will fit on the bass drum but ill see

>> No.14886346

Cock suckton

>> No.14886457


>> No.14886470


>> No.14886726

Merry Christmas

>> No.14886730

OMG they are not wearing black and white clothes Wtf is this literally clowns.

>> No.14886734

cmon a big anime cat on a pink sweater?
i'm sure that will send the message that you want it to.

>> No.14886739

Try Hards

>> No.14886745

thats a digimon

>> No.14886757

based otter

>> No.14886760

baby toys should not be advertised on men's sweaters

>> No.14886768

bro its ironic bro you just dont get it bro you dont get the reference bro you dont even know what that is bro youre cringe tbqh bro nah you just dont get it

>> No.14886791


>> No.14887369


>> No.14887999

actual good response

>> No.14888508

brockhampton but gayer

>> No.14889856

the coolers