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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 155 KB, 390x446, Fenriz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14771380 No.14771380 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop dressing like a metalfag? I'm 24 and I have long messy hair and a beard, and I exclusively wear band shirts, denim jackets, jeans, and combat boots. Very much like pic related. I feel like I'm too old to dress this way, but I don't own anything else.

>> No.14771382

is Fenriz too old to dress like this?

>> No.14771386

nothing wrong with what you're wearing.
just cut your hair and keep your beard trimmed or shave it off.

>> No.14771404

maybe just juggle with wearing a plain black long sleeve cotton blouse sometime. see how it makes u feel.

>> No.14771410

Trim your hair if it's messy. Maybe shave your beard. Wear some button up shirts or something. Maybe swap your combat boots for some docs. You can still wear band shirts, but keep them minimal. No bright/edgy designs. Maybe just a plain black shirt with the band logo.

>> No.14771480

I dressed deathrock/punk until I was in my mid-late twenties.

>You'll regret cutting your hair if you're not balding, try a slight trim or brushing it before making a big decision
>Band shirts are fine but also buy some plain shirts maybe some flannels. Ween down your collection of shirts to your favorites
>trim your beard or try shaving, you can grow it back fairly easy if you dont like it.
>I realized that I hate wearing shoes after years of wearing boots but switching to hiking boots was a good middle ground
>jeans are fine, if you want to branch out try a pair of chinos but honestly it's not necessary, lots of color options though
>as for denim or leather jackets try a work jacket or winter jacket

Do this in stages, phase things in and out slowly. Whenever I hear stuff like this I think back to the old Zounds song 'Knife' where they say "Sometimes I think I'll go and get a knife
And cut all of my clothes down in to rags
Sometimes I think I'll take a holiday
From wearing my opinions like a badge"
You're still you dude, maybe you just need a break, maybe you have built up a persona where you need to be "metal" all the time, or need to act a certain way and that just doesn't feel right anymore and that's fine, like I said take a break and feel things out.

>> No.14771525

Wear wizard robes/srulicore instead.

>> No.14771594


>> No.14771671

>I'm 24 and I have long messy hair and a beard
>I exclusively wear band shirts, denim jackets, jeans, and combat boots.
stop doing all of this. you're welcome.

>> No.14771676
File: 831 KB, 843x437, 004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I am 40 and still do this except I am bald

Pic.. HI!!

>> No.14771685

Great post, deathrock is very underappreciated genre.
OP, don't go out and do anything drastic, I really worked hard to look adult and professional and I wish I had kept a bunch of key things from when I was younger. It really sucks to over correct and end up feeling like everything you wear is bleh

>> No.14771871



>> No.14771876

based GenX poster

>> No.14771883

If you cut your hair now, you may never regrow it.
Try to do it this way - whenever you get a desire to cut your hair, postpone it by two weeks, and then if you feel the same, do it again.

>> No.14771899

good stuff bud, hi to you too.

>> No.14771907

that is one shit 40. You mustve looked like an old man at 16

>> No.14771971
File: 373 KB, 637x358, yo momma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I look better here, yo momma thinks so dude.

>> No.14771974

ditch the denim for leather, make sure the jeans are actually nice, and get fit (most metalheads are fat so im assuming you are) and you'll look fine

>> No.14771981
File: 489 KB, 599x396, battle jacket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14772144
File: 72 KB, 620x713, river.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you cut your hair don't get a dumb fade or anything trendy or an undercut. Maybe cut it to your shoulders and keep it neat and brushed. River Phoenix long hairstyle is good because it's definitely drastic enough of a haircut to help you feel more mature and give you a break / development from your stale style but it's still long, you can play with it / style it how you want and if you regret the haircut it won't take another 3 years to grow out it'll only take 1 or 18 months.

I would also add more colour to your outfits and try to experiment with vibrancy. You can start off using muted colours like beige, grey, navy and then have splashes of more vibrant, colourful clothing items.

Hard to disagree with anything this guy said

>> No.14772208
File: 52 KB, 406x640, 44386ea24c54f35e47ca8d8a535b876b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing wrong with that. I'm going back to looking like an goth minus the makeup and shit.

>> No.14772221

Get a cut, trim that beard, get rid of the band shirts, denim jackets and combat shoes?

>> No.14772238

hes back, Im very pleased, welcome back thumb man

>> No.14772299

I mean you look like Sid fuckin Haig, but that dude was in his 70s.... what happened my man

>> No.14772330
File: 532 KB, 827x460, 0006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wasn't he tall? I am 5ft on a good day.

>what happened my man

You could say yo momma sucked the life out of me if you know what I mean.

>> No.14772418
File: 1.53 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191107-232130_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice vest here's my most recent one.

>> No.14772421
File: 1.53 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191107-232125_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14772428

Dont get rid of all your stuff. I started feeling the same way at one point so I just stuck to my "normie" clothes for a while. It didn't last forever, I started to feel like I just wasn't being myself and I was losing an important part of myself. Do what the previous posters said. Take it slow, buy a few new things that aren't metal and start from there. As time goes by, you may find that you never wear those old band shirts anymore or that they don't make you feel your best. If so, get rid of them, but hold onto it for a while.

>> No.14772458


>> No.14772545

Right. Det finnes ikke Fenriz i sivil

>> No.14772567
File: 2.51 MB, 2976x3968, 1 STUDDED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is for posting battle jackets now

>> No.14772590
File: 231 KB, 1200x1600, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14772610
File: 225 KB, 1200x1600, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the back for this.

>> No.14772665

Very very based

>> No.14772765
File: 157 KB, 500x667, tumblr_o8q76c9HLO1sz07eio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14772767
File: 1.59 MB, 2560x1920, 20190105_182304_Burst01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14772791
File: 137 KB, 856x652, 03739f31d668f395be21ae9565d47202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14772794
File: 129 KB, 856x826, b585ee77197c6f7d261fcfab460aae50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For sale unironically

>> No.14773249

Goddamn I hate Blackcraft cult. Everything they put out is some generic spooky imagery and their fucking name in giant letters all on some low grade tshirt. It just seems like the lowest effort shit.

>> No.14773571

>too old to dress in simple, useful, robust, functional clothes
there's literally no such thing
Only absolute retards would ever attempt to be "fashionable".

>> No.14773621

How stupid is it to dress like a metalfag when you can't play an instrument? I was one in high school and was getting really good at guitar, but then I developed schizophrenia and gained a fuck ton of weight on anti-psychotics senior year and went full Shane Dawson-core until almost a decade later when I decided to get my act together and lose the weight.

I still have all my old clothes but I dug all my guitars and my amp out of my Dad's basement and realized I forgot literally everything. I'm sort of unmotivated to relearn for some reason, and I don't know if it's socially acceptable for a nearly 27-year-old to take music lessons.

>> No.14773638

Just fucking rock it dude. You don‘t have to assimilate as long as you feel comfortable.

>> No.14773642

Based Boomer

>> No.14773648

He's Gen-X retard

>> No.14773655

Look after your hair faggot.
Wear plain tees instead of band tees which I assume are the tryhard metal ones unless you really like metal and want everyone to know.

>> No.14773977

There are bunch of people who don't play any instrument, but show their passion for music by dressing this way. And really, by dressing this way you will signal to others with whom you will have one major thing to share, your love for music, and you will meet people, go to the concerts etc. I know a lot of metalheads who don't know how to play guitar or whatever. It is not a prerequisite to dress this way, lol.

>> No.14774030

This post is important. I had a similar existential crisis right around 25-26 which was only a couple years ago. I'm 28 now. I ditched my combat boots, donated all my band shirts, and gave my battle jacket away to a friend who now lives on the other side of the country. If you need to be more "normie" friendly for work, that's okay. Get some professional attire, that doesn't mean you need to completely change your identity. I know this big guy in my local scene whose always in his punk shit and at every show. I recently found out he's 33 and a university professor. He's a totally different person for work. You can do both. HR isn't going to come to your house after work or on the weekends and police what you dress.

>> No.14774051

If you still have your gear all you need is the internet. Check out the links on the guitar/bass general threads on /mu/
>also all that fucking shit about schizophrenia and getting fat as fuck on anti psychotics
Are you me what the fuck dude I went through the exact same shit at right around the same ages. Only difference is I never gave up guitar completely. Having that creative outlet is really beneficial for people like us. It's worth relearning it, even if you have no intention of playing gigs.

>> No.14774986


>> No.14774993

this is pretty based except for the voivod thing not being centered

>> No.14775000

Metal >>> /fa/ggotry

>> No.14775336
File: 77 KB, 400x592, 1571875679-lemmy-kilmister-beatles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you start thinking you're too old for metal, then yeah you're too old

>> No.14775352
File: 738 KB, 1000x650, iron-maiden-bruce-dickinson-cancer-diagonsis-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too old for metal

>> No.14775392

Either change completely or don't do anything.
There is nothing more infuriating than a faggy blackgays-listening "yeah I've grown out of metal" looking individual.

>> No.14775783

Oh alright, well that’s good to know. I’m positive 17–year-old me would have been an elitist faggot about it which is what was making me think for a second.
>Having that creative outlet is really beneficial for people like us. It's worth relearning it, even if you have no intention of playing gigs.
Somehow it really dulled my creativity and all that happened is I went straight for 4chan and lost myself here during all hours of my free time ever since. Before that I was into drawing, making music, costumes, etc. I really do need some kind of a hobby to get away from 4chan at least.

>> No.14775800

>too old
imo only older people can pull off the metalhead viking look, fucking keep it

>> No.14775801

be yourself and own it you fucking faggot. what, you are going to deny what you are because fashion trends on autistic clothing board tell you so?
get in shape, fit your clothes and dress in metalcore faggotry. dont be another basic internet fashion male bitch

>> No.14775815
File: 48 KB, 816x500, amon-amarth-2018-interview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.14775841

If there was only a place where you could go to buy adult clothes... like a fucking store for clothes... Someone should create a place like that. You know, where adults could go shopping for clothes.

>> No.14775843

He's waaaaaay too young to be a Boomer, Bonehead.

>> No.14775845

Get your gf to go shopping with you and tell you what looks good on y- oh, right, never mind.

>> No.14775851

There's nothing wrong with what he's wearing unless he wants to be a minimally employed/employable incel faggot like some of the Wankenstein rejects encouraging him to continue on that path.

>> No.14775885

You are going to get jumped if you wear that in public

>> No.14775894

Just get a great chore jacket, a nice haircut, a great pair of jeans or pants you like, and one pair of shoes you love, sneakers or boots. Whatever. Spend about 200-300 combined on these three items and they'll work for every combo. Minimalist trad mixed with slight prep Americana. Its the next step from metal bro to America bro with good style and good music taste. Good luck.

>> No.14775906

nobody knows obscure nsbm bands irl

>> No.14775910
File: 203 KB, 1800x820, metal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14776199

weird if he were born 1 year later he would have been a millennial
the oldest millennials will be 40 next year

>> No.14776267


Faggots infiltrated everything and everywhere, my dude, be safe out there

>> No.14776975

I thought i was clever by putting my designs to the left instead of center

>> No.14777103

terrible taste judging from those patches

>> No.14777114

best response you'll get, dont lose yourself and your passions

>> No.14777115

how do you deal with leftist fags at shows?

>> No.14777117

holy fuck this is like a look into the future. Even our eyes match

>> No.14777124

>Carpenter Brut

hyväksyn! Kahden viikon päästä Blood Machinesiin

>> No.14777133

All the goths and rivetheads I know who grew up just kept their same style but swapped items out for higher quality and more expensive stuff. Don't buy brands aimed at teenagers and IT department losers and you'll be alright.

>> No.14777536

What's a place that sells good leather jackets? I've been collecting patches from concerts but never bought a jacket to start putting them on.

>> No.14778628

Sup dude, is that a real bullet proof vest?

>> No.14778679

What are some metal hairstyles that don't necessarily need to be long?

>> No.14778749

Cut your hair, long straight hair looks like shit on men 99% of the time.

>> No.14778890

Long hair is the only way, I believe

>> No.14779133

how much

>> No.14779137

nazi faggot

>> No.14779879

shaved head, but it's objectively inferior to long hair

>> No.14779989

>Nazi shit
>Anti Christian shit

>> No.14780061
File: 716 KB, 822x420, chillin wit battle jacket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14780135

>I don't know if it's socially acceptable for a nearly 27-year-old to take music lessons.
imagine being this retarded.
Kill yourself

>> No.14780618
File: 51 KB, 599x478, c41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14780965

He's probably one of those Varg/Odinism types that talks about "christianity is a Jewish religion, return to traditional European beliefs"
They're usually fat old drunks, with shitty rune tattoos and herpes.

>> No.14780983

>I'm too old to dress this way
lol its not the 60s anymore if he is well kept and doenst wear any clear red flags hell be fine job searching.