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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 304 KB, 750x658, 1571786200321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14739372 No.14739372 [Reply] [Original]

So I prepared my new fit, it was looking quite good, but face.
Balding chinlet, mouth breather with croocked teeth and islets of pubes instead of beard.

With every year my face remind more of a baby round face.

Is there a point to even care about your outfit when you are going to be evalutaed based on your face, height, frame.

I wonder if it was worth to spend all those money. I could you wear dirty shit like hobo and people would be as much disguasted by my face as they are now.

I am not going to make it/

How do you deal with this feel /fa/?

>> No.14739396

Don't give up.
We all have flaws.
It is better to look clean and put together, than to look dirty and hobo, even if you are depressed.
Your jaw will grow as you progress through puberty.
You just have to give it time.

>> No.14739410

I read that as male jew.

>> No.14739437



>> No.14739447

are those like nootropics except you put them in your shoes?

>> No.14739783

People underestimate the effects of misaligned teeth. Literal difference between chad and incel. Having fucked up teeth will mess with your oral posture. You'll tend to breath through your mouth, which fucks up your jawline, the slope of your face, affects your sleep, rest, and recovery, thereby increasing stress and messing with hormones.. It's everything. Try to get your teeth fixed and in the meantime, practice good oral posture (tongue against the front-roof of the mouth), breath through your nose, and start working out.

>> No.14739804

better to be ugly and /fa/ than ugly and a slob

>> No.14739805

>is there a point to be /fa/ with ugly face?
No, either surgery maxx or rope

>> No.14739807

this pretty much

>> No.14739817

Please dont have children so they don't have to suffer through the same

>> No.14739822

face surgery, it would require several surgiery, pricey ass fuck, it takes age to heal and you have to sign papers that if they fuck up your nerve endrings (which are in jaw near teeth) you will not sue the fuck of them. Nerve endings damage in this part end up in temporary (week, month) or lifetime and this give you feeling like anesthesia on part of the face

>> No.14739831
File: 214 KB, 639x793, FBCA6DF1-4B36-4F39-9030-79D27890FFFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I fucked because of my hair

>> No.14739841

>is there a point to be /fa/ with ugly face?
That's what /fa/ is for. All of the posters are fucking ugly and they compensate their ugliness with being ''''''''''''''''''''''''''fashionable''''''''''''''''''''''''''. This board is so pathetic to be honest

>> No.14739844

more like you're not getting fucked because of your hair

>> No.14739849

I am short, brown, autistic, and grew up poor. Never went to a dentist. Really bottom barrel where w.my family is from.

Despite that, I got a great jaw and face, and I build muscle very easily. I have 0 teeth or jaw problems, which is quite surprising because poor white people are hella fucked in that regard.

>> No.14739855

i struggle with mewing because my tongue is so big

>> No.14739867

Absolute kek

>> No.14739881

I think one important part about mewing is it consciously makes you not mouth breath and engages your jaw muscles more so even if you cant exactly get it in right position you get some benefits. Though idk what people define as mewing, some say it's just proper tongue posture (but that's been around long before Dr Mew) and others would say its exercise with the tongue and palate.

>> No.14740016
File: 97 KB, 752x1024, 1542581857978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the mewpill bro. Astrosky on youtube has many good chin excercises.

>> No.14740143


Anon, my tongue is so fat that the right is permanently inflamed from rubbing/being bitten my teeth. And yes, other anon, I'm not sure just how effective it is (there's plenty of anecdotal evidence but its just that), but the whole point (like you mentioned) is that it forces you to breath through the nose.

>> No.14741092

Seriously braces, face posture, jaw alignment is super important, the younger you start the better. like 90% of human beings dont naturally have weak chins: stuck out teeth, mouth breathing and face fat are usually the culprits. I got braces when I was 17 and a year later My whole jawline is totally different, simply do to the overbite and crooked teeth being minimized. Go to the orthodontist and specifically mention the weak chin/jaw, and stop mouth breathing.

>> No.14741102
File: 17 KB, 631x162, attractive women prefer attractive men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no hope for low testosterone non-males, looking good is the least of your worries

>> No.14741449

Not only is your hair terrible but your face too take the buzzpill

>> No.14741536
File: 1.74 MB, 896x504, BBCtittiesNotSoNSFW.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the past mother could not buy "rdy to eat mush" for kids in grocery, kid were eating more firm food from young age and as result they were developing much better oral posture and face aesthetic.

Give kid mush shit to eat, give him teat every time he cries, do not care about mouth breathing/fucked up occlusion.

20 years later, my kid is ugly as hell pikachu.png

>> No.14741553
File: 103 KB, 879x767, mouth-breathing-affects-your-sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its quite obvious, male prefer women with strong femine traits as well.

just fucked up face may be caused by other circumstances than genes,
ie. kid with prolonged sinus infection starts to breath with mouth, after few months of mouth breathing habit is memorized and kid breath this way whole time.

As result pic related.

We can argue here about fact if he was trully genetic lottery winner in the first place? Maybe even with chad predispositions he did not have chad health as kid and in result he is not a chad now.

In the long run its always genes & luck. The funnies part is the more aesthetic person is the more he believe that all his life result are 100% hard work kek

>> No.14741581

>its quite obvious, male prefer women with strong femine traits as well.

No they don't

>Men Prefer Less 'Feminine' Looking Women For Long-Term Relationships


The only reason men are hitting on "feminine" girls is because they look more approachable (weak, childlike)

A female dwarf with a recessed chin will only shit out shitty offspring

>> No.14741620

So articles says:
Ugly males are not trying to mate in long term relationship with women that are few times above their league, but I am quite sure that they still seek for a women they find sexually attractive==femine, but they lower their standards.

I doubt that 8/10 male is going to choose less attractive 3/10 over 7/10.

Women are looking for a male that is at least slighty above their attractivness, never lower. If you are with chick that is much more attractive than you are then there is a high chance that at some point she will leave you for a better model.

>> No.14741978
File: 444 KB, 591x474, costerwaldau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, men prefer masculine traits in women because this indicates health and fertility

>> No.14742015


>> No.14742025

Coping trannylover

>> No.14742150


I chew my tongue sometimes. I have a large, well-defined jaw and all of my wisdom teeth have grown in without issue. I'm trying to relate to the anon who is down in the dumps, faggot.

>> No.14742182


sry, it's science

"feminine" girls are what happens when an incels lack a penis. This is why so many mentally ill weirdos want to become women - because they think their existence would be so much more fulfilling as some chad's bitch for a night.

>> No.14742188
File: 2.85 MB, 640x800, palvinGotThicker.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this considered femine? I would say its femine, so what science says palvin is bad mother because she has not wide enough jaw from high T?

its sound really weird that thick ass and big/perky tits are considered bad thing when it comes to women.

Actually /fa/ is first place I saw this opinion.

I am no scientist thou

>> No.14742196
File: 692 KB, 611x556, cm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exhibit a:

this woman is perfect: a well proportioned body, an imposing height, perfectly symmetrical facial features, well developed jaw and good posture. All this indicated a high concentration of testosterone in the womb, resulting in a healthy, fertile and intelligent specimen.

>> No.14742202
File: 102 KB, 700x1050, aer1x0B_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exhibit b(ad):

the 'feminine', cutesy girl (uugh)

Low testosterone in the womb let this girl appear: small, weak, bad posture, big eyes: an optical illusion created by an underdeveloped jaw and recessing chin


Palvin is pefect

>> No.14742352


You're talking out your butt my dude. High testosterone in women (and their womb) is correlated with shorter stature. Hormones don't work like more=better. Especially testosterone in women. It's more important that their endocrine system is well regulated and that everything be at the level it should be.

>> No.14742356


shorter stature in the women, not the child's, that is*

>> No.14742384


>Higher levels of testosterone were related to increased facial masculinity both within and between sex, with correlations indicating a medium-to-strong effect size. By contrast, where data were available (males only), there was no significant associations between adult testosterone concentrations and facial gender score.


>> No.14742385

wtf are you talking about?

>> No.14742389 [DELETED] 

There are literally hundreds of prettier InTheCrack.com models

>> No.14742392
File: 227 KB, 1908x1146, 48D58FFB00000578-0-image-a-30_1517620390562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chose your next words wisely, very wisely

>> No.14742393

There are literally hundreds of prettier InTheCrack.com models

>> No.14742403

yep, beta-losers watching porn thinking THAT is how women are supposed to look like: degenerate whores


>> No.14742408
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>> No.14742411
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>> No.14742416
File: 19 KB, 620x330, 053438c1e41ba58767c3c28e3458d4cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


finish this sentence: bang ___

>> No.14742418


>> No.14742421


Well, I was specifically calling out your claim on height, which this study did not measure.

>> No.14742427

males are higher than women and testosterone in the womb significantly increases sexual dimorphism... I'd be surprised if it DOESN'T effect height.

>> No.14742430


>> No.14742504
File: 23 KB, 360x360, 1571258657898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fantastic jaw that ends in a disgustingly weak chin

the fuck kind of cruel joke is this

>> No.14742753

literally me on the bottom

>> No.14743180

>people spend time making/watching these videos
modern nerds are retarded

>> No.14743351

why tf did no one tell me not to mouth breathe while growing up. im fuckd because of it

overbite and weak chin

>> No.14743404

I'm gonna bash you one day Luke watch your back mate I'm gonna jump you and break your nose and watch it bleed profusely. Bitch. Nice Gucci tattoos btw you fucking faggot.

>> No.14743443

How old are you, OP?

>> No.14743467

What the fuck are you even talking about? The masculine is attracted to the feminine and vice versa. Basic as fuck concept, duality.

And when people say 'feminine' they mean real biological women not some mentally ill larper. Enough with your bullshit.

>> No.14743469

I have a chad jaw but an ugly face where the jaw doesn't make any difference why i gotta be so close to greatness :(

>> No.14743480

I had braces between 14 and 17 and pretty it fucked up my face, ended up looking like pic related, don’t fall for the orthodontist jew, especially during puberty

>> No.14743483

She looks average af.

>> No.14743512

I have a quite masculine face, but my health is absolute shit. Not low T or somethina and I rarely get sick but I have shitty back pain and I'm only 20. That's bs really

>> No.14743529

>I have shitty back pain and I'm only 20
Bad posture

>> No.14743567

Pull ups

>> No.14743569
File: 42 KB, 500x667, 1570543585736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's even more point to be a /fa/ggot if you're ugly desu. Although your fashion sense should be aimed towards great fundamentals, cleanliness and conformity because showy or gimmicky clothes+ugly face make you look like an even bigger bitch who tries too hard.

>> No.14743571

Average people are the most attractive

>> No.14743573

Cope. People are attracted to genetically superior members of the opposite sex, not your neotonic sex dolls from Jewish music videos aimed at children (you know, so they can identify with them)

>> No.14743960
File: 1.77 MB, 1100x850, youJustKnow.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


every time I see chads like this its like punch in the stomach,

>> No.14743968

look at this channel, guy behind this vid have several face aesthetic problems, due to this fact he spend some time understanding what was wrong with his face.

but of course normie born lucky enough just laught because his aesthetic face was result of his hard work kek

>> No.14743981

>People are attracted to genetically superior members of the opposite sex

so in your opinion skinny women with wide hips, thick ass, and at least avg+ tits size is not considered superior member of the opposite sex?

I think we are arguing here over meaning of "femine" for.

For me femine girl:
>skinny/slighty thick
>wide hips
>thick ass
>titst mediu to big

I would consider this femine,

post your version of femine then

>> No.14744424
File: 247 KB, 679x505, Screenshot from 2019-10-27 20-46-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the Chad jawline is actually what corresponds to the masculine faces in those studies
Willing to bet the most attractive masculine faces in these studies do look far more like pic related rather than the chiseled faces of Hollywood Chads

>> No.14744439


>> No.14744482
File: 79 KB, 1080x1183, 1080full-laura-dewit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so in your opinion skinny women with wide hips, thick ass, and at least avg+ tits size is not considered superior member of the opposite sex?

These traits can be modified through diet (thick or thin), exercise (athletics or competitive eating) or hormones (contraceptive pill)

What cannot be altered however is the exposure to testosterone in the womb. This exposure predetermines the degree of masculine facial traits (strong jaw, facial symmetry) and indicates health as a higher testosterone levels in women (in balance with estrogen) enhance their chances of survival.

Look at this photograph! The model has a wonderful face that would turn her male offspring into gigachad with ease. Note the tall, athletic stature

>> No.14744508

Wide hips are genetic retard. You probably think lifting can make your shoulder frame as wide as chads. Also her face is feminime.

>> No.14744519
File: 284 KB, 450x650, laura dewit_new images_may_19 (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I mean... wow

>> No.14744526
File: 85 KB, 450x650, laura dewit_emma bell (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also her face is feminime.

Her face is attractive, but her skull would easily mogg most soiboys out there. There is a high chance this girl still has her wisdom teeth.

Girls who practive track and field athletics tend to have more slender bodies.

>> No.14744532
File: 58 KB, 410x507, 1229.5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure wtf is going on there

>> No.14744544
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>> No.14744557

She’s not that hot

>> No.14744560
File: 864 KB, 2700x1800, anna-faris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case in point, look at these people. Anna Ferris has a small, weak skull - and she has what most people would typically associate with girly features. Arnold's daughter on the other hand - just whoa.

>> No.14744563

post a hot then

>> No.14744565

literally 9/10 models at InTheCrack.com have better aesthetics

>> No.14744566

and there are hundreds upon hundreds of them

>> No.14744569


nah, you fall under this category:

>The only reason men are hitting on "feminine" girls is because they look more approachable (weak, childlike)


>> No.14745639


>> No.14746772
File: 120 KB, 1536x864, chadSpreadingAndChadsplaining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not feel like I need to be super attractive for females, I posted Henry because I find him aesthetic in manly way.

>> No.14746798
File: 3.00 MB, 1280x675, henryCruising.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hips are genetic and in womne where is fat located is as much genetic.

What I mean, how wide is your hips depend on your pelvis, its bone, you can change that.

What about being fat or thicck? In theory fattie can turn into cardio bunny but she will never be as attractive as genetic thicc.

In women very important is fat distirbution, if we take two 20yo girls. Both slighty overweight, (A) with good genes and (B) with shitty genes.

despite being slighty overweight her great fat distibution genetic placed most of her fat in her butt and her tits, so it give her this bonus hips-belly-tits ratio, if she was lucky enough to get genetically wide hips, its even more aesthetic.

(B) shitty genes are responsible for placing most of her food on her belly and torso, with small/avg pelvis she looks like real human road roller, with cylinder body shape.

With great genes, you can eat shit you can do drug, its does not matter you are going to look great at least first 30 years of life.

>> No.14746840
File: 1.00 MB, 921x475, 1566614597671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jaw general?
let's see those mandibles /fa/

>> No.14748319

I feel you brother up until late 17 I was mouth reathing from allergies and had a pretty shit chin/overbite before ortho. Whatever age u are now go and get braces for the overbite and start mewing. Also you can hide it pretty well just by having low bodyfat (i.e. greater jaw/chin definition)

>> No.14748327

jesus fuck what a cringe thread

>> No.14748584

incels get out

>> No.14748592
File: 42 KB, 586x524, 1561495709831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iktf bro

>> No.14749332
File: 335 KB, 746x1194, 1572134229259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is acutally cringe?

that somebody has genetically ugly face (bones structure/being bald/shitty teeth).

You are probably one of those people who where lucky enough to be born at least avg healthy and avg looking and you take if for granted.
Maybe you even think that your 5+/10 face is result of your hard work?

Why so cringe? What in this tread made you so uncomfrotable that you took time to contribiute?

>> No.14749488

Do you think invisalign would have the same effects as braces?

>> No.14749529

I am pretty sure they do. I had invisalign, and while it had a small effect, to be honest it didn't do too much to help my jaw. They gave me rubber bands to attach to the trays that forcibly brought my jaw forward whenever I wore them. Don't get invisalign if you are expecting a huge difference in your jaw and not your teeth though. It probably depends on the individual. They work GREAT for teeth.

>> No.14749539
File: 25 KB, 612x458, gettyimages-102456634-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you quit obsessing over this lookism bullshit?

>> No.14749591

20% bf skinnyfat here, how skinny should i get before i can asses if my facial aesthetics are unsalvageable

>> No.14749601

what about people in the middle, i have a nice jaw and chin but my lips kinda protrude fowards

is it over for me

>> No.14749665

How reductionist do you want to get? The guy with shitty genes who works his ass off isn't any better than the chad with the iron jaw. One got the good jaw genes and the other got the hard worker genes.

>> No.14749675

>These traits can be modified through diet (thick or thin)

So diet can change the shape and size of your hip bones? That's interesting.

>> No.14749679

Chris is starting to look like a wax figure.

>> No.14749685


>> No.14749714

Why are you such a faggot?
Looks dont matter nearly as much as you think
What matters the most how confident you are and what things you have accomplished
Everyone remembers Hitler, no one remembers Calvin Klein model #27810 from 2002
If you are a girl and you are ugly as shit, you are fucked lol

>> No.14749718

Deranged lookism faggots making and posting into these threads will spend their entire lives sad and pathethic
Because no amount of plastic surgery can fix the flaw in your brain

>> No.14749723

Men operate on this logic, women do not, thats why you see ugly men with hot women, and never the opposite (unless you are Hugh Jackman)

>> No.14749726

I fuck better bitches than her, and im 7/10 at best

>> No.14749729

Is there a site with these faces?

>> No.14749732

>you can change your bone shape

Holy shit you are retarded/i fell for the troll

>> No.14749743

Closeted tranny lovers
A thread

>> No.14749744

>Everyone remembers Hitler, no one remembers Calvin Klein model #27810 from 2002
perfect illustration, thanks

>> No.14749748

>is there a point to be /fa/ with ugly face?
You can't be.

>> No.14749751

I already have it and am on my third tray. I did it for my teeth and didn't go in expecting my jaw to change. It was more of an afterthought when I got it. They didn't include the rubber band thing you speak of though.

>> No.14750030
File: 109 KB, 659x824, freyPicOnHer18thBirthdays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I reductionist or are you?
You said:
>one chad genes
>other hard worker genes

In my opinion its not true.

Life is not an rpg game where we all have equal number of points.

There are aesthetic people feed off silver plate with high iq and parents proper rising skills

and there are ugly low iq people with parents that have 0 skills and mother that was drinking during pregnancy.

I see not equity here, the one with worse genes struggle whole life and usually will not even see glass ceiling because hard work is not enough to hit it.

When I look at my friends/old school mates
There are plenty of uggos with shit jobs, living with wifes that treat them like shit personal servant and use vagoo as form of gratification. Some of thooe guys are really happy because ignorance is a blessing.

Thats why this kind of threats make certain group really angry, usually people who were born in good functioning family, with averange health and at least averange health. They go through life with confidence that its all resul of hard work. Looks, intelligence etc.

>> No.14750055

>Looks dont matter nearly as much as you think

When you see person for the first time it takes only few miliseconds for your brain to rate based on the look, based on this rate you will treat this person in different way.
I am quite sure that if somebody show you picture of a neet, picture of a thung from prison you could easily tell who is who, whats more if you were approached by both of them you would talk with them in different way.

Assuming personality traits based on looks or fact that better looking people are making more money/higher chance for raise is such a 101 that I will not even wast time to provie you endless research links.

Another thing.

>If you are a girl and you are ugly as shit, you are fucked lol

I doubt, even 2/10 can make tinder acc and get plenty of pairs in an hour.
We live in a world when all women are put on pedestal. Look on comments on avg yt videos with girls, how much sperm is flotaing in comments, exact same situations occur on ig.
Amount of validation even for ugly girls with no achievements is enormous today.

>> No.14750060

>So diet can change the shape and size of your hip bones?

You drastically overestimate the anatomical dimorphism of women


If you have ever talked to a women, they are always concerned about this area because it fattens up easily. The female pelvis is normal sized, it's the shoulders that are narrower in women.

>> No.14750801

>tfw bad dentist butchered my face
going for biobloc orthotopic treatment and if that doesnt work im doing a surgery, fuck that dude

>> No.14750935

>When you see person for the first time it takes only few miliseconds for your brain to rate based on the look, based on this rate you will treat this person in different way.

Yes, that applies only to women, I am not trying to get sex or offspring from men, so I dont really care how a dude looks, I care about other qualities
Women are not on a pedestal
Feminism turned women into cumdumpster for men, you never had to put so little effort to sleep with women, but its easier to say you have it rough in life, not because of poor choices you made, but because someone has a better bone structure than you, and thats why I think you are pathethic and will live a miserable life

>> No.14750977

>This board is so pathetic to be honest
>but I’m still here

>> No.14751019

>The female pelvis is normal sized
Have you even heard of childbirth?
Or do you think that babies can fit through a male pelvis

>> No.14751054
File: 207 KB, 900x600, gandzasar-monastery14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cutting yourself is the answer
just organize a chinlet pride parade and love yourself, warts and all

fuck those massive chins
the neanderthal look is no longer in fashyun!

>> No.14751431

Yes, that applies only to women, I am not trying to get sex or offspring from men, so I dont really care how a dude looks, I care about other qualities

the thread was never about looking good for getting laid, look at op post,
you are trying to deny impact of being at least avg looking because you look good

>Yes, that applies only to women, I am not trying to get sex or offspring from men, so I dont really care how a dude looks, I care about other qualities

this part is pretty funny, again it has nothing to do about fucknig men, if somebody 2m tall, 120kg of muscles and full of tatoos apporach you in dark corner and ask you for your wallet, phone your brain would send you completly different signals, than when babyfaced 50kg incel would approach you.

We are constanlty raing people based on how they look on subconscious level maybe you are just not aware of this

>> No.14751978

>when babyfaced 50kg incel would approach you

This is exactly how muggers look, are you trolling or are you in highschool?
What you are describing has zero meaning after you reach adulthood, did it matter in our past? Yeah it did, because nowdays a manlet can kill you as much as a huge 120 kilo dude, because guns
You have some serous problems dude, and you are grasping every straw to make yourself right and have no responsibility for inactions in your sad life
Or this is the biggest bait I fell for in years

>> No.14752126

Like we have any chance dude, the confident uggos are too busy to be in 4chan

>> No.14752149

Fun fact: people with the faces/jaw structure of that of the two on the left are more likely to break down and become school shooters due to social structures that ridicule them and label them (like I'm doing!).

>> No.14752152

Coping tranny lover on full force

>> No.14752426

>are you in highschool?
>What you are describing has zero meaning after you reach adulthood
>or inactions in your sad life


>> No.14752452

We're talking about 1-4 cm in difference here.

>> No.14753367

Jaw width is the most important physical feature a guy can have

>> No.14753371

It's because they want chad son, women with masculine faces are women perception of the ideal women, not men.

>> No.14753372

Cope women almost always prefer being the more attractive one in LTR

>> No.14753379

Jaw/chin implants are like at most 5000 dollars, just save up

>> No.14753586
File: 141 KB, 818x551, 1557454353597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at this op, you might not be good looking but you'll be a lot more presentable with the right clothes. Just ignore the lookism comments on this thread, looks do matter but it's not everything

>> No.14753822

Is there anything I can do about my side profile? I have have thing where I have it looks like I have two Adams apples, and on top of that, they both stick out a shit load. The rest of my facial structure isn't that bad, but I feel like I look ugly from the side but not the front. My chin and jawline aren't too poor, it's mostly because of my neck and my not so great posture

>> No.14753906

Averageness is king, exagerrated cartoon faces are only preferred on homoerotic incel sites. Even Hollywood used to know this, where the hero is some kind of generically handsome man with no outstanding features.

>> No.14753921

is this your personal opinion your you have some research to back this up?

so women prefer to have uglier partners? are you sure? so how women choose partner, they looks for someone 2 points below them? 4? 6?




what can I say


>> No.14754614

I have recessed chin and overbite. Would mewing really work or should I just get jaw surgery?

>> No.14754744

i'm sorry but i cannot relate to that feel

i have an incredibly aesthetic face, swedish genetics

sorry to hear about that bro but you know what a lot of guys who get pussy are just slim and ugly and are popular because of swag

go out and buy some swag

>> No.14754917

it was never about pussy m8, sure you can get laid even with ugly face.

it was about being aesthetic, taking care of yourself and body, to be perfect for at least moment

it depends on how badly it is fucked up and how old are you. In extereme cases of chinletis suregry is only way. Usually in mid chinlets mandible is not developed properly (too short) and as result whole facke is going to be fucked up because mandible and jaw grow in relation to each other, even wrong tongue position can fuck up face.

Go to orthodontis, he will make few rtg, but for chinlets the most important exam is relation mandible/jaw and its pricey as fuck. If you get cheap/old orthodontis he will only make two rtg pic and this is bad

>> No.14755440

>tfw society be much more open to accept ex-uncut phimosis parade that chinlets

ugly males are considered trash in western word this days.

Just go to your wagie wagie job and at age of 30-35yo start supporting some women that decided to settle down and you are unfortunetely best what she can get

>> No.14755483

>that average girl pretending she's hot

>> No.14755656

get some surgery

why waste some otheriwse good protoplasm

>> No.14755750

Lmao that spread

>> No.14755779

that's what ugly people would say.
>everyone remembers Hitler
have you seen Eva Braun? that bitch was ugly af

>> No.14755783

the blonde guy clearly looks better in both of these pictures. and that's just his face, you didn't even change the body

>> No.14755934

We get it you have it hard in life because you are ugly :)

>> No.14756000
File: 101 KB, 680x720, 1572516417157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this lmao at those people, I am tired of this shit.

Once and for all parents skills and genes does not matter at all we as people are equally.

If you were born healthy in rich family with good genes and people take care of you, taught you to clean teeth, send you for off school lesson for second language, ballet maybe? piano?

or if you were in redneck family and you mother was drinking whole pregnat that you ended with fucke up fas face syndrome? your parents did give a shit about your health and all your life you heard that education does not matter and its all about connections?

No no no no no no no. We ARE the people we are blank card, teheee :^))))))

but to be serious now:
>the replenished understand not the pain of the starving

its especially true here, it seems like people are unable to see the world from even for a fucking second.

I do not blame you.
Of course you are 5/10+? o you hard worker!
are you healthy? oh you hard worker!,
did parents get you bracers? oh you hard worker!
did parents taught to clean teeth as kids? oh you hard worker!
did parnents engage you in any kind of activity for your developmennt during childhood/school? second language/piano lessons/gymnastic/football/programming? oh you hard worker!

if on most of those you said yes I understand where your frustation comes from you were so busy hard working on your life that people whining about genes lottery annoy you.

So go hard working even moreA? Who knows maybe parents will buy you car? house? Go go you hard worker.


>> No.14756002

Post your face let’s see if you’re as ugly as you say.

>> No.14756207

Plain, verging on ugly
I can't tell if you're trolling or just retarded

>> No.14756215

Your parents dropped you on your head a lot when you were a baby, didn't they?

>> No.14756224

>The only people who exist are either trailer trash rednecks or rich upper class

>> No.14756236

you are missing the point, all things listed by rich parents could be easily done by poor parents with good genes

even by rednecks with common parenting sense

>> No.14756253

lmao virgin

>> No.14756289

I don't really like using the word "incel", because it's such a generic cop-out insult, but all of your posts just SCREAM "incel". If you're looking for a virgin, maybe you should try a mirror.

>> No.14756294

Imagine making these posts

>> No.14756305

What is this schizo post

>> No.14756310


Look, it's Steve O's brother, Seethio!

>> No.14756321

Lol keep seething

>> No.14756861
File: 2.99 MB, 1920x804, agGapOmgCantBlameDeep.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, I am going to post attractive white women, because this thread lack anything aesthetic.

Sexy, and intimidating

>> No.14756862
File: 104 KB, 1200x807, 1572644662411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prime Denise another good example of attractive femine women

>> No.14756863
File: 51 KB, 700x700, 1572573515301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

liv tayler

>> No.14756865
File: 219 KB, 1205x1600, 1572644175781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prime stacy

>> No.14756867
File: 3.00 MB, 1080x800, ahNakedButt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14756868

two things, are you sure that your jaw and chin are proper? fucked up neck is one of mouth breathing symptoms

if that is not the case

shitty big adam apple is just plain genes, if you have serious posture problems like forward head posture, then exercise may fix this slightly

>> No.14756869
File: 1.86 MB, 404x720, thiccAssOnTheBeach.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both of those pic yell "great personality" on the body with goslings head

>> No.14756889

Lookism autist, gosling's face may still look better but no one would take him seriously if he really dressed like that. He has the status but his clothes aren't helping him, people wouldn't even aware that he's a Hollywood star. To people obsessed with looks maybe, but normal people on the street would give more respect to the well-dressed average guy with /fit/ body

And his clothes say otherwise on the right pic

>> No.14756958

yeah, just gosling on right look uglier but all he need is better clothes, while the other guy looks uglt on both, better fit on right does not make him more atractive

>> No.14756969

dumbass never heard "the clothes make the man"?

>> No.14756973

I'd rather have a sic fit and be ugly then be ugly and dress like a slob.

>> No.14756974

Clothes is something that can be fixed fast and even with low budget can look aesthetic and clean.

There is not such option like buying new clothes for 100$ when it comes to face bones structure

so what is your point exactly?

If yu have shitty face, wear good clothes so you will look less of a shit, but still shit?

Shit in gold silver still shit

but that is only my opinion

>> No.14756976
File: 368 KB, 440x685, Denise_richards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feminine women

>> No.14756979
File: 2.79 MB, 900x383, DeniseRIchardNuclearTities.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cherry-picking shitty pic of 40yo+

>> No.14757060

This defeatist mentality is slacker cope. Beating the Chad's aesthetic isn't the goal. You shouldn't be obsessed with looks, but you should dress to make yourself comfortable with your own skin. Unless you're deformed, clothes and being /fit/ can always make you not looking like shit. Just take care of yourself, people will treat you well, your career will be fine, and you still can get women. Even if you're ugly by doing this you'll get treated as normal human being. You don't need to be a 1% chad to have a decent life.

>> No.14757128

I would but im also a manlet

>> No.14757454


Her face isn't feminine at all: lushious eye brows and a strong jaw indicate high testosterone in the womb

>> No.14757628
File: 229 KB, 3200x1680, olivia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it is, she is literally walking femine example, her face is not strong

here is picture of strong female face

>> No.14757640


>> No.14758058

you gotta be nice to people, without an agenda.
roald dahl was right, your face literally contorts from ugly thoughts and actions.

also people are disarmed by when people who look like you are sweet and caring rather than defensive and bitter.

It's really attractive.

>> No.14758680

its the other way,

people who are good looking were receiving positive feedback from enviroment, which boosted confidence even more, with more social skill they socialise even more

on the other hand, ugly people had to take more shit, if you were ugly in specific way they there were high chances for being bullied or making fun of which was responsible for being even more quiet.

Humans, are programmer genetically and later socially to admire aesthetic, even tales for child are always the same, good prince, beauty queen and ugly bad character.

At the same time we have instic on genetic level to avoid things like decaying body or leprosy

>> No.14758695

its self-fullfilling prophercy

>> No.14758742


but then ugly people wouldn't be a thing anymore

>> No.14758870


>> No.14758893

No trouble with wisdom teeth gang. Feels great

>> No.14759672
File: 118 KB, 500x508, 1522013795738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man that pic on the bottom literally looks exactly like me fuck
I have trouble with mouth breathing at night but I literally never mouthbreath in the day, am I still fucked
doesnt help that I had braces or some corrective shit going on in my mouth when I was younger so it was always painful to close my mouth
fuck dude my face is fucked up but at least my teeth look somewhat presentable

>> No.14759683

I did mewing and it worked for me.

>> No.14759766

There are ugly comedians and at least we know 1 or 2 popular ugly but funny guys in our circle so this is bullshit. It really depends on your personality tho looks can helps a lot

>> No.14760235

I don't get it all three of them are chinlets I mean look at those lips

>> No.14761959

Being fit makes him more attractive are you joking? What’s your source on this? Lookism autism? Actual studies which ask women about body type find being fit makes you more attractive

>> No.14761983

Are we seriously implying steve carell is not hot

>> No.14762091

>strong jaw
>heavy brow

>shit everything else

facial harmony >>> any individual feautures

>> No.14762121

You guys are bitches, i look like the left one and still fuck

And i refuse to believe most of you look like the middle one

>> No.14762185

you can do miracles with surgery.

>> No.14762289


>> No.14762374


>> No.14762406


>> No.14762417
File: 47 KB, 465x452, 1E11B094-7181-450D-BB93-B27EC69F1AD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that lazy eye

>> No.14762422

Fucking IRL gigachad

>> No.14762431
File: 573 KB, 267x199, really.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14762484
File: 32 KB, 660x442, 1545385105387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lazy eyes aren't entirely bad. imagine thom yorke without one. he wouldn't be anywhere near as iconic

>> No.14763160

At first I was afraid of getting this hairlne, but even the front mid of my hairline is thinning like crazy. Life's so unfair. "At least I have my hair," I would think to myself, but soon I won't even have that. Being ugly when you're younger is already disheartening enough, but having your looks obstruct you from aging gracefully into the latter half of your life in bloom is blatant disrespect from the universe. It's not fair, it's so bullshit.

>> No.14763168
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 1427916672748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14763960

like you wouldn't give your left nut for a night

>> No.14764421

Imagine having to put effort into having straight teeth and your tongue against the roof of your mouth and not having that by default.

>> No.14765646

would let her dominate the shit out of me

>> No.14765669

I'm pretty sure Thom Yorke just has a fucked eyelid on the left side as opposed to a lazy eye.

>> No.14765804

>By contrast, where data were available (males only), there was no significant associations between adult testosterone concentrations and facial gender score.
Doesn't this contradict with the first sentence?

>> No.14765877

The first sentence refers to the testosterone concentration in the womb, the second refers to the testosterone concentration in adult men.

>> No.14765915

So you can be a high T adult with features of low T if your mother's womb was not filled with T?

>> No.14765920
File: 1.44 MB, 640x1136, 7D0B61CA-6D43-4EB6-86B4-F71AD059015C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14765963


>> No.14765990
File: 1.04 MB, 396x216, external-content.duckduckgo.com4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>despair despair whaaaa whaaaa ITS OVER

>> No.14766126

this explains why half Asian/half white monstrosities only turn out good when the mother is white. Test in Asian women is probably close to non-existent

>> No.14766275

It's not genetic, it's poor childhood development. When hunter-gatherer tribes enter 'civilisation' there's an immediate decrease in the next generation's face structure in terms of FWHR, jawline, bite, et cetera. Not enough chewing, poor diet, too much time indoors, lack of exercise, xenoestrogens in the water supply? Unclear but the cause is clearly environmental.

>> No.14766284

Imagine giving a shit about being remembered and not your own happiness.

>> No.14766288

/fa/ BTFO

>> No.14766326


Wrong, sexual dimorphism ensures ugly people will always exist. Genes that cause males to be attractive can cause females to be unattractive and vice versa. Pretty obvious when you consider stuff like T/E levels.

>> No.14766339

If you do what makes you happy, you will be remembered
seethe more incel

>> No.14766423

this makes sense, the same things that make asian females attractive make asian """men""" ugly as fuck and literal genetic jokes.

>> No.14766633

>this is what low iq mewfags actually tell themselves

>> No.14766657

You can lose weight.
Some people have a weird way of storing bodyfat and they accumulate a lot in the cheeks and lower jaw area.

If you lose weight it might help you gain more definition.

This is assuming you have weight to lose and arent skellymode already

>> No.14767333

pity about the hairline

>> No.14767854

What is objectively attractive about Asian females? Least curvy of all women, I don't get it

>> No.14768432
File: 1.25 MB, 468x498, 1569370575286.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks that he looks really attractive from the front
>tfw looks overwhelmingly cringe whenever someone takes a picure of me from the side
anyone else with the same problem??? is it just becasue im not used to how i look from the side or do i really look like crige in reality???

>> No.14768667

we are discussing here being aesthetic, its different thing

for a man there is a canon of aesthetic body which was created in ancient greek and to be honest it did not change that much

again this thread is about being aesthetic, appreciate perfection of male body

you automatically assumed that look == getting some fuk and probably your girls were very far from women aesthetic its only my assumption thou

>> No.14768731

yes usually its a good advice for fat pepople ,some of the have quite nice face under fat.

Unfortunatelly I am 10kg underweight, but with my oval babyface getting more weight would only make my head more ball like shaped

>> No.14768775
File: 10 KB, 236x283, ahProfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attractive people look good from profile, profile is about aesthetic, maybe you feel that something is wrong but you cant tell why? Read about different face type profiles, what is improtant is chin/lips/forehead line, some are considered beauty, some ugly and there is plenty of improperly developed jaws from fucked up occlusion and mouth breathing

>> No.14768871

it's not that your tongues are unusually big, it's that your jaws are underdeveloped and the tounge doesn't get enough room. I'm guessing you also have issues with crowded teeth to the point where it warranted getting bracers?

>> No.14769195

i had braces as a kid because i had an open bite and a few crooked teeth, but i havent worn a retainer and theyve sort of moved back but my teeth still look pretty straight as if the braces were never necessary.
>it's that your jaws are underdeveloped and the tounge doesn't get enough room
this seems like a recursive problem then, cant mew to fix jaw cause tongue doesnt have room, tongue doesnt have room because of under developed jaw

>> No.14769236

>Tfw you have an underbite
Is surgery really the only way to fix it?

>> No.14769692

Microscopic IQ. You can't say his jaw will grow, knowing full well that it may not. That's no solution.

>> No.14769750

Queen I love you

>> No.14769757

You don’t need to be attractive to be aesthetic, they aren’t the same thing. If this isn’t about getting laid why do you keep talking about conventional attractiveness?

>> No.14769796

>chin exercises
We are talking about bone here. Not muscles.
WTF will exercises do?
Mewing is meme.

>> No.14769811
File: 82 KB, 618x750, Textured-Angular-Fringe-e1534840289335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, average jaw is far right, whats your point? For example look at this mouth breather and he is a model.

I have baybe face too, but i have a beard so that helps. Do the same. Your clothes should complement your looks/ hairstyle for example.

Now post your face i can bet my life you dont even try if you did you wouldnt make this cringe thread.

>> No.14769839

Kek at that hairline

>> No.14769841

Are you an indian?

>> No.14770082

>tfw have jaw on far left of OPs pic
also doesnt help that im asian

>> No.14770678

if we're being honest being ugly actually can help a look.

outsider art core

>> No.14770684

>he is a model.
for tesco?

>> No.14770902
File: 119 KB, 564x599, tfwYouAreNotUgly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you post something you consider aesthetic and something that is not attractive at the same time?

Maybe you have different definition of aesthetic.

For europoo aesthetic term origin from ancient grecee and its over 3k years old.

Ancient grecee is cradle of European civilisation and gave birth to almost every aspect of our culture

Aesthetic is defined as the percpetion of art, design or beauty.

Influence of beauty was derived from the gods.

Ancient Greeks focused on the aesthetic form of ideal human body capture through art.

Now if you look at aesthetic male sculpture from ancien greek you can see
-tall male with symmetrical body,
-healthy amount of muscle achievable natty
-manly face manly as features considered manly like strong jaw, hunter eyes etc

In most cases despite tis over 3k years since many were created if they were humans they would be aesthetic and attractive today.

So as you see male canon of aesthetic did not change at all.

Aesthetic body is attractive, but some people think that being attractive is only about sex while it has extremely important impact on every ascpet of life.

Ancient greek aesthetic canon is not only about body, with aesthetic body you need beautiful aesthetic mind so you have to develop your mind as well.

Aesthetic mind in aesthetic body, perfection for a moment, moment of beauty and glory.

You have to stop thinking that attractive == benis in vagina and appreciate aesthetic body for the sole fact of perfect body.

Aesthetic male or female standing naked is a beautiful view, aesthetic human body is a better than works of painting masters.

but to appreciate it first, we have to look for what it is and not generate muscle brain erection

>> No.14772283

Whys it bullshit retard? Please fucking explain. Seems to me that you just dont want to be reminded that your ugly as fuck

>> No.14772513

many female models look good on the runway but are 0 attractive to men

>> No.14772526

i have such a terrible profile.

>> No.14772753

Why is it not? Aesthetic is different for every culture

>> No.14772769


>Looking like David Beckham won’t guarantee that you’ll get the girl—but, smelling like a star could increase your game. In numerous studies of hundreds of college students, girls consistently rank how a guy smells as the most important feature for determining whether she’s sexually attracted to him. That’s right. How you smell is more important than your abs, height, weight and income.

>> No.14773324

this is because fashio thinks that models should be like "clothes hanger" if they look very attractive then people focus on the model instead of the clothes

but if we look at victoria secters I could name few very hawt models

>> No.14773328

it is not, aesthetic white male will be considered very attractive almost everywhere, white aesthetic women as well

>> No.14773341

>>Looking like David Beckham won’t guarantee that you’ll get the girl—but, smelling like a star could increase your game. In numerous studies of hundreds of college students, girls consistently rank how a guy smells as the most important feature for determining whether she’s sexually attracted to him.

>women spot male that she find unattractive or even repulsive?

What is she doing?
>a) is she trying to avoid him physically?
>b) she is trying to smell him?


while thos studies may not be wrong, you have to be on attractive level first, if there are two similary attractive males, sure she may feel more attracted to one that smells better.

>> No.14773352


You wanted to know why lookism is retarded. And here's your answer: looks don't matter as much as you might think.

>> No.14773363

honestly just do it cause I like it

>> No.14773404

Women is not going to choose 3/10 over 7/10, because 3/10 smells better.

You are denying fact that humans rate other people based on look and there were thousands pof research proving this lol

>> No.14773441


It's science. Just look it up, I have given you all the clues. In reality good genes are indicated both in looks and in your hormonal profile, there is some degree of correlation between the two.

>> No.14773474

I know smell is important, there were even research where was proven that women find sweat of males with high testosterone level attractive, even smell of pubes may be attractive.

>but you are trying to undermine importance of look, people rate based on the look, if women see random attractive male for a first time she will know in few milisecond that she find him attractive or not, no need for small talk or sniffing.

>> No.14773500

Had to setup a webcam today, its so fucking tiring getting reminded you're ugly.

>> No.14773505
File: 208 KB, 685x1020, 2466D860-0B33-418F-9BC5-AE72AC47D744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14773594

>20% bf skinnyfat
no such thing, you're fat fat

>> No.14773711
File: 6 KB, 949x582, jawline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14773759 [DELETED] 
File: 196 KB, 750x1334, 815697B1-D9D9-4F00-B350-20B04A8E54AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got Invisalign and been wearing rubberbands for a year and half now, 28 year old male. Results have been good, my midline is still off though.

>> No.14773762

>no need for small talk or sniffing

To reiterate: girls consistently rank how a guy smells as the most important feature for determining whether she’s sexually attracted to him

>> No.14774247

That's because we currently live in white era where Hollywood actors are mostly white. Give it a hundred years and white people want to look like chinese

>> No.14774717


>> No.14774796

mouth breather was an epithet for idiots where I grew up

>> No.14775269
File: 800 KB, 1272x947, henrySpeaksWIsdomD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you breath with mouth, brain gets less oxygen than when breathing with nose.

So it not only meme