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File: 112 KB, 1280x720, 469E8319-6CF5-485F-8BF9-67E44B9442D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14854246 No.14854246 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw born an American woman instead of a Dutch woman
Why are Dutch women so superior? They live in a country full of hot tall guys, too.

>> No.14854248

how do you fellow autists always know the weird video genres im looking for, thanks for this

>> No.14854299

I’m a Dutch black woman and it’s hell. 99% of white people (AKA 99.9% of people unless you live in one of the major cities) do their best to ignore you as much as they can. They’re not violently racist but it’s clear they think black people are weird and want to avoid them/pretend they don’t exist. Most white girls are pro-diversity and anti-racism... unless it involves themselvs. I’m studying law at university and we once had a guest-lecture about diversity at law schools and in the legal system in general, and all the white girls were suddenly heavily opposed to racial diversity despite them being in favor of age and gender diversity.
Black guys all fuck white hookers and don’t want to date. Muslim guys don’t date black girls. There’s like three white guys who have a black girl fetish, and they fuck everyone. I’ve been with two of those fetishists and they both fucked literally hundreds of black girls.

>> No.14854340


>> No.14854341



>> No.14854347

What would you call this? Covert racism or aversive/implicit racism? As a person of colour I do find this problem when living in western society.

In my mind they're not trying to be racist but there are already inbuilt positions about people of different colour, which is a racism they are not aware of.

But I also think I've been brainwashed to prefer white/western standards of beauty. I seldom find my own group of people attractive.

>> No.14854349

>Dutch black woman

>> No.14854351

Nice copypasta

>> No.14854378

lmao I’m a white Dutch woman and dating just sucks here in general now. Guys are all coombrains who want thicc latinas or Asian girls (both of which are extremely rare here) who have pornstar sex. If you’re white, you’ll be constantly be made fun off for not having a massive ass, not looking like Kim Kardashian, and other bullshit. I have no idea what’s wrong with the men (aside from their porn addiction).

I do get what you mean with the racist avoidance thing. Dutch society is heavily segregated (without laws, it’s just that way), and most white people are still shocked to see black people. These days, a lot of white people see black people as their enemies who want to “destroy Zwarte Piet”.

>> No.14854379

Fuck I need to move

>> No.14854401

honestly, I'm a "muslim"(not really, I don't practice the religion) male who lives in germany and I've seen a lot of black women who I'd consider as really attractive with some... I guess not so attractive white guys. I'm not judging these women for their preferences or whatever, that was just my observation.
but yeah, statisically, black women have it just as hard as ethnic men in dating so I have deep sympathy for you. I struggle with it as well and I don't feel like it will get any better.

dutch white women have it bad? I don't believe that. dutch women are seen as one of the most attractive women on earth

>> No.14855199

The women are settling. The attractive men mostly only date thicc latinas like >>14854378 said.

>> No.14855215

Fuck you blackie leave

>> No.14855246

Most white Dutch guys fuck black girls with giant asses, giant asses is the thing they like most, but they don’t want their family to find out. It’s still a fairly stigmatized thing to do. It’s pretty much over for pasty white women, guys like tan girls a lot, be it latina, Italian, or (the most common in The Netherlands) middle eastern/white mixed race. And once again, yeah it’s all about ass now.

>> No.14855384

All the guys there are 6’4 and ripped.

>> No.14855412

It’s a known fact betWeen Europeans Thant the Netherlands are the most racist and full of themselves.
It’s a country of wealth and they do not like anybody.
Fuck the Dutch peeplholes

>> No.14855415

lmao clearly bait.

>> No.14855418
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fake posts dont believe them
white women LOVE diversity aka BBC here. you will literally never find a country more addicted to racemixing than the netherlands

every white boomer has his import thai and every white women her BBC these days

>> No.14855428

rot op nerd
ga thierry pijpen ofzo

>> No.14855497

butthurt turk who’s angry Jan banged his sister detected

>> No.14855550


>> No.14855553


Wanneer gaan we lunchen?

>> No.14855561
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>> No.14855566
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why do Dutch people claim blackface isn’t racist?

>> No.14855569

why’s that guy blair witching on the right

>> No.14855582
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>Called a crepe a creep

>> No.14855593

Where the fuck do you live? Volendam?

>> No.14855613

That’s so fucking racist i dunno where to begin kek

>> No.14855627


>> No.14855697


>> No.14855860


>> No.14855943

trug nr je land

>> No.14855946

not racist

simple as

>> No.14855972

mens wat loop je oeverloos te zwammen zeg

>> No.14855976
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>> No.14855985

I am Dutch and can confirm. Especially if they don't live in Amsterdam.

>> No.14855990

I am Dutch and this girl is probably ugly. White men are dying for the typical nice girl next door that they can introduce to their parents. A lot of white women in the Netherlands, however, tend to not be too concerned with these typical/traditional modes of dating/living. I also sort of believe that both men and women subliminally hate each other. Tinder and easy ons don't help.

>> No.14855997

Only subliminally, like the black girl said, we're racist when it concerns our own lives. Take for example my sister who suddenly doesn't want her child to go to a mixed school even though she preaches diversity and equality constantly.

>> No.14856016

>White men are dying for the typical nice girl next door that they can introduce to their parents.
s()yboys maybe

>> No.14856034

i think it's just implicit, there's nothing you can really say about it, since in their eyes it's just "a preference"

what's dating like in the nl? tinder?

>> No.14856047

besides segregating on race, the netherlands also very much so segregrates on class
that is why prep fashion is still very much alive here, posh people want to show they are posh and not like the proles

>> No.14856052

That’s kind of a vague question, is there anything specific you want to know? Some people use dating apps, some people don’t. Tinder seems to be especially popular among the 45+ crowds. Dutch dating is a bit more casual than American dating regarding all the weird rules and such. Parents don’t arrange marriages and relationships are mostly seen as a thing for yourself and your partner, not a thing for the rest of your family. Polyamory is still rare, old fashioned swingers are far more common than poly people. Unusual amount of bisexual men.
This is for white people, it’s different per ethnicity/ctural background. Like someone else said ITT, The Netherlands has very strong “natural” segregation, you see very few interracial friendships compared to the US or other western European countries.

>> No.14856066


Minder, minder, minder.

>> No.14856082
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>The Netherlands has very strong “natural” segregation

>> No.14856261

What the fuck is this?

>> No.14856262

idk just curious about the percentage of dutch people that do hookups or are most people relationship minded, whether people usually have sex before or after entering a relationship, general cultural attitudes towards race and how it plays a role in a relationship if there is interrace dating at all. is the latina and asian thing true? and why is it like that, and what do you mean it’s more casual (how does america have rules?)

>> No.14856263

its how negros look

>> No.14856268

We have a big student fucking culture. If you go to a frat party or club on a thursday evening you basically never have to go home alone, and its often the girl that cuts you off later, not the other way around
Its very easy to have sex here, except for 4chan incels

>> No.14856272

Dating here is so fucking easy
Im 6'7" & studying
Got tinder, fucked 3 girls before realising they were all retarded
Women here are worthless and all addicted to meaningless sex
Its disgusting
White girls care about looks and a great personality and offer absolutely nothing in return
However, they are tight as fuck so if youre looking for an easy, half decent fuck then just swipe right without looking
Unfortunately theyre not as hot as amerifags will have you believe
Most dutch girls are 6-7/10 at best

>> No.14856278

Sex only
Most people dont have meaningful relationships and amongst students fwb and hookups are super common
Given that you look decent but uggos fiend their homes too

>> No.14856294

what do you study

>> No.14856321

i guess that's kind of unfortunate. i hope the global culture doesn't tend that way after a while, maybe this is just a skewed survey of dutch people.
i'm coming to the nl next tuesday, any good tips for what to do? none of the stupid touristy crap, i've seen more than enough buildings and rijksmuseum stuff.
also seeing a nebulous friend, if you have any good date ideas for amsterdam/rotterdam i'd really appreciate them (i know this isnt trv but i trust fa's opinions more)

>> No.14856406

kanker op flikker

>> No.14856446

law in Leiden, a notoriously easy city with lot of posh easy sorority chicks
why is it unfortunate, relationships below age 25 are fucking meaningless anyway and always break up so what does it even matter
and who doesnt like sex?

>> No.14856459
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mfw bait thread and people keep responding to it.

go fuck yourself op.

>> No.14856487

That's not my experience. Could be that my perspective is skewed but I personally don't know anyone that's 25+ that's worth their salt who isn't like what I described.

Pretty accurate. It's quite easy to hook up with a Dutch girl but it's completely different when it comes to anything long-term. Personally, Dutch women don't bring a lot to the table personality wise. It's all incredibly vapid. Tbh, Dutch girls are definitely very attractive in terms of looks but not in terms of personality.

>> No.14856927

>anyone that's 25+ that's worth their salt
so s()yboys

>> No.14856946

Psychology in Enschede

>> No.14857854


>> No.14857863

Who do we have here? A parasite moving around to a place that's better than his own because he's too weak to improve what he has? A parasite without a homeland, without a family, without ideals? A cosmopolitan coombrain consumerist? Don't reproduce.

>> No.14857870

That's acually true of every place where people are free to live where they want to. Even NYC is heavily segregated without any laws preventing people from moving around. People just assume that segregation is a government mandate, but even in SA or US it arose as a natural phenomenon before being codified.

>> No.14857874

Time to move back to the country of your ancestors, sis

>> No.14857914

It's called racial preference, and, just like sexual preference, you can't force it upon people or force them to change it

>> No.14858078

Leugenaar. Je woont niet in Nederland. Ga wat anders verzinnen.

>> No.14858164

>I am Dutch and this girl is probably ugly

That's my guess as well. I follow some half black-half dutch models on instagram and they seem to be pretty happy with living in The Netherlands, they're always posting photos of themselves with friends and family. They never post sjw or feminist quotes or political opinions, like how I see other models (including white ones) posting.
I never really hear or see stories about The Netherlands having issues with mistreating minority groups, like I do with other countries.

If she's an immigrant, It's possible that she's not ugly and is just having trouble with culture shock and adjusting to the way people socialize there.

>> No.14858174

Toch wel hoor, pik

>> No.14858179

this is probably a larp but it makes me happy to dream that the dutch could actually be this based.

>> No.14858382

i saw the most perfect aryan looking women with a black manlet in amsterdam

>> No.14858472

such is the case everywhere in Europe.

>> No.14858481

lmao not at all

czech prostitute probably

>> No.14858720

Good luck on finals bros

>> No.14858793

No, the jocks and popular people in highschool who all have a Master's degree.

>> No.14858796

The Netherlands is heavily segregated (by peple's own volition) both in terms of class, race, and religion.

>> No.14858964

>the jocks and popular people in highschool who all have a Master's degree
so s()yboys

>> No.14859012

One of my best friend is extremely attractive with blond eyes and blue hair and quite tall and she literally says openly that she only prefer black man and have dated a few as well in the past.I am not not making this up at all desu

>> No.14859179


>> No.14860140
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>I am not not making this up at all

>> No.14860359

Waar heb jij het nou weer over? Hij heeft het over kakkers en corpsballen en die bestaan absoluut nog. Wat betreft die klasse segregatie, in Nederland vermijden veel groepen elkaar, er zijn zelfs gevallen zoals randstad vs. provincialen.

>> No.14861117


>> No.14861470

>I’m a Dutch black woman
No you’re fucking not omg You’re just a nigger who lives in holland holy shit

>> No.14861481

you really think that people on this site make up stuff?

>> No.14861559


>> No.14862242


>> No.14862529

Top tier bait.

>> No.14862848 [DELETED] 

Dutch girl here, most of us actually are only attracted to black or MENA men. White guys aren't that attractive to us anymore.

>> No.14862853

Not true, Dutch (female) student in Utrecht here. A large part of my friend group is either mostly attracted to Arab men or already has a relationship with them. We usually go clubbing once a week and at least once does one of my friends go home with an arab guy. It largely depends who your friends are.

>> No.14862859

That can't be right. I study in Groningen and I constantly see black and arab guys dating white women. Stop trying to portray all whites as racist when we're clearly not.

>> No.14863057

A Dutch exchange student came over to my school and started dating a turk. My manlet dutch friend was so mad.

>> No.14863091

Can we just conclude that Dutch women are not racist?

>> No.14863246

How about you?

>> No.14863262

I have a Morrocan boyfriend

>> No.14863790

>white bf
She racist?

>> No.14864016

Look at this newfaggot plebbit spacing retard. Go away

>> No.14864026

Was at a restaurant in america saw a beautiful blonde girl. Looked like some sort of snow angel queen. If we lived in an enchanted world she would be a snow queen. And her bf was some ugly middle eastern guy. Could the guy atleast be goodlooking i dont understand. Then i saw some tall white girl, skinny beautiful with some literally 5’5 mexican guy. I dont understand things sometimes

>> No.14864032

Its over they want the BBC, i followed an egirl on twitter (kulpie) and she was engaged to some nigerian and she was a really cute white girl. Like holy fuck. She talked about him being really traditional and catholic or whatever. But she ended up finding out that he has been cheating on her with trannys every month. Im pretty sure she took him back. Idk

>> No.14864163

Not every pair of people you see are dating. And there's more to choosing a mate than looks. Time and time again this is told to young men on the internet and they deny it every time. It's easier to complain about chad, and how shallow women are, and how they're discriminated against for being short, or how feminism is bad, and how other races are inferior (but they somehow keep stealing all the women) because improving yourself and building up self confidence is harder than just complaining.

>> No.14864391

Nep en bait

>> No.14864465
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>this entire thread
Talk about being pathetic, projecting, and blaming your own issues on others, christ.

>> No.14864599

To all the Dutch white guys ITT: Would you go out with a non-white girl? Are there specific groups/races you would/wouldn’t date?

>> No.14864623

Honestly no I just want Children like me.
Preferably also Dutch with blonde hair blue eyes tall stature like me but I’m actually dating a Spaniard girl right now she’s really pale with soft brown features. 21 btw
I’d date pretty much any euro ethnicity. I prefer Germanics and Scandinavians nut i would definetely date another Latin girl.
Slavs are hot but I don’t want an ugly ass son.

>> No.14864649

I have done so in the past. Makes white girls seethe, which is pretty funny.

>> No.14864709

Dutch white days are over,sad

>> No.14864712

Unironic answer: because there were no Jim Crow laws and minstrel shows in Holland. Blackface was a racist American tradition which did not exist in the Netherlands. Black face-paint has no different connotation here than any other color or pattern.

>> No.14864719

I kind of like this Moroccan girl from work. When you talk to her you forget she's not a white Germanic Catholic, but from time to time she lets slip that she doesn't drink alcohol or smoke because of religious prohibitions. I'm just scared to date her because she'd probably want me to convert.

>> No.14864781

For free sex? Yeah. For something serious? Fuck no, I wanna make kids of my own race, other women are cumrags.

>> No.14864791

Maybe. But I go to a 99% white uni so only fuck white chicks so far

>> No.14864805

gebaseerd pik

>> No.14864815

The way people fetishize children with light hair and eyes is weird.

>> No.14864823
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Fucking based.

>> No.14864830

I'm surprised at how many people openly claim to be niggers. Seriously where do you find the absolute gall to show our face in public when you're so obviously sub human?

>> No.14864837

>obviously sub human?
It's the other way around. Other races are legit sub-human. Global warming/climate change is going to kill off the melanin deficient. Idk why older white people are hell bent on ignoring the problem when they're own people will be the ones that'll lose the most in the long run.

>> No.14864843


>> No.14864954

Fuck. I didn't plan on falling in love today.

>> No.14865038
File: 164 KB, 800x1200, F294B542-03CF-4C48-8CFA-3F5102E6FAD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mog her bf?

>> No.14865106

I thought Dutch women only dated black guys?

>> No.14865286

For a moment I thought that tattoo on his right arm said “manchild”.

>> No.14865443

You're acting as if Europeans are unable to adapt to the heat. See: Europeans in the Mediterranean. They've been doing fine for thousands of years, even the Greeks, who are on the doorstep of near Arabia.

>> No.14865509

nope its arab guys mostly followed by white then black,hispanic and lastly asian at the bottom

>> No.14865510

I’m not fetishizing it. I have light hair and eyes. My parents have light hair and eyes. My grandparents have light hair and eyes. I am of Northern European stock and this is typical. I want a child that looks like me as my ancestors have done, this is not fetishism it’s deeply rooted in biology. If I had brown eyes I would want a brown eye child, but that doesn’t mean I’m fetishizing brown eyes.

>> No.14865536 [DELETED] 

and people from the Mediterranean are often mocked on this site and told they're not really white lol. There's not need to pretend that people that need to work outside in high heat and prolonged sun exposure are better equipped for it if they're dark skinned. Everyone always talks about mass migration as if it'll only go one way, north, into Europe and that. People from island nations in Europe will move south as well.

>> No.14865542

and people from the Mediterranean are often mocked on this site and told they're not really white lol. There's no need to pretend that people that need to work outside in high heat and prolonged sun exposure are not better equipped for it if they're dark skinned. Everyone always talks about mass migration as if it'll only go one way, north, into Europe. People from island nations in Europe will move south as well.

>> No.14865584 [DELETED] 

>this is not fetishism it’s deeply rooted in biology.
If you want to get into biology. Genetic diversity is often times more important and desirable in a human population. Why have sex with your cousin and pass on bad, recessive, undesirable, traits when you can procreate with a different person and make a more resilient human to pass on your genes? Even if your mixed child doesn't get your blue eyes or blonde hair, they still have the genes so it doesn't disappear, and the reverse is true as well. You may date another blonde haired, blue eye woman and both of you will make a brown haired brown eyed kid because you carry the genes. Biologically, race purity is a myth, It's about vitality.

>> No.14865600

>this is not fetishism it’s deeply rooted in biology.
If you want to get into biology. Genetic diversity is often times more important and desirable in a human population. Why have sex with your cousin and pass on bad, recessive, undesirable, traits when you can procreate with a different person and make a more resilient human to pass on your genes? Even if your mixed child doesn't get your blue eyes or blonde hair, they still have the genes so it doesn't disappear, and the reverse is true as well. You may date another blonde haired, blue eye woman and both of you will make a brown haired brown eyed kid because you carry the genes. Biologically, race purity is a myth, It's about vitality and adaptation. So yeah your desire for blonde babies is a fetish, a social one, not necessarily a biological one.

>> No.14865754

I'm pretty sure this guy is an actual cuckold and blowing things out of proportions. Bonus points if he has a fapping addiction.

>> No.14865779


>> No.14866078

I know those mandatory scenes of skinny models eating candy/fast food/baked goods are meant to be endearing and to combat eating disordsrs, but it actually just feels like they’re flexing lmao

>> No.14866109

I expected some bullshit but it was quite wholesome

>> No.14866892


>> No.14866954

>word salad comparing my desire to have kids that look like me to wanting to have sex with my cousin
Didn’t read

>> No.14867098

>getting upset your scientific claim is falss

>> No.14867126

you're a nappy headed nigger not dutch. fuck you no one should be forced to accommodate your kind

>> No.14867258

You all are always so sensitive. I obviously didn't mean your cousins as in your parent's sibling's children lmao.

>> No.14867325

butthurt white girl

>> No.14867829

Wait, Vogue featured a model who’s not an IG/reality star?

>> No.14867862

What are you talking about? With the exception of only two videos featuring Kardashians, If you go to the channel and search the word model all runway and editorial models pop up. I don't see any instagram or reality tv stars.

>> No.14867879

It’s a comment posted under every video on youtube featuring a tall white skinny girl who’s not an IG/reality star. Tall skinny white girls on the internet have a massive persecution complex for some reason and feel that they are being phased out. They are angered by any model who’s not purely high fashion and ultra thin (and preferably kind of strange looking). Go to skinnygossip (old blog that’s now just a forum) to see top tier autism (you actually have to proof you’re an underweight woman with timestamped pics to register there).

>> No.14867908

>Tall skinny white girls on the internet have a massive persecution complex for some reason and feel that they are being phased out.

Ah it's just an internet thing then. The models I follow online welcome the diversity and aren't threatened by it. Racial minorities and body positive models still only make up a small percentage of working models (even though we're years into the "#woke" era) comments from bystanders and non-industry people always suck.

>> No.14868593

Yes, they’re internet autists.

>> No.14869481


>> No.14869854

wow, based women!

>> No.14869875

'our' women are just stupidly tall and we are Germanic which means relatively strong and masculine facial features.
This combined gives you a lot of runway models, but not exactly a lot of IG thots

>> No.14869879

I think the issue these tall white women have is the gigantic discreptancy between the runway and Instagram.
I mean you won't find them doing Fashion Nova or any of the popular stuff on social media which is almost exclusively short and curvy girls with just the right mixture of white and brown.

>> No.14870362

skinnygossip is femcel gold

>> No.14870651

Ok I guess. Brb keeping my unique and sexually desirable genetic traits alive

>> No.14870653

Pls post examples

>> No.14870668

sounds ideal

>> No.14870764

You say that like there's a problem.

>> No.14871144

>Genetic diversity is often times more important and desirable in a human population
Genetic diversity is a meme. Populations of the same ethnic background are diverse enough to never harm the offspring unless you actually reproduce through incest. The desirability of traits depends heavily on enviornment.
>Why have sex with your cousin and pass on bad, recessive, undesirable, traits when you can procreate with a different person and make a more resilient human to pass on your genes
Dominance or recessivtiy are no indicators of desirability and your offspring is probably more resilient if you share common mutations that adapted over thousands of years to survive in that specific environment.
>You may date another blonde haired, blue eye woman and both of you will make a brown haired brown eyed kid
Lmao please learn about dominance and recessivity before you type that shit.

>> No.14871226


Literally everything you typed is wrong

>> No.14871890

>I’ve been with two of those fetishists
Haha, whore. I have no pity for you.

>> No.14871947

Explain, I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.14873537


>> No.14873541

niggers ruined 4chan(nel)