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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 138 KB, 1200x982, 1200px-Androgenic_hair.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14756931 No.14756931 [Reply] [Original]

What's the verdict on body hair, /fa/? Anything and everything from the neck down.

>> No.14756942

My balls and even parts of penis are hairy. Should I be worried?

>> No.14756952

same, and no.
doesn't matter unless ur gonna fuck, in which case either shave regularly (shaved hair growing back hurts like a bitch) or trim it down to like 1mm or some shit the day before/day you're gonna fuck

>> No.14756955

That's regular.

>> No.14756957

>shaved hair growing back hurts like a bitch
in my experience it is only like this the first 1-3 times you shave

>> No.14756963

No it's not, it only happens to mutilated dicks. They have to pull scrotal skin up to sew the scar together when the Jewish doctor circumcised you. Hair on your shaft is not normal

>> No.14756990

Idk why but aI love a slightly hairy butt and asshole on a girl, gets me diamonds.

>> No.14757018

less = more /fa/

>> No.14757051

Yeah man you’re fucked sorry unfortunately you’re a male with body hair

>> No.14757183
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>Dolphin smooth chest, upper back, arms, and shoulders
>Yak pelt on my legs, lower back, and stomach
Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.14757263

Shaved is best

>> No.14757294

I'm uncircumcised and have a bit of hair on my shaft. You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.14757452

Shaving is lame and unnecessary. I never shave or trim my pubes nor does my gf anymore. We have body hair for a reason, I see no point in messing with it.

>> No.14757505

Some like hair, some don't.

>> No.14757507

I have some hair on the shaft and I am not circumcised

>> No.14757514
File: 16 KB, 258x385, Sidekicksposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am fed up with all that hysteric cry babies lamenting the relevance of bodyhair, hairline or beards...all that counts is face, all other factors are trivialities elevated to importance they dont deserve. Maybe the importance of hair was given by an elite of already good looking people who have nothing left but to criticize their hair and drippling down to the people at the bottom of aesthetics wrongly assuming all their problems can be fixed by means of hair.

>> No.14757517

This is plain bullshit, I'm uncircumcised and I have some hair on my shaft

>> No.14757520

Depends on the girl you like.

>On birth control

No hair except trimmed pubes and on your head

>not on birth control

Beard and cheat hair, as much hair as possible

>> No.14757722

If i grow out my red bush fully will guys still go down on me?

>> No.14757738

nobody gives a fuck
just trim ur dick bush back so it looks half presentable and shave ur face every time ur booty call comes over because girls dont like stubble around their vagina

ow this post gave me autism

and i already have autism

>> No.14757745

good post anon. telling it how it is

objectively wrong, girls tastes don't change that much based on ovulation. ovulation simply makes them more susceptible to physical features they already find attractive

>> No.14758182

Face, neck, hands
Everything save a tasteful bush, shaved pubes makes you look like a roastie slut

>> No.14758196


>> No.14758230

cringe & bluepilled

>> No.14758265
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>tfw thick, bushy hair in all the wrong places (armpits, legs, neck, butt, cock&balls) but can't grow chest hair or a beard

>> No.14758268

you shave your hands?

>> No.14758284

How do I shave/trim my legs without making it look like I do?

>> No.14758292

Yeah, I like it when the back of my hands are smooth. Fingers aswell.

>> No.14758298

just wait until you're in you 30s
you'll be a gorilla

>> No.14758302

>I like it when the back of my hands are stubbly

>> No.14758315

Don't know what you're talking about

>> No.14758333

I have very long & thin hairs on my balls. Anyone else?

>> No.14758822

lol are you a Setyr

>> No.14758831

Keep a razor in the shower and shave your shit you fucking degenerate. It takes seconds.

>> No.14758834

If you have a weak chin and jaw, you should facial hair. Hide it.
If you have a strong chin and jaw, you should have stubble or clean shaven. Don’t hide it.

>> No.14758843
File: 137 KB, 600x600, 1551693674938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls say they like hair, especially pubic hair. I hate it. it's so fucking uncomfortable.

>i would honestly chose to be completely bald from my neck down
>ass hairs are nightmare
>inb4 faggot

>> No.14758848

No I never shave my armpit hair or pubic hair, I like the look and I hate the feeling of a clean shave.

>> No.14758890
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i’ve been both completely bare from head down to fuzzy peaches and pits. variety is the spice of life and you’re likely to find people who like you either way. :^)

>> No.14758948

I trim my chest and stomach haur regularly. I dont fuck with arms. I'll trim armpits nd pubic hair also. Sometimes legs in summer

>> No.14759000
File: 28 KB, 600x638, fetish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hairy armpits

>> No.14759007


seconding, waxing ftw

>> No.14759026

>Women: shaved legs, shaved lips, tastefully trimmed bush, usually shaved armpits but I'll make exceptions
>Men: shaved balls, trimmed bush, maybe trim your armpits a bit if they're out of control
Debate me

>> No.14759063

Shave only pubes

>> No.14759070

Only if you're a girl

>> No.14759080
File: 374 KB, 853x1280, 1564441426181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convince me women should adhere to corporate/porn industry/"men's" standards and shave their entire body.
Pro tip, you can't.
If men can be natural, why shouldn't women?

>> No.14759091

There's zero excuse for having hair anywhere other than your face and scalp. Prove me wrong.

>> No.14759186

cause it doesnt look good and

>> No.14759231

Peach skin bodyhair in general is meh, on both sexes. Removed or at least trimmed is the way to go. Exception is a trimmed intim style. Imo.

>> No.14759269

The pretty ones shouldnt, and usually dont, they do what they like and people like it on them no matter what, but that picture you posted is an ugly cow and nothing will ever look good on "her".

>> No.14759979


>> No.14759989

Once a month, I shave almost everything above the legs and arms. It cools me down during hot and warm weather, enough that I still do it.

>> No.14760869
File: 272 KB, 680x566, coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna feel the tug of her armpit peach fuzz against my tongue

>> No.14761036

I have alot of leg hair so I trim it down in the summer time cause everyone around me is low test and has no leg hair

>> No.14761040


>> No.14761062

The patrician choice is a 0 guard on legs and arms and bare on chest and ass.

>> No.14761514

>prettyboy face
>demi-sasquatch body hair
I think the chest hair looks cool (trimmed) but the stomach hair doesn't, and I have to shave the shoulders, upper back, and a patch on one side of my lower back every day. I get self-conscious because I assume most girls who like my face would think I've got an elf torso.

>> No.14761516

post those god-tier legs, mascanon

>> No.14761519

>an elf torso
hobbit detected

>> No.14762520
File: 1.60 MB, 1064x3264, 20191103_212340-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still growing out from the trim

>> No.14763139

based & trannypilled

>> No.14763217

>can't grow chest hair or a beard
Post more in beard hate threads

>> No.14763326 [DELETED] 

People, specially women, shave their genitals for thousands of years. At the very least since the time of classical Greece. This one has nothing to do with the porn industry thankfully

>> No.14763792

i don't know about you but my dick looks bigger when i shave my pubes

>> No.14763821

his gf already knows how big it is, there's no use in trying to fool her

>> No.14763940

Anybody else has hair growing along the dick almost to the tip? Not the amount you have above the dick or on the balls but still. I used tweezers for them a few days ago seems like the best way to go although it's pretty painful. The balls etc. I shave with a razor.

>> No.14763942
File: 243 KB, 928x1300, FIT Body Hair Trimming Guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not /fa/, but...

>> No.14764067

Body hair is attractive. Being bald or shaved in areas that should have hair looks bad. This goes for men and women.

>> No.14764079
File: 265 KB, 1280x1335, 1571769032524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only your preference

>> No.14764104
File: 286 KB, 1145x1482, 79a4c8dbfee673b587b602d3fd8a59da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really depends on the face and the aesthetics.

Trying to appeal to everyone is a waste of time. The best we can do is realize our strengths and work with them. Unfortunately right now, a very shaved, muscular physique is what's "in" due to the superhero craze.

Heroin chic was previously it, before boy band looks, and then grungey looks before. Attractiveness is always in flux within society and there has always been a twink appeal and a more masculine appeal simultaneously with differing tastes just at times one is more popular than the other.

>> No.14764127

That's the first symptom of dick cancer. RIP dude.

>> No.14764157
File: 665 KB, 2894x1364, 1453256661658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Varies in region and race. Some asian groups and whites barely have any hair or invisible. Everyone else is roach-tier that even women have hairy arms and nipples.

>> No.14764211

>Be swiss
>The alpine type is strikingly right, especially the big calves that I didn't saw mentionned before
>Still have very thick beard an body hair
Feel good desu

>> No.14764714
File: 539 KB, 500x498, A8126C796CA341FC95E5272011404A70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck I just want to fuck everything I see that has larger than c cup tits despite having a qt3. 14 gf that is faithful sober and wants marriage.
I don't wanna cooom but I want to fuck and get this litre gin out off my system

>> No.14765030

Chest and back hair are gross and even most girls don't like that now. Pubes are fine but thick snails trails are a no. Beards are chinlet cope. Thick arm hair is ape tier- actually, thick body hair of any kind is gross. On a woman? No body hair at all other than pubes, which I actually prefer to bald

>> No.14765818

Honestly, I'm pretty indifferent when it comes to my gf's body hair. She likes to shave, but it's never been something I've asked or required her to do. If she were to let it grow, that'd be cool. I don't shave all the time; I would feel like a hypocrite if I required it of her.

>> No.14765953

Who /hairyass/ here?
Fucking hell

>> No.14765960


>> No.14765968
File: 42 KB, 377x407, 1570379283308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't wanna shave and hair prevents chaffing

>> No.14766222
File: 412 KB, 868x758, 1531268662545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely any chest hair
>can't grow a beard
>really hairy ass and legs
What the fuck did god mean by this? I feel like a goat person.
Is it gay to trim your legs?

>> No.14766484

same, thinking about getting one of those pump bottles of nair for the shower

>> No.14766498

Who cares if it's gay or not? Just do what you want.

>> No.14766639

how do get rid of ass crack hair, its like rapunzels locks down there

>> No.14766664

I'm uncircumcised and have hair on my shaft (well, I would if I didn't pluck it out)

>> No.14767498

The us gov is openly overthrowing countries again (see: venezuela) so i guess its 1970 grow ur pubes out
Also bc gender equality i started shaving my (male) armpits n its actually great i smell much better without my hair keeping all that sweat in

>> No.14767506

>i smell much better
This is the exact opposite of what happens.

>> No.14767521
File: 36 KB, 458x623, Jules.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gf's hair is bright orange so I honestly like her better with body hair. Its so bright that it just kinda blends into her skin and looks really nice. I have jet black hair though and my body hair stands out way more against my super pale skin and I don't like the way it looks. I shave my face, pubes, ass, and armpits, trim my chest, and leave me arms/legs as they are.

>> No.14767522

>my balls
I understand being worried by penis hair, but balls?

>> No.14767529

literally my fetish so... Send nudes.

>> No.14767537
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>> No.14767586
File: 13 KB, 461x346, 1956340982490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About 2 years ago I said only women shave their body hair . Now that I've gotten back into lifting and exercising and improved my physique, I decided to shave my body hair for the Summer and looked a lot better and noticed my muscles stood out more without hair. Been shaving my body since then.

>> No.14767679

yeah i joined a dating app and was pretty surprised some brought it up in conversation lol.

>> No.14768051


>> No.14768079

Who else is going caveman.
I don't trim or shave any body hair.

>> No.14768155

Head, legs, armpits, pubes, maybe chest and stomach if you are really fit
>No Hair
Face, back, balls

>> No.14768285

my girlfriend made me shave my chest, arms and legs

>> No.14768366

none of this is true

>> No.14768408

Mine look the same but lighter in color bc blonde. Do your calves look retarded if you have to wear socks a lot? Mine sure as hell do. It's like a sock tan, but balding instead.

>> No.14768409

otter mode desu
i got crazy lower body hair from my ass to my feet but hardly any chest hair

>> No.14768648

I don’t have to prove you wrong. My girlfriend is always on my cock and she describes me as a grizzly bear

>> No.14768728

I trim my pubes back, but there’s always pubes on my balls. Should I be shaving them? Normally just get trimmed back a bit.

>> No.14768741
File: 74 KB, 640x480, cumsddwweaeq6sj-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you got hairy forearms, always wear your shirt sleeves rolled up. Maybe unbutton a few under the collar if you got some chest hair but don't overdue it.

>> No.14768903

I'm uncircumsized and have hair on my shaft that I get removed at a salon. The woman who does the procedure says it's common, and almost nobody is circumsized in my country.

>> No.14768921


your chest will probably get hair eventually
tends to come in later