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14804162 No.14804162 [Reply] [Original]

tonight I'm

>> No.14804165

Based druggie

>> No.14804169


>> No.14804195

lmao loser

>> No.14804196


>> No.14804199

I've wasted about €1500 on cocaine in total. It was a very useless period of my life. You get to meet new people who just leech off of you while the drug itself is extremely underwhelming.
Nowadays I use mephedrone instead and it's much better in every regard.

>> No.14804201


>> No.14804202

Not really I only wish I could have the money back and spend it elsewhere.

>> No.14804203

for me its the lsd stuff

>> No.14804204

you're addicted to bath salts you fucking moron thats pretty sad

>> No.14804206

but it's cheaper

>> No.14804208

I dont care if its cheaper you're destroying yourself for a high

>> No.14804210

This. Cocaine is shit and 50 euros a gram, meanwhile a pill of xtc is 3 euros here
Easy fucking choice

>> No.14805272

Me but with eating script amphetamines

>> No.14805298
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>> No.14805764

How often do u use cocaine op

>> No.14805786

waste none, want none

>> No.14805820

gonna have myself

>> No.14805824

but what value does health have if your time living brings yo no happiness? Is it not more worthwhile to choose to sacrifice some time on this earth for a period of happiness that you can look back on fondly? For living a long life is meaningless if it is devoid of happiness.

>> No.14805856
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how's this fa-related

>> No.14805860

good luck using xtc weekly or even monthly without fucking ur brain up permanently.

>> No.14805863

*braps in chinese*

>> No.14805867

tee hee

>> No.14805872
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There are over 2000 Millions of them.

And they are all quite intelligent, highly ambitious, and incredibly hard-working (ant-like).

They WILL compete with you everywhere and drive wages down so low you will only live to work.

>> No.14805928

Spot the one /fa/ individual in this picture.

>> No.14805940

>Not having a rich girl you fuck who is addicted

>> No.14806259

>not just taking adderall

What’s it like being a pleb?

>> No.14806445
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cocaine makes you gay, ahteist and comunist

>> No.14806448

wtf where do you live

>> No.14806449

unironically my mom said that to me once lel

>> No.14806484

Probably Netherlands, xtc gets produced there and is thus cheap as fuck

>> No.14806527

im bulimic and wasted more than that, boo hoo grow up

>> No.14806536


>> No.14806558

Same. In the past year alone I've spent like $5k+ just on drugs and got robbed for like $10k

>> No.14806560

xtc or mdma makes you retarded and after a few times you need to take 2-3 pills to get a strong effect

>> No.14806629

>cutest girl is front center in photo
society just works
high school was right

>> No.14806746

i'm taking a break from meth atm

>> No.14806776

Me too, except meth. Stops me eating. I'm actually already fairly lean and fit but not eating also helps me feel good in a non ED way

>> No.14806851

hi andrei

>> No.14806973


>> No.14807727

If you're healthy, mentally and physically, there are many routes to happiness. If you're not healthy, you should only take steps towards health. If you never reach health despite constantly working towards it then yer fucked bud.

>> No.14807762

Holy shit 50 euros for a gram is insane man. We have shit good here in leafland

>> No.14808380
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>> No.14808393

holy fucking based
stealing this image

>> No.14808431

Smoking myself to sleep

>> No.14810059

cocaine worlds most overrated drug

>> No.14810062

Cocaine is the worst drug of all time.

>extremely expensive
>cut with absolute rubbish like laxatives, literal glass and other fillers
>high lasts about ~20 minutes
>ruins your nose and throat
>comedown is atrocious

>> No.14811134

a real good time

>> No.14811254
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Cocaine is shit-tier drug along with alcohol and cigarettes.
Yes they have an effect that you can vibe on during a party for a few hours but it's such a shitty lifestyle drug.
Weed is alright, and acid is cool but it's a real time commitment.
Shrooms are best.

>> No.14811268

>hasnt done cocaine, just cut trash
real coke first and then get back to me

>> No.14811289

execute all drug users

>> No.14811317

It's not happiness, it's excitement without any work. There is a big difference in the happines you get from socializing with friends, being with your family, spending time with your loved one, feeling fullfilled. I also dont think you take the drug to feel happy, you take it to not feel sad

>> No.14811869


All drugs are shitty for your lifestyle

At least alcohol has the good grace to taste nice

>> No.14811882
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>> No.14811894

going to the gym

>> No.14812087
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This is the designated Hedi-era Dior Homme, Saint Laurent, and Celine thread. Do you even snort, fag?

>> No.14812214

i hate coke, alchohol, meth, opates and valium/xanax just hate how i feel on them, cant realy get how people get addicted to that shit, but mdma, weed and lsd i fucking love, idk why, anyone else who just like those kind of drugs but not the other crap

>> No.14812544
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>> No.14812546
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>> No.14812602

i fucking hate people who do coke so much. fuck you faggot

>> No.14812603

Striped quarter zip near the center? That’s the least normal anyway, glasses third from the right in the back is dressed poorly but good facial aesthetics

>> No.14812610

I don’t get it

>> No.14812724


>> No.14812746

I'd like to testify and say that Ketamine is the best drug. And inb4 you say something horse related, it's one of many drugs in horse tranquliser. Ketamine to me is a great psychedelic and if all these wining art students treated it like that instead of seeing it as a stimulant that they think it's ok to drink on copius ammounts of alcohol maybe, then just maybe we'd be in a perfect fucking society. And ketamine would have a bad name.

>> No.14812751

Anyone here try DMT. Is it truly, an outer body experience. I know it suppose to mimic the surreal experience of the last moments of your life, but is that trrue?

>> No.14812752

I don't know where to buy drugs.

>> No.14812753 [DELETED] 
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Got this just now, never watched anything dmt related

>> No.14812755 [DELETED] 


>> No.14812766

The reason I quit heroin and cocaine way back when was the constant search for a new dealer while being sick. Fuck that shit.

>> No.14812784

I just spent my whole paycheck on ketamine last night. It was lovely. I also just broke an entire vial of 3-ho-pcp on the ground in front of fucking walgreens and i hate myself for it. now im about order some MXPr and 3-meo-pcp and get cozy for christmas

420 blaze it

>> No.14812786


People think that when you die, DMT is released in your brain. No scientific study has ever found DMT in a human brain, only small mammals. So no, DMT does not reflect what happens when you die. But it certainly is an out-of-body experience, and it certainly can help one rectify their own feelings towards death

>> No.14812801

Sober mind is best mind. Was completely drug free (drinking too) for three years. Got tipsy to medium drunk a few times in the past year and realised it really doesn't add anything for me. Remembering everything you and others do and say is very liberating, empowering even. Have never looked better as well.

>> No.14812804
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How do you deal with the fact that your nameless life is utterly irrelevant and no one gives a shit about you?

>> No.14812806

he learned it from biden

>> No.14812811
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>> No.14812812

At least they have their legacy and millions of $$$
You have NOTHING

>> No.14812813
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something's gotta give

>> No.14812821

let that sink in. you are a nothing and will be utterly forgotten the moment your meaningless life ends

>> No.14812822

igor put your trip back on

>> No.14812826
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At least do something to enter the annals of wikipedia.

>> No.14812829

Based to be honest

>> No.14812832

Btw can we force that stamp fashion back into style? remember everything used to be fashionable stamped, including furniture upholstery?

>> No.14812833
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>> No.14812885

Day before yesterday I got fucked up (heroin). Slept all day yesterday and after today ill be at it again, but getting some x and shrooms as well. I try not to use a few days in a row so I don't get a habit, already went down that rout & now I got a pretty good system.

>> No.14812889

amen, i used to shoot it and its like liquid gold flowing all through you. meth is way more memed up, i like getting that rush 12x a night instead of one1x like with meth

>> No.14812906

>not having a plug and having girls all on your dick for some wack ass white powder

>> No.14812913

I remember being in art school and doing k

>> No.14813023

did a shitload of coke last night while drinking and ended up sitting down and chainsmoking a whole pack of cigarettes without stopping while talking with some friends about chess, was up the next afternoon. have fun op, be responsible.
everyone shitting on coke in this thread can btfo, yes it’s expensive, yes it’s bad for you. MDMA =/= cocaine, i’m so tired of hearing people compare molly to coke. also kek at people talking about preferring psychedelics and weed. weed is for niggers, and is never ever effay.

>> No.14813039

ww2 germans were big on cocaine though

>> No.14813098
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>> No.14813406

i've spent the last 2 days high on bad weed and good hash, and i have completely neglected a law exam tomorrow. i just now realized that i'm kinda effay

>> No.14813414

Ketamine is much better, small dose ket is best when just sitting down and listening to an album

>> No.14813421

I've done dmt 3 times and its nothing too special just surrealist landscapes and demonic social clubs. I've enjoyed watching films on LSD more. I took far more out of watching the films 2001 and Enter the Void on acid then I did from DMT.

>> No.14813429

I'm slower now due to all the MDMA I did. Meanwhile, coke only damaged my wallet.

>> No.14813434

It's gonna be 2020 you troglodytes. You're a fucking retard if you still use drugs.

>> No.14813459


>> No.14814176

virgin spotted

>> No.14814222

have sex virgin

>> No.14814262

Ever considered that being at peak health might make you happier than you are now?
To wake up at sunrise, go running or hiking, being strong, looking good, being treated well by others?
I mean I wouldn't know but I'm still trying at least.

>> No.14814474

incel cringe

>> No.14815010


>> No.14815167

virgin incel detected

>> No.14815213
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what's it like to have sex on drugs? asking for a friend

>> No.14815215

or what's it like to have sex in general. God I'm so lonely

>> No.14815225

Just do opioids like the rest of America you faggot

>> No.14815244

acid and psilo weird but pretty spiritual once once youve stopped peaking

only good thing weed is for

pingers well ya dick wont work but the emotional bond will be through the roof for the next four hours

>> No.14815249

girls let you fuck them when they're on drugs? Aren't you afraid of them holding it over your head Damocles style? That's what I'm afraid of

>> No.14815279

>wasting gear on thots and once offs

experiment with ur missus who u love and trust, dingus

>> No.14815284
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>my missus
right, yeah hahahahaha.

>> No.14815289

then just gurn with the boys until mrs right comes along

dont do mosh pit hook ups at the doof
shits gross

>> No.14815293

yeah you're right. Thank you, anon

>> No.14815369

Too cool you must feel to post this on fuckinf 4 chan. Your shirt social group of fake peers isn’t cutting it ?

>> No.14815374

Based shitty parenting
My mom used to unironiclly say things like “pokemon is the devil” like the water boy is was pretty funny. Once I grew out of the scare catholic tactics I found it all funny

>> No.14815375

ok virgin

>> No.14815402
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>> No.14815450

this is 4chan.org, a communal imageboard or a place to dump facebook shitposting account memes fuck off

>> No.14815464
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The only two drugs worth doing are MDMA and Ketamine.
Maybe acid here and there but i'm personally too much of a pussy to handle an 8 hour mind bending trip

>> No.14815468

its the other way around actually

also only mongoloid sesh gremlin retards do ket

>> No.14816612

on psychedelics it feels otherwordly but it can be confusing. when i nutted in my ex gf on 2cb it gave me ego death for a good 15 seconds hahah.

she wasn't too happy when i came around and said "so are we done now?" because i was confused and she was waiting for me to finish her off ahahhaa. good times.

weed is amazing for sex. i'd compare it to how music feels so much better and more intense while high. sex is the same but perhaps even better because it's sex.

i always get pilly willy on mdma, but one time on the last day of a festival me and the same ex were coming down (in a good way, afterglowing if you like) from some mdma crystal and i was able to get hard. fucked her in the ass for a good hour and half it took us both so long to be able to orgasm it was tiring but being able to fuck for so long felt like a superpower. good fun.

now i'm sitting here alone and horny with a hard on. fuck

>> No.14816841

bro they're gonna die too. fame and money and sex doesn't change the need to work on yourself.

> ketamine
> whippit
> gg no rm
trust me. it's effay.

>> No.14817410

>spending a shit tone of money over a small bag just so some druggie whore would talk to you

Yeah, not based at alll...

>> No.14817586

lmao get a load of this guy missing out on one of the most valuable psychedelic experiences out there