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14743226 No.14743226 [Reply] [Original]

Is there really a way to increase height at all for a 20 year old 5' 7" manlet without surgery? Is it really over? I'm losing my head over this. I wonder if subliminal work. Anything at least that gives the illusion of hope?

>> No.14743235

move to a country where people are shorter

>> No.14743251

elevator shoes

>> No.14743254

That's not even that short. Most girls are shorter than that. I've been 5'8 for ages and always been totally fine never even felt short

>> No.14743257

workout every day and pray, include yoga to stretch muscles out. maybe look at family history to see what heights are like if you're just a late bloomer. I'm 24 and grew a few extra inches, but it's actually annoying because all of a sudden my wardrobe doesn't fit me anymore.

but also probably best to get off the internet and seek some counseling, if you have good looks you'll find a girl that is into giantism or a shortstack, or you can become a bottom

>> No.14743268

>tfw you are one of the shortest cousins

>> No.14743276

Seconding this. Some girls like bigger guys, some like smaller ones. All of my family is 1,90 m at least; I maxed out at 1,67 m. Did not stop me from finding a girl and marrying her. Although, to this day, I don't know why I am not tall as fuck.

>> No.14743298

It's because you don't eat. You should've eaten three eggs a day when you were still in puberty.

>> No.14743337

Spilled milk. I'll put my sons on HGH and be done with it.

>> No.14743373

best way do fix height is leaving 4chan and any other "manlet" intoxicating platform.

>> No.14743612

>24 and grew a few extra inches
how does that even happen? your growth plates are typically closed by 15/16 years of age. what would cause a delay like that?

>> No.14743623

Smoking or not eating probably.

>> No.14743624

>your growth plates are typically closed by 15/16 years of age

Thats not even true

>> No.14743631

no but you can stop being a pussy at any moment

>> No.14743636
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why do you care so much about hight, you arent short youre just below avg.

Don't be so insecure, girls will date you as long as you're taller then them

>> No.14743750

Maybe if you live in a shithole country like the US or Brazil.

>> No.14743757

My bro is 5'7 and he gets tons of pussy. Granted, its not top quality pussy but still.

>> No.14743761
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honestly unless you're like 5'5 and under height really doesn't matter. you won't be able to model or play sports and definitely won't be /fa/ but it's far from over. theres much bigger things to worry about in the real world like how your face looks, money, penis size, etc.

>> No.14743776

maybe it's that attitude that doesn't attract women : )

>> No.14743829
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>won't be able to
for money yes. Actor is still an option
>play sports
there are lots of sports where height isn hat big of an factor or even an advantage (Football eg Messi, anything with weight classes, gymnastics!)

Height is not that much of an factor as insecure people want you to believe. You can even become a KGB agent and rule a country if you are short!

>> No.14744570

I'm 5'9 and I'm happy that I'm taller than most girls at least. But this shit still bugs me sometimes

>> No.14744610

6' plus, decent built so on so on. Still not happy. Presuing body ideals is pointless. Its not going to make you happy. Self accept is, working out for your own sake and your health is. Dressing as a mean of self expression instead og dressing to impress other is. Don't beat yourself up over your height, it won't make anything better.

>> No.14745117

This isn't trivial - world's biggest chad is 5'7

>> No.14745125

Nothing’s gonna make you taller homie. 5’ 7” isn’t even that short anyway. Go to the gym and swell up I guess

>> No.14745138

this image has forever been ruined for me with satou's two right hands

>> No.14745212

>play sports
Tarik Cohen, Darren Sporles, Jose Altuve, Floyd Mayweather, Manny Pacquiao, Isaiah Thomas....

>> No.14745300

im 5'5 its over 4 me?

>> No.14745943

Yeah thats too short, sorry.

>> No.14745945

It doesn't. That other Anon is a retard selling you false hope.

If you're still young look into hgh. That's it.

>> No.14745947
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All (straight) girls like bigger guys. Sorry to break it to you.

>> No.14745949

Literally every Western sport favors size and height immensely

Basketball, you win if you're tall
Football you win if youre big and tall
Boxing you are at an advantage if you're big and tall

>> No.14745956

>Reading comprehension, the post

>> No.14745999

4chan isn't real life

t. married 5'7'' guy that did mma all his life

>> No.14746002
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>Literally every
>names three
>of two not even true (football: skilled forwards can outplay defenders easily); Boxing has weight classes)

short people have much better leverage, shorter and faster strides, lower center of mass and are lighter in general, just to name a few advantages. So every activity that requires these favors shorter people.

>> No.14746008

In conclusion: Heightism is another Jewish ploy to divide man even further.

>> No.14746066

>Calling offense forwards

I'm talking about American football, maybe you eurocucks call it "hangegg"?

>> No.14746069
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In football if an o lineman is up against a d lineman, both equally skilled, bigger guy wins. It's not that complicated. Manlet spots like the running back don't count here.

>> No.14746071

Swimming x3/week

>> No.14746079

he's talking about soccer

>> No.14746110
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like they always say
>manlets when will they learn

>> No.14746113

yeah and I mentioned football together with Messi, so clearly about the sport where you play the ball with your foot.
We dont call it hangegg but fatball (american football if political correct)

>> No.14746115

5'7 is short but manlet cutoff dead srs. its bad but not something you can really blame

>> No.14746341

Every morning you have to wake up and do your height exercises. Stand on your tippy toes and stretch your fingers all the way out whispering "grow, grow, grow"

>> No.14746351

is this true? i ate a fuckton because i was tired of being skinny and started lifting when i was like 14-16 but after that eating and exercising became very hard and got thin, but still got taller. i’m talking like one meal every day or two, drinking only black coffee. my mother is 5’6” and my dad is 6’1”, i’m 6’0”. (18 years old now)
he swears he didn’t stop growing till his early twenties.

>> No.14747520

Food and sleep are most important

>> No.14747522
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>Having muscle and being built means you are fat according to europoors.

>> No.14747547
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>> No.14747554

Wear 1 1/2 lifts idk they if go up to 2 inches

>> No.14748029

I'm 5'3 what do

>> No.14748192

Woah. I'm 5'9" and turns out i really am average height. I thought that the "average height" meme was just something that manlets came up with to cope. I don't have manlet personality disorder though so my height doesn't really affect me.

>> No.14748198

im 6'2 and have a fetish for tall women. my ex was 6'4 miss her ;_;

>> No.14748203

Yea no shit trips it’s why you’re married m uncles are both 5’7 and married, it’s because women know 6-0 chad will cheat on them and not a good slave like you Manlets who are just happy you have a wife

>> No.14748308
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Yes, those are d lineman. I was defensive end myself, but specifically tackle and guard are positions where their entire job is to be unmovable. Every position has its own role. Most others require high athleticism , like receivers and tight/defensive ends.

>> No.14748309

Beta buxxxing/safe bet. A 6'6 dude is much more likely to cheat so they settle with a 5'7 manlet. oh yeah and mma doesn't make you tough because a true trained mma or boxer who is taller and bigger will always beat a manlet who is also trained

>> No.14748487

>thinks some girls like small guys
>1,67 m manlet in cope mode
>married in 2010+9

bluepilled and elevated