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14840931 No.14840931[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how do i dress to find a gf like picrel and where do i find one

>> No.14840947

I don't even understand why do people ask this kind of thing on this board

>> No.14840983

They dont exist. Otherwise find her and talk to her. If you arent a total faggot then she might fuck you, doesnt look hard

>> No.14841000

>If you arent a total faggot
He's asking what clothes to wear to better his chances of attracting a whore/tranny. There's no way OP is not a massive faggot.

>> No.14841053

wear plugged toaster while draped in bathtub water

>> No.14841055

sage faggot sage

>> No.14841269

had an ex who was a proto e-girl art hoe type dressed in cheap shitty velour and had a diy bowie jacket like the one in christiane f.

reconnected with her earlier this year, after we broke up she ran back to montreal and became a drug addict, she's a total space cadet now. interesting to see how things might have ended up for me if i didn't start taking life seriously and stopped taking drugs and drinking so much.

girls like that aren't worth it, they're truely some of the lowest of the low, 0 personality and just hide it in a facade of edgy or alternative pop culture signifiers like junji ito, akira, lolita fashion, slint, my bloody valentine, nicole dollaganger, shit like that.

Now I've been dating a girl for two years who is a fashion design student and used to do modelling but, she stopped because she was sick of people associating her with just her good looks instead of her design ability.

Much better place to be lads. The edgy art hoe girl may seem more interesting but, trust me just find yourself a girl who has a plan for her future and figure out a way to make it work with your plans. you'll be a lot happier than hanging out in crack dens or trying to rationalize the behavior of a junkie.

>> No.14841287

How do you even get to meet fashion design students

>> No.14841304

why do you keep coming up with this thread every other week
fuck off

>> No.14841311

had a photographer friend who worked with her on a shoot, friend introduced us. the other way would be going to a school with a fashion design program lmao its not very hard

>> No.14841891

that is if u want a women to be a partner in life like the faggot u are, clearly hise girls are not for keep just to be frends and have some fun

>> No.14841949

>t. roastie
No one will want your beat up pussy when you're 35 and looking to settle down.

>> No.14841963

>No one will want your beat up pussy when you're 35 and looking to settle down.
nigga. my autistic sis whos 28 still has guys begging to fuck her
simps will always simp. no matter the age

>> No.14842131

>my experience is yours
stupid faggot

>> No.14842274

why are you so mad, those girls are all the same. theyre just trouble and youre better off avoiding them. fuck em and dump them is all you should be doing. dating is just bad news
youre conflating wanting to fuck someone being the same as dating. every heterosexual man should be seeking a life partner to settle down with at some point. op specifically said date, not fuck. if you want to fuck then go fuck these girls but thats all theyre good for.

>> No.14842387


>> No.14842426

I keep seeing questions like this pop up on this board. Not sure if it's a meme or people here are this deluded. You don't dress to attract girls, period. At least not the way most people here dress (you're all gonna cringe at yourselves in a few years btw). Nor do girls with a certain style expect their boyfriend to have the same style.

>> No.14842524

you can't wear a shirt with that word on it

>> No.14843013

>You don't dress to attract girls, period
What a moron.
You dress to present your idealised self; you dress to present the idea of yourself; you dress to belong to a certain idea and cultural identity to impress the herd because humans are social animals; you dress to belong to a group via an idea; you dress to belong to a group o because an aspect of being in a group, and the primary incentive, is to find a mate who you are sexually atrracted to.