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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 51 KB, 306x425, web.吴亦凡-Supreme-Vetements-x-Levis-Supreme-Nike-770x573~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14790276 No.14790276 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Chinese and Arabian students come to America in full clad Hypebeast wear?

>> No.14790277

propaganda leads them to believe that we dress like that

>> No.14790285
File: 380 KB, 640x512, family-dressed-up-4th-july.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if they knew how we dress

>> No.14790817


>> No.14790860

Eastern culture is much more status and hierarchy oriented than western culture, or at least US culture is. Clothing is less of a fashion statement and more of a status statement, which leads to wearing clothing that is commonly associated with "wealth" and "status."
This unfortunately leads to culturally uniform styles and brands that shout "I am relevant and have status in the hierarchy of society."

All my family lived in S. Korea, and the fashion for 90% of the youth populace, is just brands and logos.
Right now it's hypebeast-wear, north face, the last decade was A&f, holister, POLO,Lacoste, the previous was GAP, Levi's, Coach.

The fashion is absolute shit in asia, (With notable exeptions). Expecially amonst abroad students who come to America, who come from wealth, but dont take the time or energy to think about fashion

>> No.14791368

Because all their parents are rich

>> No.14791373 [DELETED] 

This. Always funny to smell a group of arabs miles away, 'cause of overspraying gaudy frags like One Million or asians with they overprized techwear like Northface, just to show off they're "on the same level like europeans".

>> No.14791384
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This. Always funny to smell a group of arabs miles away, 'cause of overspraying gaudy frags like One Million or asians with they overprized techwear like Northface, just to show off they're "on the same level like europeans".
While the average white european literally give a shit about brands or fragrance, even if they're wealthy. It's a literal sign to distinguish poser from the true "wealthy society".

>> No.14791386

>With notable exeptions
Japan. Being a brand whore in Japan is a really looked down on, unless its genuinely trendy (like anywhere else)

>> No.14791413

Too young in terms of how long they've been modern countries so they have a lot of catching up to do, so they're all the way there back at 90s logomania and also haven't gotten exposure to other brands yet. They usually delve off in to stuff like burberry and gradually getting more tasteful from what I've seen.

Also some of them care way too much about social signalling when in the west you can walk past incredibly rich people without even knowing, because they don't want you to know

>> No.14791421

eastern culture is such trash

>> No.14791570

It's not like you described.
Low class new money asians(literally asian blacks) threat clothes as status symbol while upper class asians are into avant-garde fashion.

>> No.14791652

there ain't no old money asians

>> No.14791789

Pretty much this, all germans care nothing about fashion, wear basic high quality clothing, while young people wear crazy thrifted stuff
Turks and shitskins on the other hand all dress hypebeast and drive expensive cars that get repoed from them because they cant pay for them
White man always three steps ahead

>> No.14791791

>care way too much about social signalling when in the west you can walk past incredibly rich people without even knowing


>> No.14791809

Basically Western society has moved on to inconspicuous consumption while they're still in their conspicuous stage. It'll probably take them a decade or 2 to evolve from there.


>> No.14791814

Oops pressed enter accidentally.
The video I posted just shows how empty and brain dead they actually are and all they care is looking "cool" among their friends, even the ones getting education in the west.

>> No.14791818

thats the same here in america lol

>> No.14791999

>upper class asians are into avant-garde fashion

>> No.14792039

Why are the nips so much better than other asians

>> No.14792066

They've been influenced by "the influencers". All the faggits, shills, and losers on instagram, twitter, facebook, etc. Plus shit they see on TV and movies.
They have a false sense of what is most common in the USA, and load up on random, logo covered, pseudo-designer brand.
Then they get here and look ridiculous.

>> No.14792069

longer period of interbreeding with westerners tbqh

>> No.14792113

theyre rich and tasteless and want to buy the most popular and expensive clothes


>> No.14792116

He is not wrong. In New York it is not uncommon to see hyper wealthy Chinese decked out in full avant garde fits usually looks bad on them but it is common to see

>> No.14792161

wealth != upper class

>> No.14792251

dont fucking compare the Turk to a shitskin

>> No.14792864
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big yikes if you think europeans had the same brand recognition as they did last decade

>> No.14792869

Yeah, that's the point. These guys are nothing different from their western counterparts

>> No.14794002

Shut the fuck up with the "yikes". Are you a fucking child?

>> No.14794014



>> No.14794024

i have never seen a chinese student at my uni in an outfit worth less than 2k

>> No.14794056

Real answer: When Hitler (PBUH) declared Japs to be honorary whites our lord and saviour Jesus Christ graciously granted them with souls, something all other Asians lack. That’s the truth.

>> No.14794062

to fit in

>> No.14794082
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uhh hitler hated christianity bud.... youre aware jesus was a jew yes?

>> No.14794088

Jesus Christ was a Christian and Hitler (PBUH) was a good catholic. That’s the truth.

>> No.14794089

No souls

>> No.14794096
File: 20 KB, 1387x129, uhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should take a break from /pol/

>> No.14794214

I will pray that you renounce your reddit ways, Anon, and let the lord into your soul. That’s the truth.

>> No.14794233

Take this as a grain of salt but part of the "brandhype" is because most Asian students wore uniforms to schools unlike most western students. How can you be /fa/ with a fucking school uniform? Well it turned out that brands you are wearing (without going against the school dress code) made you /fa/. Students judge others based on what brands you are wearing--literally everything EXCEPT your uniform. Those wearing uniqlos (or anything low-priced brands) are frowned upon and do get bullied. Those wearing Supreme shirt underneath their uniforms, have a Macbook, and a Dr. Dre headphones are effay. That's how they were taught socially and continue to college. Same applies to later life too: businessmen with Dior neckties and judging others based on what brand/cars they have.

I grew up from an upper-class Korean society and what you said is an utter bullshit

>> No.14794242

so that they can get easy pussy, dummy

>> No.14794244


>> No.14794250

socrates is a far more interesting person than jesus, just like plato is a far more interesting apostle than paul, just like platonism is a far more interesting school of thought than Christianity. i hope that you can someday choose logic over blind faith
funny, i didnt know souls existed in the first place

>> No.14794291

>talks about socrates and plato because he thinks it makes him look smart and mocks the soul but clearly doesnt know about socrates and platos writings and beliefs about the soul
kek back to /r/atheism faggot tourist pleb plebbiter brainlet pseud nigger holy shit le kill yourself moron you have to be over eighteen to post here idiot fuckwit dilate die holy shit

>> No.14794424

you turks are 100% shitskins and will never be close to europe

>> No.14794428


I know a jew girl that looks just like this

>> No.14794438


A lot of the old money southerners under 21 dress like shit where I live.

usually overweight and wearing a polo 2 sizes too big and khaki pants that hug their fat quads too much

>> No.14794591

I dont think you understand eastern culture. Avant-garde fashion is almost always looked down upon in eastern society, expecially umongst the higher classes, unless it is explicitly seen as an "art" form, or in fashion week.
And the whole status symbol thing is exactly what i said it was.
Clothes are a way for people to delineate who has what and what tier of society they are in, and students who come from asia to america, bring that over here. They have money if they come, and they buy clothes that aptly discribe their socioeconomic status (Such as supreme and other hypebeast)

Avent garde fashion may be seen as cool, edgy, or independent in america. In asia its almost always thought of negativly. Even rebelious kids have an unsaid uniform (Ie. street racing style and culture in japan in the late 1900's)

The culture is all about uniformity, rational compartmentalization, and well defined roles.

There is defiantly old money asians. The Samsung empire in Korea didn't just pop up over night. The progenitors of Samsung and Lotte made a dirty amount of money during the war, kept it, and reinvested it when they were on good terms with the reigning government. They were rich before the wars, they were rich during the wars, and a lot of them got richer after the wars.
There is old money almost everywhere.

I lived in Korea town in LA and NYC, my cousins live in Gangnam, have land in Gangwondo, and a wealthy part of daegu.
All my younger age cousins, except maybe 2-12, dress pretty terribly

>> No.14794617

socrates and platos philosophies were mostly what christianity was founded on, except it was bastardized, warped, molded and the intellectual thought provoking nature of it was stripped away in order to lead sheep. thats why they are far more interesting than anything or anyone in the bible.i bet you havent even read a single one of platos dialogues

>> No.14794621

avant garde fashion is always looked down upon everywhere because majority of people dont understand or appreciate art in the form of clothing, much less have the balls to wear anything avant garde irl

>> No.14794631

turks are shitskins there is no disassociating the two

>> No.14794671

because chinks are subhuman niggers but they have eye slits and instead of black they have piss skin

>> No.14794674

huh weird. fellow korean reporting i mix and match darkwear, my parent's don't seem to mind. then again my mom isbsuperbibto arts. then again i don't live with my parents lel

>> No.14795238

1940s is not old money.

>> No.14795242

yet you dont know about their ideas of the soul really makes me think like I said you have to be over eighteen to post here retard moron pseud faggot go back to posting epic dank sheeple maymays on /r/atheism fucking brainlet

>> No.14795270

Sure. But i would argue that asian culture has a stronger distaste for avent-garde than western culture.

I wouldnt lump in american born asians to the mix of asians in asia, and asian students who come to study abroad.. (Assuming you consider yourself asian american)

>They were rich before the wars
I agree.
Though i would consider old money, to be people who are in generational wealth (2-3 generations). So maybe not monarch wealth like europe (since the 1500s).

>> No.14796201 [DELETED] 
File: 799 KB, 1166x489, .._.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've unironically made this site that I think they'd like

but I think you princes here are too effay for luxury

>> No.14796208
File: 799 KB, 1166x489, .._.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've unironically made this site that I think they'd like : driporskip.app

but I think you princes are too effay for luxury

>> No.14796308
File: 239 KB, 500x665, leila-khaled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are the most deadbroke shitskin countries the most fashionable with the least effort?

>> No.14796389

>I wouldnt lump in american born asians to the mix of asians in asia, and asian students who come to study abroad
Agreed. I was born in Korea but lived in US since I was a kid, in a relatively white town. I feel a huge disconnect from native gooks, or even kids from cities with high korean populations like LA.

>> No.14796473

My humble opinion... Koreans that live in LA NYC and Atlanta have always seemed to be larpy Koreans...

>> No.14796484


Ignore the bottom poster, he's not me.

Anyhow, I am currently residing in Canada, but same diff. (Was also born in Daegu btw, lived around Shin Mae Dong, went to Ook Soo elementary school... haha can't believe I still remember that name!)

ANYWAYS, my parents always loved arts. Dad mostly movies n music, mom would be photos, fashion. Sister was huuuuuuuge mcqueen fan, she dragged us to MOMA for his display or w/e after he passed away. Then again, all of my siblings were forced to play classical instrument for half of our lives... that might play a factor as well.

Oh yeah, I don't go home draped in Yohji and shit when I go back home, usually slick footwear (Ann or Guidi) and rest are bunch of white button downs and black sweater to layer (kinda like a preppy school boy...?)

So I guess yer right to some degree about full avant garde being frowned upon. Just gotta sneak it in here and there :P

>> No.14796495

Because those are the ones you notice. I'm an arab and the community here in the USA dresses basic and plain. I doubt the majority of actual Arab families allow their children to dress like hypebeasts. Rich oil gulf Arabs are the extreme small minority most are or were poor and would laugh at the idea of spending big money on clothes instead of investing in opening another tire shop, deli, or medical school
When did this board turn into another cringy incel pol colony?
Pathetic insecure turk trying to suck up to the white man, usual. You'll fit right in with the atheist persians in Glendale

>> No.14796526

Are you serious? Japanese people are HUUUUUUUUGE brand whores, they suck off Burberry like they're practicing for the vacuum cleaner olympics.

>> No.14796607

not enough welfare to get murrica tees for the whole family. SAD!

>> No.14796777

>cringy incel pol colony
Off to reddit you go shitskin

>> No.14796906

based PLFP fighter girl

>> No.14797145

they're spoiled annoying little pricks that tries to be cool by buying expensive clothes but fails miserably

>> No.14797158

Because as much as we're losing our culture, they're losing theirs twice as hard.

For them, status is everything, and they inherently take point from "mainstream" western sources but with their own take on it.

Imagine the Wal-Mart ization of a country. For us it's the five dollar microwave version of ours, for them it's the five dollar microwave version of ours.

>> No.14797256

>you can walk past incredibly rich people without even knowing, because they don't want you to know
Until you see their car.

>> No.14797275

They adopted Western ideas early on

>> No.14797276

Could you wear avant garde if your family is lower class and you have had no exposure to high art or culture? Like, would someone like me wearing an avant garde peice or two just be larping?

>> No.14797278

lol learn to speak proper English before insulting someone

>> No.14797293

Live in Japan.

They don't like fronting. They appreciate high quality good, but looks down on people who obnoxiously slap on brand stuff like China or Africans

>> No.14797298

yes theres a thing called the internet, idk if u heard of it.
if u like avant garde then youd want to wear full outfit of it. wearing 1 or two pieces just shows that youre insecure, not fully committed or just want cool points from somewhere (basically a hypebeast)

>> No.14797299

дyшить нa хyй мyдaк бeз бyдyщeгo

>> No.14797300

Obsessed with spending money on stupid shit. I once went to a seafood restaurant in London 30 mins after opening time and it was full of chinks who'd bought every £150+ lobster available.

>> No.14797302

id imagine they need extravagant spending and pea-cocking because they feel inferior for their size

>> No.14797307

They have no culture and religion so consumerism is their new religion

>> No.14797398

Arabs: low IQ
Chinese: low self esteem

>> No.14797400

you mean capitalism

>> No.14797407

Capitalism is just the natural state of barter with no government control.

Consumerism is when your sole purpose of existence is to buy stuff to keep yourself happy

>> No.14797417

he knows what he means and he got the distinction spot on

>> No.14797522

ITT: a bunch of flyover state rural whites or fast food employees from big cities who've never left these 50 states. Americans have crippling debt from living outside their means, with their cars, homes, clothes and gadgets. Go outside sometimes guys

>> No.14797537

Asians have no culture? Fucking Americans, every time

>> No.14797718

These threads bring out all the persecuted white dudes.

>> No.14797731

I agree that consumerism is all the rage amongst east asians, but I don't understand how people on /fa/ of all places can somehow act like they're not guilty of the same thing? /fa/ggots aren't buying up overhyped streetwear, sure, but the board still revolves around buying clothes, it's consumerist at its core.

>> No.14797749

do your cousins in Gangnam get annoyed when people spot their Daegu accent and scrunch their faces up?

>> No.14797790

Nah, both on my moms side, but the cousins that live in Gangnam have lived there since birth (mom's sister's kids). And the cousins that live in Daegu have live there since their birth (my Mom's Brothers kids). My grand mother on my moms side is from Gangwondo near hwacheon, and the entire family still have a considerable amount of land there.

>> No.14797806


>the Chad turk driving BMW
>the ayyylmao German virgin driving a Polo

>> No.14798033

Sounds cool, I was only kidding anyway. I wanted to drive to Gyeonggi and then go to a few ‘rural’ places when I lived there briefly, my gf would cry at the thought of leaving Seoul though. I don’t really dislike much about Korea at all except for that kind of attitude.

>> No.14798374

they don't
Being American is irrelevant. If anything, it means we know history better than you

>> No.14798386

>turks in germany

>> No.14798394

underage b&

>> No.14798427

>all germans care nothing about fashion, wear basic high quality clothing

can you be any more biased and nationalistic, why don't you open wide and slurp the shit straight from their anus?

>> No.14798452


I would think it's not strictly class dependent, but more on personal preference.

Maybe with older folks (I am 28, dad just hit 60, mom will be hitting 52 this year), because being exposed to "art" at young age until it marinates takes considerable amount of resources and time. But nowadays with internet? I'd say no unless it's going out of your way to see experience top 1% of performance art.

>> No.14798597

>all germans care nothing about fashion
nah young germs are turning into brandwhores

>> No.14798649

>fucks german women while beta german male lets in more
yea they are chad as fuck

>> No.14798703

would fuck the one on the right

>> No.14799855

shitskin samefag detected
didnt get this months social security mohammad?

>> No.14799901

i am Danes fucking mongrel,i bet you are not even 100%white subhuman faggot,krauts are here everywhere.which shithole are you from anyway?

>> No.14799904

based china man cucking Anglocuck in their own country

>> No.14799908

for the turk is the ultimate shitskin

>> No.14799937


>> No.14800076
File: 41 KB, 750x422, fahndung-mehringdamm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daz racis

I'm not white, nor an incel. Face the truth, there are more brown skinned scum in Europe than the ones with good reputation.

>> No.14800905

>subhuman faggot

Mohammad is mad, your mother had to to suck many dicks when you were jumping fences to get to denmark, you know well enough how hated you are across the continent, just a matter of time until we kick you out

>> No.14800918

Wrong board cumskin

>> No.14800942
File: 53 KB, 1024x576, e9f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't Arab families own a shit ton of exotic animals and rolls-royces? Didn't know a Lion was a good investment.

>> No.14801122

This is like thinking everybody in Europe owns a castle to throw fancy balls, every American has a 500 acre Montana cattle ranch and a penthouse in nyc, and every Russian is a billionaire oligarch. There's literally half a billion Arabs in the world and the majority of the countries have no oil. The only places with this stereotype is Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Look at a map for once. So no, the vast vast vast majority of Arabs don't have tigers and usually just run small businesses or are pushed by their parents to get into stem.
Nope this is objectively wrong. If your assessment is correct the statistics would be literally 10 times worse. I don't go to the UK and believe everybody to be like a typical chav hooligan even if it seems like that minority takes the public spotlight. And writing the word racist in a derogatory way doesn't somehow make you an uneducated racist
This shit is so fucking cringy. You're either an underage newfag trying out the cool new lingo you read or an aging boomer who found his way into this site from reddit because they told him this is where all the stale memes they repeat comes from

>> No.14801692


Koreans stay in their own bubble in those cities like bug eyed gooks

And I've also noticed a lot of Viet larping as koreans too

>> No.14801892

>now he calls people that upset him redditors
The squad will come to your ghetto soon mohammad, in one or two more election cycles
How does it feel being so unwelcome?

>> No.14802037

/pol/ was a mistake

>> No.14802043


>> No.14802052
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Here is something to think about, I used to live right next to a 4 bedroom apartment full of Asians and the myth that they are clad in expensive clothing all the time is a myth, They literally have only 2-4 nice expensive pieces that are usually very hyped up brands that they ryclcle over and over with other cheap H&M tier clothes.

>> No.14802063

Whoah. Very unique and brave opinion anon!

>> No.14802072
File: 87 KB, 1214x403, 1510090118571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots are so tiresome

>> No.14802079

This is your brain on nu-4chan

>> No.14802094

I don't even browse /pol/ I just find the faggots like you more annoying than the racists

>> No.14803585

Because people with new money generally wanna tell everyone they have money with their clothing but in Chinas case everything is faked.

>> No.14804069

Not really dumbass. He got better along with islam and acting christian and afraid of god was part of his campaign in former catholic dominated germany same as an Erdogan goes on stage with a Quran when his polls drop.

>> No.14804075

because the harder you try the more contrived it looks. and they don't even have all the high street stores that make the shittest clothing as worn by most people elsewhere

>> No.14804079

this was replying to >>14796308