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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 946 B, 557x302, waywtv2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14751403 No.14751403 [Reply] [Original]

last one is swamped

>> No.14751411

Can mods start removing these and get these poorly dressed teenagers off this already plummeting board? I'd be okay with the thread for containment but it's already spilling over.

>> No.14751466

It wouldn't solve anything though, 4chan is shit as a whole, it's too popular, there are tons of newfags posting everyday disregarding the unwritten rules of this site and Hiro is balls deep into corporate stuff to care about the wellbeing of this community (if there's still one left)

>> No.14751621

WAYWT threads are a staple of /fa/, plus removing the threads wouldn't fix the problem of newfags being newfags.

>> No.14751635

can u tell me about the unwritten rules, is one of them to call everyone who dresses as female a tranny? is one of them not to post if youre a girl? unless youre froggo? or are you not supposed to talk about the rules? /newfag

>> No.14751648

waywt is the best thread on the board. everywhere else you don't know if the people talking have any clue what they are talking about or are just completely full of shit

>> No.14751654 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 640x480, 1572452536891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess i am going first, this was me 10 years ago

>> No.14751658
File: 1.28 MB, 1886x2048, pixlr_20191028160701551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of hostility for one thread.

>> No.14751714

I said unwritten rules of this site, not of wawyt threads and one of the most well known is lurk moar, it should be common sense to know more about any community before being part if it. But due to the constant comings and goings of newfags, advertisers and posters with a precise political agenda there's no community anymore

>> No.14751750

hey man, you need to get laid. you're taking this way too seriously.

>> No.14751771

honest, if yall talk shit, post fit, stop whining about your board if you're not gonna contribute.

>> No.14751783
File: 2.33 MB, 2263x3665, 3B2C043F-5439-40B0-8352-EA1C01D44341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’s really cold

>> No.14751785

I don't really mind using 5 mins to answer a question and this kind of thoughts are automatic when something you enjoy stops being enjoyable for reasons you have no control over, you fucking adhd faggot

>> No.14751816

I don’t like the tuck. You look lame overall. You could look much better with a different outfit

Not bad

>> No.14751819
File: 191 KB, 640x1033, 29D424BC-F725-4E2E-BEBA-5AF70DA22267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.14751837
File: 23 KB, 540x201, tumblr_inline_p7lk21yTeV1tepd8a_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14751850
File: 1.03 MB, 2224x1080, me102519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not good
Could be better. Shirt collar looks weak, skinny pants, not the biggest fan of the shoes

>> No.14751972
File: 621 KB, 561x1679, 20191027_113756(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exciting stuff

>> No.14751993
File: 2.01 MB, 3000x4000, DCB08335-D101-4C72-AC50-10D74C201DD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only threads I look at on effay are waywt and inspo threads. Anything else is just people with way too specific opinions on things that barely matter

>> No.14752010
File: 93 KB, 487x1129, E0F25B43-CF88-40BD-9BDB-3F30D097BEFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey converse buddy!

>> No.14752047
File: 572 KB, 720x1336, Screenshot_20191030-201158_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14752065
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>> No.14752066 [DELETED] 
File: 2.22 MB, 4032x2268, 20191027_134151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14752071
File: 487 KB, 1536x2048, EIJIepjWoAAdjt6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll rate tomorrow

>> No.14752076
File: 1.99 MB, 2268x4032, 20191027_134151-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14752098

Thank you anon holy shit
Nope you can easily tell if someone knows what they're talking about assuming they write more than just a few words/post pics or inspo. The main difference is that waywt encourages garbage fits and people blatantly disregard any feedback received.

>> No.14752128

>calling someone a faggot on /fa/

>> No.14752132
File: 1.00 MB, 1646x1646, oct30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chopped wood all morning for the winter

>> No.14752157

>The main difference is that waywt encourages garbage fits

>> No.14752163

because people are starting to be nicer and garbage fits compliment other garbage fits starting a completely useless rddt esque circlejerk

>> No.14752175

that is why you value peoples opinions and advice based on how you value what they post

>> No.14752186

People in good fits will give nice feedback to people in bad fits just to please or to get compliments back. Therefore you cant just count on someones opinion being good just cause they themselves dress good

>> No.14752192
File: 910 KB, 2576x1932, 201FF3B2-BF2C-4905-8EB6-C327C18B763F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First snow of the year

>> No.14752194

i don't think that is always true. anyways, i still think it is the best thread on here

>> No.14752196

To danish girl: you are very pretty, please be my gf

>> No.14752206

Mine too. Mine too. I love lurking and giving feedback.

>> No.14752213
File: 138 KB, 1080x1080, 71338891_493082001274678_59348472276451328_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Felt cute today

>> No.14752221

This is why I separate my fits and feedback

>> No.14752226

fucking hate when faggots like you do that

>> No.14752230


>> No.14752234

No she's mine, the one who's gonna be cut open with her sharp ass cheekbones is me

>> No.14752239

post fit

>> No.14752242

meh, i much rather see who is writing

>> No.14752247
File: 471 KB, 895x2142, 4L_IMrw3Jex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14752256

wasted potential, the pants in socks and textures and shades don't match, nice ricks tho

>> No.14752257


>> No.14752259

Ring-a-ding-ding baby
How vile

>> No.14752260


I think most people would rather see it. It's easier to evaluate if their feedback is worth a damn or not. So I can see where you guys are coming from.

I try to get around this by only responding to fits worth critiquing (which is subjective I guess), when I have something well thought out to say, or just a general compliment on a legitimately good and interesting outfit.

Seems like there are pros and cons to both ways.

>> No.14752261

Holy Fuck.
I wore this exact same outfit in 1982.

t. boomer

>> No.14752262

are you wearing two of the same shirt?

>> No.14752349
File: 1.95 MB, 1920x3480, waywt_10.30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is possibly one of the worst threads i have seen in my 3 years on here
let me add to that

shirt looks way too big with too thin of a fabric to look good imo
colours are good
looks like what my fits suffer from, throwing things together without enough consideration
everything looks good but the shirt doesnt fit right and the jacket seems out of place with what the rest of the fit is going for
the shoes are not good with this imo id rather see boots, especially in autumn
a lot of potential tho
little messy, even for rick
basic but really good
if you put that fit on someone who doesnt look like a toothpick it would be wonderful
like it a lot

im going shopping for new clothes soon give me some ideas around $100 - $200 for tops

im trying to leave my comfort zone but most of my clothes at the moment are boring and i mismatch my stuff time and time again

>> No.14752359

congrats on adding to it your fits suck ass.

>> No.14752360
File: 1.14 MB, 2008x2632, 1572435673403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pics from last thread

Gud. maybe change the shoes.
You could cheat and iron just the collar. or choose a shirt with a stiffer one for that kind of snug layering. I personally not sold on the shoe/pants color combo, too little contrast.
meh. Stitching on the cuffs is the most interesting visual element since I refuse to take the sandals seriously.
Jacket looks like an unbuttoned shirt(which never looks good). The big soles on your boots accentuates how skinny your legs are. maybe let the jeans cover more of your ankle.
Realized these shoes look better in all black. Somehow you legs look short AND skinny. Really odd proportions
cozy hobbit
Not sure what to make of this
flawless. Might have chose navy chinos instead of jeans
You seem too old to pull this off (not that I recommend this for anyone)
Nice Sweater, though I would be scared of ruining it.
Fellow snowboarder. Don't like the patches though. Makes you look like a slightly retarded communist.
I don't think that shirt should be paired with just one color.

>> No.14752367
File: 132 KB, 746x994, 6F3756DF-98B5-47E4-A67B-F758CDFDB703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw when dorm doesn’t have full body mirror
1460s on feet

Very clean I like it

>> No.14752372

any ideas what to do about this one to make it suck a little less?
something constructive to prove your superior knowledge of fashion maybe?

>> No.14752373
File: 1.04 MB, 2560x1440, 1559587579150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate me

>> No.14752376
File: 203 KB, 1080x1080, 0933AFBA-ECE7-8A9E-B1A3-BCA74A8D3A2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont wanna rate yet because im new here but people told me i should still just post here instead

>> No.14752383

id on shoes ?

>> No.14752386

is that slovenia?

>> No.14752390
File: 78 KB, 933x1118, welp cringe wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most people in this thread as posting fits without rating others
>or rate them as anons

you fucking insecure little cowards lmao
faggots,all of yalls

>> No.14752393


>> No.14752395
File: 150 KB, 550x550, 1536903750646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you know where I am from?

>> No.14752400

Nike Air Force 1 Low Utility

>> No.14752421

Ahhh I'm putting all the pieces together now. You're the girl who was too dumb to know what a catsuit was, then posted her body so you could get opinions on "whether or not it would suit my thin frame UwU"
You got enough positive reception about it that you decided you were brave enough to post another thread "rate my fit puwease?" Instead of coming to this thread in the first place.
When you got yelled at for being an attention hungry slag and wasting a thread you came here as was suggested, and yet ... Here you are again. Fishing for compliments without rating others fits and not complying to the rules.

If you're not confident enough to rate others, then don't dont fucking post. Hang out here without making pointless threads and asking stupid questions, or at least post those questions in the thread that's made for that. Stop whining when people give you advice and learn something. I know you're looking for validation but this isn't the place, sweaty.

>> No.14752423

A true anon of the people

>> No.14752425


>> No.14752443

Hi Julie.

>> No.14752448

i know youre only being a dick to me because im a girl fucking hell is your life that sad you have to take out your frustration on women online? either that or youre just a jealous bitch i cant really tell
who u?

>> No.14752492
File: 95 KB, 887x1049, 44902733_419569365246384_7532736470578188457_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're really this girl: Fuck off weird ass.
If you're just catfishing as her (which is probably the case and I know who you are): Stop doing this, you know it's wrong.

>> No.14752511

People are being mean to you because you think you're the exception to the rule and you're not. Youre looking for validation and instead of listening to what people tell you, calling them incels etc.
Despite people joking around or the odd woman hater nobody ACTUALLY cares you're female. They care that you're shitting up the board and not following the rules.

>> No.14752517
File: 202 KB, 1290x800, frou frou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my sleeping attire
looks annoying
you look good but your face needs a bit more bodyfat imo
approachable chap
something about this makes me sad. maybe its the shoes. i dont know
i dont know what were you trying to achieve
cute and fun
cute face, cant see the rest
tfw no wood chopping bf in woolen sweater ans boots
is that real jeff koons?
clean, comfortable and boring
i love everything about this
haha skelly go eat a snadwich
you look underage here. fit is not that bad though
stunning and brave
u should go to jail for having yellow leds in your room

>> No.14752518

I really like this coat over hoodie look, but is it mostly for younger dudes? I'm 28 and I feel like I'd look out of place in it

>> No.14752522

the picture isnt serious its just edgy humor my literal ex was latin and wasnt a crybaby bitch about it unlike you
no they were nasty to me first so i was nasty back and i wasnt breaking the rules i asked a simple question and i explained why i didnt want to post in waywt first already
youre annoying

>> No.14752525

>rate something no one will see.
>attention whore

>> No.14752531

>Nike Air Force 1 Low Utility
air force one are really the best

>> No.14752532

i am horny

>> No.14752537

Ok, Nazi slut. Be a shame if someone sent this photo to your place of employment/school/family/public social media, wouldn't it?

Go crawl back under the rock you came from.

>> No.14752538

and your music taste is shit

>> No.14752542

show pussy and asics please

>> No.14752544

i will cum to those

>> No.14752546

sleeping in socks? idc still be my gf thx

>> No.14752556

not even her but youre pathetic man

>> No.14752567

Lmao use your reddit skillz to dox her nerd. I can smell your unwashed fat folds over the net.

>> No.14752574

racist disgusting garbage

>> No.14752577

be careful, the little nazi larpers and wannabes think 4chan is their safespace

>> No.14752578
File: 544 KB, 1351x2338, 8D2BA384-E67D-449D-80E7-178890B8AF2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Socks and sandals???
What the actually fuck
Your legs are twigs
You pants are too short
First decent post
Buy a bed frame degenerate
>this is possible one of the worst threads
I agree

>> No.14752581

Post fit

>> No.14752582

About the yellow LEDs; fair point.

>> No.14752585
File: 587 KB, 1536x2048, 1571558467847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this in the other thread but I'll post it here too. This isn't the real girl in the photos posting. While that girl is a weird Nazi bitch or something like that and I don't necessarily care she's being catfished as, the real person behind the posts is the 30 year old full rick teal bedroom dude from the WAYWT threads. He's got a history of catfishing and has been doing it on here for literal years. He's used her photos on Instagram before and all the photos being posted are ones you can/used to be able to find on her instagram. I'm not gonna dox either of them but I just think it's funny. Thought you guys would like to know

>> No.14752591

U sure? Pretty convincing larping actually, sort of impressed.

>> No.14752600
File: 2.32 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_3973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no good place for standing pic in my room so had to sit

nice colors and i like the cut of the pants
don't wear such skinny pants with big shoes
simple and well executed
nice but i would wear longer socks
very nice
good, coats are especially nice
grandma in the back is distracting me from the fit
global warming core
pullout couch 0/10

>> No.14752608

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none cares bro

>> No.14752615

>carefully curated squalor

>> No.14752620

You have the same shitty music taste of a misunderstood teen indie girl
Also jump off your bed and crush my stomach with your feet pls

>> No.14752623

That's sprezzatura my dude

>> No.14752634
File: 2.60 MB, 4032x3024, 02C0D1B0-2CFD-40E5-97AF-EB1C5E4C73AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14752640
File: 856 KB, 995x996, 188827163728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm sure. He's been larping as teenage girls for about 3 or 4 years now. He's done it on 4chan and instagram as different girls and there was some drama with him doing it very persistently again as a girl named Madeline on Instagram starting in April and from as far as I can tell he's still doing it. I was impressed too, to be honest. There's a lot more to it and he's had some pretty gross behavior besides the catfishing. Basically all he does is just bully teenage girls on social media pretending to be another teenage girl, all while being a 30 year old man.

>> No.14752643
File: 38 KB, 537x527, loookatthisdude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14752647

19 but short as fuck not new information

>> No.14752653
File: 36 KB, 400x400, qWFTwA1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doxxing is against the rules

>> No.14752659

I don't really think I doxxed, plus it's for a good cause.

>> No.14752670
File: 126 KB, 350x480, elle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will have 30 days to reread the rules
>good cause.
the good and bad things don't exist, why do you have so many books on your table if you're not going to read them?

>> No.14752683

God, you're insufferable

>> No.14752685

Huh? I said what I wanted to say so I don't really care if i get banned. Also how would you know if I own any books. I've never posted myself on here before. I think you're confused.

>> No.14752700
File: 14 KB, 320x320, 67710366_405265843517952_3756137274811206657_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am never wrong, only time will tell if youre telling the truth

>> No.14752801

>I am never wrong
So has muttering Japanese to yourself alone while girls walk by gotten any of them to think you are interesting yet?

>> No.14752804

L, we’ve had enough, it’s time you go see some professional help

>> No.14752811

Nice fit

>> No.14752823
File: 171 KB, 1107x1455, 1572116641430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you on about? You mean the funny meme i made? Dont tell me your that stupid. Kek

>> No.14752844

Do you like... Actually think that you're funny?

>> No.14752851

>107 replies
>35 images
post your fit for the day and rate other people's fits, it's not that hard. wtf is with all the drama?
christ, /fa/ is full of faggots.

>> No.14752916
File: 956 KB, 1080x1726, 20191031_134905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shaved my head to raise money for leukaemia treatment fundraiser.
chad pigeon-kun
you remind me of this russian exchange student skater kid in my psych class. not an insult, he has a really cool backpack.

>> No.14752961

id on jacket?

>> No.14752973


>> No.14752975

id on shoes?

>> No.14752992

lol what a fag

>> No.14752997

Why is literally every tripfag mentally ill lmao. There has to be something going on there

>> No.14753097

Converse all stars black monochrome

>> No.14753174

It is a real Jeff Koons actually! Sort of at least - I got it at his retrospective. They aren't bad if you can find a real one second hand.

She distracts me too

This is the first time I've been called old, frankly it's flattering.

>> No.14753194

ngl I stole it from a lost and found when I was 18. Its old Burton mens, look up snowboarding jackets
Aww fuck thanks

>> No.14753220

Can I watch you two have sex

>> No.14753497

Do you think i give a fuck?

>> No.14753500

Slovenia sux

>> No.14753508
File: 734 KB, 2208x2208, 4CFD9875-6BFF-4F20-8B2F-DCEC4836CFF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeezy cargos Rafs vans flannel with the labels ripped off

>> No.14753544
File: 159 KB, 757x1009, -2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the color combination
pants need to be much wider, jacket should go
not very special but I like that
too edgy pour moi
H&M core but comfy
dislike the coat and socks should not be visible imo
cute, but I don't wanna see your chest hair
Rest of the pictures won't load because my internet is bad, I'll do a part 2 in a bit

>> No.14753574

yeah i know

>> No.14753600

Danish girl: pls be my gf

>> No.14753606


>> No.14753619
File: 2.19 MB, 4128x2322, 20180524_232653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're sorta endearing but you're sorta scaring me by writing repeatedly in two threads like that. I'm honestly a little salty that no one is shaming you for posting like that. please don't. if it's not against the unwritten rules, I think it should be. if youre really looking for a gf, you should look somewhere else. I appreciate you liking my fits, and gf talk in jest can be ok, but you're coming on sorta serious, which brings me out of my comfort zone, and I don't think I'm the only one. If you do wanna ~court me in jest~, I'd like it if you'd do that, then I would like for you to try to impress me with /lit/ references. and post fit. I'll be nice. :)

>> No.14753647

Who would have thought that zaraninja is a creep!

>> No.14753649

It is a jest luv, i live far and far away from scandinsvia
lovely place it must be in autumn

>> No.14753655

getting serious Bane vibbes here

>> No.14753676


These are all basic and boring as hell. But if the goal was to blend in to a crowd of suburbanites at a harvest festival that serves carmel apples from walmart, then you all nailed it.

>> No.14753696
File: 1.81 MB, 955x920, ridingpantscompressed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorta meh. doesnt seem like you're trying to dress well. just seems like youre trying to..dress. effortlessly. converse are lame. i dont mind the tuck. nice hair.
its ok. i have a personal thing against parkas though. i dont think the cream on your sweater goes well with the whites on your shirt and on the trim on your jacket. maybe you couldve chosen some sort of statement sweater. or changed out the shirt. your cream sweater couldve looked cool between the whites of the trimming and a bright yellow shirt collar.
this is fine. also dont like she shoes much but, like, they keep it down to earth which is nice. its not overly preppy. not that its not prep to wear those shoes...
what are you doing?
you just got away with a lot of metal without looking like you dont know personal hygiene. i like the jacket with this fit. i think it would benefit this fit if you didnt look so scrawny. i think the freshly washed looking hair and the nice looking jacket carry this look. keep it.
comfy. where the hell you gotta be to not wear at least a sweater by now though
can't do those shoes and that tie at the crotch... and the pants and the socks, and the giant hood inside the hood. and all blue. wtf. cant stand this at all.
who do you dress to repel? not your grandma I hope
what is it about you that somehow keeps looking the same? cant you post something really weird and experimental next time? you dont have to wear it out.
yeah i remember commenting on this
so does that mean i shouldnt comment? the fit is ok. a little boring. i like how covered up u are and you still look sporty.
ugh as if
this fit does negative for your height.
sweater looks really nice :3 is it thrifted? it looks thrifted but not in a bad way. nice hair too. long hair makes it not boring. shouldve posted whole fit tho.
all cool man :)

>> No.14753711

Nice fucking pants. Whered ya get em?

>> No.14753713

Those pants make it look like you pissed yourself

>> No.14753715
File: 1.04 MB, 1080x1430, Screenshot_20191031-144755_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As usual you complained about the light.

Here's a closeup to show some detail. The longsleeve is shiny polyester black, not sure why it looks olive here.

>> No.14753717

btw this pic is comfy, faroe islands?

>> No.14753723

najlepsza rzabcia :3

>> No.14753725

Hiding from nazis in warsaw attic core

>> No.14753726

its a pair of thrifted riding pants. probably not hard to get if you visit the right thrift shops. and probably do cost a lot if you try to buy them new. its some heavy duty tailoring, and real leather in the inner thighs
reeeeeee too bright! jkjk. look, its ok. i guess what you wanna hear from me is whether i'd shag u. and no, I don't find beardy metalheads offputting. It's fine as long as u don't get too caught up in acting out your idea of being a real man all the time. which in my experience, you don't. Metalheads tend to be smart and sensible and sensitive. judging from the trim of your beard and how clean everything looks, I guess that applies to you too. its still a pretty boring way to dress tho. it always is, when you dress to show your identity. though dressing metal is one of the least bad ways to do it imo

>> No.14753739
File: 2.01 MB, 640x1136, C1B2225D-BAD1-44D9-9E35-925585C27C7A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don’t like the colors of pants and top
penguin mode
almost clean
would personally uncuff
good but would prefer diff shoes
plants ^.^

i love this but personal choice
if the beanie is black would prefer a black sweater with it. feels like too many colors going in here imo
lil red poking out ruins it for me >>14752360
too many mis match colors
love it
u look like fiona apple sometimes

love this comfy
love the pants. what’s ur feelings on berets

>> No.14753753
File: 806 KB, 933x1411, 20191031_151828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny you ask. I almost always put one on when I get dressed and I almost always take it off before I leave the house, or before I post to /fa/. pic related. it looks too dressy.
the fit is cool. you look hella short but i guess theres not much to do about that. its a little uniform esque with the yellow elements on the black. not bad tho. sometimes the uniform like look is pure sex but here its just sorta urban. desu i think any black person looks cool as long as they're not street casual. i'd maybe remove the glasses and not do that silhouette you have around your ancles. its overdone.

>> No.14753760
File: 30 KB, 306x484, 1415952225866_Image_galleryImage_THE_BLACK_EYED_PEAS_PERFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14753768

i love the beret. wish girls would wear it more. especially if you have the hair for it
ya i’m 5’9 :(

>> No.14753774 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14753776
File: 27 KB, 540x540, hug hips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiksa, would you convert to Judaism for me

>> No.14753789

Imagine Igor's children from that girl lol midget baldies

>> No.14753793
File: 685 KB, 1069x2159, Snapchat-198673456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The perfect woman, hmu if u like /fit/izens

>> No.14753798

Shirt and belt look tacky to me, just wear a tight black polo neck and a simple belt instead, even if you are going for an edgier look.
Also, I would fuck you senseless if given half a chance

>> No.14753811

Ah yes, nothing better than loli cunny

>> No.14753816

Honestly the concept of dressing to repel people is kinda interesting. It sort of gets into why people care about fashion to begin with. I'm sure there's a good mix of people who dress for themselves vs dressing for other people. And that alone is probably not black and white either.

But depending on how you feel on the relationship between fashion, utility, and expression/art opinions can be wildly different, but not wrong I guess.

Specifically dressing to repel - if someone is actually repelled by the clothing I'm wearing then that's not the kind of person I would like to talk to or associate with anyways. If people are repelled then it's whatever. If anything it makes life easier.

>> No.14753841

all the power to you. unsolicited anecdote: I used to be more willing to dress to repel. These days I prefer to repel as few people as possible with how I dress. I find it's easy enough to find other ways to repel people, should I want to. Which, as it turns out, is very seldom. Tbh I more often got too close to people I later wanted to repel back when I dressed exactly to repel. Not to mention the superficial asses who would've been repelled by how I used to dress, but whom I find myself respecting these days.

>> No.14753898


>> No.14753974
File: 1.17 MB, 1242x1618, D43E45FD-5072-4762-B472-13889F538DE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making my own plastic jacket @sch
started trying to be effay after being really inspired by watching rupaul n queer eye

>> No.14753980
File: 700 KB, 1080x1198, Screenshot_20191031-175558_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i guess what you wanna hear from me is whether i'd shag u.

Every man subconsciously wonder this all the time, but what I really wanted was an opinion on the longsleve, since I'm trying to decide if it's usable for anthing. Can't really blame you given the hornt-posting. This is why there should be no women on the Internet, which the tranny accusations actually help achieve. Or at least avoid posting your face (especially since you're pretty).

Made me think of pic related from here https://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2014/05/cyberbll.html

>> No.14754005

My opinion on the longsleeve is that its a fucken mystery to me how it can appear olive on camera when it's black.
You know, did it occur to you to ask how much of the time I post anonymously? ;) I do feel like I ruin the discourse when I don't post anonymously. It sucks for me, and it sucks for everyone else. Knowing this, it's very selfish of me to post. I also wonder if there's people who don't post because I've posted. That would suck too. I wonder if I make people insecure. I try not to post in every thread. I don't feel like hiding my face has helped a lot in the past. Maybe 10% of the damage is my face, but 90% of it is being a female who doesnt look like she smells. The only really good thing I can do is to stay anonymous, or stay away. Whichi I do most of the time. Just not these last two days. rip. I'll be gone again for the weekend tho. thanks for your understanding fellow internetizen.

>> No.14754010

no, looks like greenland, but could also be somewhere in norway.

>> No.14754017
File: 22 KB, 470x337, 1572419825522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another /soc/ lite thread with some fits posting and a bunch of sexless white dudes trying to e-fuck the girls who post
When will it end ?
ur fits are good. not your fault the guys over here are starving for attention. negative or positive

>> No.14754035

Calm down, ok?

>> No.14754047

lawliet tier pic and post

>> No.14754050

I don't think hiding your face would do much for the hornt-posting, but it would help giving you a piece of mind about wierdos finding you.

>> No.14754075

Some day I'll stop using waywt for getting feedback and only give feedback. And then I'll post my fits as female inspo and then the circus can happen there instead of on the waywt thread. thats my dream

>> No.14754089

you are one of the best posters here tho =/

>> No.14754100
File: 1.58 MB, 4032x3024, 114C671E-F1D3-4760-86BF-0E71A40682C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14754182
File: 516 KB, 2896x2896, 20191031_124856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks very cozy, maybe invest in a new belt.
I love the fit, especially the pants and your boots. The choker is also a nice touch.
Really good overall, but I'm not a fan of the Jacksonville Jaguars hat. Maybe a different/no hat would make it a bit better.
It's cool you made your own plastic jacket, but it really clashes with the outfit you have under it.
Nothing bad about this, but it's a bit boring.

>> No.14754190

Boots look cool, where'd you get them from?

>> No.14754210
File: 2.09 MB, 4128x2322, 20191031_201451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon in work from the previous thread here
Went more sleazy this time

>> No.14754217

That's a perfectly fine system too. Seems like everybody has a method of filtering out people in their lives one way or another.

>> No.14754227
File: 3.94 MB, 1550x1126, smolfits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this. popping socks are hard to pull off but i love them on you. the yellow/black combo reminds me of bees. its menacing. its cool. far from the annoying quirky that you get so often when people use cool socks. love the jacket, too. you really just wanna touch that sort of fabric. is it a fine grained corduroy? and the stache and the buttons. ngl its totally hot. fit is fine too. not sure if the pants are on the small side. if they are, it's minimal.
all that confidence
thank u, they're about sold out everywhere i know. the brand is aldo, name is lallyra. you're the third person to ask.
fucking thank you, would you believe it if i said i try, pic related, tell me im ready to try to snap inspo
i know i really ought to leave but i dont want to. am probably going to get drunk and say too much and everyone is gonna be annoyed with me and i'll do a walk of shame out of here and not return until, like, ..in four days

>> No.14754255

It's great that you're making your own stuff, but maybe find a source of inspiration that doesn't leave you alone and alcoholic by the age of 35 (or if you are born male, dead)

The jacket doesn't suit the rest. The rest gives off porn vibes, which in turn makes me suspect tranny.

>> No.14754263
File: 277 KB, 1242x1265, A902A21E-8EFA-4318-92C6-92A8FD52DC32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im getting married in 3 years

heres a hat and the jacket at an event i attended recently

>> No.14754269

shoes ?

>> No.14754271

piss in my pant

>> No.14754278

the socks and stache are too try-hard
do people laugh at you at work?

>> No.14754289

Pretty basic. Just tucking In a shirt usually isn't enough to make a fit stand out. Not sure what direction you go use to improve. Just needs something interesting about it.

The nearly matching colors of the sherpa/sweater and panta/shoes upset me. Although I do like the texture on the sweater.

Basic mfa, which if you're into that is OK I guess. Incredibly safe and inoffensive

Long socks

I like the idea but it could use better versions of the items. Nicer linen pants cropped a little higher and different shoes could take this to the next level.

ID on the coat?

I said this last time, the fit is great but out of place for /fa/. Glad to see you're still posting

I hope you feel as fabulous as you look. And you look fabulous as hell.

What is this even. Are you looking for constructive criticism?

Clean, but nothing special or interesting. Very safe.

Post a full fit, I'm interested in how the rest of it looks!


Suburbia ROTC core.

Prime neoteny. At least when you get older you will look young still. It's a positive

This fit is weird in the best way. Would love to see more from you. Longer sleeves would make this work a little better though. Too many fabric breaks clustered around a midsection can really detract the eyes from the entire fit. Also I know of a hat that would make this slap.

Please post a close up of the jacket! Also fit is good

Meh, nothing special

Concept is good but the execution could use some work. The best part about sleaze is the exaggeration bigger collars, higher pants and crops or big full breaks, gaudy jewelry ect...
The jacket is great for it and I'd say keep at it. The look works well for your body type.

>> No.14754290

Ngl you look like a hooker

>> No.14754297

its what im aiming for
love the hooker aesthetic

>> No.14754305
File: 391 KB, 1122x2208, B953F524-27C4-4715-924C-1998F3B14B93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New boots

>> No.14754312

enjoy your aids

>> No.14754316

>all that confidence
Can't tell if you are being condescending or genuine.

>> No.14754322

genuine. the fit's ok but it's easy to imagine your personality shines way brighter

>> No.14754338

u jelly

>> No.14754341

im sorry, i'll try to rate your fit. um. is that ... is that.. king gizzard and the lizard wizard!? yeah sorry 10/10 i'll see myself out. (the belt is sorta lame, a studier more beat up one would be nice. its nice when belts look like theyve lived a hundred years instead of looking like theyve been bought off the rack in your lifetime. pants are ok, though for that color i prefer something that looks more distinctly tech. making them black instead wouldnt have been bad. or red. am i drunk? idk. cant rlly see boots, theyre giving me sort of the same feel as the pants: theyre inoffensive and couldve been a cooler version of themselves) love the hair, its totally gross in a good way. sleazy. shamelessly hearbreaking. that vibe.

>> No.14754342

jealous is my song

>> No.14754345

id on those ?

>> No.14754389

Thank you for going into so much detail, I was just wondering :) you seemed pretty based from your fits, but definitely confirmed with liking King Gizz.

>> No.14754391

How can i impress you? you mentioned i could make references to /lit/, what else ?

>> No.14754409

by getting another gf
sorry anon

>> No.14754412

Praise be to Stolas!

>> No.14754413
File: 453 KB, 1600x2048, 1572517510652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a tranny, how can anyone be attracted to that, wtf?

>> No.14754426

pls make an ig and dump all your fits!

>> No.14754427

Hey. No legitimate discussions about fashion on fa please leave

>> No.14754429

whats an ig?

>> No.14754434


>> No.14754489

oh. i dont like instagram tho. I'll do something else. maybe an imgor album like they do on r/femalefashionadvice. Or start religiously dumping to a female fashion advice thread. Some day. promise. ty btw

>> No.14754500
File: 200 KB, 1024x1817, 74897431_590399035034185_2583642193910571703_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14754511

>ID on the coat?
It's the H&M Margiela collab from 2012

>> No.14754512

horrible taste

>> No.14754526

that's understandable! any of those would be cool. you could even start a blog :)

>> No.14754530 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 1080x1107, IMG_20191031_155352_914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halloween Daniel Plainview cosplay

>> No.14754535
File: 987 KB, 2652x3422, PSX_20191031_154948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halloween Daniel Plainview cosplay

>> No.14754548

but its a jest! did you not say so

>> No.14754601

this is painful for me anon.
>>How can i impress you? you mentioned i could make references to /lit/, what else ?
is by all means a pretty shitty jest. it ought to be obvious, anon.

>> No.14754608
File: 1.26 MB, 640x1136, AB474FD9-245E-47D2-A054-6D72DA9B9372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14754629

Why is that? Legitimately curious.

>> No.14754701

what do you mean?

sorry im on cold meds

>> No.14754702


Scored at Marshall’s for less than $60

>> No.14754743
File: 382 KB, 1484x1258, 0445949A-D6CB-48B5-9FCF-375B941264B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bud

>> No.14754789 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20190714_113108_629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a guy in WAYWT who replaced the back of a corduroy shirt with patterened curtain fabric. Looked pretty good.

Personally I just make print designs, but creating something from scratch seems really appealing. Not interested in crust pants though

>> No.14754794

height weight, shirt size?

>> No.14754798

lol dude you're square

>> No.14754801

You look like you're a size S lol

>> No.14754806
File: 37 KB, 790x395, 495b484e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are your lower legs inverted like that?

>> No.14754810

you look like youre into cuck porn

>> No.14754858

What mods should be banning are the retards posting their own rate threads for their own fit which then turn into EVERYBODY posting their own fits and then we end up with two WAYWTs

>> No.14754864
File: 40 KB, 647x659, 87f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14754904
File: 1.51 MB, 640x1136, EA3F6A73-89D7-42C8-9EEB-0731D2B8314B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love it

>> No.14754989

Alexander please leave, you pedophile

>> No.14755013
File: 761 KB, 1536x2190, 0793D5A5-DAA2-4B49-9A23-1EC36531C0E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I wore small for tighter fit but crop tops aren’t in yet
6 foot even
190 lbs
Medium shirt

>> No.14755019

Why would he post this about himself. I'm obviously not him but I like your energy.

>> No.14755023

sorry I saw that posted a few WAYWT threads ago (or atleast something very similar) actually from him and saw this and half assumed it was him here again too lol

>> No.14755036

Oh yeah, I got the photo from there. No worries.

>> No.14755424 [DELETED] 
File: 1.13 MB, 1395x2924, IMG_20191101_132035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cozy no effort fit today

>> No.14755434
File: 1.39 MB, 1666x3287, IMG_20191101_133711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a cozy low effort fit for today

>> No.14755436

T. insecure projection of insecurity

>> No.14755452
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>> No.14755453
File: 929 KB, 937x1595, 20191101_130309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low effort can look nice. This looks lame. Its like youre actually trying to look unremarkable.

>> No.14755459
File: 3.06 MB, 5312x2988, 20191101_094915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14755472

ID on jacket?

>> No.14755538

good fit but i think you could with another jacket. other than that i liked it. 8/10

>> No.14755585

it's a Fjällräven field jacket

>> No.14755692
File: 1.97 MB, 2000x1494, sameboringshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keeps looking the same?
the truth is, I made the mistake of buying a fuck ton of what i considered basic clothing (I have plain sweaters, like 4 jeans in basic colours and some nice but simple coats/jackets) which has lead to me always kinda only wearing up to 3 different colors, all of which blend together really hard
im in between classic (not trad but id like that) and sad sex core. Im having a hard time branching out because I thought I had an idea on how to style my stuff but ive completely lost any orientation I had so now I just kinda go 'okay i wanna wear those shoes, lets see what I have thats as inoffensive as possible to wear with it. thats neither effay, nor a specific style usually which leads to it just looking bland/the same as always
im 6'8" so a big part of when I was building my wardrobe was blending in a little which i now regret, hard.

i bought new black chelseas earlier, ones that actually go past my ankle and im going shopping next week. my current list is something fairisle, an off white (colour obviously) turtleneck and some dark grey trousers
because I wore dress shirts and shoes in freshman and sophomore year in highschool, i still have a weird anxiety about standing out
so thats my explaination why my fits are shit and always look the same
also: heres a collage of me wearing basically the same fit 10 times with minimal variations. This also covers most of my wardrobe. Id greatly appreciate any help because after 1.5 years, obviously im too retarded to learn from lurking.

love the fit by the way. never seen boots with a latch like that and theyre pointy as fuck which is pretty cool

>> No.14756408

Awwww lol im so sorry, thats sorta heartbreaking x) look you obviously know how to put together a fit. No 1.5 years of retardation about it. You just seem to have a barrier keeping you from reaching out for items that are interesting. Do you ever see any items and think theyre cool but too loud for you to wear? Maybe start there. Its up to you to give yourself permission to take up the room with your fit as well as with your frame. You have my permission for what its worth :)

>> No.14756452

hahaha yeah I will admit writing that made me feel bad about myself too
my goal is to expand my wardrobe 1-3 pieces each month now, my budget being 400 but less isn't bad
I haven't really seen anything I absolutely loved apart from Wyatt Chelsea and that's a really bad decision
we'll see how much Alex and co shit on me in future threads and I'll buy some things that are more out there
thank you very much tho I think I finally dare to branch out :)

>> No.14756790

>switch all jeans for trousers
>leather chelsea boots or derbies/oxfords only
>dump the forces
>no sweatshirts, only sweaters
>no t shirts by themselves unless youre also wearing more casual jeans

keep in mind these rules are arbitrary, but following those will help you get to a more trad style. once you have that nailed you can experiment. find pieces in the style you want that match your tastes.

this is what i would do if i wanted to go towards more trad styles. your outerwear is good and youre tall so youll be fine

>> No.14756812

Since it's still fall you could expand the black, grey and beige with olive and brown pieces.

>> No.14756818
File: 130 KB, 575x778, 76971941-12B1-41E7-9D17-20E6A02E8179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trick or Treat

>> No.14756826

both please

>> No.14756827

Also I realized from looking at the pics that beige with burgundy is not to my taste at all

>> No.14756853

im gonna do exactly that and im so happy about it
thank you anon <3

>> No.14756906

>your that stupid

Sasuga transvestite-kun

>> No.14757003
File: 2.02 MB, 3054x4072, IMG_20191030_224002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could I get a better pic of your hair, looks cool
I think ur cool froggo

>> No.14757007
File: 1.20 MB, 2122x2756, 67C18314-19FF-4D80-A960-41F099637B71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I look like less of a manlet? Pls help 5’8 btw

>> No.14757010

Don't try hard to capture the feet, aim more at the ceiling

>> No.14757016

therefore might need to back up further away from the mirror

>> No.14757022
File: 1.09 MB, 2118x2939, E7AD7C9E-F7D1-49C0-8EFD-8D12E0CD718F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This better?

>> No.14757024

try slimmer pants, less square silhouette

>> No.14757026

if you aim to elongate that is

>> No.14757029

Thank you, I will do that

>> No.14757033

Position the mirror normally 90 degrees. Back away and tilt the camera slightly at the ceiling

>> No.14757065
File: 853 KB, 1739x2386, 6270FD49-6C86-4F64-9115-3D6900DAC864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these slim enough? Not a fan of skinny fit stuff

>> No.14757074

Think more Conor Macgregor legs

>> No.14757079

I'd rather die

>> No.14757081
File: 86 KB, 750x501, 14550175_1801754533373957_2136362886748962816_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14757086
File: 902 KB, 2924x3584, nintchdbpict000347169432-e1503480970754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14757092

Not the same guy but frequent /lit/ lurker, what’s your favorite book/author of all time, or just the best you’ve read recently? Genuinely curious

>> No.14757108

Show that boipussy

>> No.14757348

Ur arms look rly long

>> No.14757366

why do you always wear firefighter boots?

>> No.14757374
File: 32 KB, 550x550, flat,550x550,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking fashion advice from trip posters

>> No.14757380

never would guessed you are that tall, you look 5'8. Terrible clothing and style choices here, all of them except third one on bottom. Idk what that is on your head, but shave it all off. Burn those tan chelsea boots, and that tan overcoat, dump the ashes in the trash, or give them to goodwill.

Black is yur colour. Black shrinks the form. You need to lose that fat off your body and face. And stop tilting your head to the side, it makes you look like a massive submissive fa/ggot.

>> No.14757469
File: 28 KB, 280x497, 41491186_527327211045978_7952697252139499520_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconded, I'd so love to see you in more blatantly trad clothing. Worn right its also a way to radiate modesty. Become a graceful beacon of gentleness and decency. Pretty cool imo.
I second all of this too. Dont wear strictly black always though. Just do it occasionally.
Ive read so much David Foster Wallace and I think he's my favorite author along with Bolaño. I really liked "Seeing Like a State" (published by Yale Uni Press) but its just a cool fucking non fic book, its not amazing lit. I've read most philosophy but they (philosophers) make absolutely shitty non fiction lit. Especially Camus. Though I do love The Stranger. Most impactful book for me was Quantum Psychology by the meme lord Robert Anton Wilson. So relevant
Pretty cool. Look sorta slav. Its neat seeing you look so clean. I like. Dont think that makes you look short and do think its a pretty good look for someone of medium height

>> No.14757477

Ok the buzzpill is optional. Im just sorta curious. I can see it go both ways :3

>> No.14757521


>> No.14757616

perfectly proving my point of blending in a little cause i dont look too tall in pics; in person its a different story
I agree with everything youve said apart from buzzpill
I will eventually take it because of shitty genes and im not gonna cope with chemicals and tiny needles like half the faggots in hair general
but i feel like buzzpill and trad/prep/ivy conflict a little, no?
just curious

>> No.14757619

Yeah it would be an unusual combo. Cant imagine whether or not it could be pulled off somehow.

>> No.14758106
File: 1.15 MB, 849x1000, waywt_11.2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so then hows this for a start?

>> No.14758241

double breasted peacoat is better for skinny people. you want something that makes you look thinner, not wider.

>> No.14758260

Just look at the fits he praised some of them are very questionable. Calls everything else boring to cope with his shit taste too.

>> No.14758297

Oof, never button that thing up. Went from decent to horrible.

>> No.14758464
File: 81 KB, 640x480, E48F3F43-2A98-43FF-ABF5-FA91B2640C00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup kids

i wore paraboots after this pic

>> No.14758510
File: 409 KB, 1200x1600, 19.19.44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think /b/ros?

>> No.14758531

the cornrows make you look less feminine
try a finger-curled marcel wave in a soft platinum and a lacy skirt instead of the skorts if you want to swallow jizz

>> No.14758533
File: 113 KB, 731x1019, 19hjn248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i /fa/?

>> No.14758561

Youre the epitome of it.

>> No.14759875
File: 456 KB, 2560x1440, 20191102_230919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fashion is gay

>> No.14759877
File: 457 KB, 2560x1440, 20191102_230922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14759879
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>> No.14759880
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>> No.14759883
File: 434 KB, 2560x1440, 20191102_230944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14759892

women are faggots

>> No.14760002

bumass boomer

>> No.14760007

Legs look weak, half bent. Not a healthy look overall

>> No.14760009


>> No.14760015 [DELETED] 
File: 375 KB, 800x1033, 1311071224002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks elderly

>> No.14760039

is that igor?

>> No.14760046
File: 703 KB, 1336x832, Screenshot_2019-11-03 Is Squinching How Celebs Look So Good in Photos .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'm practicing squinching

>> No.14760049

Still looking like shit igor

>> No.14760051
File: 16 KB, 600x360, c7a53b9b-ef19-420e-a002-594c0037afdb-bestSizeAvailable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see how you look

>> No.14760052
File: 17 KB, 448x448, shopping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14760123

I'd agree some of the praised ones are questionable. But I'd have to agree that the other ones were pretty boring and dull

>> No.14760127

Ready to kick gum and chew names

>> No.14760246

dude can I seriously recommend shaving the beard? Your jaw seems alright and it just kinda makes you look like you dont care about self care? idk man maybe its just me. PPretty good fit today though, like it more than your others for sure

>> No.14760401

nope sorry
I look like an egg without a beard and my girlfriend wouldnt allow me to get rid of it, much like that one faggot on here isnt allowed to take his nose ring out for his gf
i dug derbies out of my wardrobe so im gonna try and post a fit with those on soon
hopefully i can keep my not terrible streak going

>> No.14760493


>> No.14760497

this is the most blandest outfit and i am not kidding
holy fuck
try being you for once

>> No.14760558

i miss olf fa
i miss knoch
hell i even miss dan
now we're trapped in here with all these tasteless zoomers

>> No.14760594

ok igor


>> No.14760604

>legs half bent
Those are kneebags that you get when you wear wool pants a lot. Why does this board know nothing about clothing

>> No.14760663
File: 386 KB, 694x762, 20191103_152513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy sunday hanging out with the cats after doing the yearly autumn maintenance on the pond in the parents' garden. It doesnt matter that your clothes are anti-fashion when your activities are effay, right?

>> No.14760676

Huh nice, I started seeing like the state but I lost it somewhere, seemed good tho, Camus alright, I mostly read his books when I was just starting to learn French so maybe they would be better if I went back, the plague was pretty good but the rest were pretty dull.

>> No.14760821

How can you tell it was Igor lol

knoch is also 5'9 btw

>> No.14760826

Is this true what they say about you, that you're a girl (male)? I refuse to believe it.

>> No.14760856

Knoch is 5'11

>> No.14760868

You're just extremely easy to spot. Especially that you'd compare your manlet ass to knoch right away is a dead giveaway

>> No.14760873

What? I didn't even notice that AIDS ridden faggot until someone linked him right below my pics 6 hours later >>14760002

>> No.14760878

Sure you did. That's exactly why you post instanly whenever you're mentioned anywhere. Not to mention your countless samefagging posts. You're pathetic.

>> No.14760888

Confused elderly faggot with AIDS

>> No.14760891

oh no who could this be

certainly not igor

>> No.14760915
File: 341 KB, 1243x1920, B973F573-27C6-4715-924C-1998F3B14B93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a sad old man

>> No.14760917

I remember knocht said he was 1m80. Even if that were true, it's only 5'10

>> No.14760918

go 2bed igor

>> No.14760923

That's a short girl and he is just a little taller than her?

>> No.14760927

still taller than igor lmao

>> No.14760929

I'll wait for the pic of igor with a girl LOL

>> No.14760934
File: 599 KB, 1440x2560, 20191103_111513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if we are talking wearing shoes then I'd be taller

>> No.14760941

that's even more pathetic than your usual shit posting

>> No.14760943

he looks better than your gay ass I tell you hwat
post pic

>> No.14760945

Imagine having so little going for yourself that you have to enter a digital pissing contest on 4chans fashion board with a person that doesn't even browse it since 10 years ago

>> No.14760948

Igor please, it gets really weird when your counter doesn't go up and you still take your trip off

>> No.14760950

knoch please

>> No.14760954

this photo is so larpy dude are you headed to a ww2 reenactment?

>> No.14760955

>Look I can also just call any anon names

>> No.14761277

I want this to be real
please knoch
save us

>> No.14762384

looks way better. longer coat would likely suit you better. keep doing your thing dude, 1.5 years on this god forsaken board isnt bad. it took me ~4 to actually develop personal style with on and off visiting of this board :)

>> No.14762565
