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/fa/ - Fashion

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14803696 No.14803696 [Reply] [Original]

What should I do to look more androgynous?
Getting /fit/ is too hard of an option for me and I don't want to be ugly, especially since I live in a country where you should be proud of your ugliness as a joke.
My only other option is to look more feminine and androgynous but not go full trans.
Just look somewhere in between where I can easily pass for a woman but still have some masculine traits that make me pass for a man.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.14803700
File: 522 KB, 750x928, 42-inch-TV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting /fit/ is too hard of an option for me

>> No.14803707
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Wait, is this why cross dressing is so popular now? People just want to be their ideal self and they think getting muscular is too difficult so they go the complete opposite way? What the fuck?

>> No.14803737

it is literally that.
that and they think some dude will support them if they grow tits.

>> No.14803855

And they're right

>> No.14804107

have soft skin (routine), long hair + bangs, don't eat more than 2 meals a day, drink lots of onions, get on HRT, cut off your dick, get a pseudo-vag and start drinking the cum of the biggest, strongest men you can find.

Good luck anon!

>> No.14804110

I'm a woman gotta take pictures of my face constantly have to keep taking pictures with my face in them I have three different websites just to post pictures of me looking cute for my family friends and total strangers did you see me wearing this new clothing did you see me standing in front of this building one time I went to the library and just so you know that I went there I took fifteen pictures of myself standing next to it and looking cute haha look at this one it's of a burger I ate that I wanted to show everyone and also 80% of the frame is my face can you believe the cutesy affected expression I'm making don't I look cute when I'm doing absolutely everything that I ever do on a daily basis that I photograph myself doing have you seen these 214 pictures of me visiting Madrid for one day have you seen how I stood next to all the things and my face was there and I was cute hang on don't take a picture of me let me make sure I'm posing my facial muscles in a way that perfectly makes me look youthful and girlish and attractive in a series of gestures and expressions that are half-conscious because I'm a narcissist but also half-unconscious because I've simply introjected a constant need to be posing and preening and peacocking in every moment of my fucking life and everything I do is just a vehicle for appending my face to it because I'm a woman WOW excuse me are you misogynistic or something it's not like I do this for you are you kidding me you actually think that I spend all day every day every hour of my entire waking life specifically accentuating all the secondary sex characteristics you find attractive and posing my face to look cute and young for YOU are you delusional I do this for me and nobody else I just like to feel attractive nevermind the fact that attractive presupposes the question to whom I do it for me and nobody else now excuse me while I take a picture of myself factitiously soullessly smirking

>> No.14804138

Nobody's reading that psychotic meltdown.

>> No.14804143


>> No.14804200

u ok?

>> No.14804766

he is right you know

>> No.14804868

And why does that matter? The ease with which above-average females make profit off the internet has already shown that boys know their place better than ever.

>> No.14804875

i think im supposed to tell you to dilate now, but im going for "you will never pass" how does that sound to ya, bro?

>> No.14804880

holy B A S E D