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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 132 KB, 1284x856, MV5BZTEwYzhjNTYtMGM1Yy00YjhiLThiZjMtYjFkYTJhZmNlNmJlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjkxMjM5Nzc@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14801947 No.14801947 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14801950

Also, for anybody living in America: can you dress like that on the daily in certain parts of the USA? or is it just outdated

>> No.14801956
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>> No.14801962

So what's the verdict, were they really gay?

>> No.14801974

There were some hints that pointed to it anon, but personally I am not too sure. I struggle to contend desu

>> No.14801975

Anywhere west of I-29 is accepted desu

>> No.14801985
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I wish that one day I 'll be living west of Interstate 29 so I can larp as a cowboy. It's peak aesthetic

>> No.14801987

It's a cultural thing. That type of dress is mainly seen in the midwest and southern desert parts of the US. You wouldn't see anyone wearing it in the pacific northwest or east of the Mississippi (unless they're try hard larpers). Western wear mainly has its roots in the functional as it was made to survive blue collar manual labor. Strong materials such as leather, duck, twill, denim were obvious choices for the working man. Obviously since blue collar work doesn't just disappear in these areas that uniform has neither. I guarantee the majority of the population of Montana looks and dresses exactly like that.

If you see some cuck wearing a "nontraditional artisanal" cowboy hat outside of this well demarcated cultural sphere they are a try hard larper who's entire persona is disingenuous.

>> No.14801991

That hurts as I am a tryhard larper, see >>14801985

>> No.14801992

Great info btw, you provided some insight into the midwestern culture, cheers.

>> No.14802011
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>> No.14802016

You can wear it anywhere. Wearing a western-wear hat implies youre not really the type that is thin skinned.

this guy is upset for some reason that people buy hats

>> No.14802019

Live and well out here in Colorado except around the Denver/metro area, but even there no one would give a shit. I’m currently in the Southwestern part and see people dressed like 1. ranchers 2. Patagonia core.

I’ve noticed vests are a big thing out here. From workwear Carhartts to puffy ones - everyone seems to wear vests.

>> No.14802020

So they were gay then

>> No.14802022
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Thenks, but I doubt that will fly in Europe, where I reside

>> No.14802027

I worked a while on a ranch in Wyoming. There was a guy who was wearing spurs unironically in a bar. Most wore baseball caps though.

>> No.14802031

oh, and I saw more people wearing cowboy hats when I was visiting a rich area in Texas then when I was in Idaho/Wyoming. Though It's just my experience, I'm European so it was all pretty hilarious for me.

>> No.14802032

The hat is where larping begins
You had can get away with pretty much anything else but the hat is too far

>> No.14802034
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Did he park his horse outside the bar or left it at the ranch?

>> No.14802035

Besides the suspicious hug, this is pretty /fa

>> No.14802055

He left it at the ranch. He had been busy rounding up the cattle from the mountains I believe.

>> No.14802060
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I bet he wanted to make sure none of the cattle was gone missing

>> No.14802073
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>> No.14802074
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>> No.14802076
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>> No.14802080
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>> No.14802082
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>> No.14802085
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I like the modern take on it

>> No.14802088

this is florida-georgia line core

>> No.14802096
File: 112 KB, 954x539, DRL_BbTX0AIDX5p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, there are sub-types of cowboy-core??Waaah

>> No.14802100

they look like they're playing dress-up

>> No.14802103

Truth. Though they're models, so that's the point I guess?
Nice digits btw

>> No.14802110

The fagass larpers get posted in every Western thread and i hate it.

>> No.14802151

Post some og content. Need diversified inspo

>> No.14802161

"Heartworn Highways". An hour long inspo video about country musicians in the 70s. It's available on the youtubes

>> No.14802176
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>> No.14802181
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>> No.14802247
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>> No.14802737
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Will order something from here soon, but need to send to burger frend first because crazy taxes and import duties.


>> No.14802744

Kill it with fire

>> No.14802766
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>> No.14802789

Based Euro /fa/g. What about fit though? Is your Burger friend gonna try the clothes for you? How is it gonna work?

>> No.14802811
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Urban Cowboy

>> No.14802825

Only good stuff ITT

>> No.14802849
File: 40 KB, 597x580, dag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer love

>> No.14802865

Both rev shit

>> No.14802879
File: 2.94 MB, 640x800, BrendanSchaubWoody.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I got a retort for you

>> No.14802908

Absolutely wrong about the PNW. There is a fucking boot barn in Tualatin. You'll see a lot of western wear in rural areas, just not quite as common as other regions and really rare in urban areas.

Patagonia even makes western wear now. Their ferrier shirts are actually really solid overshirts.

Depends on your confidence, anon.

I love how much people hate Midland in these threads.

>> No.14802948
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All valid points anon. Thanks for input fren

>> No.14802973

how the fuck was this guy a ranked heavyweight lmao

>> No.14802987
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No one posted Michael Gira yet?!

>> No.14803334


I'll just order my usual size and if it doesn't fit I'll sell it again?

>> No.14803447

Oh yes, the American masculine icon is secretly gay /pedowood

>> No.14803462

you guys will probably flip when you see compton cowboys, cool dudes

>> No.14803565

>You wouldn't see anyone wearing it in the pacific northwest

That's... almost accurate. Truth is, parts of BC, Washington, and Oregon have areas that are not much different from Alberta/Idaho/Montana in terms of "western" culture.

I'm from Vancouver and you don't have to drive very farm east before you start seeing cows and country bars.

Right on the coast you wont see this kind of thing, but drive about an hour inland and you might. Not full blown hats and spurs, but definitely some western-wear shirts and wrangler jeans, and belt buckles.

>> No.14803742

looks awful desu

>> No.14803745

I live in nyc now and I used to work at a stable in the middle of nowhere. Haven't been around horses in a few months but I still semi ironically wear my riding boots and breeches as casual wear. Part of it is that they're good sturdy clothes and I'm kind of a poorfag at least by nyc standards though

>> No.14803751

do girls want to ride you?

>> No.14803773

He got the weight, lacking the skill though

>> No.14803775

Godspeed anon. You could go to to a tailor.

>> No.14803789

I'm a boy but I'd fuck him just because :P

>> No.14803824
File: 234 KB, 1050x700, BrokebackMtCover2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtc some good bootcut jeans????? fr

>> No.14803841

Literally how most construction workers dress in nyc minus the cowboy hat

>> No.14803856
File: 28 KB, 613x920, B2D0D372-0907-43EE-8A30-A2EBD4DFD2FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Timothy olyphant in justified

>> No.14803875
File: 63 KB, 1016x538, Midnight cowboy 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t.Midnight Cowboy

>> No.14803879
File: 184 KB, 1024x683, merlin_135257955_92ffdafe-877a-43fb-8acd-5a00d2831315-jumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bunch of larping fags ... I like them

>> No.14803881
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Bump for larping cowboys

>> No.14804025
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How can he be so /fa/, so effortlessly?

>> No.14804027
File: 72 KB, 700x525, 46ca6383-f5ac-4696-a4fa-5bc21c5ca74b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the modern cowboy, whether you like it or not

>> No.14804283
File: 187 KB, 988x1434, 326CA612-2CB8-446F-8C01-1059EDC15BFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No country for old men

>> No.14804334
File: 66 KB, 1080x809, No-Country-For-Old-Men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Effay for sure

>> No.14804371

Boomer, the movie

>> No.14804908

Why did he have spurs on his head

>> No.14804910

>You can wear it anywhere


>> No.14804961

Can confirm for Wyoming and Montana

>> No.14804969

>likes the cowboy core that looks least like cowboy core

I don’t think you actually like cowboy core lel

>> No.14805016

fuck that's cute

>> No.14805076

The only modern cowboy are westerners who go to third world countries

What you posted is bowling with the safety rails

>> No.14805093

he looks like Thanos

>> No.14805182
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Is Brokeback Mountain kino? I love Jake and Heath.. Afraid to ask on /tv/.

>> No.14805253

They were the least LARP outfits

>> No.14805260

None of these are larp

>> No.14805306

It is if I don't work on a ranch!

>> No.14805379

it's gay cowboys

>> No.14805665

So you see, these individuals are an exception to the almost universal rule (there are many such cases). Those individuals however actually employ the culture of horseback riding and rodeo. Thus they don the tools of the trade as it is the appropriate garb. Putting on your stetson so you can walk down to the cold brew micro designer bean all vegan cat cafe (Now with apple pay) to sip on your onions double caramel triple foam computer generated cinnamon sprinkle picture served by volunteer crippled north korean refugees relocated from china who have no english skills yet the owner feels a civic duty to allow them a volunteer duty at his job for tax write offs all in a guise of seeming progressive meanwhile he still gets nervous passing a black man on the street, now that is larping.

>> No.14805720
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>> No.14805745

This fucking faggot tries to shill his gimmicky music on /mu/ from time to time and everyone just makes fun of him until he stops lol

>> No.14805868
File: 48 KB, 960x640, A09D1F7C-3ED5-426C-927B-790F9EFB8BF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s the ultimate poser

>> No.14805990

Then maybe you shouldn’t wear it dipshit

>> No.14805998

They were just lonely

>> No.14806081

Did cowboys in the Wild West actually wear jeans? I’ve been riding (British riding) for the past three years, and I can’t imagine how uncomfortable it would be to wear jeans. Seems more likely that they wore something like jodhpurs?

>> No.14806089

no jeans were invented in the mid 1800s

>> No.14806105

When jeans were invented, trouser legs were usually straight-cut or even a bit wider for work trousers, well into the 1950s, although some slimmer jeans existed, due to shrinkage through washing and even cut. Please note that slim back then was basically straight fit with a little bit of tapering, usually as result of some shrinkage from water, like modern shrink-to-fit denim. Trousers were not initially designed to be so form-fitting like many of today's jeans are.

>> No.14806129

yes. hello? yes.

>> No.14806139

This. Levi’s 527s are pretty bad and wranglers aren’t great either

>> No.14806143

take away the cowboy hat and they dont look like cowboys / stand out anymore

>> No.14806273

Well said anon. Made me kek

>> No.14806275

Damn right, they said "no homo" right after fucking, so in retrospect it doesn't count

>> No.14806280

Damn, I thought they were just bros giving each other a hard time for the keks and laughs

>> No.14806464
File: 264 KB, 382x478, Screenshot 2019-11-21 at 8.55.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You CAN, and many people do (I've lived in Ohio and Pennsylvania and plenty of people do the cowboy thing) but whether or not it's acceptable or makes sense is a different matter. Basically as long as you live in a vaguely rural area, or own an oil business, most people won't find it strange.

However, petty much all nonSouthern states (excluding New Mexico and Nevada) will have at least 35 percent of people think you're a LARPer for wearing that shit to walmart.

>> No.14806492

Please tell me that's a chick

>> No.14806703

Wrangler jeans + roper boots = winner

>> No.14806716

Yes with a dick, a wild wild trap

>> No.14806845

>their weren’t cowboys in the 1800s


>> No.14807122

I want to work on a ranch over the summer. How did you swing a job?

>> No.14807296

Yes and also very /fa/, watched it for the first time recently. On par with lost in translation imho. The end felt a little rushed though.

>> No.14807316


>> No.14807362
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>> No.14808753
File: 37 KB, 550x413, rio-bravo-from-left-john-wayne-ricky-nelson-1959_u-l-q12pjjj0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western films from the 40s, 50s and 60s have the best clothing

>> No.14808756
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>> No.14809315

i like how construction workers dress, it looks cool _

>> No.14809343

Cowboy hats & boots are acceptable everywhere in Texas.
High class neighborhoods? Boots
Affluent suburb? Boots
Hank Hill neighborhoods? Boots
Also a lot of Mexicans in boots