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14794573 No.14794573 [Reply] [Original]

This might seem autistic but does anyone else strive to live an aesthetic life? In a world where everything is mass produced and cheap most people still dress-behave-carry themselves like a medieval commoner, no attention to beautiful things anywhere they go, most are blind to beauty, so I try my best to infuse my life with as much beautiful things as possible.

Anyone else do this?

>> No.14794576

do what now

>> No.14794580

Live beautifully, enjoy beautiful things, dress as sharply and aesthetically as you can, trying to infuse every experience with as much sublime beauty as possible

>> No.14794581

>This might seem autistic but does anyone else strive to live an aesthetic life?
Definitely sound autistic, but I think i know what you're getting at. What do you mean, are you talking about surrounding yourself with things you love at home, or..?

>> No.14794589

Pretty much, I'm a uni student who works so I'm currently povo tier and live in a bad area, at first it depressed me, everything falling apart, ugly, unkept, the people mirror the infrastructure, ugly, unkept, almost a different species at times, it opened my eyes and that's when I decided to live an aesthetic life.

There was a particular moment that made me decide to conceptualize this, getting into the last train station, I suddenly see this impeccable dressed stunner of a women, I was almost awestruck, in the middle of all these barely sentient mostly chavs people I see this speck of absolute beauty, it filled my morning with joy. I guess that in a world of uglyness seeing these occasional glimpses of beauty make them all that much significant. Know what I mean? In a way I'm shielding myself from all the uglyness. I think.

>> No.14794598

Watch this


>> No.14794603

I'm well aware of that, and I agree completely, will rewatch today just because.

It is sad that some people are blind to beauty, some people don't care.

>> No.14794604

Not sure how anyone here could help you, what you find beautiful might be different from what I find beautiful. It's cheesy, but you have to look deep down and find what you love and just surround yourself in it (Furniture, china, clothes, prints, plants, pets, etc)

>> No.14794614
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>> No.14794615

You sound like a proper chap

>> No.14794618

im with you. i've been taking control by using my breath. when i see something i like, i breathe in. when i cant take in any more, i just hold it. likewise, when i see something nasty, i breathe out. it also goes for nasty things. it makes so much sense. its an excellent way to increase your red blood cells, no kidding. i was close to fainting once when i was in a public bathroom, but i've learned to just be really quick, and take a deep breath somewhere nice before i enter. you just have to plan. it puts the good and the bad into such a real perspective. 10/10 would recommend

>> No.14794620

im sorry that was a bad joke. i actually did this when i was a kid. my mom found out when we were watching a movie and she heard me being all out of breath. she asked what was going on and i told her like it was the most natural thing in the world. she thought it was super weird and that made me think. i think i just gradually let go of the habit after that. still chasing pretty things, though. i like your thread, didnt mean to ruin it, sorry

>> No.14794651

Unironically yes. Whenever I need a new piece of furniture in splurge a little and buy a nice antique. I'm slowly replacing my old clothes with high quality pieces made with natural materials. I try to cook one or two nice meals for myself a week. Starting to collect art and am slowly replacing my phone habit with a reading habit. I'm traveling more and going to more plays and concerts. t's a steady process but I'm already beginning to feel the positive effects

>> No.14794813

Op here, pretty much starting to emulate this, don't know about you but it gives me a sense of joy and fullfillment, it's highly rewarding, like making a good sourdough from scratch and serving it to your loved ones vs buying some raggidity bread at Lidl and going "i have some bread if u want".

>> No.14794814

It's ok french, I chuckled.

Same to you, order>chaos.

>> No.14796424


>> No.14796677
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>> No.14796684
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Im an incel who wants the world to burn so no

>> No.14796760


>> No.14796764

the issue with this lifestyle is that it’s usually forced because the said person comes from a poor background. just an expensive way to seek from validation from others
there’s a difference in having a good eye for aesthetics and having it around because you love it and then buying things because you think others might love it
good luck in your journey

>> No.14796766

lmao I stopped having a social life around when I was 22 (29 now)

don't go out besides church these days so have no use for a bunch of the shit I had.

now I just buy more tracksuits, t shirts and comfycore shit to lounge around the house in. still try to look cool doing so though. and have my set of jeans, trouser, and button downs for church or on the rare occasion I happen to go out

>> No.14796831

Op here, come from upper middle class fortunately and I'm driven by beauty and beauty alone, makes me happy. Never seen any poor person do what you're describing.

>> No.14796833

Even if I was in your situation I would still surrounded myself with beautiful things and dress neatly.

>> No.14796840
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Bump and based as hell

>> No.14796956

I am on the same path, you both have my admiration for thinking this way.

>> No.14797474

Life sometimes can be ugly, it's not possible to have entirely aesthetic live (but you can try). In more about embracing things as they are. Maybe it sounds cliche but without ugly you wouldn't know what's beautiful. Trying to isolate yourself from ugliness of the world sounds like escape. For personal growth you sometimes need to face ugliness. I understand you because I'm also a student living in a shithole, it's sometimes annoying and depressing, but after all it's temporary and could be worse. But I think the most important qualities are not material. Living in clean cozy space is nice and is one of my motivations, but happiness comes from state of mind. One of my favourite artists lived with his whole family in one small room in shared apartment, lived materially humble, simple, I'd say ascetic life but left a huge legacy and menaged to be one of the best artists of his time. I think it's sometimes healthy to step back and analyze do you really need this or that. Consumerism just gives you cheap thrills but deep down you know it's not the material objects that fulfill you.

>> No.14797480

i recently started to become more social, but holy shit its hard to balance that shit with university

>> No.14797481

>Never seen any poor person do what you're describing.
i guess you've never met black people

>> No.14797494

That's actually really cool and implicitly how I've thought about fashion.

>> No.14797556

striving for vanity is pure faggotry

>> No.14797576
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>> No.14797668

Vanity has nothing to do with this. Beauty is not inherently vain. Whatsoever.

>> No.14797681

I've seen black people buy cars they can't afford to match the fake designer mismatched clothes they wear in hopes of attracting a mate or impressing the tribesmen, I've never seen them embrace beauty to such a level that looks pastiche (in my local area).

>> No.14797687

I completely get what you're saying, please keep in mind I'm not constantly trying to chase this unachievable level of beauty in everything that I do/surround myself with, recently I bought a cheap tea cup from an artesan from my country, I find it so beautiful, it's not flashy, it has flaws, but it was made by someone who I assume likes what he is doing, it's not just a teacup for me. Granted this will all end one day, nothing is permanent yadayada, but it's little things like this that bring me some joy.

>> No.14797689
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Cheers mate.

>> No.14798137

Yeah it's good to enjoy small things, not only material but also food, good chat, your own rituals. Weirdly enough as an artist I'm not really in search of beauty or truth, more of excitement and novelty to keep my work interesting enough. I don't really care about minor stuff like cups, utensils, home decor etc. I enjoy minimalism, space and good organization with a bit of comfyness. My initiative in clothing is comfyness and looking badass. As far as it goes for beauty I prefer to create than consume. I appreciate good views, nature, everyday objects not that much. Art is most interesting to me but I don't have the need to own it, I like my walls plain.

>> No.14798957

At first, when I read the original post, I assumed shallowness. Though you have proved me wrong, you have conceptualized what beauty is and its stark contrast to a grey and ugly world. Btw I have lived in your country, I would see unkept families and mothers on the daily. It made me die a little on the inside each time.
Godspeed anon

>> No.14798971

Who is the artist?

>> No.14798979


>> No.14799224

Bump, for I feel the same way OP

>> No.14799234

yes to the point where beauty became an idol in my life and ruined me

>> No.14799238

Go on anon, don't leave us hanging

>> No.14799335
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Pretty comfy anon, I love nature, try to spend as much time as I can in the Forests when I'm back home.

How do you know my country if I didn't disclose it and /fa has no country flags? Am I missing something here? I'm studying abroad btw

Go on

>> No.14799356

You mentioned chavs, that points me to one nation spefically

>> No.14799418

Fair, we also have chavs like people in my country of origin, they are a different species I think.

>> No.14799489

Thank you for making this thread OP, you've inspired me.

>> No.14799644

Oh yeah? That's pretty cool, how did I inspire you exactly?

>> No.14799679
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I feel such a reverence for beauty is one of the most important and inspirational values I have. If I had lots of money I'd spend it on natural and historic preservation and commissions of art and architecture. But for the time being I settle for Aquiring quality clothes and items that last, being sensitive to people, places, and things of beauty, and discussing the values of aesthetics and the beautiful with friends and colleagues.

>> No.14799939
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>Anyone else do this?
Yes, however it's difficult in an environment you cannot control and if you are poor. Living in a city is bad in that hindsight, since everything is getting uglyfied, at least in Central Europe. Harmony and beauty used to be valued, however it has been replaced by innovation and expressing one's ego for almost 100 years.
Either way as a result to this problem I have decided to fuck off to nature and live there. It's very beautiful, trees, swamps, wetlands, fields, mountains, water...

great post anon

>> No.14800123

I've been thinking on this philosophy lately. Aesthetic can be defined differently but what is truly aesthetic is a person conforming perfectly to an aesthetic. When someone is 100% their own aesthetic is the mark of a true human, but only when the personal aesthetic is personally defined. Thoughts?

>> No.14800125


>> No.14800133

Ok boomer

>> No.14800205

No, but I am simply incredibly intolerant of ugliness, I would rather be without than with an ugly item

>> No.14800268

I live in brutalist block of flats, dressing full techwear(mostly regular sport brands) and working in cool conceptual office space located in ex factory building.
It's definitely aesthetic lifestyle while most of you probably would hate it.

>> No.14801252
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I feel arrogant saying it, but I definitely agree that oftentimes others seem to live pretty sterile lives. I'm American so I imagine that the situation with that here is pretty bad
Engaging with and surrounding yourself with everything you genuinely cherish and find fulfilling is becoming more important. Not just with ideas and objects, but people too
One thing I've started to love is older photography. I have instant Polaroids and an analog camera, so the results you get are purely physical as opposed to digital where you stare at photos on a screen. For me it's special to hold that result in your hand and see it just as how it was taken. If you find a hobby/ritual like this then you'll be set, it's brought me some frustration but mostly joy

>> No.14801291

What you are saying is to center your life around materialism,
and that can be potentially very self-inspired and narrowminded.

>> No.14801377

The "aesthetic" life you describe is literally the mindset of medieval commoners you historically illiterate underage retard

>> No.14801428

He s refering to excellence. Even aesthetic excellence is something to strive for.

>> No.14801702

I suggest you ascend to the non-material (kys)

>> No.14801823

Op here, you both miss my point. You don't require large amounts of money or influence to live an aesthetic life.

>> No.14801825

Agree completely and love that picture, the Japs have it right.

>> No.14801856

Op I agree with you wholeheartedly.

>> No.14801901

Based and redpilled OP. I basically have the same concept of how to live properly. I think the only shortcoming about living like this is that you may eventually become gay

>> No.14802999


>> No.14803081


>> No.14803118

This is a very Heian Japan approach to life. You should read The Pillow Book.

>> No.14803687

I think this is a trap many people fall into but it is not necessarily equivalent with the other dudes seentiments. One could value and surround himself with beauty in many ways that aren't centred around buying shit. Visiting museums, going camping, looking at architecture etc. It doesnt have to be buying shit for your apartment or new clothes all the time. I think one could make the argument that a person who buys something that they truly find beautiful (or useful but thats another topic) will buy less shit throughout their life than somebody buying things that others deem beautiful.

>> No.14803704
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>> No.14803781

I'm just gonna add to the rest and say it's a very admirable way to look at things. Just also be cautious, looking like you have money in that neighborhood you described is a good way to get mugged.

>> No.14803832
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I like how you think, anon. Now channel your longing for the sublime and transform the world around you! Godspeed.

>> No.14804018

Op here.

Absolutely, some of my most cherished and beautiful moments have no direct monetary cost, a long walk in the Forests, a swim in the sea before work or school (did this at home), growing my own greens and making a healthy meal.. all cheap or relatively free. It's really no focused on consuming the latest gadgets or buying premium branded clothes (imagine lmao), it's about taste, being mindful about aesthetics and experiences. In fact working on my physique and seeing trying to develop all it's measly potential is probably one of my favorite aesthetic activities.

>> No.14804037

Tldr before I Google it?

>> No.14804042

I'm walking a similar path. from a fashion perspective, I've begun conforming to my ideal style that I've formed in my head and ditched the reliance on graphic tees and other crutches. I've slimmed my footwear down to a few good choices that work with my style. I've changed my diet and devoted it to skincare- only vegetables, grilled chicken and fish sparingly, maybe twice a week, no artificial sugars or sweeteners, dairy free coffee. my various subscriptions to Hulu, Apple TV, Amazon and Netflix are canceled. my PS4 and the rest of my games are no longer played. I no longer bombard myself with music in my room so I have time to think/breathe. I'm paying off my car at an exponential rate and only owe 2.5k on it now. I feel like my life is being sorted out and I have some manner of control. I'm slowly becoming who I want to be. I still need to work on exercise but I'm thin as is- its just one more thing to keep myself neat and healthy. I need to go back to Church. but I really am becoming who I need to be and I love it.

>> No.14804043
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Bless you anon

>> No.14804051
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Op here, you're a great chap and this is a great post, we're on similar paths, I just use beauty as my North star.

I'm eating well to, lot's of crucifurous, organ meats, filtered water, citrus fruits, it's said we eat with our eyes so I always take care to prepare a pleasing meal, wish inadvertently made me become more interested in cooking.

>> No.14804061
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thanks a non
I like to think I pursue beauty as well, just my own version. I want to maintain my individuality and foster a contrast between myself and the world. I don't want to fit In because fitting in is unhealthy and immature and for lack of a better word "ugly".

>> No.14804176
