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File: 561 KB, 709x603, Screen Shot 2019-11-09 at 11.20.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14777637 No.14777637 [Reply] [Original]

when will the beard meme end i can grow a beard but it feels gross and its annoying to keep looking nice, i clean shaved last week and have got zero positive feedback but it feels so nice why can't people accept me for who i really am and not make me have an annoying ass beard

>> No.14777643

Beards are peak cringe. The clean shaven look of a hard working gentleman will never go out of style. I would grow a beard if I was homeless or lived in the arctic . Even then I'd probably shave it. 3 friends I know have beards. 2 of them admitted it Made them feel "more masculine" and sure enough those 2 guys also act like insecure bitches alot. Good on you for shaving it. Accept that people suck and learn to love your clean shaven respectable self.

>> No.14777645

>being a trend follower
never, ever, ever going to make it. If you believe that a clean shave looks better, run with it, you fucking wimp. Everyone who has ever been truly cool, attractive, interesting, or whatever the fuck petty attribute you wish to cultivate DOES THEIR OWN THING. If you do you your own thing, and are confident and charismatic about it, it will attract people.

>> No.14777656


>> No.14777668

agreed but also girls get memed into what looks attractive so if the expectation is a beard they react negatively to no beard

>> No.14777671

girls will like what you tell them to like when you've made it

>> No.14777732

Lol how slow do your beards grow? It doesn't have to be one or the other. And it's something all men naturally grow and is extremely prevalent as a fashion choice in all cultures in all of human history, calling it cringe is retarded. It's like saying hair longer than a buzz is cringe. Dumb zoomer reactionary. Sometimes I like clean shaven, sometimes I like stubble, sometimes I want a beard, sometimes I just forgot and let it grow out for fun. But maybe for 16 year old bitchboys like yourself any choice requires a multi month long commitment and it'll still look like shit, but it's never cringe, just unkempt and gross. If I want to fuck arthoe teenagers I shave down to look like a pretty boy, if I want to go for the big boy bull look and fuck white boy's milf wifes I let it grow out. Unity is key

>> No.14777745

the beard """meme""" is never going to end and your grievance is all in your head, stop being a whiny whimp and do what you want.

>> No.14778211

Very based.

Grow up, be confident with who you are and do what you want to do.
being yourself (and being confident with that) is what is really cool and attractive just like mom said.

>> No.14778266

Because you are the weirdo. Beards are a natural function of the male body and shaving yourself is the meme, the deviation from the norm. Beards will never die because they are the norm.

>> No.14778484
File: 61 KB, 800x600, 3E6CF7E2-875D-41A3-97DE-E37D74CA93E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14778492
File: 219 KB, 640x800, typical ftm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i can grow a beard
12 year old wanna be ftm detected

>> No.14778498

>underage b& thinks this pathetic stubble is a beard
None of those guys have beards.

>> No.14778500

this should be the sticky.

>> No.14778502

>tfw 29 and can barely grow a beard or mustache
I just want to roll with a nice thick mustache.
Tried minox but didnt do shit.

>> No.14778509

amen, you can rock the most expensive brand shit but if you are not authentic you still gonna look like an idiot.

>> No.14778526

>be 35
>no beard whatsoever
The people who say that you don't need a beard to look cool are lying shitstains. Having the option of a beard > never being able to grow one.

>> No.14778559

I have a beard and it makes me look better and more confident than you
all the basedboys rocking those patchy monstrosities even make my thicker beard stand out even more

>> No.14778583

I don't see it going away for a while. It's a easy way for ugly people to hide some of their face.

>> No.14778596
File: 8 KB, 170x296, aayden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i can grow a beard but it feels gross
okay aayden

>> No.14778597
File: 39 KB, 450x300, rs-14569-duaneallman-1800-1393866492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beards will go away on Dec 31st with the end of the decade. The Franz Josef will be the official facial hair of the 20's. Screencap this.

>> No.14778672
File: 21 KB, 509x443, 1496447890676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hiding half of your face
>more confident

>> No.14778858

I hide the bad parts, and accentuate the good ones, simple really

>> No.14778861

cringe take

>> No.14778891

as long as there are jawlets out there, never

>> No.14779001

>beard meme
This implies having a beard is a passing trend, which is a load of bollocks, considering its literally the default mode for man in his natural state. Be proud of your beard anon, it might be an effort to keep it well-groomed but ironically it means you'll be taking more care over your appearance than someone who just shaves everyday for convenience. Also people who endorse looking "respectable" like >>14777643 are really just spiteful wagecucks, so don't listen to them.

>> No.14779058

Not op, i have pretty good beard growth but when you are going for that grizzly adams look it does take a couple of months tho, so it is somewhat of a commitment.

>> No.14779145

this is not 100% true
because women who follow trends (and those women are majority) will value a man who also follows trends more than some long hair bearded dude just because he is so hobo authentic and not giving shit about trends

>> No.14779209

whoi cares about beards?

when will Tattoos and body piercings go away?

nothing is more disgusting or revolting that that

>> No.14779244

this right here is based

>> No.14779248

Why do you respond to such low level bait from kids whose pubes didnt start to grow

>> No.14779256

Go to church and get a tradthot, move away from cities and start learning agriculture, the degeneracy is spreading

>> No.14779271

cant believe youre this stupid

>> No.14779296
File: 35 KB, 500x372, Australian-aborigines_500x372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beards aren't a fashion in the way other things are a fashion: they're a cope for widespread maxfac deformity in men.
If you want the beards to go away you need the maxfac deformity to go away.

>> No.14779339
File: 375 KB, 1280x720, eeqz0rvj8h021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys stop arguing about fucking beards for one day?

Yes, clean shaven is usually better IF you have a defined jaw/cheeks.
That doesn't mean ALL BEARDS look like shit. Some people definitely look better with a beard.
Also, a light stubble usually works for anyone who wants middle ground between clean shaven and beard.

>> No.14779359

>when will beards die

they make me look cool as af but they are disgusting and maintaining one is a hassle

half a year i have one, the other half i grow tired of it and shave it

btw im talking about the bottom 2 pics
the top 2 dont make a difference in maintaining/grooming..its easy but not as cool

>> No.14779388

>i can grow a beard
sure you do

>> No.14779410

Those aren't beards dumbfuck

>> No.14779581

Real advice. I never believed it until I got older and noticed my female friends changed their entire personality with every new boyfriend

>> No.14779587

>tfw when 27 and can’t grow a mustache
I know that feel bro I’m hoping I’ll be able to by the time I’m 30 staches are very based and very cash

>> No.14779588

You could stop being a bitch and get over yourself. Just shave and get on with your super sad life.

>> No.14779590

>tfw when
I don’t know why the fuck I always type when after tfw fuck im turbotarded

>> No.14779628
File: 134 KB, 300x340, 2019-11-10 - 20.29.07 ~ MyImgur v3.93 - myimgur.eden.fm x64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're handsome you will look good with or without a beard.

if you're ugly you will look ugly with or without a beard.


>> No.14779868

1st is true second no
2 bored 2 show pics for example

>> No.14780888

Only kpop zoomers hate beards

>> No.14780892

you're an absolute fucking retard who knows nothing about females, males, biology, or sex

>> No.14781105

Enlighten us, senpai