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/fa/ - Fashion

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14810168 No.14810168 [Reply] [Original]

Do you dress for yourself or for other people?

>> No.14810170

Both desu

>> No.14810180


>> No.14810186

mostly for myself

i have to wear a uniform at my wagecuck job 5 days a week so i take advantage of my other two days to dress up and wear whatever designer shit (scrounged together with my meager spending money) i've been looking forward to wearing all week

i usually get bullied by my normie coworkers if they see me

>> No.14810307

I'm an actor so of course it's for other people (which is myself)

>> No.14810310

brb cooming

>> No.14810331

I wear things I like and probably make people notice my "unconventional" look

>> No.14810343

dress for the approval of others

>> No.14810392

I am cooming

>> No.14810461

I dress for myself but also in hopes to inspire or draw fascination from others. Your driving force in fashion should always be embracing and exemplifying beauty. Everytime you look good you make the world a more beautiful place.

>> No.14810667

You all actually dress for other people but try to convince yourself that you dress for yourself.

I dress for others.

>> No.14810674

Sounds like something a fag would say

>> No.14810714
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is this /fa/?

>> No.14810719

Anything else is cope

>> No.14810721

nee man fuck de sco

>> No.14810726

I dress for myself and my gf because she loves it when we co-ordinate our looks. Don't really give a shit what other people think however

>> No.14810729

i just try to look nice enough that i dont ruin other peoples day by being seen

>> No.14810745
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I dress to look good. But I want to look good for other people so idk. We mostly dress for other people, we would super rarely go with what's comfortable over what's good looking if we had to choose.

>> No.14810777

Ja lekker cyberpunk.

>> No.14810778

dress for yourself but to abuse the expectations of other people it works. if you dress any way people have a set of ideas about people who dress that way, you change how people see you in order to get what you want using this as a kind of magick. it works I am only beginning to understand it but there is a real powerful magick to clothing and their effect on people

>> No.14810789

>she loves it when we co-ordinate our looks.

Adulthood isn't a HS prom.

>> No.14810795

Yes. The hair is doing most of the work, though.

>> No.14810827

just love looking good! makes me feel better overall! everytime i look into a mirror and i look good, fuck, it just feels really good! i dont get much compliments, so i dont really dress for other people. they rarely dress good imo.

>> No.14810882
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>on a fashion board
>afraid of being seen as a fag
Leather clubs two blocks down buddy.

>> No.14810971

Based esoteric poster

>when you are wearing a piece of clothing you're also evoking it's aesthethic and cultural concepts

>> No.14810975

Myself. If you dress for other people you're a pussy with no spine.

>> No.14810986

hyperstitional ontology

>> No.14811011

I dress like this because I think it looks good but coincidentally a lot of other people also think so

>> No.14811016

I dress to feel mad comfy and if I wanted to make it look cool in front of others I'd just need to move my body certain ways lol, which I hardly do.. ":D

>> No.14811189
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>> No.14811280
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>working bs 9 to 5
>having the gall to wear designer

>> No.14811297

it is inherently both
do you dress up if you are sitting alone and don't leave your house all day?

>> No.14811377

This question is silly. Dressing is always ritualistic, you manifest your inner state and mind to the world. Order vs Chaos, Good vs Evil, God vs Rebel.

>> No.14812145
File: 70 KB, 702x336, Nuovi-carabinieri2-702x336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nederlandse politieuniformen zijn lelijk als wat

Carabinieri are effay

>> No.14812439

I dress to make myself feel good, not to impress other people.

>> No.14812460

>selling your soul as hired thug for 'governments'
They're the most uneffay shits in the world.

>> No.14812500

I dress for men to attract a loyal man I can breed and start a family with. it's my only purpose in life it feels like right now.

>> No.14813625


>> No.14813633

you're not a girl

>> No.14813985

Ziet er flikkerig en ouderwets uit.

>> No.14813992
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I dress for getting art ho gfs

>> No.14814060

Do police in this country get better pay or benefits than those in USA?

>> No.14814072

This is manlet

>> No.14814097

Ouderwets is beter dan die veredelde stadswachten die wij hebben. Zulke polo's trek je de plantsoendienst nog niet aan

>> No.14814139

how do i dress for others if i dont get out of my house and just dress alone and get drunk or do drugs?

>> No.14814163

Most definitely. They don't get to kill as many innocent people though.

>> No.14814167
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i dress for the dmt entities

>> No.14814182

At first other people.
Now I just wear what I want, the attention I get from women is just a big bonus

>> No.14814193

>I'm an actor
so unemployed?

>> No.14814202

Just stop being black and you won't have anymore problems.

>> No.14814303

>Guys my mum forgot to wash my swat trousers

>> No.14814375
File: 168 KB, 1250x831, trad07-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meest decadente volk ter wereld, letterlijk niks is goed aan de Italianen.

onze soldaten zijn super flex

>> No.14814396
File: 48 KB, 500x625, 1573748090993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol "our citizens can only have 22s , better go for borrel while Ahmed and Tyrone run a train on our daughters". Seriously Dutch men gave their woman too much liberty and the results are sickening to say the least. Niet zo lekker.

>> No.14814411

no thats faggy
>better go for borrel while Ahmed and Tyrone run a train on our daughters
your insecurity is showing, los estados unidian much?

>> No.14814468

Carabinieri zijn geen soldaten he, is een soort marechaussee maar ze vervullen veel meer politietaken dan hier. Ouderwets is sws beter

Welke eenheid is dat trouwens? Die kerel heeft echt een kop alsof hij mensen met zn blote handen doodmaakt, zeer /effay/. Ook die vrouw misstaat er niet eens, zoals ze dat meestal wel doen in uniform

>> No.14814609
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>> No.14814638

Do I give a shit? I like making her happy, and it gives us a mutual interest that we can explore together.

>> No.14814682


>> No.14814683

Based and relationshippilled

>> No.14815883

I dress for myself so I'm comfortable around other people

>> No.14815890

wish i could go full joe rogan and fry my brain as well
they should just sell this stuff at the supermarket

>> No.14816859

How about you stop breaking the law, or enabling those that do, you won't have such a garbage opinion of law enforcement

>> No.14816985

Shut up faggot

>> No.14816988
File: 154 KB, 640x829, 4DE1555A-14D1-4DE9-84FF-373C56F5B64F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like pottery

>> No.14817268

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUErIhk7GQU is French beanie boxing guy effay?

>> No.14817362

I dress nice so I can look down upon those who wear sweatpants and hoodies.