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/fa/ - Fashion

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14882256 No.14882256 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get into natural fiber, traditionally-made clothing as a beginner? I've been watching people like pic related on youtube and I'm really intrigued by the whole natural clothing thing; what's /fa/'s opinion on it? Does anyone here watch bernadette banner or other channels like her? Do you own any 100% wool/cotton/etc handmade pieces? How much did it cost? I'm pretty new to fashion in general and also a dude btw

>> No.14882308

My mom sometimes makes me clothes - right now I'm wearing a wool coat with cotton lining. I don't remember how much we paid for the fabric.
You could make your own clothes but it would be a shame to destroy quality fabric if you don't know how to sew - so maybe start with a cheaper muslin to practice on.

>> No.14882315

I was thinking more about purchasing such clothes, I'm completely incapable of constructing my own

>> No.14882329

found out about bernadette a couple weeks ago, wife goals. would drag balls through a mile of broken glass to hear her fart through the telephone

>> No.14882330

Go to a tailor and ask how much it would cost for a coat, suit etc.

>> No.14882334

At first I found her way of speaking really annoying but now I find it adorable

>> No.14882350

go back to finding it annoying she probably likes harry potter and shit and has a fucking what do you call it yeah a stationary she probably has a stationary. Also shes probably married. no fucking way she can actually live off that. And it's probably a black guy too.

>> No.14882351

Keep coping and denying her grace, anon.

>> No.14882448


>> No.14882534


her mom’s a pretty successful real estate agent

>> No.14882569

I've always owned only natural fibers clothes. Grew up with this and I hated the feel of synthetics of any kind.
When I can't find something I like in store, I commission local seamstresses for pieces. I buy the materials myself and bring a sketch of what I want, and they work their magic after sessions of drafting and adjusting. Costs are pretty low since I live in EE, so it's not worth for me to bother to do it myself.

>> No.14882588

>bernadette banner
You should check out the Seamwork and Collette Patterns sites. they have a few patterns for men but they have some very comprehensive information on teaching how to construct garments.

>> No.14883030

Looks neat, thnx anon

>> No.14883068

take a sewing class?

>> No.14883251
File: 61 KB, 506x380, me3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this broad dresses like a Bloodborne character.Cool.
Is she jewish? She's the female Lindy Beige

I've recently become more aware of pure natural textiles. Not because I care about the environment, but because I came to the realization that you can't surpass God's creation.
Also,fucking up natural materials with plastic and other bullshit is disingenuous and a kike move.

Last piece I bought was a pure wool sweater from Benetton,50€

>> No.14883288 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1540944446395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wool coat made from 100% pasture-raised sheep
>boots made from organic grass-fed-and-finished bovine leather
>shirt and pants made from organic cotton grown in only the most lush areas of the deep south, hand picked by only the healthiest negroid stock
and you fags all thought just "designer" was the final destination of fashion.

>> No.14883296
File: 135 KB, 962x647, 56fbead0610ddebb28a2cfcd3de4799b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and who "made" all those clothes you listed anon?

>> No.14883302

Not poos if your material is sourced from western nations and items produced by local seamstresses

>> No.14883325
File: 1.23 MB, 1285x763, freightdriver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and who delivered those clothes to you anon

and on the way there how many animals did he flatten directly, and how many animals died to the toxic fumes of his engine, and how many of these animals rotted away so you could have ecologically friendly clothes at your doorstep

>> No.14883327

Holy shit, ID on that cape / coat thing? What's it called?

>> No.14883498

the thread is about how the girl in the OP makes all her own clothes.. might want to start with her channel
honestly this shit is pretty interesting for a /fa/ thread

>> No.14883608

It's not about the environment, it's about getting the absolute highest quality product possible

>> No.14883642

>And who did your peasant work anon?
The peasants you stupid nigger thats what they're for

>> No.14883690

I love that cape
I’d start just sourcing from local companies that don’t use synthetics, or companies entirely in western countries. You could also try Etsy, both for finished pieces and for locally made fabrics.
Obviously the end goal would be learning to make things yourself

>> No.14883829

It's just a ladies' cape, made of what looks like a heavy melton. I don't think it has a name the way a Chesterfield coat or Inverness cape does, could be wrong though.

>> No.14883836

>behold: a Big Cape. I rescued her from a secondhand shop in Edinburgh last year and she is now my one true love

>> No.14883838

The problem with peasants is that they don't know shit and therefore can't effectively do anything.

>> No.14883845
File: 158 KB, 454x404, 157659621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his clothes are made by peasants and not the finest ateliers

>> No.14883902

Disgusting, dude.

>> No.14883904

What's disgusting about a poplin or oxford shirt, or corduroy pants?

>> No.14883934

cotton is bad for the planet and needs to be replaced with something that uses fewer pesticides, like lyocell, or we're not going to have any bees which means no food basically

>> No.14884394

>bad for the planet
>process of creating synthetic material is somehow less bad
>what is economies of scale
brainlets i fucking swear.

>> No.14884507 [DELETED] 

>something that uses fewer pesticides
Brainlet......... they didn't have pesticides before the Civil War. They just had niggers, and it worked fine.

>> No.14884731

she's a jew

>> No.14884942

Natural fiber hand made clothing is literally the most expensive tier of clothing in existence. Hope you're rich.

>> No.14884945

Or you can buy a lot of it second hand for cheaper.
Or make it yourself like the neofolk and the amish.

>> No.14884951 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 258x586, 1542458321689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hand picked by only the healthiest negroid stock

>> No.14885109 [DELETED] 

Tbh the best cotton grows in the West Indies, not the Deep South. Still picked by specially-imported and bred negroids though.

>> No.14885473

it's actually egypt buddy

>> No.14885511

gib scoliosis trad jap waifu pls

>> No.14885527

Pima cotton or Arizona cotton is also great
but uses a lot of water in an ecosensitive environment

>> No.14885642

This girl is so autistic. She does this fake ass fake voice.

>> No.14885907

Egyptian cotton isn't nearly as high quality as Sea Islands cotton, Jesus Christ

>> No.14886684

where 2 cop supreme caribbean cotton?

>> No.14886868

I don't think anybody makes trousers out of it, but several top-end shirtmakers use it, like Turnbull & Asser. Be prepared to pay absolutely out your ass.

>> No.14887416

>$335 white button-up
it does appear to be of tremendous quality however, how have I not heard of this company before?

>> No.14887477

what do you mean by handmade? because pretty much all clothing manufacturig is done by hand. sure there are tool that aid the manufacturer process such as industrial sewing machines but a human controls pretty much every single one of them with their hands......

>> No.14887481

additionally finding natural fibers isnt difficult you can walk into almost any store in the world and find something thats 100% cotton or wool, or a blend of natural fibers. im not really sure what youre trying to ask

>> No.14887488

sorry forgot to add im gay, idk if that matters

>> No.14887508

So you need a special pocket for condoms or what?

>> No.14887518

i see prep rotted your brain

>> No.14887769

You're not even looking at the right shirts, that's the "Sea Island Quality" stuff that's made from specially sifted Egyptian cotton to get mainly the longer staple fibers, and woven with a higher than normal thread count meant to approximate the quality of the real thing. The "West Indian Sea Island" shirts which are the real Sea Islands cotton cost $450 apiece.

>how have I not heard of this company before?
They don't advertise, Anon. They're regarded as the world's best shirtmakers, still make a large proportion of their product bespoke (at even higher prices) and you pay accordingly. They're the absolute top level of British menswear and those guys never, ever take out ads. You don't see any Henry Poole advertisements in GQ either.

>> No.14887808

4channer in a 500$ dress shirt. calm down boys.

>> No.14888997

Are you guys sure she's jewish?

>> No.14889520

the only way to do fashion

>> No.14889669

How do i get Bernadette Banner to fall in love with me

>> No.14889690

She celebrates Christmas and talked about exchanging Christmas gifts with family members

>> No.14889920
File: 935 KB, 2000x3000, Yohji Pour Homme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best item to get if I want to start dressing like black Japanese natural fabrics?

>> No.14889978


>> No.14890102


wrong; watch her most recent kino

>> No.14890834

where does she says shes jewish?

>> No.14892213

serious question but...why do people even care?

>> No.14892927


>> No.14893698
File: 35 KB, 644x800, c77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14894119

is she a virgin tho?

>> No.14894794
File: 390 KB, 366x503, nogfmesad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna marry her

>> No.14895786

you can just thrift, the notion that natural clothing would be somehow hard to obtain is simply absurd.
most t-shirts are made from 100% cotton, that being said, as a textile student i can tell you that almost all clothing is sewn with polyester thread because its more durable, stretchy and cheaper compared to 'natural' threads.

more often than not using natural fibers is highly encouraged and favored in the fashion scene/industry for various reasons, some being the ease of dyeing the material and natural fibers being less prone to getting static charges.

also most clothing is hand made, manipulating fabrics is still too hard for machines. the only things done by machines are embroidery, knitting and some simple things like socks & shirts.

that being said i own a cotton turtleneck i made myself.

>> No.14896614

me too im in love but idk if a new york millionaire would go for a 21 yo neet

>> No.14897406

I pretty much only wear yohji now. I started with a white long sleeve cotton (cheaper). If you can get some yohji gabardine pants. can be worn formally and dressed down with a shirt.

>> No.14897408

Yo, where and how can I learn more about textiles without formal education?

>> No.14897726

maybe borrow a book from the library
there isnt that much to take in

>> No.14897787
File: 174 KB, 1080x1080, 61850472_2331980997118857_3780521767469557564_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/our autism queen/

>> No.14897841

This used to be one of the staple /fa/ threads and some people posted their own clothes and gave eachother advice, it's sad that it has now basically become a Gen Z-filled subreddit with teenagers who think buying 300$ plastic sneakers is a worthwhile investment.