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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 854 KB, 3000x1688, 627F4289-D85F-489F-9475-11801DD8E65E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14813301 No.14813301 [Reply] [Original]

Neo-Facist Youth Inspo pls

>> No.14813304
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>> No.14813308
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>> No.14813491

Who are these guys and how do I get bros like that?
I just want some bros. I can't connect with most and the few I like a boring. They would never do something unusual and interesting.
Okay I broke into a zoo at night with one but that was it and now he lives in another city and studies

>> No.14813506

Iceage. Danish Band. Curiously, they're all quite left-wing so I don't really know what this thread is trying to do.

>> No.14813522
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>> No.14813524

idk Fascism is left wing ecomically and on many social aspects.
But these types don't have a firm ideology anyway its all just edge and fun what the hell do we know?

>> No.14813577

In their early years they flirted with Nazi aesthetics quite a lot, so it makes sense.
Just look at their New Brigade music video.

>> No.14813612
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>> No.14814581
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>> No.14814599


>> No.14814617
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theyre also all homsexuals lol

>> No.14814710
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>> No.14814714
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>> No.14814721
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>> No.14815272

So they fit the Nazi aesthetic perfectly

>> No.14815902
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>> No.14815903
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>> No.14815929
File: 1.35 MB, 4745x3136, Iceage_byAntonRothstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14815934

wow I want to protecc

>> No.14816062


I thought this was Neutral Milk Hotel at first.

>> No.14816355

I guess these guys couldn't really see eye to eye with their peers

>> No.14816445

Cringe thread. These kids aren't effay at all, they're just posers.
Post some real shit, for God's sake

>> No.14816456

No, it isn’t. Read about the topic before you feel comfortable posting about it.

>> No.14816676

Actually the majority of people posted in this thread are musicians, so its not like fashion is their primary concern. Also by "real shit" are you talking about real nazis? cringe

>> No.14816755

I have like two of these in one of my classes.

>> No.14817134
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>> No.14817137
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>> No.14817143

fuck off
real nazis are ugly af
i just want to see some cute boys dressed in bombers and boots

>> No.14817184
File: 200 KB, 1456x971, m'ein fuhrer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

join da counterculture brothers

>Corralling the capitalist captains of industry to meet the needs of a centralised authoritarian state
>Destroying unions/democratic labour movements as threats to the authority of the party/leader
>Inshrining economic inequality as the natural state of things
>extreme nationalist focus on the state unit, rejection of international solidarity or commonalities with others outside the state/racial unit etc etc blah blah
nigga actually read some pol sci or history books before you fixate on the red herring of the "socialism" in 'National Socialist German Worker's Party'

>> No.14817328
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yeah, facist manifesto only co-authored by Alceste De Ambris and Filippo Marinetti.
Called for universal suffrage, incl, voting for women, 8 hour work days, minimum wage, workers representation in industry, labor unions, early retirement, capital tax and nationalized military industry.

typical right wing things.

>> No.14817753

what are they like lol

>> No.14817758

>a-actually its called HEEBIGEEBOPHELIA

>> No.14817762

all good things

>> No.14817806

Well, except for universal suffrage, sure.

>> No.14818723
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>> No.14818726
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>> No.14818788

>they're all quite left-wing
>kkk doodles
>nazi salutes at their early shows
ok larper

>> No.14819032
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>> No.14819043
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>> No.14819058

>i, as a 13 year old, once drew a swastika on the whiteboard for laughs
>unwittingly i had flirted with nazi aesthetics and had invited hordes of 15 year olds on 4chan to debate whether or not i was or still am a fascist

>> No.14819067

friendly reminder that the drummer is jewish

>> No.14819080

friendly reminder that jews can be right wing and even fascist, retard

>> No.14819106

>Finish Skinheads
nice spelling retards

>> No.14819114

friendly reminder that you're hallucinating in a desperate attempt to paint them as /yourguys/.
i find it a little easier to believe that when they were 16 they were edgy teens in a punk band and flirted with the same verboten imagery some of their favorite bands had flirted with without stretching it as far as saying iceage are cryptofascists based on a music video where they dress up in klan robes and take bong rips you fucking retard

>> No.14819122

imagine seething this hard because your post-punk twinks aren't tranny loving faggots like you lmao

>> No.14819133

imaging seething this hard because your post-punk twinks aren't actually fascists lmao

>> No.14819140

>n-no u
lmao stop posting retard

>> No.14819161
File: 29 KB, 329x289, 1430859662860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all right man you win those twinks and their jewish drummer are all secretly awaiting the return of the reich sieg heil 1488 evropa forever i saw it in a music video it's gotta be true

>> No.14819187

you're legit mentally ill lol

>> No.14819190

says the guy who's built an entire made-up friendship with a band
here ya go bud

>> No.14819213

wtf are you talking about, autistic schizo lmao

>> No.14819301


>> No.14820635

fucking degenerates

>> No.14820644

they look like a bunch on inbreds

>> No.14821098

>wearing zionist flags
>tried to start a race war within his nation
/pol/ retards need to stop using these words

>> No.14821220

Imagine shooting garlic lmao wtf idiits

>> No.14821231

wtf are u gay?

>> No.14821653

Elias posts about how he loves refugees on his instagram a lot.

>> No.14821673

based elias satirizing generic eurocucks and getting arthoe pussy

>> No.14821786
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Seeing all of this reminds me of the reason I'm leaving behind fascism. It's all such a drag, the beauty is gone behind it and it is a festering pit of know-nothings. Look at this quote, then look at this thread. A bunch of retards.

>> No.14821790
File: 337 KB, 1063x587, jose antonio poem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14821824

Why do these 'fascists' look like bums instead of the working men they are supposed to look?

>> No.14821850
File: 30 KB, 500x285, turning the frogs gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14821852

wow remarkable insight, conformist retard

>> No.14821862

Oh my sweet summer child.

>> No.14822144

yeah abandon your beliefs because of the way some young fags are dressing. makes sense. maybe you should reread your own quote retard.

>> No.14822311

I miss iron march, kinda sucks both fbi and putin have my email now

>> No.14822625

wtf is this garbage pic with some poem in a faggy language?

>> No.14822683

Going with this shitty direction of neo-fascists is conformist, and it's not just about the clothes. It just reminded me of how shitty fascism is now, it's not fascist. These are the party-goers, not the tense vigils.
Let me ask you, what has fascism done since the end of the war? What has it made? Some shitty black metal. Hell what has it destroyed? One mosque. One. I'd like to see something good come out of fascism, but it's shit in both the individual and the movement.
yeah same for both

>> No.14822741

seriously. do yall know what facist even means? how old are yall

>> No.14822759


>> No.14823185

That’s not the dayton shooter dumbass

>> No.14823304

>same for both
Likewise, although luckily there's nothing too doxxy there.