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File: 85 KB, 1024x1024, lighter-zippo-lighter-1941-replica-brushed-chrome-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14873944 No.14873944 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you not own a zippo?

>> No.14873946

Because I don't smoke and zippo is the least kino firestarting tool

>> No.14873949

Because liquid lighter fuel smells like cat piss and I don't want to smell of cat piss.

>> No.14873968
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>> No.14873983

This! The smell is horrible and I don't like smelling it, let alone light a cigarette with it.

>> No.14873987

Do you use matches or something?

>> No.14873989

not to be rude but cigarettes are pretty famous for smelling like shit, and the smell of cigarettes sticks to clothes much more than lighter fluid. whats the use in complaining if you already smell like cigarettes

>> No.14873991

Why not normal gas lighter

>> No.14873992

A normal butane lighter is odorless, but matches are better still.

>> No.14874003

using matches to light cigarettes might be the most fa thing i can think of

>> No.14874005

LOL I've always associated the smell of cat piss with one of my friends and this post has made me realize it's because of his Zippo

>> No.14874010

Because it's a boomer thing

>> No.14874032

I have a Zippo and rarely use it since I don't smoke. Zippos are fun but they're a pain in the ass since you're constantly replacing flints or refueling the damn thing if you smoke regularly.

>> No.14874042

I like the smell of matches when lit, but I usually just use a normal gas lighter to light my cigarettes.

This probably applies to non-smokers. I smoke and I actually like the smell, but especially the taste. When I light up a cigarette with a zippo, the cigarette tastes like shit.

>> No.14874069
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Matches masterrace.

>> No.14874091

I like the look and the history of it, but it looks cringy and wannabe cowboy/gentlemancore, matches are ideal but I live in a pretty windy area, so I use a shitty bic lighter

>> No.14874097
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PITA factor, and it's not 19whatever anymore.

Why do you not own a plasma lighter?

>> No.14874123

A friend of my grandma (who works in the tobacco industry) give us both a Lucky Strike's zippo, they are rare and worth more than 120$

>> No.14874126

I have no use for one.

>> No.14874236

Damm i kinda want to smoke after reading this thread but at the same time i kinda don't. Nic rush is nice but my mouth tastes like an ashtray after smoking.

>> No.14874452
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That's what butane inserts are for

By that same token, pipes are famous for smelling good and everyone is nostalgic for Grandpa's cherry blend.

>> No.14874655
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I own a genuine Zippo brüder

>> No.14874800

I only bought one to do dumb shit with my friends with and it's like taking care of a fussy car. Just a dumb fidget toy, even a knife and flint are just as entertaining.

>> No.14874807

That looks beta as fuck.

>> No.14874821
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Match Gang

>> No.14874823

Does it come with a fedora or do you need to get that separately?

>> No.14874827
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because i was refilling it while i was drunk and burned the fuck out of my hand. i'm not smart enough to handle zippos :^)

>> No.14874829
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the way to tell if the other guy is a real fighter is if he has knuckles protruding when making a fist

>> No.14874832

кocтяшки cбиты

>> No.14874837
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>> No.14874842
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>> No.14874844

Where can one find cool matches?

>> No.14874847

I got my Sleepymatches from a contest from the Sleepycabin YouTube channel

>> No.14874849

There was a wall in the back of my old high school full of fist shaped dents from idiots like you punching it all the time to make their knuckles bigger without actually getting into any fights.

>> No.14874853

Cиндpoм "кocтяшкa бoкcepa"

>> No.14874857

These shits are so annoying and it's actually hard to light a cigarette in those things. Plus, they look horrific.

>> No.14874933

why yes i stole one today

>> No.14874962

What are those they look nice

>> No.14874980

Got a couple zippos in high school because I used to smoke. Had one that was covered in orange paint that I didn't like so I spent an afternoon sanding it down. Now it looks like a real beat up, old brass zippo.

>> No.14874984
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Or just have a bony ass hand

>> No.14875239
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I wouldnt mind one of these bad bois though

>> No.14875409
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I felt this way for the first couple days I owned one but now I love how it smells
Sometimes I pop the cap and take a deep whiff just for the fun of it
Aw yea

>> No.14875412

i have three fucking zippos and none of them fucking work

>> No.14875427

Just get Redbird ones
They're nice and thicc and remind me of campfires at the family cottage

>> No.14875440

redbirds are canadacore matchkino

>> No.14875446
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I only use a Zippo because I can put it in my jean watch pocket without it sticking out.

on the other hand it's so slick and well hidden I'm worried I'll be welding some time and end up setting my benis on fire (and more importantly ruining my SLP jeans)

>> No.14875610
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I do though

>> No.14875677

Because I cant even light up a bowl with that shitty lighter.

>> No.14875705
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>> No.14875725

Wait, do burgers not have redbird?

>> No.14875730

Can't hit a bong using one. That's why.

>> No.14875740

Eddy Match Company was never in burgerland and the burger match companies that bought it out already have their own domestic trademarks to use instead.

>> No.14876034
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>butane inserts
Just buy a nice butane lighter, pic very much related.

>> No.14876081
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i look at their ears

>> No.14876090

i wish i liked smoking
i cant get addicted to the nicotine, it doesnt elevate my mood or calm me down, or relax me or anything.

all it does is give me a light buzz for about 5 min.

even tried getting addicted to juuling but never finished could finish a pod before i lost the juul.

meh ill stick to flasks.

>> No.14876099
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>> No.14876102


>> No.14876138
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if you use anything beside this style of lighter then you are literally a poser smoker who only does it to try and look cool.

>> No.14876426

Because I missed the boat of the Canadian-made ones with the nice heavy gauge metal so if I bought one now it just wouldn't have that sturdy feel that I like.

>> No.14876430

Must be nice to live somewhere that wind never happens

>> No.14876433

It's fedora. Even for people that do smoke

>> No.14876441

you can fill a zippo with alcohol

>> No.14876444

Just cover the flame with your hand while lighting something like any man would do.

>> No.14876461

The wind gusts are so strong here that doing that doesn't work like 70% of the time.

>> No.14876465

"nice" butane lighters all look like shit and everyone has a half dozen zippos lying around anyway, might as well make use of them.

>> No.14876515

i wont a contest for it idk if they do them anymore its for a youtube channel

>> No.14877554
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I own this one. It cost me $100

>> No.14878031

>he thinks a Zippo looks as good as a classic S. T. Dupont lighter
Why are you even posting on /fa/.

>> No.14878035

>you can fill a zippo with alcohol
You can but it won't work very well.

>> No.14878305

>he thinks that fedora shit looks good
Same to you pal.

>> No.14878455

>smoking for any reason other than aesthetics
top kek

>> No.14878468
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>Wind resistant
>Can still light bongs
>Doesn't break nearly as easily as a Zippo
Hope you roll your own ciggies

>> No.14878500

you forgot that it's also perfect for packing the end of a zoot once you've finished rolling it lol

>> No.14878509

zippos are really fragile, especially the stone
regular lighters > clippers > zippos

>> No.14878513


>> No.14878544

Most Kino would be pressing the head of a matchstick against the activator strip of the paperbox and snipping the match away with your otherhand like a flaming boomerang

>> No.14878580

I had and I was using it for few years.

THen I developed some kind of neuriosis and ocd after puberty and I throw it out I had this bad feeling that part of metal or part of this metal wheel may get on fingers and I will breathi it in with cigarrete etc

I am fucked up

>> No.14879503

>spending more than $50 on a lighter
Get a load of this moneybags

>> No.14879941

well you were stupid enough to fall for whatever that recruiter jewed you into believing, so i’m not surprised you’re not smart enough to fill a zippo, either.

>> No.14880012
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>> No.14880041

Goddamn that lighter is sexy
ST Dupont makes some nice shit but I'm a poor

>> No.14880231

They are only $300-$400 ffs, it's not much for something that's going to be with you for a lifetime.

>> No.14880495

Based euro

>> No.14880516
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For me it's Ronson

>American heritage
>made in Japan
>doesn't run out of fuel every two days
>lighter fluid very pleasant

>> No.14880558

lmao this
>smoking for the cancer

>> No.14880635

I actually prefer the taste of a cig lit with a Zippo. Butane tastes weird to me.

>> No.14880640

Lighter thieves.

>> No.14880648

>lighter fluid very pleasant

I just use Ronson fluid in my Zippo :^)

>> No.14880720

Ye but you can get a zippo shell and a thunderbird insert for way less than that which will also be with you for a lifetime. They're nice lighters but at a certain point you gotta take stock of what you're getting for your money.

>> No.14881278

i want to get a kino lighter but i don't smoke. what reasons do i have for getting one

>> No.14881287


>> No.14881469
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>> No.14881471

the most effay of crimes

>> No.14881476

unironically one of the best designed implements of all time

>> No.14881991

You know ya gotta buy lighter fluid to put in them right

>> No.14882111

I own one, it sucks:
>needs refills every week or so to work
>smells terrible
>unuseable once it gets wet
The only time I use it is new years eve since it works with a little wind and can tolerate the sparks or when I have to use a lot of shrink-tube on electronics.
Otherwise when camping I use cheap ass BIC lighters that just work and last pretty much forever.
Wich ones are actualy good for outside use, I might consider getting one if it does the job well enough.
The main flaw of the Zippo-design is that it doesn't form a decent seal on the lid.
That means the fuel evaporates all the time and the wick can get wet from outside moisture.
Even if you don't use it, the fuel runs out rather quickly.

>> No.14882131

Because I have a tesla coil lighter

>> No.14882154

lighting candles :)

>> No.14882195

I have the same dilemna. I like lighters, but I'm not trailer trash enough to smoke cigarettes.

>> No.14882267
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Legitimately my favorite lighter that I own

>> No.14882271

what are you, a 100 gecs fan?

>> No.14882314
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zippos are for tryhard cringelords.

>> No.14882473

>Something you can buy in the checkout line of a grocery store

>> No.14882483

Yeah people buy them for the designs and because they think Zippos look cool and give them street cred and they always flick em.


>> No.14882648
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Since this turned into a lighter thread here's my favorite

>> No.14883023

What's the build quality on these like? They look neat but all the ones I can find are made by generic Chinese brands.

>> No.14883045

only right answer. based boys get the cheapest throwaway lighters

>> No.14883054

I use a lighter case that holds tiny bics. When the bic runs out i buy new one. Easy peazy. I think Zippos are cool and all but since they hardly ever light on the first strike you look like a dumbass

>> No.14883064
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>> No.14883163

Lol calm down fag

>> No.14883200

I've probably owned like a half dozen Zippo's, and they suck.
A better question would be why don't you own a butane jet lighter.

>> No.14883822
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>> No.14883892


>> No.14883943
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Because I feel like everyone that owns a Zippo is trying way too fucking hard lmao. Like fr just buy a bic lighter like a regular human being who the fuck uses zippos apart from my grandfather and redditors.

>> No.14883944

doesn't hold much lighter fluid compared to a disposable bic
protip: if you have a bic, save it when the fluid runs out cuz they have big flints that you can use on your zippo

>> No.14884617

Too right hahahaha usually use a stick of filters now incase the flint falls out

>> No.14885431

if you don't light your sigaret with one of those jet torches you are low t

>> No.14885568
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>meet friend at the smoking area
>we smoke the same brand
>light our cigs
>he has a nicer lighter than me

>> No.14885575

Lighting campfires I guess but nobody will see your epic lighter if you go out in the sticks

>> No.14885615

Let's see Paul Allen's lighter

>> No.14885627
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Some of the engraved zippos can look cool but they are a shitty design compared to a bic

>> No.14885923

white bic + plain cigarette packaging to look dead inside

>> No.14886007

I use a grey bic because I'm reasonable yet reserved

>> No.14886032

I don't smoke

>> No.14886130
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>> No.14886152

Real answer here

>> No.14887421

This was suicide, right?

>> No.14887423

I have only smoked once, but when I did it made me really horny and masturbated like four times in a row desu

>> No.14887435

it raises your testosterone
so does eating raw garlic
so does doing push-ups
so does having sex

>> No.14887443

Huh, good to know.
But I don't wanna make it a habit because the pure and noble tobacco is muttified by the companies that manufacture special cigarettes that are designed to give you cancer desu

>> No.14887459

they're not designed to give you cancer, per se
they're designed to be addictive
the cancer just comes from the plant matter getting stuck in your lungs
you're gonna die of something
but, yeah, i quit smoking years ago
too expensive

>> No.14887465

Nah, man, I'm pretty sure it is all tje other shit that isn't plant that is the thing that affects the most
Though inhaling smoke may not be the healthiest thing in the first place kek

>> No.14887489

It's just a prank bro

>> No.14887501
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>replaceable flint and wick
>hefty metal construction
>not too expensive but costly enough that normies would never buy them
>breddy obscure so you get too feel unique
>made in japan
>cap creates a full seal so fuel won't evaporate like in a zippo
>doesn't look like a weird star wars prop

>> No.14887527

lighting a qt's ciggie obviously

>> No.14887618

You could probably find some at any antique store as long as the metal isn't corroded I'm pretty sure it would work, never used any modern ones

>> No.14887671

sleepy cabin made matches?

>> No.14887701

yea im pretty sure it was for patreon only but now they're just giving away all their merch in a trivia game im not sure if its all over now though

>> No.14887711

Not buying the vintage version of the same shit


>> No.14887838

I once almost burned the hair of a friend doing this on a taco night as the lit match landed on her hair. Definetly the most kino

>> No.14888074
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I do.

But I don't smoke so I don't really use it that often.