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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 150 KB, 1080x1080, revievBruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14866344 No.14866344 [Reply] [Original]

is there even point in wasting time on being /fa/

if you have ugly face?

they say that
>face profile is mirror of the soul

fuck men, tfw not aesthetic

>> No.14866349

no, you will only look good in clothes if your face is attractive
thats the blackpill and you can take it or cope

>> No.14866352
File: 702 KB, 1200x734, reviewbrah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14866358

>Ugly face
I'd smash the living out of that cute twink, faggot

>> No.14866362
File: 1.42 MB, 1073x1038, cliffTooth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah fuck

Like I saw today last tarantino movie and cliff booth character was really interesting in general, but the I had this moment when I imageined instead of brad pitt some balding babyfaced chinlet and I realized he would not be cool anymore.

Like you need that look to backup certain personality traits

>> No.14866390

yep exactly
i want to fuck the shit out of qualley, how about you

>> No.14866396

i had a gf like that. she is now a >he commie and atheist. never trust weird people, they are mostly jews

>> No.14866418
File: 44 KB, 421x471, 1572055617252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's not a point to being /fa/ at all you queer. Dress how you want and quit letting strangers on the internet make your life decisions for you.

Looking to get into modeling? Yeah, you're probably fucked. But being scared of dressing nice among all fucking things because of muh baaaad fayshul asstheticks is the faggiest /r/teenagers-tier bullshit I've ever read and every one of you pathetic søybags that post this same fucking thread template every other day should drink battery acid.

>> No.14866429

No, you have ABSOLUTELY no chance if you don't have a good looking face, it doesn't matter if you're tall, go to the gym, have a good diet or whatever, it's all about the fucking genetics.

>> No.14866439
File: 156 KB, 793x432, 1575411587031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what do we do?

>> No.14866471

Just try to find something to live for that does not depend on how you look, don't live for pussy.

>> No.14866509

You may as well try your best. Let go of things that cannot change.

>> No.14866529

Just grow a beard

>> No.14866794

you could be ugly and dress like shit, or you could be ugly and well dressed. why wouldn't you want the latter

>> No.14866992

my handsome man

>> No.14867016

I want to stretch his hole

>> No.14867021

I go on this board to get inspiration.

>> No.14867028

I cant. Shitty genetics. Minoxidil did not helped after 3 years. Im 29 and i got shitty ginger thin stubble at best.

>> No.14867044

would you rather be ugly in clothes you don't care for or ugly in clothes you enjoy?

>> No.14867063

Ugly guy, here. I don't really try to be "/fa/" I just try to look normal and respectable.
It's objectively good to do that, similarly it's objectively good for an ugly guy to lift and have a strong physique.
Letting yourself go and letting the self-care deficits add up makes a bad situation a worse one.
An ugly person doing what they can becomes a grey man: not bothering means you can expect loss prevention following you every time you go to the store.

>> No.14867222

I just dress how I want, its just self expression

>> No.14867331

if this person is ugly then i have NO chance

>> No.14867341

OP just posted a random image that would grap people's attention, they weren't calling them ugly.

>> No.14867346

ok well i still dont have a chance

>> No.14867570
File: 240 KB, 873x873, Sartre_1967_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugly people only become repulsive when they are unhygenic or poorly dressed
Sartre for example looks like someone you wouldnt mind hanging out with, even though his face is 2/10
The only thing it changes is your potential, so why not max out to your potential?
If you do that, you will be at least equal to people who have a good foundation but put no effort into reaching their aesthetic potential

>> No.14867581

sartre is a goddamn retard though.

>> No.14867588

okay, I'm only talking about looks

>> No.14867617

>is there even point in wasting time on being /fa/ if you have ugly face
"is there even a point on self-improvement"

>if you're a girl who still has charm or charisma?
yes. It will still make you better
>if you're a girl with neither of the above?
yes, because a least you have something
>if you're a guy who has charm or charisma?
yes, another tool in the box
>if you're a guy who has neither?
yeah. might as well have something going for you

>> No.14867625

God you faggots are all so fucking annoying. Who cares if you're ugly. I'm ugly and I'm fucking fine, stop worrying so much about it.

>> No.14867682

don't take pictures deadlifting, do less trap/core work and more pullups.

>> No.14867969
File: 157 KB, 563x542, 6ix9ine2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey fuck u twink

>> No.14868273

pedo snitch gaaaaang

>> No.14868765
File: 1.43 MB, 1423x1439, thisChairCost7kEuro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of people in this thread
>I am ugly too!

are usually atleast 5/10, with fixet teeth lol

omg so ugly nooo, I have normie life so you with fucked up face can have on too!

>> No.14868783

If you're ugly just go villian core

>> No.14868806

I want to fuck that french alien

>> No.14868932
File: 93 KB, 613x931, whatWasHerNameAgain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could you post some examples of villain core?

My problem is I do not look ugly in mad/aggresive way.

I look ugly in pathetic way.

>> No.14868934

how do you know she is french?

>> No.14868990

He is but we are talking about looks

>> No.14869077

yea but he was only talking about looks here

>> No.14869916

Damn this image has been posted so much already that the quality has degraded to shit already and it's only a few months old.

>> No.14869923

>a few months old.
that image has been circulating for at minimum 3 years now

>> No.14869953

so she is legal now is what you're saying

>> No.14869985

I just remember it popping up and getting super popular last year or so and I don't see any posts that predate that time.
The rumor is that she's an ex-cam girl and this picture getting popular caused her to close out all of her social media. When it was first posted everyone was saying she was some underage Swedish school girl.

>> No.14870005

Bitch you look fine. Even good. Does this entire fucking site have body dysmorphia or something? It's pretty rare that someone here who claims to look ugly is actually legitemately ugly instead of just insecure or unskilled in making themself look good.

>> No.14870103

he was only talking about looks..

>> No.14870149

Just assuming because all the words that I can find in this picture look to be french

>> No.14870159

she looks like a goblin lmao

>> No.14870161

the fuck are you on about

>> No.14870167
File: 452 KB, 1536x2048, 73F77B41-EF75-42BC-9804-C2F6D9E80074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear big hoodies

>> No.14870236

Ahh, yes.
Become the wizard by your own hand before life makes you one.

>> No.14870293
File: 232 KB, 1058x1411, revievBruh_before_dick_op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look here
then look at my pic

then here

>> No.14870435

right, but we were only talking about his books (such as being and nothingness)

>> No.14870657

>hello ladies, gentlemen and (((((everyone watching)))))
makes more sense now

>> No.14871194

You WISH you were as "ugly" as her. Most people have ugly faces, what can you do. You have to sell yourself based on personality, charisma, talent, or similar to stand out.

>> No.14871201
File: 48 KB, 727x487, 120409_r22060_g2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sartre only hated Camus because Camus was more /fa/

>> No.14871252

The girl is PASHA HARULIA and she's a Ukrainian GIRL not a trap!

It's too bad about her career, she started doing shows and ads for prada and balenciaga , but she didn't really go anywhere but to the chinese modeling mill.

>> No.14872148

no most people are averange, if we take averange person that was unlucky to have genetically fucked up teeth and parents were not smart enough to get it fixed or if kid was mouthing breathing and paretns did not notice this for several fucking years then yeah

they are ugly

but most of you imagine avernage as ugly which is not true

>> No.14872429

>and parents were not smart enough to get it fixed

>> No.14872435

a nice haircut and clean shaven/stubble goes a long way.

if you wear glasses, get a nice pair. if you wear contacts, looking into wearing glasses again because they can enhance appearance.

>> No.14873697

Most people on 4chan who call themselves ugly are average and have low self-esteem.

Me though, I'm actually ugly. Enjoy what you have, niggers.

>> No.14873702

I'm assuming you're talking in terms of trying to attract a significant other.
Well the whole deal with that is elevating your stock as much as possible.
You may have a 4/10 face. But you can elevate your stock by improving literally everything you can control.
Dress well
Have a sense of humor
Live an exciting life you can talk about
Expand your horizons.
Get fit

>> No.14873914

Reviewbrah is a handsome devil and you all know it

>> No.14873950

Depends. There's ugly ugly and aesthetically ugly.

>> No.14873957
File: 816 KB, 1263x1920, 1543158489984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on, get it together buddy

>> No.14874038

My potions are too strong for you traveler.

>> No.14874041


>> No.14874852

yeah right guy is more attractive but the guy on the left can easily slay so this comparison is WORTHLESS

>> No.14875008

do you have more?
her profile is deleted

>> No.14875013
File: 682 KB, 1438x862, callOfPussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is pic example of your advices in real life example kek

dont get me wrong, your advices are not bad, but some people are just ugly, its the face structure that makes them ugly and its hard to fix that without surgery

your advices would work for unkempt normie who was not ugly in the first place

>> No.14875019
File: 192 KB, 528x743, 775124027JC007_Converse_One-1-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>14866418 this is incel mentality. The true way to dress is to fucking own it. Your dress accentuates your attitude and charisma, thats it. I consider people that just fucking live it and dont give a fuck to be better dressed than some faggot runway model. Those unhinged types can even make ugly clothes work, which is transcending fashion.

>> No.14875138

Fuck it's true... Can you at least look semi-good if you are semi attractive

>> No.14875388

stop being an emotional looksfaggot for just a second and be rational: subpar facial phenotypes exist because somebody BRED them into existence. They were selected for breeding again and again over the millenia, which means that no matter what you want to say about it, a person can be attractive without a perfect alien qt super chad stacy face. If it were really that important, it would have been bred out of the collective gene pool thousands of years ago.

>> No.14875394

Jesus how toxic is this, do what the fuck you want, your face is fine

>> No.14875396

that has nothing to do with my post
of course you can be into fashion if you enjoy it

>> No.14875413

Consider the ugly but charismatic cool kid that gets girls mobbing him when he goes out
Consider the degenerate comedian who gets laid regularly.
Consider the slovenly night club promoter who has a harem of 9's.
Consider greasy biker dude who fucks hot strippers on the reg.
Consider the dj who would otherwise be plain and unnoticable but gets laid like a rockstar

There are other things besides looks that get you girls. Money. Status. Charisma. Wit. Humor. Taste. Intelligence. Quirk. Lifestyle. Character. Raw Masculinity. Talent. Boldness. Courage. Basedness.

It goes counter to your narrative and interest in looks as the be all, end all and so, I don't expect you to absorb this message. But it's true. You don't have to be pretty to get laid, just just have to be arousing. All of the examples I mentioned above involve something interesting and arousing about the person. Develop that, and it doesn't matter if you have a shitty profile and bad genetics. What most of the fags on this board love about their "inspo" examples isn't that the people are pretty, it's that they have CHARACTER. And most of you fags are trying to develop character by falsely copping a look, rather than just dressing as an extension of what you're involved in. You have no scene, no backup, and no personal identity in the context of your scene to express. You lack context, not genetic perfection. You lack character.

And the real truth is that all of this is just overdoing it. If you want to be liked, accepted, and attractive, just wear black or grey jeans with a belt, a white T shirt, and boots. Make sure they all fit and that you have a decent body and a masculine presence. You'll get noticed. Anything more is for the art of it, and is not a necessity to 'make it'.

>> No.14875414

is plastic surgery degenerate?
that is my main motivation for making money right now..

>> No.14875547

>ugly face
>beyond redemption hairline
>bald beard
>top 99th percentile in dick size
I would literally give up half my girth for a good hairline and decent face. I look like fucking mr. potato head someone kill me

how do I solve this /fa/? How do guys with shit beard genetics. balding hair, and huge forehead overcome all that with clothes?

>> No.14875555

lmao except aesthetics are measured objectively, you blockhead

>> No.14875619

transplant your dick to your nose

>> No.14875630

Lookism is real. Atrractive people are treated better. Noone attacks the attractive people for being born attractive but those ugly that make themselves attractive through surgery are scorned. Fuck em, do it anon. Just dont go bogandoff core

>> No.14875640

How do you hide it from people? I have no friends right now but when I join the work force, surely my coworkers will notice after I get something done.

>> No.14875648

Honestly I would take worse looks for a better body. I have a good face but also concave chest that makes clothes look really weird on me and I pretty much can't take my shirt off in public. Only way to fix it is with invasive (and pretty expensive) surgery which isn't an option for me right now. Any other pectus excavatum lads here? How do you cope with it?

>> No.14875657

Even a slight surgery can make a huge difference to your looks. Get it done over the holidays and attribute it to weight loss/working out. As long as you didn't get Bogged then it shouldn't raise too many eyebrows.

>> No.14875667

You have much, much to learn.

>> No.14875680

What is your opinion on stuff like lasers/botox for perfect skin. Is achieving that even possible?
Id probably start with skin first then surgeries

>> No.14875682

Just do porn and blow your money on luxury items

>> No.14875695
File: 78 KB, 810x539, 1_Simon-Cowell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's for removing imperfections like acne or growths then go for it. I'd never recommend botox though. It doesn't last and after the injections wear off it makes your skin even droopier. It also just looks horrid imo, like your face is stretched on a head that's bigger than yours, pic related.

>> No.14875712

Was asking more for wrinkles

>> No.14875867

>porn money
literally nothing. He'd be better off working in stem, or hell, eve as a bartender, and hiring escorts when he wants to get his dick wet

>> No.14875870

>overcome all that with clothes?

you don't. you overcome it with swagger, personality, a sense of style, and a strong character.


>> No.14876640

It doesn't matter what you look like, what matters is how you feel. Sure, it's substantially easier to feel attractive when you won the gene lottery, but really the only one stopping you from being attractive aka feeling attractive is you.

>> No.14876809

Would it work with math as well?

If my teacher said I am shitty at math, but I believe that I am good then would my exam result get better?

or is it only with looks?

>> No.14876826


she looks really nice on this pic, but on other on google she has this "boyish" face type

but looks good anyway

in op pic its 10/10

>> No.14877284


>> No.14877357


>> No.14877386

i mean, hes not gonna be a model but i think gaining some weight would affect his face aesthetics a lot. proper hairstyle and a healthy lifestyle to maybe clear up the skin a bit and he'd look average. well, or atleast not ugly anymore.

>> No.14878401

Only sensible post ITT

>> No.14878484


good underappreciated post

>> No.14878494
File: 338 KB, 1908x1146, 493C2CD400000578-0-image-a-4_1518684303425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14878629

it his supposed to be the same man?

did his nose grow to be more sharp as well?

>> No.14878725



>> No.14878758

>face looks good on drivers license
>face looks good in bathroom mirror
>face looks awful in selfie camera
>face looks awful on work ID

why? lens?

>> No.14878763

lens, lighting, water retention, etc.

>> No.14878798

Looks like a young Orson Welles

>> No.14878800


>> No.14879428

He just got mad