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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.69 MB, 2424x3232, 20191112_202600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14791709 No.14791709 [Reply] [Original]

I'd like some feedback please

>> No.14791760

You look like something gay SS officers were cumming into when they came to France

>> No.14791767

You'd completely disappear in any group of more than 5-6 people.

>> No.14791778

Lanyard in pocket, pants slightly looser at the thigh - it looks like they're bunch up over your underwear. Otherwise it's fine, you remind me of a frumpy TA. Usually I wouldn't like the look but I think you pull it off fine.

>> No.14791785

Oh no no no no he ha the incel face

>> No.14791792

You look like someone who works in the jurassic park.

>> No.14791821
File: 43 KB, 960x720, 69284275_894886997551660_9210302603785929829_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ha the incel face
pochemu ty govorish' po russki

>> No.14791827

Lmao thank you

>> No.14791850

Boring outfit but as a straight dude you're pretty cute. Look into Carhartt WIP and RRL if you can afford them

>> No.14791898

Clean the cum stain off the mirror.

>> No.14791949

Good outfit, might want to try larger framed glasses to compensate for your giant head

>> No.14792119

Not mine

>> No.14792129

Doesnt matter you should clean it if you just used the mirror for selfie

>> No.14792902

Bruh I ain't cleaning someone else's splooge

>> No.14794627

Fucking sick bro. Looks like it fits great and the colors go together nicely.

>> No.14795139
File: 154 KB, 756x1007, 8630BB2A-EAF1-4135-89B7-3CF36496888E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, I have the same glasses but my head is much smaller

>> No.14795145

Nothing terrible but nothing exciting either. Were you in the creamed corn or do you just have the lanyard?

>> No.14795170

everything else apart from the jacket is garbage

>> No.14795214


>> No.14795221

the colors are boring, stuffy, and earthen. you need some more "saturated" colors and with more contrast. you look like a dusty barn farmhand

>> No.14795815

you look like you disappear in crowds

>> No.14795827


Why do you hipster faggots have nice facial structures?

Go workout and become a chad and stop wearing /fa/ shit

>> No.14795859

Tuck in your shirt as you are using several layers and try to get a v-neck undershirt so that it isnt visible.
The pants are slightly too long, but that can be easily fixed with a hem.
The shoes look weird, but i would need a better photo in order to pass judgement.
The jacket is too big overall, but it is specially noticeable on the arms. Also, this style of jacket is currently tainted by söy.
The shirt itself also looks to be a little too big as we can see from the collar and some excess fabric on your chest.
The glasses and haircut are fine, but your skin looks too shiny on your forehead, so you may have some issues there.

>> No.14795895

this fit is bullshit

>> No.14795965

the coat is not necessarily bad but it looks a little out of place here, maybe too light colored for your complexion - try a darker colored coat, possibly of a different material e.g. a charcoal peacoat/car coat

the shirt looks sloppy around the top button, in this fit i would have buttoned it all the way to the top, and i'd say that brighter and bolder colors/patterns would work better for you than this - e.g. a crisp white shirt, or with a different outfit a patterned dress shirt focusing on a single color - this shirt looks too casual for the look it seems that you're going for

the pants are fine, but again, for what it looks like you're going for, i would strongly recommend slacks/cords rather than chinos

the shoes look fine, but overall it seems like you're going halfway-formal and it's just not doing it

I would recommend getting some nice, high-quality pieces for formalwear to be used in a professional setting (black oxfords, slacks, dress shirts, dress coat), and then for time off/sporting/whatever you want to do, get more functional pieces like hiking boots, and those performance gray pants/checkered shirts/coats that they sell everywhere

also, you should grow your hair out, i think it would look better with some length to it kept neatly

>> No.14796077

Dumb ass fuck ass

>> No.14796324

Honestly looks pretty good, but it is incredibly boring. If boring is what you're going for this is probably the best you could do it.