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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 58 KB, 683x911, IMG_20191127_204733729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14822122 No.14822122 [Reply] [Original]

I'm fking 20

>> No.14822124
File: 29 KB, 510x576, IMG_20191127_204653470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help me

>> No.14822127
File: 52 KB, 683x911, IMG_20191127_204439836_BURST000_COVER_TOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or i

>> No.14822128

my 27 year old bf looks younger than u

>> No.14822129

what ancestry produces this level of aging

>> No.14822130

Even if you had a full head of hair you'd still be ugly, embrace it.

>> No.14822131
File: 62 KB, 681x802, IMG_20191127_204336308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14822132

you wouldve been good 70 years ago, i dont think you fit in the current times

>> No.14822134

You look like you're in your late 30s AHHHHHHHHH
I'm 22 and you make me look like a high schooler

>> No.14822138

just accept it bro.
it's too late now.

>> No.14822139

Buzzcut would suit you I think
Hairline's not that bad yet so you could also grow out your top and style it some way

>> No.14822143
File: 436 KB, 1080x1440, videoplayback.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop it im fragile

>> No.14822183

Trim your facial hair. The more you have the older you look. I would leave a base layer in case you’re ugly with a clean face, but there’s a lot of room to work with. You’re not terribly ugly, you may have some rough masculine features, but you could do some sleazy shit or maybe deathgripscore. Definitely trim your eyebrows and chest hair too, that shit’s not youthful, chest hair is only good if you’re muscular and bushy eyebrows are never good.

>> No.14822187

you look like runescape goblin

>> No.14822215
File: 188 KB, 567x1135, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im 28. you're genetic trash.

>> No.14822218
File: 62 KB, 540x960, IMG_20191127_214717648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Death grips core

My wardrobe consists of dusty wizard attire from the middle ages and other classic academia stuff. Thanks dead grandpa.

>> No.14822231

It's over boyo consider hanging yourself

>> No.14822233
File: 511 KB, 1977x1917, IMG_20191017_142550757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello son

>> No.14822235

you look 47, count dracula.

>> No.14822238

how the fuck are you a year older than me and i get told i look 16 on livestreams

>> No.14822250

Check this:

On the other hand, your beard is only going to get better in the future, that opens up many beard-styling possibilities. Anyway, whatever style you choose in the future, avoid ponytail or similar because that's very hard on the hair and it will accelerate hair loss.

>> No.14822256
File: 1.16 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20191114_212238986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The founding-father-core would fix you up. Just dont coom/shave or have any friends, read plato and listen to Die Walküre until you're fluent in german

>> No.14822260

fuck outta here man im beautiful

>> No.14822277

You look like shit lad

>> No.14822284

nope. beautiful.

>> No.14822286

you look 38

>> No.14822293

>can't stand my radiant skin, beautiful eyes, luscious eyelashes, think eyebrows.
>another faggot coughs up an arbitrary age
stay mad

>> No.14822295

all these middle eastern jews shitting up the board.

>> No.14822300

oh forgot the other one.

>> No.14822303

everyone on the internet says i look like an arab guy but my dads from northern italy and my mom is stereotypical white girl like the singer of The Smiths (seriously). When I was in thailand alot of thai people asked me if i was iranian. I'm starting to think my dad isn't my dad...

>> No.14822308

buzzcut, lift, barber to get neckbeard under control and go to a salon for the eybrows. and a nosejob

>> No.14822313

jesus... I'm 13 years older than you and look younger.

>> No.14822337
File: 431 KB, 454x520, 213123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is what you see before I haul you into my cave and inseminate you

Excuse the bathroom, I am now inspired to groom.

Its the hairline man, once its fixed I can fit in with the youth and become an eboy. For now I am basically assaulting people by staring at them and the opposite sex finds my existence downright offensive.

>> No.14822348

ethan klein

>> No.14822353


does all those beauty products belong to you?

>> No.14822356

Trim down that beard
you look like a muslim school shooter

>> No.14822362

Are you georgian by any chance?

>> No.14822368

nigga yous a fat

>> No.14822372
File: 566 KB, 521x548, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unsurprisingly yes, problem?

Georgian/armenian mom, slavshit dad,
not the aesthetic Moscovian type ofcourse but the rape baby barbarian kind.
>I already regret cutting the beard

>> No.14822374

you don't look that bad, you have very rugged features

>> No.14822379

Already looks better, but line up the beard both on your cheeks and under jaw/neck.

>> No.14822380

don't fall for the eboy faggot meme my man
you can use your rugged features to look masc and intimidating as fuck. hit the gym boyo

how tall are you?

>> No.14822398

thats not even remotely accurate, faggot

>> No.14822404

you dress like a preschooler

>> No.14822415


Wear a tall stovepipe hat and you would literally be the greatest Abe Lincoln cosplayer of all time.

>> No.14822420
File: 149 KB, 700x700, 1566965210574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just tired of scaring the children and having females basically enter fight or flight around me.
It's nice to have people get the hell out of your way and feel like a 24h chad meister but I'm so far ostracized and lonely it's starting to eat me alive. I'm very passionate and charismatic, always leading in all ventures but it feels like im just a fridge, people love to frequent me with joy as they open to see what's in there but I'm left with the door shut totally cold lonely and empty. oh and I'm 183 cm.

>This was meant to be a hairloss consultation thread

I failed

>> No.14822428

my man coming in with all the confidence in the world when u look like shit
off yourself
also dress your age

>> No.14822505

>another hater
sorry man im beautiful.

>> No.14822517

>wearing a hat
you're nw3 aren't you

don't worry lad, you have very masculine features, just own it and embrace it
that being said i'm 23 and also balding and despite also having pretty strong features i'm about to get a hair transplant kek

>> No.14822545

yea actually i am new.

>> No.14822566


>> No.14822596

I honestly think your handsome

>> No.14822597
File: 64 KB, 800x600, B35ED714-7248-4306-9C83-062E27EB1744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls other anons genetic trash
>looks like an pozzed fentanyl addict who shits his pants on a daily basis
the absolute state of /fa/ posters

>> No.14822598
File: 609 KB, 1112x2208, 14089D51-E13D-466E-8B90-CC46FF8B5D95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m also 20

Use rogaine for the balding, I’ve been doing it for a year and a half and my hairline has grown back mostly

>> No.14822605

sup john lennon

>> No.14822606

none of what you just said can be inferred whatsoever from my picture.

>> No.14822622

You don't look clean man, idk how to say it,maybe you smell great irl but in the pictures you look nasty, the white T-shirt barely fits you wtf
This is the only picture you look kinda clean and yes, life sucks, we aren't all supermodels or attractive

>> No.14822632

bro you look like shit

>> No.14822644

>im 28
goddamn the absolute state of fa
the fact that this pale ass dracula looking retard can come out with a selfie wearing some highschooler clothes trying to callout other people on their looks
show that hairline bro
there's no fucking way you can wear that ugly ass cap just for fashion
this man's hiding a valley of baldness

>> No.14822669

you mean my porcelian skin yes
uhh what? what facial features make me look like dracula???

>> No.14822712

>what facial features make me look like dracula???
surely you must know, im not the first one to bring that up
your "porcelian skin"
pointy nose
pointy ears
dry small lips
eye bags

>> No.14822721

>googles dracula
ooh ok i can see it now. what race do you think i am off the bat?

>> No.14822760

>what race

>> No.14822779


>> No.14822876

nah bro georgians and armenians are whiter than that

>> No.14822909

Give your beard some shape, hit the gym, maybe get rid of the excessive hair at least while you're not ripped. I'd say "fix the hairline" but that isn't easily done. I think fixing your beard/body hair will do a lot for you.

>> No.14822939

Oy vey

>> No.14822944
File: 524 KB, 1818x1818, 8FBDBC89-242F-4910-8AD4-A6A955084066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, only a few more years before I can no longer feign youth.

Can’t wait until I’m an old bald fraud, and I can reminisce about being a young, receding fraud

>> No.14822979
File: 158 KB, 640x480, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 33 years old.

>> No.14822985


Forget about getting /fa/ just go /fit/ instead. Buzz your hair and trim your beard.

>> No.14822987

Looking good bro too bad your shoulder breadth is like 10th percentile

>> No.14823000

fuck me

>> No.14823107

You just need a nose job pre bad

>> No.14823301
File: 1.22 MB, 2260x3014, 1573830511474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14823310

Take finasteride bro
You won't lose gains nor get sides

>> No.14823521

shave everything, buzz, and you're great

>> No.14823528
File: 381 KB, 872x867, 1566313841535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neanderthal lookin mofo. Get back in the time machine, Grug.

>> No.14823531


>> No.14823542

I'm 37 and look younger than that guy. Bad genes!

>> No.14823562

Classic high DHT arab/balkan pheno.

>> No.14823573

Balding midget with completely fucked up mouth
If people like these can live their life feeling good about themselves, you can too

>> No.14823574

Another proof you can look like shit with a strong jawline

>> No.14823590

>tfw been laying in bed all morning taking pictures of my face
>don't like any of them

i don't feel like im that ugly, just don't like the way i look.
I feel like you could really rock a buzzcut if you got fitter and trimmed the beard a little

>> No.14823598

get out femoid

>> No.14823602

dont cry, atleast you can grow beard.

>> No.14823604
File: 80 KB, 722x1280, hairline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So am I anon, so am I...

>> No.14823627

your hair looks like it needs a condition

>> No.14823670

I'm 6'2" and a black girl complimented my lips just yesterday buddy
I did for about six months, unfortunately did get sides. Really fun explaining to attractive girls why you lost your boner inside of them and why your dick shoots out jizz like water gun. Think i'd rather be bald

>> No.14823789

Ah well
But you'll probably look good still with the buzzpill

>> No.14823845

Why do I look like shit?

>> No.14823869
File: 108 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 07-10-2019 at 13.29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aboo boo ga ga i am 20

>> No.14823896
File: 56 KB, 680x598, HS5rnnI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14823906
File: 531 KB, 1215x2160, 141241515123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOW THE FUCK do you cunts look so old i'm the same age

>> No.14823972

Im 24 use to get confused for a highschooler but i barely sleep and now i look older. Gonna get my sleep schedule right

>> No.14823981

because northern european and east asians have more neotonic features, some like it some don't

>> No.14823985

Shave your beard completely, cut your hair or take the buzzcut. Buy fitting clothes. I think you will look a lot cleaner.

>> No.14823986


>> No.14823988

You look like a 50 year old Serbian war criminal.

>> No.14823994

I thought you were dead

>> No.14823998

I'm sorry

>> No.14824008

its like you were super close to be a chad but in the last month of gestation something went wrong

>> No.14824016

Are you male?

>> No.14824056
File: 2.17 MB, 3024x4032, F91ACA80-CE55-4E6F-ACA6-59ED12355557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m half Norwegian and half Scottish, and I was 19 in this pic. It’s all testosterone my friend

>> No.14824064

jesus christ

>> No.14824066

You should hear my voice—I sang bass in the sixth grade

>> No.14824074

I would ride your dick so hard

>> No.14824079
File: 386 KB, 1347x900, serbian-paramilitary-group-kick-the-dying-bodies-of-the-first-muslims-to-be-killed-in-the-war-in-bosnia-1992_photo-ron-haviv-jpg-2_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks reporting you to the UN human rights tribunal

>> No.14824087

Lol. This is what I would call a female male. Like how women look great at ages 16 to 22 and then start to hit the wall. Guys who look like this at 19 do look good, but it's a peak. By 40 you will look 1000 years old.

Guys who look 12 at age 19 think they have it rough and maybe they do, but it's likely once they hit 40 they will still look late 20's or less.

I'm a guy who looked 12 at 19. I am kinda glad because if I peaked at 19 I wouldn't have had the maturity to make the most of it. Peaking later seems better when you have the maturity and life experience to go along with it.

>> No.14824089

nigga you look like a uglier version of yung gravy

>> No.14824101

You already know your options for what to do with hair if you're not a newfag here.

It's either:

>Big 3 (Finasteride + Minoxidil + Nizoral)
>Shaving head
>Transplant (still requires you to take Fin)
>Getting a hair system (wig)
>Scalp micropigmentation (don't do this; looks awful)

>> No.14824106

Imagine being so intimidated by someone’s looks that you type all this out.

Maybe you’re the female male.

>> No.14824109

Imagine projecting this hard and being this insecure that someones opinion hurts you and makes you rage. Maybe a time out for you, little man.

>> No.14824113

How do i increase my test with injections without going to the doctor bergenstein.

>> No.14824119

You go to a local sketchy gym and ask a "big guy" for som supplements

>> No.14824124
File: 834 KB, 500x260, BA2063B2-9423-42CB-8C3B-083211B00597.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You legit just typed a five paragraph essay about why having boyish low t features is ideal

Don’t think you can call anyone “little man”

>> No.14824137

Nothing to do with test. Stop projecting little buddy. I explained why young people who look like adults in their teens peak, much like women do. Nothing to do with them being women, I also noted how they look good.

Can you cry any harder?

>> No.14824166

What am I projecting? It’s obvious testosterone, both in prenatal and actual t levels, is responsible for earlier and more prominent expression of masculine features.

Sprinkling in passive aggressive names and asking if I’m crying doesn’t make you sound any more alpha dawg you just come off as a faggot

>> No.14824180 [DELETED] 

Aww look how angry our little buddy is getting. He is even pushing false meme science about test. What's coming next, high test makes you bald? Lol.

Looking young/old at certain ages is linked to your genes, baby faced people have neoteny features. That includes shorter limbs/long body. Looking older at a young age is due to ageing cells at a faster rate than those with neoteny. The same can be observed in the animal kingdom. In the genetics of a healthy species it is more of a benefit to look young for as long as possible and it is a slowing of dying cells.

Keep pushing your low IQ bro science though, little guy.

>> No.14824183 [DELETED] 

Aww look how angry our little buddy is getting. He is even pushing false meme science about test. What's coming next, high test makes you bald? Lol.

Looking young/old at certain ages is linked to your genes, baby faced people have neoteny features. That includes shorter limbs/long body. Looking older at a young age is due to ageing cells at a faster rate than those with neoteny. The same can be observed in the animal kingdom. In the genetics of a healthy species it is more of a benefit to look young for as long as possible than it is to have cells that die faster and age you.

Keep pushing your low IQ bro science though, little guy.

>> No.14824191

Aww look how angry our little buddy is getting. He is even pushing false meme science about test. What's coming next, high test makes you bald? Lol.

Looking young/old at certain ages is linked to your genes, baby faced people have neoteny features. That includes shorter limbs/long body. Looking older at a young age is due to ageing cells at a faster rate than those with neoteny. The same can be observed in the animal kingdom. In the genetics of a healthy species it is more of a benefit to look young for as long as possible than it is to have cells that die faster and age you.

Keep pushing your low IQ bro science though, little guy.

>> No.14824202
File: 881 KB, 1709x2964, AC435B1E-C5E8-41F8-B0DA-CB125EC6EB68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your face and physique

>> No.14824208

why you're grabbing your dick dude

>> No.14824211

Because I’m about to rape you

>> No.14824227

That's not even you, but in regards to that guy, I didn't even insult him. I jut explained why some guys peak early. The response just cries insecurity. I'm a lot more built than that because yes, when I had a baby face as a teen I took up lifting. I am 33 now and 230lbs at 6'3".

I can tell by the door that the guy in the picture is 5'8" to 5'9".

>> No.14824229

I wish it could be me

>> No.14824238
File: 754 KB, 787x832, height.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm being generous too as he is probably wearing shoes.

>> No.14824244

ur fine bro

>> No.14824250

You're balding, dude.

>> No.14824257

You look fine, in fact just about everyone in this thread looks okay. Stop comparing yourselves to filtered and edited models and instawhores. Accept the parts of you that are unchangeable and try your best to change what you can if you don't like it. Don't let your looks dictate who you are

>> No.14824259


>> No.14824263

door height is 6’8”, I’m like 73” barefoot. obviously on the internet I’m 6’2” though

>> No.14824269
File: 44 KB, 480x640, 78432427_840322439732824_2596131997550116864_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>14822124 (OP)
19 here as well. Scottish/Metis got me wildin between 12 years old and 30

>> No.14824275
File: 47 KB, 480x640, 73370682_811031775976839_462073618453495808_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bald gang, I just wear a hat everyday like I've been doing because school makes me too fuckin lazy to actually buzz

>> No.14824278

Lmao imagine trying to fool someone about the heights of a standard door. That door is an internal 6'6" door. You are in no way close to 6ft.

Keep raging little manlet, get on your tippy toes for the next photo.

>> No.14824279

>i am 33 now
why are so many boomers on this board

>> No.14824282


>> No.14824285


>> No.14824288

i would let you bareback me

>> No.14824292

Because were were here years ago. It's our board. We don't just disappear. You are the newfag zoomers who should be out at parties and chilling with friends. We boomers are settled adults so have a reason to relax online.

Go see your friends. Oh wait.. silly zoomers have no friends. Over a 50% depression rate.

>> No.14824296

sorry mate I only take dick

>> No.14824300

can you fucking mental rejects stop searching for validation and instead reply to the thread topic which is obviously about finding ways to reduce/revert hair loss? fucking hell man

>> No.14824306

This is our board and our website you retarded little baby zoomer. Lurk more you ignorant fuck head.

>> No.14824309
File: 704 KB, 879x685, hails.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 40 years old. 5ft tall and bald. I don't give a shit, I have more confidence than all of you. I embraced National Socialism and believe in myself.

Some of you will probably recognize me, I post often. I care never. HAIL!

>> No.14824310


These >>14824101 are the only options that work
There's some bs about dermarolling/microneedling scalp but it only really shows results in combination with Minoxidil. There's also some RU58841 chemical that supposedly works like Fin with less prominent side effects. Everything else is a major cope and waste of time

>> No.14824325

I used fin solely and saw barely any progress for a good 2-3 years. I mean if I really cared enough despite the prices, I'd try all three but that's running like 200+ monthly, not including hair transplants.

IMO balding/buzz > paying for treatment. If your hair is enough to make you unattractive to women you're probably not interesting anyway.

>> No.14824347

>I'm 6'2" and a black girl complimented my lips just yesterday buddy
Okay bro here everyone gets validation they deserve

>> No.14824349
File: 126 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 29-09-2019 at 18.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes and i have lots of sex (with sexy women) trust me

>> No.14824353


>> No.14824354

kek this is the cope of copes and im baby faced myself

>> No.14824363

Samefag. There was nothing about cope in the post, it was a truth. Guys who look 30 at age 18 or so generally look really old when they hit 30.

Baby faced guys look young well into their 40s. Hollywood has plenty of them. It's down to genes. What is better? For me baby faced as you will look youthful for the longest possible time. If any of this is "cope" on insulting to you, you have issues.

>> No.14824379

Fin helps to maintain what you got left. Some people don't experience any regrowth from it at all. Minoxidil helps with regrowth but as far as I know rarely helps to regrow hairline hair

>> No.14824393

Yeah that's what I gauged from it. Still haven't noticed any fallout since I've been off it for 6 months now, kinda swag?

>> No.14824395
File: 562 KB, 1221x2680, 22B5353C-F58F-4020-83E1-8D4DEE097DDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok door expert, this look like 5’8” to you?

>> No.14824407

you're balding and 5'10 you insecure manlet

>> No.14824416

YES. It does and the door is behind as proof. The body is very short (which makes you look buffer but it's a bit of an illusion to having a short torso)

Obviously you are trolling that guy and you hate him but he's still short. That's a classic 5'8" look.

>> No.14824417


>> No.14824418

Strange you still haven’t posted your face or physique. Please show us what a chad the passive aggressive 33 year old 4chan poster looks like

>> No.14824420


>> No.14824422

poast hairey hole

>> No.14824428

When did I say anything about being a Chad? I made a post about baby face versus adult face at a young age. Only someone mentally ill with super low self esteem would take that an a personal insult.

If someone talks about science and genetics will you disprove their argument if you are more attractive than them? You can add low IQ to your insecurity and manlet status, kid.

>> No.14824430
File: 71 KB, 800x679, 254004341c10147c3ff5d9e45f340f5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 6'1" and that photo shows it clearly, but you can tell yourself whatever you like if you're that desperate for the last word

>> No.14824441

You're a moron. Even that pic puts the max door height at a little over 6'6" and not 6'8". Even if the door was 6'8" in the picture it's clearly visible you are not 6'1".

Jesus.. manlets, when will they learn. Just take your place little buddy before a normal sized adult bullies you.

>> No.14824443

Your argument there is wrong too. What makes someone look older? What makes me look older?

Lean face, prominent bones, thick eyebrows, and facial hair. All genetic to an extent, yes, but the genetics implicated are all androgen-related. Even your prenatal testosterone exposure plays a large role in the development of dimorphic features.

You seem to be comparing being babyfaced to being a wrinkled Dane Cook-mode boomer. It's a false dichotomy. Why do you think men looked so much older at 18-19 eighty years ago?

>> No.14824444

It was cope.

>> No.14824452
File: 994 KB, 500x192, autisic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14824454

There are plenty of baby faces with those features and older looking teens with round faces. You are talking in black and white (i.e. low iq) language.

>Why do you think men looked so much older at 18-19 eighty years ago?

Not all of them did, that's a meme again. And as I stated, neoteny is more prevalent now and is an advancement of human genes. Those of the past had poorer genes which called earlier cell death.

Stop trying to sound intelligent and grasping at straws.

Good answer, samefag. I would read it again you boring cunt.

>> No.14824464
File: 407 KB, 766x465, eat it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my photo. Stay mad.

>> No.14824500

>Not all of them did, that's a meme again. And as I stated, neoteny is more prevalent now and is an advancement of human genes. Those of the past had poorer genes which called earlier cell death.

or maybe it has something to do with the fact that men growing up in the 30s weren't nourished from a food supply fully corrupted by microplastic endocrine disruptors? you fail to see a connection between the increase in babyfaced, neotenous features and the fact that testosterone levels have been in decline every year for century?

>There are plenty of baby faces with those features and older looking teens with round faces. You are talking in black and white (i.e. low iq) language.

you're shifting the goalposts and redefining "neotenous" as you see fit. neoteny has very distinct craniofacial manifestations:

>Neotenic features of the head include the globular skull;[1] thinness of skull bones;[2] the reduction of the brow ridge;[3] the large brain;[3] the flattened[3] and broadened face;[2] the hairless face;[4] hair on (top of) the head;[1] larger eyes;[5] ear shape;[1] small nose;[4] small teeth;[3] and the small maxilla (upper jaw) and mandible (lower jaw).[3]

baby face = weak bones. it's more prevalent today because people in the west are weaker on every level than they were even a century ago. it's that simple.

>> No.14824516

Holy shit I thought they shot you dude

>> No.14824517

Lmao. Thinking neotenous features are a bad thing. They correlate with a slower rate of cell death; they are an advancement of the species, you brainlet. It's not just a facial structure. It's on a whole genetic level. Tp say they are caused by plastic or whatever in the water is just unscientific fucking nonsense that's why i know you are low IQ.

People with an older face don't have higher test levels than those without. That's a fact.

>baby face = weak bones. it's more prevalent today because people in the west are weaker on every level than they were even a century ago. it's that simple.

Imagine just making things up and passing it off as a fact. Lmao. Take your meds.

>> No.14824527
File: 464 KB, 1818x1818, 57E4C5DC-751E-4271-91DB-3F1CB0EFB073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14824531

Can you make a single post without sounding like such a passive aggressive faggot?

>> No.14824533

Genius thinks the world does not know about cherry picking. Lmao. IQ of 75.

Do you know what outliers and averages are? Jeez.

>> No.14824535

Awww does it hurt you too much? Must I structure my posts around you widdle fee fees? Cry me a river and get used to the real world, little pal.

>> No.14824542

If by the “real world” you mean dealing with the snark of bitter old HR shrews in the office, then I suppose arguing with you has been a useful exercise yeah

>> No.14824546

At least our little buddy admits other people argue with him. He is angry those in HR have given him a little telling off. Best to vent online like here rather than face up to your own issues, hey? It's OK buddy, I have some adult sized diapers right here for you.

>> No.14824554

>arguing about your height on the internet
>dumb smile
>oh yes throwing the bird will sure show them

you sound insecure, is your dick small or what

>> No.14824556

all I'm saying is that you write like a numale, which makes sense, since you're 33 years old

>> No.14824560
File: 244 KB, 564x440, cecelia5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm because I am a trans male. Deal with it, sweetie.

>> No.14824626
File: 1.89 MB, 500x220, tumblr_noj5x2GY4L1rm0qhbo3_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it feels like im just a fridge, people love to frequent me with joy as they open to see what's in there but I'm left with the door shut totally cold lonely and empty

>> No.14824638

You look 33 years old.

>> No.14824678

>looks like a neanderthal
>wears a pretty beach boy tshirt

>> No.14824684


>> No.14824686

Guys I need more constructive criticism can we forget these 30+ faggots and focus on me and my radiance k thanks

>> No.14824780
File: 40 KB, 467x700, b2c8bad81c3cab6b71cfef86a9bf8a9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to hide your inner neanderthal will only make you look worse. You have to embrace it fully.

>> No.14825053

love u boomer

>> No.14825879
File: 16 KB, 633x758, 318271da980706f7a18a811c3456a77d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it feels like im just a fridge, people love to frequent me with joy as they open to see what's in there but I'm left with the door shut totally cold lonely and empty

>> No.14826230


>> No.14826241
File: 640 KB, 733x411, connected.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's not what you were saying last night, you were begging me to come closer to you.

Thanks my dude!

I always imagine having a super cute daughter and people saying wow, she really looks like you, you have the same eyes. Something like pic related lol.

>> No.14826994

ur a pencil neck geek bro, no offense, u have like 0 testosterone

>> No.14827021

you look kinda old but I think you look hot bro
if i was a girl or gay i'd let you fuck me, chin up :)

>> No.14827041

I mean he's clearly a self-absorbed faggot but this is just cope

I couldn't grow a beard like that until last year. I'm 29.

>> No.14827103

Justin will look good as soon as he starts taking care of himself again and not dressing/grooming like a slob.

>> No.14827412

just shave it bro

>> No.14827436

You would look 1000% better with 30 more lbs on you, get in the gym you’re too rough looking to save yourself with haircuts and clothes not even being a dick

>> No.14827980

A 40 year old Jewish rabbi looks younger than him, so it's not exactly a high bar.

>> No.14828054

Imma call you gook jesus

>> No.14828067

please shave your head, beard and fix ur posture. also dress in something that fits. you have a decent jaw there is no need to have that bum ass beard. think mark renton if you've ever seen trainspotting. i genuinely think you could be attractive.

>> No.14828119

your hair looks better here

>> No.14828186
File: 53 KB, 720x720, 152847601753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe you’re the female male.
I know. LOL that made me laugh. He seems to be jealous of the beard.

>> No.14828608

You look /fa/, go John Lennon style

>> No.14828666
File: 72 KB, 230x230, 1555799784484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look great anon, and dont change your hairstyle even after you bald more.

Remember two things about balding:
- confidence makes up for it, trying to hide baldness makes you look much worse than not caring at all
- every morning you wake up is the least bald you will ever be. You will always be more bald in the future so enjoy the moment.

>> No.14828672

anon is right, you do not look clean. have a barber clean your hair and beard up. also hope you don't go outside wearing those clothes. you look older but looking more "mature" can work to your advantage. good luck

>> No.14828680

plus your facial aesthetics are on point, you are in fact lucky. Your features stand out with a strong personality, which 99.9% lack, just look at anyone deemed "attractive" by this board.

wait until you hit the wall passed thirty, a weak hairline will be the least of your concerns.

>> No.14828771

Pretty funny how whenever someone genuinely attractive posts here all it provokes is angry posts like these

>> No.14828882

You would be good if you were not a fag

>> No.14829497

>slavshit dad,
>the rape baby barbarian kind

Stop that self-hating, bro, embrace your Eastern exoticity.
t. Polack

>> No.14829534

slavs aren't exotic they're just uglier white people

>> No.14829556

Take finasteride and it will help a lot, if you want a faster hair restoration take finasteride and estrogen

you’re welcome

>> No.14829652
File: 1.47 MB, 300x236, 1550444613173.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude, you're losing your hair and that sucks. This may sound harsh, but I think that everyone needs to hear this. You need to accept that you lost the genetic lottery. Either slowly or quickly lose your hair or get medical assistance and lose it slower.

Just stop complaining about it and accept it with dignity, stop making threads about this shit. Stop replying to bald threads. You sound like a pussy. Not only would no woman want to be with you, no man wants to befriend a whining bitch. Sometimes men lose their hair. More than you think, two thirds men have hair loss by the age of 35. 50% of americans have herpes too, are lip sores fashionable? Why dont we see more threads about lip sores? It's a personal problem, you need to come to terms with this. Be a man.

Stop making threads about this you balding fucks.

>> No.14829676
File: 561 KB, 1364x1158, 20191130_192604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i might possibly be a woman with hair loss as well

>> No.14829682

I'm 29 and you look like you could be my dad, lol.

>> No.14829686
File: 51 KB, 850x559, haley joel osment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isnt true at all. If you look like an adult by the time you are 20, which is when you should look like an adult, you will look like that for a long time, until you get old. If you look like 12 when you are 20, you will likely never look like an adult, due to the fact that you are done growing.

Case in point, Haley Joel Osment, he looked extremely young when he was a kid and a teen. He now will never look like a normal adult.

>> No.14829755

>he looks like hes 14 at the age of 40, hes gonna get so much pussy when hes 60 and he finally looks 21

>> No.14829794

Jesus. Is that the 'I see dead people' kid?

>> No.14829843

He'd look better if he wasn't fat as shit

>> No.14829866

>He'd look better if he wasn't fat as shit
That was some real insight there. Have you been browsing /fa/ for years?

>> No.14829904
File: 21 KB, 300x450, beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is 27.

>> No.14829926

He looks like a middle schooler who is dressing up as his dad for halloween

>> No.14830180

Take the buzzpill and get a goatee

>> No.14830259

It's called the chad embrace, anon.

>> No.14830306
File: 85 KB, 512x800, 1565983004800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> just uglier white people

>> No.14830329

when i go on apps i usually swipe left if there are only hat pics/pics that doesn’t specify who they are with others. show me your hairline you cowards

i want my children and my children’s children to have full heads of hair. you will find someone who likes you whether you are bald or not though, plenty of fish.

>> No.14830337

Slavic men are pretty ugly. Their women are the best though. Not sure how that’s possible but it is

>> No.14830361

>permabulk to bear mode
>Trim beard so it looks cleaner
>Very short buzzcut

You can still make it.

>> No.14830654
File: 1.28 MB, 1592x2062, 20191201_041910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


True. I will always look like a fucking child. 27 at this point.

>> No.14830660

Maybe I’m just missing the joke but you do know the smiths had a male singer right

>> No.14830711

you do not have a vagina

>> No.14830713
File: 77 KB, 850x400, D7BD9975-5DA0-4A25-81E7-361A01767E94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14830726


LOLOLOL i hate it when i burst in laughter at work

>> No.14830858
File: 256 KB, 1600x583, 1446598132706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do this but keep beard

>> No.14830958
File: 561 KB, 1284x2560, Snapchat-241475020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is me. I'm 18

>> No.14830961
File: 40 KB, 760x380, Karl-Lagerfeld-und-die-Zaehne-was-ist-mit-seinem-Gebiss-los_big_teaser_article.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>laughs in arrogance

>> No.14831008

you look like 40 year old with very nice skin

>> No.14831012

shaving your head will make you look younger

>> No.14831013

I'm 18 and look like a child wtf

>> No.14831019

>shaving your head will make you look younger

>> No.14831065

bald look > balding look

Obviously having a full head of hair is the best but he has no choice. The "balding" look makes a young person look middle aged but if he just shaved, he'd look like a bald guy in his 20s

>> No.14831089

Why does it look like you are trying to hide how terrified you feel. Like your face just screams like you are trying to look normal but you are actually horrified

>> No.14831097
File: 267 KB, 800x800, flat,800x800,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I thought I was balding

>> No.14831266
File: 132 KB, 864x1295, 1,w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, but he needs help rn.

>> No.14831294

>calls himself "balding"
>insults his ethnicity and father

Quess you must make pussies in a 5km aoe dry as fuck.

>> No.14831316

holy shit man. at this point it is fact that you're ugly. but the denial and arrogance just makes it seem like you have brain problems now. sucks to be you

>> No.14831345
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 32f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no

>> No.14831625


>> No.14831664
File: 255 KB, 568x806, Goblin_mail_equipped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The uncanny resemblance

>> No.14831685

literal mmorpg virgin incel

>> No.14831800

Jesus man you look really nice. That neck is thick too but you need to gain 5-8 pounds of lean muscle now.

>> No.14833035

Xenoestrogens in the water. Sorry bro, consider reverse osmosis.

>> No.14833489

yoko get those fake beard and mustache away, you look fine even without them

>> No.14833503
File: 1.93 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20191202_160305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess my age. Also rate from 1-10 if you feel like it

>> No.14833504

Autistic Ryan Gosling

>> No.14833507

We get it faggot

>> No.14833511

All the other men in my building are bald or balding, might it be that we are showering with shit water? I don't want to end up like them.

>> No.14833515

Go back to the Section 8 housing you crawled out from

>> No.14833542

lmao you are such a faggot. this chad will be hot until the end of time and you'll still look like an autistic 12 year old

>> No.14833557
File: 402 KB, 902x1792, IMG_0709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess my age. Also rate from 1-10 if you feel like it

>> No.14833574

Why you gotta copy me, lad

>> No.14833587

don't know what's your family hair history but asumming the males of your family are bald I suggest start taking finasteride as soon as possible

>> No.14833589

24-25 but looks 16-18 cause of the hair.

Super cute if you're a shy depressed femboy who plays smash.
Kinda cute if you're a boring normie.

>> No.14833592

8 if youre a boy 9 if youre a girl desu

>> No.14833608

OP you got to wear some colors. And get that chest hair to your scalp plantation it's pretty straight forward also loose the beard your gonna look much better.

>> No.14833609

29. 6/10

>> No.14833657

bad thread everyone go home

>> No.14833663

Ur Mom gay

>> No.14833805

You look like a child rapist

>> No.14834387


>> No.14834403

Why are you dressed like a 50 year old trying to look young? The hair style and the t-shirt are what's aging you hardest here, not your face and hairline.

>> No.14834543

>Assuming it's a female

It's 4chan, were all gay/trans here

>> No.14834544
File: 284 KB, 715x1271, IMG_20191129_154021395 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what have i done, i away to baby sit my ill sister and come back to be memed to the grave. I don't know if I can go through the whole blasting thread but I ordered the fin-min
for my hair, will have one of my orbiters trim my body hair and I bought zara/prada/polo clothes and shoes on sale all mature dark acedemia inspsired because I look ridiculous in the zoomer attire. I just want this to end now mods shut it down and everybody return to your loved ones. I hereby declare this thread locked.

>> No.14834603

Good fit bro

>> No.14834620
File: 40 KB, 373x663, IMG_20191203_000911779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the bad news

>> No.14834646

good thread

>> No.14834669

nice goitre

>> No.14834709
File: 126 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 12-2-19 at 7.02 PM #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this just a /fa/cial thread now?

20 year old here

>> No.14834724

Get rid of the nose ring, makes you look like you occupy houses with your anarcho druggie friends after mom and dad threw you out.
Otherwise, nice jaw, nice nose, solid eyebrows, you're probably going to look better when you're 35 than you do now as well.

>> No.14834754

/fa/mily, if you start working out + trim the beard on the lower end, you'll bump yourself up with more points than you thought was possible

>> No.14834786
File: 105 KB, 1258x1280, IMG_20191202_213410_305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a bit bored and overly excited due to Monster drinks, how old do I look? Yes, people here already told me I look like a man.

>> No.14834836

My family doc is great but I went to him last week to inquire about finasteride for hair loss and it was clear he hasn’t researched it since it initially came out for enlarged prostate treatment. He therefore said he didnt recommend it due to sides and mentioned hair plugs.

Looks like I’ll have to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist. My hairline is fine but my hair is thinning too much and I’ve given it two years and it hasn’t shown any signs of slowing down so I figure I better do something before it’s too late

>> No.14834975

You look 25, but in a good way.

Shave your head

Shave the mustache off

Looks 19.

>> No.14834996

you got orbiters?

>> No.14835036

get different glasses please sir

>> No.14835056

if i had to guess i'd say late 20s? the hairstyle might be aging you though. you have nice hair look for advice grow it longer or style it a bit different

>> No.14835063

Eh, no, 22. I want it to grow, though, eon't touch my hair for the next few months. But the bangs will stay.

Thank you for the tips, anon.

>> No.14835067

i think very few women look better with bangs than without so im personally biased against them. at the end of the day no matter what you do someone wont like it so as long as you like em thats all that matters

>> No.14835075

I could post a picture of myself without them but then it would turn into attentionwhoring, I suppose. My bangs look better irl, but that would be my word against a picture hahah

>> No.14835080

>makes you look like you occupy houses with your anarcho druggie friends after mom and dad threw you out.
that's exactly what I do though

>> No.14835082


>> No.14835088

post it if you feel like it

>> No.14835100
File: 143 KB, 723x1088, d74b17a8-784e-48ac-8019-f8741a3bd0a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

23 years old?

>> No.14835106
File: 85 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20191203_001019_431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14835115

i personally like it WAY more like this. went from a 6/10 to a 8/10 imo. probably also the lightning and the facial expression

>> No.14835117

Off with the bangs it will be. Thank you!

>> No.14835124

no problem. even the short hair looks good on you without the bangs. you should pay more attention to the sides though so it tapers more if you keep it short though. in the first pic it looks like a bowl cut. im curious did you cut it yourself?

>> No.14835130

No, I went to a salon. It's a growing pixie cut. That's why is is currently a very short chanel, which I am letting to grow. But my hair grows fast, I was actually nearly bald two months ago, so I am not worried about taking minoxidil or anything like that.

>> No.14835149

Sides go away fully after you stopped? How long did it take?

>> No.14835169

dude, shave your head. itll look really good on you i promise.

>> No.14835170

im with this dude, looks better without bangs, theyre actually really hard to pull off for most, gl

>> No.14835195

how much do you fap

>> No.14835205


>> No.14835212


nigga does your mom usually dress you ppffftthahahahahahahaahhahahaaaaaa

>> No.14835225


>For now I am basically assaulting people by staring at them and the opposite sex finds my existence downright offensive.

Fucking based, anon, put these h*les in their place, never stop intimidating them

>> No.14835248

Give me your number desu , you have to post it on here but it’s okay because

>> No.14835262 [DELETED] 
File: 1.19 MB, 640x1136, CE5F41EF-AE44-4FC4-B4AB-A61543FE5E6C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I look any better guys?

>> No.14835264

Am the bangs anon, you look great in both pics, but a little too cocky.

>> No.14835269
File: 154 KB, 640x824, 52248188-19CA-478E-8334-399A4EEAA51C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do i look any better in this picture guys? :’)

>> No.14835270



>> No.14835272

Very masculine features. Learn to appreciate what you have. I naturally have soft, feminine features and can't grow a proper beard, so I envy you in a way.

>> No.14835274

>The hair style and the t-shirt are what's aging you hardest here, not your face and hairline.
What's wrong with the tshirt besides the hairy chest under?

>> No.14835422

fuck the bangs, without looks much better

>> No.14835435

Nothing you can do. Wear a mask and also stop bumping this thread because I dislike seeing your image in the catalog (no offense).
You look like Gary Heidnik.

>> No.14835480
File: 762 KB, 727x952, IMG_20191203_073516665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have only participated in 1/4 of the thread and left picking up some nifty tips, then I see my stupid face is still up on the top the board and the thread is an unending supply of wtf, nothing you can do now but embrace my seemingly unending cursed presence at each corner of your eye.

>> No.14835494

What's wrong with my beard/moustache?

>> No.14836089
File: 351 KB, 1366x2048, orange slp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't even gross anon. You have great eyebrows, masculine nose and a heart shaped face. I love the waves in your hair.

In terms of the balding, shaved head is the most timeless effay trim. I think you could suit a military buzzcut, but you gotta groom the facial hair better. Try combing, oil etc. It's very scruffy with a lot of soft 'baby' hairs.

This fit is a bit weird. Very nice jacket, but the shoes are bulbous for chelseas (perhaps the angle?). A more eye-catching scarf wouldn't hurt, like a bright olive or desert orange. The skinny jeans are terrible. Keep them stacked (not pulled over the boots) and reserve them for a more weathered, heroin-chic look; leather lace-ups and loose white tees. The faded grey clashes with the navy.

Slim leg dickies or cargos would work, perhaps cropped, and matching the scarf colour.

>> No.14836704

holy shit i just had to reply cuz i get so triggered by this board. you look GOOD, definitely better than 90% of the ppl on this board. you look like you could be an actor from some artsy indie film. dont even worry about the hair, but if youd like you could pick up some dry shampoo for dark hair, it leaves some dark color in your scalp which makes it less noticeable
now i gotta leave this board again peace

>> No.14836731

shave it off and grow out and clean up the beard

>> No.14836996

<5'7" Albanian immigrant core