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14781554 No.14781554 [Reply] [Original]

Gf is about to get like 11 face piercings and I can't convince her otherwise. Pls post pictures of pierced girls that are conventionally attractive so I can feel better about this

>> No.14781557

Bud, the type of girl to get 11 facial piercings is not the type of girl you want to date. Just break up with her

>> No.14781564

Just dump that thot man, what the fuck are you thinking?

>> No.14781586

Its over bro, end it and get someone you can marry, not some thot

>> No.14781599

lol bro leg it

>> No.14781976
File: 183 KB, 720x1278, A0032BBC-E2B4-4C73-AA48-A2DB14AE3C98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, your girlfriend is allowed to make aesthetic choices you don’t like, she doesn’t exist to appeal to you.
and pierced girls are cute.
if it’s any consolation, piercings are pretty expensive, and i can’t see 11 face piercings costing less than $700. so that may dampen her dreams a little.

>> No.14781988

>and pierced girls are cute.

dump her OP

>> No.14782049

just say you have a sudden metal allurgy so it has to end

>> No.14782055


>> No.14782067
File: 143 KB, 1046x1532, La_Vierge_au_lys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wrong, wrong, wrong.

It's stupid and degenerate. Not all choices are equal. If someone you care about is about to make a mistake, you can and should correct it.

We can and will make value judgements.

>> No.14782337

>she doesn't exist to appeal to you
Literal cuck mentality. If she's trying to attract anyone BUT me it's a problem.

>> No.14782340

Based and redpilled

>> No.14782358

If she can afford to get 11 piercings at once it means she’s got money to blow. Stick with it.

>> No.14782370

Hey, I hear you. I am the one posting in the tattoos thread about how it is linked to mental instability and I hate to have tot ell you this, but so are piercings. You wont convince her as she mental instability and the more you try the more she will resent you for trying to control her.

Who would get 11 face piercings at once? Move on, my friend. She possibly has a personalty disorder.

>> No.14782379

>green hair and eyebrows
>face tattoos?
>facial piercings

If anyone thinks this girl looks cute, you can still judge she is highly likely to have some personality disorder, a level of mental instability or more of a guarantee.. be a totally left leaning on the extreme side feminist.


>> No.14782467

You either stick with your partner, or your principles. My ex wife got hand tattoos, thus I divorced her.

>> No.14782475

Good man. The mere act of a man giving up his principles does not work in his favor either as the woman then knows he has none and is a weak coward. The very act of the guy giving up them to keep the girl actually loses her.

OP is just going to go along with it. He is asking for photos of girls with piercings to attempt to mentally condition his brain to find it attractive. He is attempting a self brain wash because standing by his principles is just too much and he would rather alter his whole world view to keep hanging onto a girl. Very tragic.

>> No.14782492

Meh, my wife has like 9 or something between both her ears. She also has her belly button pierced.
As long as they're tasteful it's fine. Anything in the eyebrow, lib or anything big in the nose is a deal breaker though.

>> No.14783031

she does exist to appeal to him

anon boot her and also explain to her why, dont go back on your word make an example out of here, it will be good riddance you're dodging mental illness

>> No.14783041

Pic of her so I can decide whether she’s worth keeping based on looks alone?

>> No.14783764
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 1562961284824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gf told me she's thinking about getting a nose ring
>i tell her they're slutty
>she doesn't get one
was easy for me

>> No.14783771

Having a bunch of piercings doesn't bother me, but getting them all at once? She is going to be in so much pain. She doesn't even know if she likes them and she is getting 11? That just seems dumb. Going all in like that raises some red flags about her thought process and impulse control.

>> No.14783794


>> No.14783798

Its a shittest you fucking dork.
If you dont break up with her, you are basically telling her that you are so desperate, that she can sleep with chad and you will cuck out.

>> No.14783838

>Going all in like that raises some red flags about her thought process and impulse control.

Gasp, anon! It's almost as though what I post is true... yes, indeed it is a red flag and it's highly likely she is mentally unstable. Who would have thought?

You might be aware but people do not believe someone is mentally unstable and then they say the person probably has low impulse control or whatever. Well, that is a part of mental instability. Girls with Borderline personality disorder suffer from low impulse control.

>> No.14783856

You two are perfect for each other.

>> No.14783876


if she gets them, break up with her.

>> No.14783882

>She is going to be in so much pain
Are you serious? Facial piercings are almost painless, it will hurt reasonably for maybe 5 seconds,
then it will hurt a tiny bit for a day or so, that's it. And aftercare is super easy.

It's the same with more sensitive areas like nipples, only genitals are a complicated area pain- and aftercare-wise.
And they are 100% removable, will barely leave any scars ( as in most wont, some may leave tiny scars).
Tattoos are objectively a much bigger deal, but why do people overreact to piercings?
If done in a professional, sensible way and with proper aftercare they are safe as fuck.
Like hey, it's okay not to like them and you don't have to hide your opinion, but at least get educated if you are going to give people advice.

>> No.14783933

If she's willing to do something that drastic and completely unwilling to even listen to your advice on it, fucking leave her.

Obviously she can make her own choices, but a relationship is built on mutual respect and she clearly doesn't respect you.

>> No.14783944

Leave her wtf is your problem, is this woman with holes in her face the one you want to raise your children. Lol buddy just go

>> No.14784230

I feel for you anon. The trend right now with the nose piercings is a really bad look. At least you can take a septum out and go about the rest of your life with a bit of dignity, but shit in a few years everyone is going to have holes in their nostrils just like when people started taking their gauges out when the trend was over just to show the world how disgusting their ears look. I know a guy who had gauged nostril piercing on both sides and now he just has holes on the sides of his nose.

>> No.14784934

I see what you did there