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/fa/ - Fashion

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14849494 No.14849494 [Reply] [Original]

Not to look "feminine" or androgynous, just to give a "dark" vibe (talking about black colour).

do I need to be white to use it?

>> No.14849506

>Nail polish on men
>Not to look "feminine"
You will look like a faggot if you paint your nails, no matter how hard you try to justify it.

>> No.14849509

You need to be an artist (sculpture, music, eriting whatever) either studying in a prestigious program or successfully working, ie not a bartender, actually paying bills with your art. Otherwise you'll look like a tranny.

>> No.14849514
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yeah ok

>> No.14849529

Looking like a fag is ok if you're a successful creative. Regular salarymen like us don't have the option because we need faggot boomers to promote us and annoyong basic whores to have our children.

>> No.14849701

I've been thinking about doing it too. Is it popular with girls?

>> No.14849704


>> No.14849705

Are knee ripped jeans for faires? I
got a pair or black ones that are ripped at the knees. Not that noticeable standing, but when sitting the ‘threads’ are there and my whole kneecaps exposed. I’m tall and athletic, but I feel a bit gay. I also have a twink face too, does me no favors.

What does /fa/ think?

>> No.14849706
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I would kill my parents for a normal head of hair

>> No.14849707
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do it brah

>> No.14849753

Nail polish on men just makes you look like a faggot. So don't do that.

>> No.14849758

I'm half faggot anyway anon

>> No.14850437

>just to give a "dark" vibe

>> No.14850495

Back to your containment board

>> No.14850498

im black and wear nail polish
my gf like it and girls compliment me. but my family hates it, my manager hates and ppl auto-assume im gay

>> No.14850503

I used to be in a deathrock band but worked construction. I painted my nails all the time, had dyed hair etc. The main thing is that you can take it in stride and laugh it off when your friends and coworkers poke fun at you. If strangers on the street say you're a fag or something have the balls to tell them to fuck off. In general do what makes you happy but dont take yourself too seriously.

>> No.14850522

Id prefer you to be black wearing black nail polish i dunno why but it just looks better to me

>> No.14850651

What about a tan one, like middle eastern

>> No.14850653

Black magic woman

>> No.14850657

Why do girls like this

>> No.14850980

I dunno. maybe because it shows the guy wearing it is self confident and doesnt let his fashion choices be dictated by sweaty obese kids on 4chan or old men?

>> No.14851804

i used to paint my nails black but a bunch of people called me a fag so i stopped

>> No.14851870
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depends on how you look, whenever i paint my nails women notice and compliment me, especially young women working in retail when i’m checking out at a register. the girls i’m friends with also compliment me but they’re biased. girlfriends always liked them. men always called me a fag.

>> No.14851901
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This is my experience. It will make you more approachable to women at the expense of having all men treat you differently. I thankfully am currently in academia, so my coworkers are very ok with it, but in previous jobs I got shit for it. My girlfriend finds it sexy and I’ll gladly keep painting them for that reason.

>> No.14851980
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Back to yours

>> No.14852992

You'll look like a faggot. Leave makeup and nail polish for the women.

>> No.14853014

Exactly how I expected, some insecure boy replying with ”faggot” I’m not surprised I need to break this down to you but men can do, and will do as they want regarding their own appearance. Have a nice day!

>> No.14853021

If you already have a twink face why wouldn’t you play with the cards you were given? You can’t hide your feminine features under a Carhartt work jacket. Stop doing as people tell you to do on this board, think for yourself, lots of guys who are insecure about their sexuality and the perception of others reply with ”faggot” to everything here.

>> No.14853160

i literally don't think any guy could pull it off unless you're some sort of artist

>> No.14853901

only if you're good looking and have an interesting personality otherwise you'll just look like a faggy autist

>> No.14854085

Hey man where what the fuck you wanna wear. It's your life, don't live it for the approval of timid Channers who are too scared to wear something or risk looking gay