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File: 411 KB, 975x331, Hair Growth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14717563 No.14717563 [Reply] [Original]

Post hair with stats. Give feedback and care tips.

I'll start
>Time: 10mo. from long top/shaved sides
>Length: 9" top, 6" sides
>Hair Type: Thick, coarse, Wavy
>Routine: Rinse daily, condition every other day, shampoo weekly, trim every 8 weeks
>Product: Mane & Tail, Argan Oil

>> No.14717565

i prefer the short hair but u looo good overall

>> No.14717941


>trim every 8 weeks

why if your trying to grow it out?

>> No.14718301

to shape it I assume, would probably look uneven or just ugly if left to grow on its own for too long

>> No.14718312

6 months looked best

>> No.14718682

For added context: originally had frizzly hair, severely itchy scalp and heavy dandruff, growth of hair was extremely slow. Issues caused by improper products used and being starved by a mentally ill mother. Constantly shaved hair off every 6 months due to pains I'd get from the weight of the hair on my fragile scalp.

Tl;Dr later on left mentally ill vegan mom, gained weight, and changed hair products. Saw hair go puberty mode as it began to grow very fast for the first time.

>Time: exactly 1 year and 2 months since last dyke style buzzcut.
>Length: slightly past shoulders.
>Hair Type: unsure if wavy or straight. Changes form sometimes. Silky smooth. Most people who touched my hair claims it's thick.
>Routine: Varies, but usually shampoo and condition every other day max, sometimes will wash hair only with conditioner for one week. Sometimes will use hair masks once to 3 times a week. Always apply oil after I'm done showering. Trim every 4 to 6 months. Had no split ends so far.

>Products: Lavender Shampoo (has no spec of chemicals in it, not even the obscure ones people overlook and use), various Aussie conditioners, Garnier hair masks (any), Garnier argan oil for the tips, Syoss oil, L'Oréal Elvital oil. Considering using coconut eventually.

Sorry for no pics, never took pics of self when hair was shorter.

>> No.14718706
File: 157 KB, 720x1280, 7936BD53-6250-4351-B801-CCF0D454F5BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair after about 1 1/2 years of growth or so. I do like it but I’m probably cutting it all in a few weeks, will probably try again in a year or so and actually get it trimmed regularly etc because I didn’t do anything with it this time around. It looks better down imo but it also gets blown like fuck when it’s windy. This is how it looks now but usually there are less loose strands around

>> No.14719213

>you used to look better
Thanks, LOL
>why trim?
Just trimming the very ends to avoid splits.
Wild story. Good job getting out of an unhealthy environment and taking care of yourself. We have very similar hair (thick/coarse/wavy), so use those words when talking to your stylist about how to cut it and care for it.

>> No.14719263

Looks very nice :3

Looks a little dry but that's understandable due to your story. Have you thought about adding a biotin supplement? I think both you and OP may benefit from looking into the CG (curly girl/guy) method. I'm experimenting with it myself and like my results so far.

>> No.14719361


Jesus Christ I'm at 9 months and it's driving me crazy. Can't do a goddamn thing with it. The ends all flip out and it does this weird bullshit over my ears. Last time it was long I just used a low messy bun if I needed it squared away. I hate pony tails. I just have to use pomade an slick it back if I go anywhere nice. Kill me.

>> No.14719377

I can't respect anyone with a manbun. Honestly op, you look better with short hair.

>> No.14719776
File: 18 KB, 360x382, fagit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you faggots dont understand what "long" in long hair means apparently

>> No.14719780


It's an inspo thread dude. For people who do not yet have the long hair, but are looking for inspirations for their hair farming. You are being negative, but you have unintentionally posted inspo.

>> No.14719783

i have hair like that , thats why i posted
and im 99% sure you guys would not want to have that long hair

>> No.14719790


Why not eh? I cut mine a couple of years ago, and now am this guy >>14719361 waiting for it to grow back. It was down to just above my ass. Total pain in the ass, but I loved it.

>> No.14719795

why did you cut it
for the first time in 7 years i was contemplating to cut it too but im scared

>> No.14719804


shave you head, metal's dead

nah but because it was damaged from being too rough, and dying it a bunch (bad halloween decision fml). the texture changed due to starting to grey, so i just chopped it. growing it now with keeping an eye on not brushing with wrong brushes, and washing less overall.

>> No.14719814

sorry for asking but how old are you
its important

>> No.14719821


haha it's ok 43

>> No.14719832

pls be not lying
and here i was thinking thats its wrong for adult to have long hair

>> No.14719840


well i don't see why it's wrong if you consider men's hairstyles from antiquity. besides, who cares? also i'm a old school unapologetic metalhead who happens to also have a career, house, etc and all that boring grown up stuff.

>> No.14719846

thats awesome to hear

too bad for me that i never grew my hair because of music
seems i dont ha ve really a reason except maybe i felt its more natural to my personality if that makes sense

>> No.14719850


well you don't need a reason to do what you like. plus, you can always cut it if you need to right?

>> No.14719867

yea i guess
the part where i cut it and then freak out and find out i hate it scares me because i'll have to wait years again to grow back...
but then again maybe its healthy for hair itself to cut it every so years so it can heal itself and grow new strong hair... i dont know

>> No.14719874


i don't think it matters to the hair if you cut it, excepting of course split ends. it's good for the scalp to shave it every once in a while though. that is fun. one day you come to work with long ass hair, and the next you are bald like fucking mr. clean hahah

>> No.14720475

im growing mine all out from a mullet,going to look pretty shitty for a few months before the sides are long enough to justify trimming

>> No.14721797
File: 2.00 MB, 1875x2586, inspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not enough inspo here. just grow it out. 3 years. bed head. sorry if photo is shit. mobile fagging. good luck, anons.

>> No.14723209
File: 397 KB, 1224x1258, iMarkup_20191019_061014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I let my hair grow they become weird.
I cut them off because I couldn't handle them and it's really annoying dry them or let them dry

The strange thing is that every time I showered I got different results

>> No.14723233

What kind of shampoos and conditioners, if any at all, do you guys use? How often do you use it?

>> No.14723432

that looks really interesting

>> No.14724211

depends on your hair. get natural shit if possible. i shamp + condition every 3 days or so. air dry (takes a long time). oh, and eat protien. really makes for a healthy mane.

>> No.14724401
File: 250 KB, 750x1000, mwo,x1000,ipad_2_snap-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...the spiral... you are cursed by the spiral...

>> No.14724409

i wish i had hair like that

>> No.14724516

Fucking hell, both of you guys' hair is incredible. Mine is long but pretty thin, and after tying it back for a year or so I've started thinning on top.
Other than the obvious, any tips for remedying this?

>> No.14724671
File: 105 KB, 750x750, 7F1FA153-C583-4D82-B2B8-1C5E1ADC9CB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Took me 2 years of saving, and using a lot of hair masks. I do have short hair now though

>> No.14724875


>> No.14725025
File: 3.41 MB, 1506x1688, 424324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14725227
File: 256 KB, 846x846, 8gh5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 years ago, 3 years of growing

>> No.14725269

>straight to a manbun

>> No.14725828

Been growing for 5 years now, haven't been to a barber once, uncomfortable to have them out, can't grow facial hair as well, I wear it only in a ponytail which looks pretty bad too, I got used to them though, so any basic hairstyles I should try out? My forehead is pretty large and my hair is too long for a manbun

>> No.14725854
File: 262 KB, 960x960, IMG_0104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been growing mine from high and tight (big fucking mistake) for about 6 months.
As you can see it's very straight fine and thin.
Would shoulder length work for my face shape?

>> No.14725855

Bro what the fuck is going on. You have the haircut of a 70s trasdeman.

>> No.14725856

What stupid startup are you working for?

>> No.14726269

Is biotin recommended?

>> No.14726432
File: 345 KB, 508x489, Kawaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cut my long hair a few years ago and I regret it bitterly. I can't believe I fell for the "you need to look professional" meme. Anyway, I feel like growing it back out again. Since cutting it though, I've discovered that I like feeling of having a shaved head, so I want to keep the sides short. Pic related is the closest thing I could find, but a little longer on top. Could something like this work?

>> No.14728361


>> No.14728449

>want a mullet
>receding hairline
just kill me

>> No.14728465

3 months is best
t. female

>> No.14728565

What hairstyle do you have right now?

>> No.14728571


>> No.14728605

>thinking /fa/ or any self-respecting man cares about the opinions of women.
go bleed somewhere else

>> No.14728607

> ITT: Long hair inspo
> posts chinese cartoon characters as inspo
Cringe, bro.

>> No.14728632
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14728652
File: 494 KB, 882x980, Resized_20191021_005618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of brushes or combs should one with long, curly hair use?

>> No.14728668

I use a dressing comb - can be found at your local drugstore/dept store in the hair section.

(medium-long hair and beard man here)

>> No.14728672

Are your favourite hobbies by chance, to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women?

>> No.14728685

>tfw thinking about shaving it

>> No.14728692

it doesnt thin on top from being tied back. you are balding

>> No.14728694

shave that beard cavemane

>> No.14728723
File: 1.77 MB, 2729x2797, IMG_0163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some anne frank inspo for you guys.

>> No.14728897

post before/after pics if you do

>> No.14728947

Ive got thicker but less curly hair and use a coarse brush.

>> No.14729519

Anyone got a good leave in conditioner for wavy spic hair?

>> No.14729566
File: 139 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will styles like this work on a /fit/ pretty boy?
I really dig the half up pony (4:25).

Currently growing out and at something more like a pixie cut length wise.
Need an intermediate goal till I reach real long hair.

>> No.14729578
File: 273 KB, 375x387, Riki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a longer undercut styled as a fringe?
Sounds good, still fairly unprofessional though.
More of a thuggish/punk vibe. Real cool though

>> No.14729641

I'm growing mine out and I my hair is just like yours at 3 months.

>> No.14729895

Huh. I was told by a couple of barbers that pulling it back was the issue, and I've seen a few articles supporting that.

>> No.14729958

Yes, it works well

The only bad part is when you get to the point where the top is quite long and your sides are so far behind your hair looks and feels thin unless it's up

These are a few of my favorite things

Thank you

Not worth it, I hate the feeling of fresh stubble against my helmet liner