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File: 9 KB, 225x225, download.jpeg-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14779333 No.14779333 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else completely burnt out on the high wasted look? I feel that this look is unflattering on 90% of people, and looks dated in a bad way. It doesn't do anything for people's bodies and it makes the wearer look like they are trying to hide a gut. It makes your ass look square and draws attention to the crotch area in an ugly and gross way. I feel that this trend has really outworn its welcome and I am ready to see it die. Anyone else agree?

>> No.14779346

No. I've always worn high rise.

Who the fuck wants to keep pulling up their pants every 5 seconds?

Also how the fuck are you meant to tuck in a shirt without high-rise? By literally pushing your dick diagonally into the leg of your jeans until it looks like a smear frame? No thanks.

>> No.14779782

>wears girl pants
Not the least bit surprising desu
To answer the op yeah I agree I’ve never been a fan of the look and it almost always looks worse than just regular waisted

>> No.14779818


>Girls pants

Lmao, how small is your scope of history? They were the male standard in the 50's.

But I forgive you, I know you're an oversized thrifted sweater comfy poster.

>> No.14779839

>reddit spacing
>wears girl pants because he thinks that will make him a 50s man
>being this big of a fucking faggot

>> No.14779862

>Receding hairline
>Replies to tripfags
>Thinks pants that start at his pubes are more masculine

>> No.14779876

high rise pants don't have to be tight duffus
high rise pretty much means the pants are sitting at your natural waist line so they actually feel comfortable to wear

>> No.14779913

You're the chick who fucked the fat ginger guy from the GC, right?

>> No.14779920

High-waist is how pants are supposed to be. Think about the shape of the body. If you want your pants to stay up the most rational place to cinch them with a belt is above the hips at the waist.
It took decades of marketing to make men switch to low-rise because men's wear is way more conservative and stable than women's wear.
Now that the change has happened peasants like you actually think they're being conservative by hating how pants are supposed to be.

>> No.14779941

Nah, I'd remember that

>> No.14779945

Exactly this. Plus.

>Pay us more for worse fitting pants that need less material!

>> No.14780041

>Who the fuck wants to keep pulling up their pants every 5 seconds?
Buy pants that fit you

>> No.14780055


>Buy pants that fit you

So, high-rise?

>> No.14780245

High rise pants are good, most women are just ugly and/or wear ill-fitting pants.

>> No.14780258

kill yourself faggot

>> No.14780300

>being this retarded
>being this delusional
Above your belly button isn’t your waist you fucking dolts high waisted means literally just that fucking high fucking waisted it doesn’t matter where your waist line is high waisted is going to be high above that if you can’t tell the difference or still feel the need to argue then you’re literally retarded

>> No.14780306

mods quit being fucking faggots and ban this 14 year old tripfags this board is up there for worst on the site

>> No.14780311

they're ugly as fuck. the reason they have such staying power is the fact they act as makeshift girdles -- the higher waist disguises/squeezes in the fat.

low rise jeans on a thin woman is S tier

>> No.14780314


Would you rather wear skimpy shorts and leggings together?

>> No.14780318

You actually have no idea what you're talking about, and if you're family wasn't as equally trashy as you, they'd be ashamed.



>> No.14780323

>low rise jeans on a thin woman is S tier
that is a trashy look lmao

>> No.14780326

where can you find reasonably priced, reasonably available higher-rise men's jeans that aren't some niche cowboy shit?

>> No.14780328

As a woman with a 26" waist and 42" hips, high-waisted trousers are objectively the only attractive cut for me. Anything lower cuts in at the widest part of my body.

>> No.14780329


More like S T I

>> No.14780332

I'm a dude and my hips are 41"
come at me

>> No.14780336

That's hot desu.

>> No.14780337


I buy 50s-70s Levis off ebay and Rakuten, Yahoo Japan is also good. Insanely good price point as well, Made in USA. Just remember to add two sizes to the waist to get the modern equivalent.

>> No.14780338

this dude is skinny af and 100cm hips

>> No.14780343

granted this is over shorts

>> No.14780346


I think that's just called a deformity

>> No.14780351
File: 66 KB, 960x640, Ryan-Gosling-Shirtless-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>40" hips
Yeah my hips are wide, but my shoulders are also wide so it's not as bad as a Gosling

>> No.14780361

i bought a pair of made in usa 501s off ebay one time and they had an extremely low rise and fit like a pair of modern 511s somehow minus the leg openings : / RIP

>> No.14780364

Oh fuck. I've never noticed that. This is like that Tom Cruise tooth picture all over again.

>> No.14780374


Yeah 501's don't really cut it, they're more of a "low-rise-and-a-half" fit.

I'm at work RN, but I've got a list of Levis high-rise model numbers I'll post when I'm home.

Just off the top of my head, try Levi's 614's. Could be wrong but I think that's the basic straight leg high rise jeans model.

>> No.14780383

high waisted pants are more comfortable and practical, and will never go out of style

>> No.14780396

Didn’t disprove it faggot go back to mfa

>> No.14780400

thank ye - would appreciate that list actually

>> No.14780402

reminder to block and report all tripfags and be sure to sage if you reply this isn’t reddit anyone seeking notoriety is an attention whore and should be ridiculed

>> No.14780405


>> No.14780523

Go back to rehab, loser. What the fuck do you want me to do? Point out the fact that there isn't a single universal navel height?
Sorry for thinking you we're ignorant and not actually mentally handicapped.

>> No.14780536

Here you go dude:








Loose Straight






Wide leg

Bell Bottoms



Bell bottoms

Relaxed tapered





>> No.14780540







>> No.14780543

You mentioned belly buttons. I never did. I am talking about pants that cinch in around the narrow part of your waist. Not your hips. Not under your hips.

>> No.14780548

>that aren't some niche cowboy shit?

Are you retarded? Do you really think there is something very different about wrangler cowboy cut compared to other high-rise jeans?

501s change with the decade, mostly they're going to be low-rise with a foreskin. Worse than regular low-rise.

>> No.14780551


Straight cinch back

"Tight" fit



Tapered/Straight (middle ground fit)


Wide leg



Slim straight


Relaxed tapered

"Slim-tapered" but really more skinny


Slim fit


Relaxed tapered

Relaxed tapered

Loose fit straight


>> No.14780552

You mean mid-rise?

You do realize everyones body/proportions are different right?

>> No.14780557

Mid-rise is low-rise with foreskin.

>> No.14780563

Dead-on. Which makes low-rise circumcised mid-rise. See where I'm going with this?

>> No.14780576

I disagree. What I mean is I see a purpose for low-rise. Slutty, belly-baring sort of outfits. I see a purpose for high-rise - pants that actually fit.
Mid-rise I see as just pointless. It's not good for for any aesthetic and fits like shit.

>> No.14780589

I mean, that's a pretty good take desu.

>> No.14780592


>Are you retarded? Do you really think there is something very different about wrangler cowboy cut compared to other high-rise jeans?

didn't think someone would get triggered by what is ultimately just an exasperated request for an alternative, but uhh yea fucking definitely -- very heavyweight+rigid denim, huge leg openings even on slim versions, and gaudy back pocket leather patches/detailing in general. super dumb question from someone trying to be condescending

>> No.14780603

Lel, bullshit. You just want a special boi brand people either revere or don't recognize because you think the Wranglers are for peasants.
(probably not wrong about that)

>> No.14780606

>literal retard has zero reading comprehension
>continues to reddit space
>is a literal joke
>it’s actually sad people live like this
>being an attention whore on an anonymous site
>there is literally nothing more pathetic than that

>> No.14780607

Do you like work for Wrangler? Idc, this made me laff, thanks man.

>> No.14780609

>there is literally nothing more pathetic than that

Yeah. There's you, right now. Complaining about it.

>> No.14780613

That wasn’t me you fucking downy leave it to a faggot who is an attention whoring tripfag to be too stupid to follow to follow a simple reply chain. Imagine attention whoring on a site you’re too fucking inept to understand. Imagine being so fucking lonely you feel the need to attempt to provoke people you admire. That’s literally the most pathetic existence I could imagine

>> No.14780617

Lmao calm down you schitz cunt.

>Imagine being so fucking lonely you feel the need to attempt to provoke people you admire.

What the actual fuck are you talking about?

Look I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, I was just riffing. Was trying to get a rise out of you. High-rise.

>> No.14780623

>attention whoring
>debating who is pathetic or not
>being 15 with no friends so you feel the need to lie on anonymous message boards
>that’s actually pretty sad
sorry you hate yourself dude if you didn’t act like a teenage girl you might be happier

>> No.14780624
File: 32 KB, 450x338, 5kohPTuBGmI6Jv62c3UNljMNd2QA1qACCO6newZ9ga8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this post was made by low rise gang

>> No.14780627

Might wanna invest in a cinema cause you've got the projection covered.

I give dude. I didn't think that I had actually offended you.

>> No.14780628

high waisted tucks in the fat. low waisted you need to be in healthy shape to pull them off, hence why they aren't popular in america

>> No.14780631

>zoomer can’t handle reality
>still attention whoring
>bro lil peep and x would’ve loved me
>why isn’t my eboy tiktok getting popular

>> No.14780634
File: 90 KB, 536x640, Heydeanwhatchathinkinbout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true, but the best will always be fit+high rise

>> No.14780636


>> No.14780639

Do you have someone you can call when you have these sorts of episodes?

If I stop responding will you kill yourself?

Don't do it man. I'll even start wearing low-rise. Just please, please don;t kill yourself.

>> No.14780642

show me photos where a considerable amount of normal men in that time frame were wearing tight jeans above their fucking belly button

>> No.14780646

Do they have to be tight? Is this for personal use?

>> No.14780648

when I opened this thread I was thinning of tight belly button height thot jeans and when you started talking about greaser pretty boys just Lmao

>> No.14780654
File: 56 KB, 564x815, 50s-675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never stated they were tight in the OP you goal-post maneuvering moron.

>> No.14780655
File: 188 KB, 1080x1350, fbd20693df5c4879359b026f816900cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just don't have the body for them.

>> No.14780660

i love thicc girls, but her body is awful m8

>> No.14780662

we are talking about the thot trend not high waisted jeans in general
why do trip fags always have to get the last word

>> No.14780683

Shut up you revisionist faggot know-it-all, take the loss instead of crawling on your hands and knees towards the finish line, then again, you're probably used to being on your knees.

>> No.14780687
File: 1.66 MB, 1890x711, whale tail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

completely played out and unnecessary
bring back the whale tail ffs I need to coom

>> No.14780705

It does a lot for unattractive women,

They look ugly because they're super flabby.

Also back when I was young, fat girls used to muffin top over low ride jeans

>> No.14780738

It shouldn’t be a surprise that attention seeking faggots on an anonymous message board have a compulsive need to be recognized it’s the basic building blocks of being an alone to mid-late 20 year old insecure numale. If mods actually did their fucking job we wouldn’t even see faggots like this

>> No.14780739

I am the mod dickhead, now shut up before I frame you.

>> No.14780742

>14 year old attention whore is so desperate for attention

>> No.14780751

Faggot with no integrity that samefags when he realizes he's out of his depth.


>> No.14780760

Really, you just sound like someone who doesn't know how to wear clothes properly. You clearly do not understand how Rise works.

Any type of pants can have a long rise. The length of the rise is not related to the cut of the pants. You can have slim cut pants with a short rise or a long rise, or a medium. You have no clue as to what you are complaining about, because you don't understand clothing.

Reminder: Never listen to anything tripfags say, they are self-important loathesome pieces of trash.

Thank You.

>> No.14780761
File: 127 KB, 1024x1018, 1573350104266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure they look good in an old picture of Marlon Brando in his prime, but most people can't pull off the look. Women's high rise jeans are neither comfortable nor attractive. When they sit on your natural waste they make your upper body look emaciated and your lower body huge and out of shape.

>> No.14780762

>omg mods like seriously? I swear I’m not that big of a faggot

>> No.14780763

You are actually clueless.

>> No.14780766

>Any type of pants can have a long rise
>The length of the rise is not related to the cut of the pants
>You can have slim cut pants with a short rise or a long rise, or a medium

When did I ever say otherwise you dumbshit? Fact is you can't tuck into low-rise without looking like you work in I.T., nothing to do with the cut, everything to do with the rise. Feel free to prove me wrong.

>> No.14780771

>Everyones body and proportions are the same as mine

>> No.14780776


>> No.14780778
File: 301 KB, 1542x1518, high waist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How so? Here's a fit pic of me in high waisted trousers that go up to my navel, doesn't look unproportional at all imo.

>> No.14780780

It doesn't really look good on the opposite body type either. If you have a thick middle and skinny legs, high rise will emphasize your gunt every time you sit down.

>> No.14780782

I love that belted coat. Coppable or vintage?

>> No.14780783

Based anon and showing that attention whore it’s place

>> No.14780784
File: 101 KB, 1862x1048, 1572646018866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This look is literally for new moms that have not lost the baby weight yet. That is the association I have in my head every time I see someone wearing high cut. It's just not cute.

>> No.14780787
File: 250 KB, 1400x1925, 7302b636c7db2402893a831730c305a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No dude i'm talking about proportions. Where the waist is, where everything starts and ends is different. You don't have to be Brando is his prime in order to have proportions that work with high-rise

>> No.14780789


It is the heavy melton Mainland coat from Lopez Aragon, still coppable! I only wish I would have bought it in the longer version, I feel it is about 5cm too short.

Here is a link: https://www.lopezaragon1976mto.com/prendaTejidoSin.php?idWWW=&idCentro=&idDia=&idPrenda=33&idTejido=100204&idArt=100313&idPromocion=0&idLin=&idOferta=

>> No.14780792

Yeah moving the goal posts when your OP gets proven wrong, so based.

>> No.14780793

agree on that length. wider pants would make the length more ambiguous as a rule of thumb

>> No.14780794

Men already have long torsos and don't try and squeeze into skin tight pants. Most women are short waisted and out of shape. It just doesn't look good when they wear skin tight pants with a cut that covers up two thirds of their bodies.

>> No.14780798

tried to cop but it's asking me to upload my passport...

>> No.14780799

Who said anything about skin-tight? Straight fit or bust.

>> No.14780800


I don't remember that, but it's definitely legit and you don't have to worry about that.

>> No.14780811
File: 128 KB, 599x624, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's probs punishment for being an ausfag,I'll just cop it later. Thanks for linking me man.